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Do Other Farangs Acknowledge You In Public?


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Why don't you do a search & find out exactly why I've 'clocked up' over 3000 posts since 2005-09-15 09:35:17?

I think I'll take the repetitive thread option thanks.......based on your 10+ comments on this thread that you say should never have been opened!!

A quote from myself:

BTW, I'm fully aware that I am speaking against myself, in the sense that this thread be linked to the old thread. By replying, I am in fact, supporting your new thread. My only hope is that you are able to provide vitality & variation to your thread as opposed to the old thread. :) Maybe if you read the old thread, you could make some improvements?

This thread started out as yet another boring & redundant piece, which could (& still does) fit nicely into an existing thread. The only reason why it is boring is because it has been said before, thus my comments in the above paragraph.

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This thread started out as yet another boring & redundant piece, which could (& still does) fit nicely into an existing thread. The only reason why it is boring is because it has been said before.

Actually the reason it's boring is because you've said the same thing like 15 times already!

Just so I don't start another thread that's been done before, is there a thread dedicated to your erroneous cynical postings and hijacking of threads, if so point the way and I'll resurrect that one...

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Just so I don't start another thread that's been done before, is there a thread dedicated to your erroneous cynical postings and hijacking of threads, if so point the way and I'll resurrect that one...

Don't worry elkangorito, I found it! It's being done in here right now


which just happened to be the first thread I opened!! You're having a good nght tonight from the look of things.

Please carry on your little power trip in there with me and everyone else, and stop hijacking this thread.


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I have to say that i don't get to see alot where I live, but the majority of those I do wear illfitting dark trousers, a white shirt that looks like it has been pressed with a waffle iron, scuffed unpolished shoes, dithering to and fro, wearing such serious frowns you'd think they had the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Hardship positng perhaps?

Why would you want to talk to them?

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elkangorito - enough eh? Or are you just trying to be troublesome for the hel_l of it? You made your point many times.

There are likely quite a few reasons why foreigners may not acknowledge one another, ranging from shyness to ignorance and everything in between. I guess it's hard to know which is which without talking - a friend I know will simply go up to the table-starer and say 'Hi!'...his tried and tested ice-breaker has surprised him and opened up a lot of doors, along with closing less.

I usually find that foreign tourists are much more likely to strike up a conversation than ex-pats - that for me doesn't make the ex-pats unfriendly it just says to me that they have their own comfort zone and don't want to be out of it. Or maybe they just don't need the cameraderie that some others thrive better on, be a nod or a chat.

I meet most ex-pats through introduction rather than in passing, which is fine - there are probably a few I wouldn't want to meet, and the same goes at home.

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Why don't you do a search & find out exactly why I've 'clocked up' over 3000 posts since 2005-09-15 09:35:17?

I think I'll take the repetitive thread option thanks.......based on your 10+ comments on this thread that you say should never have been opened!!

A quote from myself:

BTW, I'm fully aware that I am speaking against myself, in the sense that this thread be linked to the old thread. By replying, I am in fact, supporting your new thread. My only hope is that you are able to provide vitality & variation to your thread as opposed to the old thread. :D Maybe if you read the old thread, you could make some improvements?

This thread started out as yet another boring & redundant piece, which could (& still does) fit nicely into an existing thread. The only reason why it is boring is because it has been said before, thus my comments in the above paragraph.

Well you are certainly displaying that anything is better than a cracked record.....even something that has been said before......in fact you appear to think that muliple repetition is required.....I cite this thread as clear unrefutable evidence!!!

Please do not comment further on the subject of thread or not....comments such as yours have been written thousands of times already we do not require them again.....get it.....you are saying nothing new.....hung by your own word....... :)

Edited by 473geo
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Actually the reason it's boring is because you've said the same thing like 15 times already!

Just so I don't start another thread that's been done before, is there a thread dedicated to your erroneous cynical postings and hijacking of threads, if so point the way and I'll resurrect that one...

Please feel free to start any other thread you wish...at your risk (unless you conduct a prior search) :)

There isn't a thread dedicated to MY erroneous cynical postings (yet). There is, however, this thread:


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I was raised in the country amd nod and smile at Thai people, farangs, most people in fact......habit.....

On one thread I was called 'Bobblehead'........doesn't make any difference I am what I am....be yourself and you will be ok

You'll know me if you see me......I'll be nodding and smiling away to all.....

Best wishes


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A quote from myself:
My only hope is that you are able to provide vitality & variation to your thread as opposed to the old thread. :D Maybe if you read the old thread, you could make some improvements?

Well you are certainly displaying that anything is better than a cracked record.....even something that has been said before......in fact you appear to think that muliple repetition is required.....I cite this thread as clear unrefutable evidence!!!

Please do not comment further on the subject of thread or not....comments such as yours have been written thousands of times already we do not require them again.....get it.....you are saying nothing new.....hung by your own word....... :)

Geez!! I would've thought that the words 'vitality' & 'variation' went against the concept of repetition! This is what I'm trying to say & in trying to say this, I can't be accused of being 'repetitious'.

Anyway, you are allowing me to see to 'common sense' in all of this...it is futile to try to talk sense with you numbskulls.

Go ahead! Post inane & redundant crap. The best you'll get is the same back.

Bye now :D

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Not many people want to stop and talk to me, I'm not very pleasant on the eye

Why am I not suprised to read that :)

My experience is different.

Thais are always wanting to talk to me, asking me where are you from, do you have a thai girlfriend, etc.

Gets a bit tedious tho

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Preferably not.

Ahh, so you must be one of "the weirdos hiding out in Thailand" I was thinking of before? :)

Or perhaps I see no reason to lower my standards just because I'm in Thailand.

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If I don't know you, why would I acknowledge you?

Now this bars typical politeness such as:

Opening/holding doors

Saying excuse me

you have a nice ride I'd like to comment on

Someone has a map out in an area I know well

If I was alone with a farang in a taxi of any sort I would strike up a conversation.

and any other social situations hwere one should be polite.

But if I'm passing you in a mall, restaurant, or market, no I won't acknowledge you. It has nothing to do with your skin color either.

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Sometimes you are indeed better off, that someone was unwilling or unable to acknowledge your presence. I treat this whole issue like a game, and upon spying a likely target, will concoct a strategy for breaking through their defenses.

When there is no obvious or pressing reason for two people to interact, one must be more creative. If you are not overly invested in the outcome and don't personalize rejection, it can be fun, moving people out of their perceived comfort zone. Just see it as a game.

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UKMatt, you seem to be pretty obsessed with race, the "me" vs. "them" mentality. So if I understand you right, you would happily acknowledge ALL farangs, regardless of whether they speak English, or if they're possibly child molesters, drug dealers, all manner of criminals, etc., but would refuse to acknowledge ALL non-farangs, many of whom may be English-speaking Thai's, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, decent human beings, etc.? Isn't there a name for this sort of behavior?

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Has apparently all topics regarding Thailand have been repetitively repeated,I suggest all posting on TV be closed and thus only used has a place of reference.Although I,m

not sure what some posters would do to pass the time of day.But before that happens and referring back to the OP,after some attempts to be civil to other farangs and

only being rebuked by them putting their face to the ground I have come to the conclusion of "when in Rome".

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Preferably not.

Ahh, so you must be one of "the weirdos hiding out in Thailand" I was thinking of before? :)

Maybe he's tired of an already 'done to death' subject?

The search function is your friend :D

I did a search and nothing turned up on the first page so I don't see any harm starting this thread.

By your logic this board has an expiry date as soon as all topics have been discussed and anyone who wasn't around for the previous discussion is not allowed to post their views. You've replied twice in this thread aready with the same grievance, I'm sure it would've taken you less time to give a relevant response to the thread or just not bother at all.

I have to say I find ilkangorito a bit of a pain with all his witticisms also I keep thinking it is kid who just cannot growup lets hope I am right.

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UKMatt, you seem to be pretty obsessed with race, the "me" vs. "them" mentality. So if I understand you right, you would happily acknowledge ALL farangs, regardless of whether they speak English, or if they're possibly child molesters, drug dealers, all manner of criminals, etc., but would refuse to acknowledge ALL non-farangs, many of whom may be English-speaking Thai's, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, decent human beings, etc.? Isn't there a name for this sort of behavior?

Blah Blah Blah, is that your own work or did you really copy and paste it from another poster because none of it fits in with anything I have said. You know virtually nothing about me and you couldn't even use one quote from me to add any credit to your flimsy pathetic argument.

The fact that you hunt for and see racism when it's not there is probably more an indication of your own prejudice than anything else. Either that or you are a miserable old git looking for something to complain about today so you had to really bend and twist what you thought I had said to make it squeeze into what you wanted to hear. Which one is it really?

If you can come back and prove beyond any reasonable doubt where I said I would "would happily acknowledge all farang child molesters, drug dealers, all manner of criminals" and where I said I ignore "ALL non-farangs, many of whom may be English-speaking Thai's, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, decent human beings" then I would gladly debate and prove you wrong on all counts.

If, however, you can't find any explicit evidence of this then it means you are just an argumentative old git with nothing better to do than try to start unjustified arguments with others on a forum!

Keep moving...

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I am now a fully paid up member of ignoring other farangs..

Totally fed up with attempting eye contact and a polite hello or nod of the head and having the other farang doing anything but acknowledge me..

As my mom says you cannot buy class...

or maybe cus i is alien...

whatever... <deleted> 'em...

got better things to look at like the uni girls booty walking in front of me :)

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Why don't you do a search & find out exactly why I've 'clocked up' over 3000 posts since 2005-09-15 09:35:17?

I wonder how may of those were 'clocked up' in that thread you started about western style electrical inspections .. and the service business you were apparently trying to start?

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Think of it the other way around. An Asian person going to a small town in Europe, America or Australia and expecting every other person of Asian decent to wave and say hello to them because they are also Asian. A bit naive isn't it?

Obviously you have NEVER been anywhere outside Asia with an Asian person because that's EXACTLY how it is!! Asians are famous for their networking skills in foreign countries, have you ever been anywhere with a Fiipino? Any other Filipino within earshot will at least come over and talk, most of the time they will join you for drinks for the rest of the night.

But that's exactly what I said I was not looking for. I just thought it was strange to get a pro-active blank from a farang from the same place I came from when there are not many of us in the same place here.

Yep, you are right, I have never been anywhere outside Asia with an Asian person, and obviosuly that guy eating a donut was from the same place as you.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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UKMatt, you seem to be pretty obsessed with race, the "me" vs. "them" mentality. So if I understand you right, you would happily acknowledge ALL farangs, regardless of whether they speak English, or if they're possibly child molesters, drug dealers, all manner of criminals, etc., but would refuse to acknowledge ALL non-farangs, many of whom may be English-speaking Thai's, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, decent human beings, etc.? Isn't there a name for this sort of behavior?

Most people like to associate with their own kind. Eg. other people they feel they will have things in common with such as language.

Many falangs believe other white skinned people can possibly speak their own language but may believe most Thais cannot speak their native tongue.

I am not saying this is good or bad behaviour, actually it may well be quite ignorant and arrogant.

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Think of it the other way around. An Asian person going to a small town in Europe, America or Australia and expecting every other person of Asian decent to wave and say hello to them because they are also Asian. A bit naive isn't it?

Obviously you have NEVER been anywhere outside Asia with an Asian person because that's EXACTLY how it is!! Asians are famous for their networking skills in foreign countries, have you ever been anywhere with a Fiipino? Any other Filipino within earshot will at least come over and talk, most of the time they will join you for drinks for the rest of the night.

But that's exactly what I said I was not looking for. I just thought it was strange to get a pro-active blank from a farang from the same place I came from when there are not many of us in the same place here.

Yep, you are right, I have never been anywhere outside Asia with an Asian person, and obviosuly that guy eating a donut was from the same place as you.

You made no new points, counterargued none of the points I made, you mispelled "obviously" and brought zero entertainment value with your post also.

I give you a D+ overall. Please stay behind.

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Think of it the other way around. An Asian person going to a small town in Europe, America or Australia and expecting every other person of Asian decent to wave and say hello to them because they are also Asian. A bit naive isn't it?

Obviously you have NEVER been anywhere outside Asia with an Asian person because that's EXACTLY how it is!! Asians are famous for their networking skills in foreign countries, have you ever been anywhere with a Fiipino? Any other Filipino within earshot will at least come over and talk, most of the time they will join you for drinks for the rest of the night.

But that's exactly what I said I was not looking for. I just thought it was strange to get a pro-active blank from a farang from the same place I came from when there are not many of us in the same place here.

Yep, you are right, I have never been anywhere outside Asia with an Asian person, and obviosuly that guy eating a donut was from the same place as you.

You made no new points, counterargued none of the points I made, you mispelled "obviously" and brought zero entertainment value with your post also.

I give you a D+ overall. Please stay behind.

You may have noticed that my post had been edited. I orignally made a cutting remark, but then decided to delete it as you are not worth getting a ban for.

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