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Should really have used a different title for this, nowhere does it say they are going to target foreigners in the muslim south they don't target foreigners sure there has been alot of bad stuff happening down there for years, but i can't recall an incident where foreigners were targeted.

We (foreigners) should just all stay out of it, we (foreigners) don't have a vote any say in anything here best for us to stop meddling and try to keep ourselves to ourselves and our families safe. :)

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An anti-government "red shirt" supporter surrenders to army soldiers clearing an encampment of thousands of protesters in Bangkok


Good to see they are getting the hardline militants.

she was there, she was warned, she contributed. how about the boys behind her? sorry, this fat country bumpkin and the kwai daeng behind her don't tug on my heartstrings.



Searching 'Echelon' will give you some info, but highly doubt you'll get any secret reports


Yeah, and while you're at it google "red mercury" also. (that's the supposedly radioactive isotope of Mercury that is used in making atomic weapons.)

Both of them are BS.

I'm not deneying that monitoring is done, but the term Echelon is something made up by British conspirouscy nuts.

Just consider the amount of money, man hours of work, and so on that would be required to monitor every phone call in Europe...not even considering the rest of the world.

Just consider that Thailand alone has 60 million people...probably at least 80% of them with cellphones. Even using "computers" for monitoring....whatever you imagine that means in practice...the amount of time and work to do such a thing is immense.

The fact is...it just doesn't happen like that.


An anti-government "red shirt" supporter surrenders to army soldiers clearing an encampment of thousands of protesters in Bangkok


Good to see they are getting the hardline militants.

Nice one !!


An anti-government "red shirt" supporter surrenders to army soldiers clearing an encampment of thousands of protesters in Bangkok


Good to see they are getting the hardline militants.

she was there, she was warned, she contributed. how about the boys behind her? sorry, this fat country bumpkin and the kwai daeng behind her don't tug on my heartstrings.

Maybe she has a right to her opinion in her country ??

How much do you weigh ?




- Thaksin is a very vengeful man, unfortunately he's not ready to give up for a long time yet.

- He trusts that his insiders will keep their mouths shut. That's a big order, the day will come when someone spills the beans, gotta happen.

An anti-government "red shirt" supporter surrenders to army soldiers clearing an encampment of thousands of protesters in Bangkok


Good to see they are getting the hardline militants.

she was there, she was warned, she contributed. how about the boys behind her? sorry, this fat country bumpkin and the kwai daeng behind her don't tug on my heartstrings.

Just out of curiosity ever called a Thai person " Kwai Daeng " to their face ??

I think you have not !



NOTE: when replying on a post with pictures, no need to have them included.

Just remove the line \...\[\img]


NOTE: when replying on a post with pictures, no need to have them included.

Just remove the line \...\[\img]


Noted and will try to remember.



An anti-government "red shirt" supporter surrenders to army soldiers clearing an encampment of thousands of protesters in Bangkok


Good to see they are getting the hardline militants.

she was there, she was warned, she contributed. how about the boys behind her? sorry, this fat country bumpkin and the kwai daeng behind her don't tug on my heartstrings.

Maybe she has a right to her opinion in her country ??

How much do you weigh ?


I weigh 66 kilos. That means she's entiteld to 10 opinions based on weight?! :) doesn't give her an excuse to help shut down and destroy the shopping district of her own capital in her motherland, does it? you sure she didn't help store ammo and contribute? Just throw some pics up of some more of their children and try to make the wolves look like sheep why don't you?

she's lucky she's in thailand, or the behemoth would be sitting in a cell.

The Black clad shooters are from Cambodia ,

The first rumors were that the soldiers were Cambodian now it is the backshirts. Maybe no Thais were involved at all. Perhaps everyone on both sides was hired in Cambodia. :)

Wow, that means thousands of foreigners working as a rent a mob without work permits.


Searching 'Echelon' will give you some info, but highly doubt you'll get any secret reports


Yeah, and while you're at it google "red mercury" also. (that's the supposedly radioactive isotope of Mercury that is used in making atomic weapons.)

Both of them are BS.

I'm not deneying that monitoring is done, but the term Echelon is something made up by British conspirouscy nuts.

Just consider the amount of money, man hours of work, and so on that would be required to monitor every phone call in Europe...not even considering the rest of the world.

Just consider that Thailand alone has 60 million people...probably at least 80% of them with cellphones. Even using "computers" for monitoring....whatever you imagine that means in practice...the amount of time and work to do such a thing is immense.

The fact is...it just doesn't happen like that.


Good realistic answer to a query on red mercury here => http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006041125212. The supposed use of it in nucleur bombs is fictitious (it was a Russia cold war myth), but that lead to many experiments (see the Yahoo answers link for some results - don't think any of them match the Russian's claims though). So, yes, by and large, a myth.

Echelon on the other hand almost certainly exists. Though, according to European Parliament, it is merely a system to capture satalite traffic (taken out of context in fictional stories). There are other 'devices' to capture internet, microwave, telephone, etc traffic. This data is supposedly shared under the AUSCANZUKUS network. The use of the data, the method of analysis, etc have all been lumped under "Echelon" in books and frivilous reports, but this just shows a lack of knowledge nothing more. Its the ability to sift billions lines of data (in many forms) in a pratical way that returns viable results that is the supposed holy grail of intelligence - perfection of this is possibly the stuff of spy novels and TV programs like Spooks/NCIS/etc. It is far more likely (and reasoned) that although the traffic is picked up and archived, only certain specific events are analysed - there is just too much data to run through to do it for all. It is also widely known that terrorists and organised crime use keywords to mask their orders, so making it even harder to look for selective terms - for example, saying "Buy her lunch" to mean "Kill her", "lay an egg" for "plant a bomb" and so on.

Big Brother's watching - he may just not understand what he's seeing.


Maybe she has a right to her opinion in her country ??

How much do you weigh ?


I weigh 66 kilos. That means she's entiteld to 10 opinions based on weight?! :) doesn't give her an excuse to help shut down and destroy the shopping district of her own capital in her motherland, does it? you sure she didn't help store ammo and contribute? Just throw some pics up of some more of their children and try to make the wolves look like sheep why don't you?

she's lucky she's in thailand, or the behemoth would be sitting in a cell.

Do we have a weight obsession??

Are you insecure because of your size ???

Have you ever called any Thai person " Kwai Daeng " to their face ???

I am certain you have not.

Point is,it doesn't matter how anyone looks or weighs, this country is deeply divided and there are very big problems ahead.

Maybe instead of judging all reds as " Kwai" you should get out and sniff a bit.

Thailand has changed and there are further horrible changes to come.

Maybe you should start by thinking of all Thai people as people rather than categorising them as Kwai or non Kwai.....................


75kgs for the last 40 years


Searching 'Echelon' will give you some info, but highly doubt you'll get any secret reports


Yeah, and while you're at it google "red mercury" also. (that's the supposedly radioactive isotope of Mercury that is used in making atomic weapons.)

Both of them are BS.

I'm not deneying that monitoring is done, but the term Echelon is something made up by British conspirouscy nuts.

Just consider the amount of money, man hours of work, and so on that would be required to monitor every phone call in Europe...not even considering the rest of the world.

Just consider that Thailand alone has 60 million people...probably at least 80% of them with cellphones. Even using "computers" for monitoring....whatever you imagine that means in practice...the amount of time and work to do such a thing is immense.

The fact is...it just doesn't happen like that.


Try this http://pubrecord.org/nation/2290/revisiting-echelon-nsas/

The existence of the program has been publicly known for years. Echelon was developed in the 1970s primarily as an American-British intelligence sharing system to monitor foreigners – specifically, during the Cold War, to catch Soviet spies.

Another top-secret program code-named Tempest, also operated by satellite, is capable of reading computer monitors, cash registers and automatic teller machines...

Echelon has been shrouded in secrecy for years. A special report prepared by the European Parliament in the late 1990s disclosed explosive details about the covert program when it alleged that Echelon was being used to spy on two foreign defense contractors – the European companies Airbus Industrie and Thomson-CSF – as well as sifting through private emails, industrial files and cell phones of foreigners.

The program is part of a multinational spy effort that includes intelligence agencies in Canada, Britain, New Zealand and Australia, also known as the Echelon Alliance, which is responsible for monitoring different parts of the world.

The NSA has never publicly admitted that Echelon exists, but the program has been identified in declassified government documents.

A lady had been to a school play the night before, and her son was in the school play and she thought he did a – a lousy job. Next morning, she was talking on the telephone to her friend, and she said to her friend something like this, ‘Oh, Danny really bombed last night,’ just like that,” Frost said. “The computer spit that conversation out. The analyst that was looking at it was not too sure about what the conversation was referring to, so erring on the side of caution, he listed that lady and her phone number in the database as a possible terrorist.”

Electronic signals are captured and analyzed through a series of supercomputers known as dictionaries, which are programmed to search through each communication for targeted addresses, words, phrases, and sometimes individual voices. The communication is then sent to the National Security Agency for review. Some of the more common sample key words that the NSA flags are: terrorism, plutonium, bomb, militia, gun, explosives, Iran, Iraq

Under the ECHELON program, the NSA and certain foreign intelligence agencies throw an extremely wide net over virtually all electronic communications world-wide. There are no warrants. No probable cause requirements. No FISA court.

Need more?

As of November 2009 the fastest supercomputer in the world is the Cray XT5 Jaguar system at National Center for Computational Sciences with more than 19000 computers and 224,000 processing elements, based on standard AMD processors.

In February 2009, IBM also announced work on "Sequoia," which appears to be a 20 petaflops supercomputer. This will be equivalent to 2 million laptops (whereas Roadrunner is comparable to a mere 100,000 laptops). It is slated for deployment in late 2011.

The fact is that it does happen :D

I didn't bother with radioactive isotopes, is it interesting?

An anti-government "red shirt" supporter surrenders to army soldiers clearing an encampment of thousands of protesters in Bangkok


Good to see they are getting the hardline militants.

she was there, she was warned, she contributed. how about the boys behind her? sorry, this fat country bumpkin and the kwai daeng behind her don't tug on my heartstrings.

Just out of curiosity ever called a Thai person " Kwai Daeng " to their face ??

I think you have not !


My wife is doing it to anyone she sees with a red TShirt....I am surprised that she is still alive....

An anti-government "red shirt" supporter surrenders to army soldiers clearing an encampment of thousands of protesters in Bangkok

'link to photo'

No answer yet to "really interested in knowing where this photo's shot. Somehow it looks too clean to be somewhere in Thailand". So, anyone knows?


Without a doubt the NSA can grab traffic from any Cell system world wide.

It can target voice patterns that are quite personal, and looks for patterns.

It isn't randomly looking necessarily, but guys like Thaksin who are a danger to allies

would make the long list, and weeks like the last few would bump him up to a short list.

We know that USA passed some info to the government, because it was announced and not refuted.

That may have been intended to give a warning that was ignored. Still there is likely

enough 'emotionally made' stupid phone calls to fill a container with bad guys in this situation.

An anti-government "red shirt" supporter surrenders to army soldiers clearing an encampment of thousands of protesters in Bangkok

'link to photo'

No answer yet to "really interested in knowing where this photo's shot. Somehow it looks too clean to be somewhere in Thailand". So, anyone knows?

Try the link in OP.


No answer yet to "really interested in knowing where this photo's shot. Somehow it looks too clean to be somewhere in Thailand". So, anyone knows?

Try the link in OP.

Forget this

"Please excuse me, maybe its just too late and I should go sleep, but what do you mean "link in OP""

Found it, thanks

Lets hope that alot of this is just typical media sensationalism.

But it does seem to me that both sides of the equation, Red and Yellow, Pro and Anti Taksin, have this 'burning' desire to saboutage Thailand's Tourist industry.

No doubt there are many theories as to why.

the real reason is they do not want us here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thats some truth,... thai like to get money but not work for its the same where us farangs are concerned, They want our money but not want us here!!. but thats some of them not all... :)

An anti-government "red shirt" supporter surrenders to army soldiers clearing an encampment of thousands of protesters in Bangkok


Good to see they are getting the hardline militants.

pathetic, the very picture of the bowl-of-rice -a day rural poor. She'd be better off in North Korea.

Reason why there were so few casualties: army did everything along strict orders, like here .

I didn' t see enough kudos to the army in the press; and everybody seems to find normal they are made to clean up the garbage now ; I don't.


Just out of curiosity ever called a Thai person " Kwai Daeng " to their face ??

I think you have not !


My wife is doing it to anyone she sees with a red TShirt....I am surprised that she is still alive....

You need to explain that the people on the "magic moving picture box" can't hear her.

If there are any attacks in the aftermath, I think they would be directed at Suthep and Abhisit and/or their families in the form of a sniper / bomb attack. Although I hope this won't happen im afraid that sooner or later it will. They are the prime targets, not tourists etc

I don't know how long you have been around Thailand..... but even as a new poster you may have become aware of what may be called an adage here in Thailand.

If a falang is driving here in Thailand and through his fault or not his fault he is involved in an accident,,,,,,, as the adage goes, it is the Falang's fault........ why ???? because if he wasn't here the accident would never have happened....


As Bkk is the center of govt, Abhisit and Suthep's job requires them to be in Bkk.....

The protesters or those who turned to lawless and criminal actions, were in Bkk voluntarily...... so all they had to do is go home and the trouble would not have happened.....

Hope you have the where-with-all to make the connected similiarity...

LOL, I remember that saying about farangs driving in Thailand when I bought my car years ago! Before they had insurance, that was truly the case! Even with A1 insurance, you still have to pay the family if you kill someone in an accident. I said to my insurance agent several years ago; so, I better not kill a police general in an accident! She said; good idea.

The only thing that has happened in Phuket was a hand grenade in a package was attached to the local ASTV office in Phuket Town. Although police and security at Central Phuket were sweeping the property with metal detectors the other day. Better safe than sorry. But I'm not a tourist, so what would I know? :)

Lets wait to see how many interrogations lead to subsequent arrests, perhaps the militant wing is already back in Cambodia, where Thai people go to hide.

The Black clad shooters are from Cambodia , there is now evidence to be released this week on who and why they were contracted for the job, The pay check Master Thaksin made his $$ deposit some months before this in the case he needed them to cross over into Thailand if he lost his money in the court ruling , Since 911 the world has a special practice of wire tap /cell phone word searching for key words, Thaksin made this list some 3 months ago and all of his evidence now will list him as the money leader behind the terrorism attacks now in Thailand .

he likes to say he has no connection but his mighty dollars linked the WAY

I understand it's the rumour-mill in action. Blaming problems on people over the border is a standard part of the Thai psyche, but don't forget there have been visits to Cambodia from both Thaksin and Seh Daeng.

The actions of the past week to me have proven once and for all that where there's speculation surrounding Thaksin intent (Suvarnabhumi city, land to Cambodia, Bangkok city "of flames" - wish I could find the original BKK Post article for that one - to name a very small number), the truth is never really far away. Hun Sen making peace with Abhisit could of simply been part of the script.

That plot related to the country of Finland, now I don't deny it for a second.

Too true - the red scourge say the black scourge has nothing to do with them. Fingers were pointed and innuendo rife as more and more the reds tried to 'convince' all and sundry they were neutral peaceful protestors. Were there mercenaries amongst them? Absolutely. Many of the failed army members, to get a decent pay day, were recruited by Seh Daeng and he also was part of it but, to a power higher up as someone had to pay him before they passed him up the chimney. :)

Politics and religion are the scourge of the earth and when they start employing mercs, and they care not where they come from. Was Cambo and Burma involved - probably. But when push came to shove and the trashing of Thailand started they were the red scum bags and probably as the mercs packed up and headed home. Their is no payday to dead mercs and the rioting had already been wound up in the uneducated ranks of the pawns being manipulated from on high. They did not need to be there and took advantage of the turmoil to disappear. But as long as there is a future payday, they will be back, rest assured. Money is a powerful motive. And mercs do not want a resolution or they will not get more paydays!

This is far from over yet and unfortunately as has been summarised already - this is going underground if they cannot demonstrate in the open and that is far more dangerous. :D

Very well pointed post. This whole saga is more complex than most can see or are willing to acknowledge.

Just look at some of the actions and countries visited by Thaksin in the months prior to the redshirt "protest/riots",- Fiji (a country very familiar with coup takeovers),.. probably a strategy analysis trip. And then Cambodia,... had to be something sinister going on there,.. and it is ideally and strategically located right on our doorstep and is the backdoor exit/entry to and from Isaan country.

Eye witnesses had said that they heard the black bandits speaking a foreign language (probably Cambodian or Burmese). I'm not surprised that the redshirt innocents and the red shirt insurgents claim to have no knowledge of nor association with the black terrorists,.. simply because the black terrorists were employed by Thaksin to infiltrate and hijack what started out as a peaceful protest. Thaksin wanted anarchy and bloodshed as well as confusion and counter blaming from one group to another. He is an evil and decietful bloody minded man who cares not for the value of any human life,.. let alone Thai!

He's started to mix a catalytic cocktail that will now take on a life of its own. Lets hope that it totally backfires on him and he ends up as the games biggest loser, but there's always a possibility that if this country were to subside into a massive civil/militia uprising (which may be even more of a probability when HM eventually passes on) that he could ride into Thailand on the back of a Cambodian tank.

Frankly I'm using the next few months as the calm before the storm to arrange for a quick exit out with my family at the first sign of anything similar to recent events or any further decline in law, order or rising terrorist attacks.

One things clear to me and that is that this is far from over and I'm watching things very carefully.


The Black clad shooters are from Cambodia , there is now evidence to be released this week on who and why they were contracted for the job, The pay check Master Thaksin made his $$ deposit some months before this in the case he needed them to cross over into Thailand if he lost his money in the court ruling , Since 911 the world has a special practice of wire tap /cell phone word searching for key words, Thaksin made this list some 3 months ago and all of his evidence now will list him as the money leader behind the terrorism attacks now in Thailand .

he likes to say he has no connection but his mighty dollars linked the WAY

I understand it's the rumour-mill in action. Blaming problems on people over the border is a standard part of the Thai psyche, but don't forget there have been visits to Cambodia from both Thaksin and Seh Daeng.

The actions of the past week to me have proven once and for all that where there's speculation surrounding Thaksin intent (Suvarnabhumi city, land to Cambodia, Bangkok city "of flames" - wish I could find the original BKK Post article for that one - to name a very small number), the truth is never really far away. Hun Sen making peace with Abhisit could of simply been part of the script.

That plot related to the country of Finland, now I don't deny it for a second.

Too true - the red scourge say the black scourge has nothing to do with them. Fingers were pointed and innuendo rife as more and more the reds tried to 'convince' all and sundry they were neutral peaceful protestors. Were there mercenaries amongst them? Absolutely. Many of the failed army members, to get a decent pay day, were recruited by Seh Daeng and he also was part of it but, to a power higher up as someone had to pay him before they passed him up the chimney. :)

Politics and religion are the scourge of the earth and when they start employing mercs, and they care not where they come from. Was Cambo and Burma involved - probably. But when push came to shove and the trashing of Thailand started they were the red scum bags and probably as the mercs packed up and headed home. Their is no payday to dead mercs and the rioting had already been wound up in the uneducated ranks of the pawns being manipulated from on high. They did not need to be there and took advantage of the turmoil to disappear. But as long as there is a future payday, they will be back, rest assured. Money is a powerful motive. And mercs do not want a resolution or they will not get more paydays!

This is far from over yet and unfortunately as has been summarised already - this is going underground if they cannot demonstrate in the open and that is far more dangerous. :D

Very well pointed post. This whole saga is more complex than most can see or are willing to acknowledge.

Just look at some of the actions and countries visited by Thaksin in the months prior to the redshirt "protest/riots",- Fiji (a country very familiar with coup takeovers),.. probably a strategy analysis trip. And then Cambodia,... had to be something sinister going on there,.. and it is ideally and strategically located right on our doorstep and is the backdoor exit/entry to and from Isaan country.

Eye witnesses had said that they heard the black bandits speaking a foreign language (probably Cambodian or Burmese). I'm not surprised that the redshirt innocents and the red shirt insurgents claim to have no knowledge of nor association with the black terrorists,.. simply because the black terrorists were employed by Thaksin to infiltrate and hijack what started out as a peaceful protest. Thaksin wanted anarchy and bloodshed as well as confusion and counter blaming from one group to another. He is an evil and decietful bloody minded man who cares not for the value of any human life,.. let alone Thai!

He's started to mix a catalytic cocktail that will now take on a life of its own. Lets hope that it totally backfires on him and he ends up as the games biggest loser, but there's always a possibility that if this country were to subside into a massive civil/militia uprising (which may be even more of a probability when HM eventually passes on) that he could ride into Thailand on the back of a Cambodian tank.

Frankly I'm using the next few months as the calm before the storm to arrange for a quick exit out with my family at the first sign of anything similar to recent events or any further decline in law, order or rising terrorist attacks.

One things clear to me and that is that this is far from over and I'm watching things very carefully.

Pay special attention to minute 1:30 to 1:35 in this video from Thai Visa member VictorMeldrew


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