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Special Report: Threatening Global Warming

BANGKOK: -- Since the beginning of 2010, Thailand has been hit with extreme heat; the highest recorded maximum temperature is 43°C in the northern province of Lampang. Worse than that is the accompanying severe drought which has been damaging agricultural crops on a grand scale. Water supply for consumption has become critical. And with the global warming threat, it is questionable if drought would be more intense year-by-year, and how Thailand can help the world alleviate the threat.

Dr Smith Thammasaroch, the chairperson of the Foundation Council of National Disaster Warning, admitted that the global warming situation is very worrying as it would send the temperature in the country to rise further. He said heat wave can occur if the temperature continues very high for three consecutive days, and it can be fatal, especially for the elderly and infants.

Assoc Prof Kansri Boonpragob from the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Ramkhamhaeng University, explained that the rising temperature would negatively affect ecosystem and would cause extinction in about 20-30% of creatures. She added that people would experience more health and disease problems because the rising temperature would facilitate the disease spread and mutation.

Global warming is a serious issue, not only in Thailand but also the whole world due to more emission of greenhouse gases from extensive growth of global citizen size and industrial development. In other words, all countries in the world are contributing to the global warming and hence must be responsible for the mitigation of this critical problem together.

However, forestland, which can serve as lungs of the earth, is diminishing following deforestation practice to meet with the continuous increase of population size and construction.

Asked for the solutions to the global warming crisis, Dr Smith stressed that everyone must realize the seriousness of the problem, reduce emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, and plant more trees to help absorb greenhouse gases. He then suggested the government put the global warming crisis as the national agenda by formulating strategies and preventive measures as well as conducting researches to solve the problem.

It is believed that global warming is no longer a faraway threat to all humanity, and its consequences can be seen from harsher natural disasters. All methods to heal the world have been publicized via campaigns seen in the media; therefore, everyone is duty-bound to mitigate the crisis together before it would be too late to do so.


-- NNT 2010-05-27


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Its all about TAX and CONTROL

Amazing how people can be made to be so convinced that an entirely natural occurrence (fluctuation in climate) is somehow unnatural with the solution being carbon taxes and carbon quotas.


Whether or not Global warming exists. The policies that would prevent it, also prevents pollution which I think we can all agree Thailand could benefit from reducing. So if it takes a belief in Global warming to achieve this that's fine with me.

Whether or not Global warming exists. The policies that would prevent it, also prevents pollution which I think we can all agree Thailand could benefit from reducing. So if it takes a belief in Global warming to achieve this that's fine with me.

We are still going to be using oil for many years to come, the only difference is that the price will sky rocket and our use of it will be rationed.

If the solutions being put forward included cheap solar panels so that everyone can get off the grid, electric cars and other new technology then out of pragmatism I would close my eyes and embrace global warming. However, the ONLY real solutions being put forward are tax and carbon rationing.

The tax will kill off industry in the West, leading to relocation to countries such as China and India where there are NO regulations and will actually INCREASE global emissions - not such a smart move.

Its all about TAX and CONTROL

Amazing how people can be made to be so convinced that an entirely natural occurrence (fluctuation in climate) is somehow unnatural with the solution being carbon taxes and carbon quotas.

Amazing how some people can't even look around and notice, but think its some stupid conspiracy theory. Just look at Samut Sakhorn, Samut Prakarn as the sea levels have risen 4 inches per year the last several years, attributed to glaciers melting. thailand is slowly going underwater. Open your eyes!

Its all about TAX and CONTROL

Amazing how people can be made to be so convinced that an entirely natural occurrence (fluctuation in climate) is somehow unnatural with the solution being carbon taxes and carbon quotas.

Amazing how some people can't even look around and notice, but think its some stupid conspiracy theory. Just look at Samut Sakhorn, Samut Prakarn as the sea levels have risen 4 inches per year the last several years, attributed to glaciers melting. thailand is slowly going underwater. Open your eyes!

It's not a conspiracy theory when it is openly announced. Are you denying that carbon tax is just around the corner?

As for the other point it is obviously land SINKAGE. The sea levels have risen 4 inches a year for several years??? Just in Samut Sakhorn and Samut Prakarn? Come on that is clearly ridiculous.

Global sea levels have barely changed in 50 years.

Whether or not Global warming exists. The policies that would prevent it, also prevents pollution which I think we can all agree Thailand could benefit from reducing. So if it takes a belief in Global warming to achieve this that's fine with me.

We are still going to be using oil for many years to come, the only difference is that the price will sky rocket and our use of it will be rationed.

If the solutions being put forward included cheap solar panels so that everyone can get off the grid, electric cars and other new technology then out of pragmatism I would close my eyes and embrace global warming. However, the ONLY real solutions being put forward are tax and carbon rationing.

The tax will kill off industry in the West, leading to relocation to countries such as China and India where there are NO regulations and will actually INCREASE global emissions - not such a smart move.

Sadly, the main solution being put forward is Nuclear energy, centrally produced of course. The idea being to keep us ON the grid!


Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'

The uncompromising verdict of Dr Mörner is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story,

The reason why Dr Mörner, formerly a Stockholm professor, is so certain that these claims about sea level rise are 100 per cent wrong is that they are all based on computer model predictions, whereas his findings are based on "going into the field to observe what is actually happening in the real world".



Whether or not Global warming exists. The policies that would prevent it, also prevents pollution which I think we can all agree Thailand could benefit from reducing. So if it takes a belief in Global warming to achieve this that's fine with me.

We are still going to be using oil for many years to come, the only difference is that the price will sky rocket and our use of it will be rationed.

If the solutions being put forward included cheap solar panels so that everyone can get off the grid, electric cars and other new technology then out of pragmatism I would close my eyes and embrace global warming. However, the ONLY real solutions being put forward are tax and carbon rationing.

The tax will kill off industry in the West, leading to relocation to countries such as China and India where there are NO regulations and will actually INCREASE global emissions - not such a smart move.

thats the real problem is the use of oil, and lobbyists and tycoons gettin; rich off of it. Hard to do much about legislation unless you're in politics.

Global Warming is a myth :) . (Just getting that in for all the TV 'sceptics")

Anyone who still discounts the science - should just watch this.

What a curious statement. I think it would be hard to convince anyone that the earth is not heating up.... That it is anything other than cyclical or that humans are in anyway responsible is another matter entirely.. and complete rubbish, and, as already mentioned, nothing more than another form of control through fear mongering. Let them explain why mars is heating up over the same time period.. not too many humans there last I checked....


Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'

The uncompromising verdict of Dr Mörner is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story,

The reason why Dr Mörner, formerly a Stockholm professor, is so certain that these claims about sea level rise are 100 per cent wrong is that they are all based on computer model predictions, whereas his findings are based on "going into the field to observe what is actually happening in the real world".



reminds me of people who think their very birth or anything that physicall exists is just a conspiracy theory.You're silly to dismiss all of the obvious signs, and simple knowledge we are polluting our planet. I am not an environmentalist, but I certainly don't deny the obvious!

Its all about TAX and CONTROL

Amazing how people can be made to be so convinced that an entirely natural occurrence (fluctuation in climate) is somehow unnatural with the solution being carbon taxes and carbon quotas.

Amazing how some people can't even look around and notice, but think its some stupid conspiracy theory. Just look at Samut Sakhorn, Samut Prakarn as the sea levels have risen 4 inches per year the last several years, attributed to glaciers melting. thailand is slowly going underwater. Open your eyes!

It's not a conspiracy theory when it is openly announced. Are you denying that carbon tax is just around the corner?

As for the other point it is obviously land SINKAGE. The sea levels have risen 4 inches a year for several years??? Just in Samut Sakhorn and Samut Prakarn? Come on that is clearly ridiculous.

Global sea levels have barely changed in 50 years.

I would lean to your assumption; Sinkage - yes more like erosion and poor land filling without engineered compaction.

reminds me of people who think their very birth or anything that physicall exists is just a conspiracy theory.You're silly to dismiss all of the obvious signs, and simple knowledge we are polluting our planet. I am not an environmentalist, but I certainly don't deny the obvious!

No proof that humans are responsible..

Pollution,of other forms, doesn't come into it..

Do some research online,don't accept anything that's been fed to you.

on one hand you say humans have nothing to do with it, then you admit oil has something to do with it. So people DO have a lot to do with it!

Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'

The uncompromising verdict of Dr Mörner is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story,

The reason why Dr Mörner, formerly a Stockholm professor, is so certain that these claims about sea level rise are 100 per cent wrong is that they are all based on computer model predictions, whereas his findings are based on "going into the field to observe what is actually happening in the real world".



reminds me of people who think their very birth or anything that physicall exists is just a conspiracy theory.You're silly to dismiss all of the obvious signs, and simple knowledge we are polluting our planet. I am not an environmentalist, but I certainly don't deny the obvious!

We are indeed polluting our planet - this is undeniable.

I like to breath fresh air as much as anyone and would like the pollution to stop, BUT this has nothing to do with climate change which is driven mainly by the Sun - you know....the big yellow thing in the sky that provides 99% of our heat.

What we need to overcome this problem is Global colding. :D

Don't worry if you can hang on long enough global cooling usually follows global warming. :)


Its not warming, so much as "climate destabilization" - the more and more severe weather patterns, etc, that appear to be a result of increased C02 in the atmosphere, which was caused by us.

Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'

The uncompromising verdict of Dr Mörner is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story,

The reason why Dr Mörner, formerly a Stockholm professor, is so certain that these claims about sea level rise are 100 per cent wrong is that they are all based on computer model predictions, whereas his findings are based on "going into the field to observe what is actually happening in the real world".



This'll be the same Dr Mörner who believes in dowsing. :)

A man who genuinely believes he can find water and precious metals by holding a Y-shaped twig and has continually repeated these claims in his home country. A man who has ducked out of any scientific tests to find out whether he really can or not, despite being offered a million dollars if he was proved to be telling the truth. A man who also serves as an expert to a 'environmental group' who are funded by energy industry lobbyists.



Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'

The uncompromising verdict of Dr Mörner is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story,

The reason why Dr Mörner, formerly a Stockholm professor, is so certain that these claims about sea level rise are 100 per cent wrong is that they are all based on computer model predictions, whereas his findings are based on "going into the field to observe what is actually happening in the real world".



This'll be the same Dr Mörner who believes in dowsing. :)

A man who genuinely believes he can find water and precious metals by holding a Y-shaped twig and has continually repeated these claims in his home country. A man who has ducked out of any scientific tests to find out whether he really can or not, despite being offered a million dollars if he was proved to be telling the truth. A man who also serves as an expert to a 'environmental group' who are funded by energy industry lobbyists.



a little common sense goes a long way. Cavemen didn't cause mass amounts of C02. In modern times, we cause a lot of CO2.

silly conspiracy theorists on this site are gettin' out of hand.


Funny how TV Forum posters seem to only see black or white... Guess Thailand is rubbing off on them...

The facts are over the last 100 years human population has tripled (yes TRIPLED)

Now for every person buying plastic consumer goods, electronic goods, a car, a house, and blatantly raping the earth just a little bit.

How can that be seen as a big scam -" the earth is just going through a natural shift and isn't affected at all"

We are running out of space, running out of oxygen, running out of gas - and if the next 100 years see us (Triple in population)

Well .... Use your heads...

The Only Ounce of Correctness which the 'Its a Scam' Brigade have is this...

Yes Mother Earth goes through some Massive changes when she has too, and sure some fluctuations are common, a glacier here, an ice age there etc.

The Fact is... We really don't want our Earth to 'CLEAN US UP' even though its a natural event for her to do so, and rid itself of us parasites which don't give a toss.

Sure... Global Warming is a Natural reaction so who cares, its happened before right?


Rising water levels have nothing to do with human activity..

Most of the North American plains were under seawater ,aeons ago,with no humans on earth at the time..

This comment you made actually makes a lot of sense, if it wasn't from you...

Paying attention to:

'With No Humans on Earth at The Time'

And yeah, next time too, no doubt....


We have this incredible arrogance that by watching a chaotic system for about 20 years, we fully understand it. But climate has 30-year cycles, 200 year cycles, 1000-year cycles, etc. We don’t even know what is normal, so how can we say we are seeing things that are abnormal?

The period from 1600-1800 was among the coldest in the last 5000 years, so it is natural we would see warming in recovery from this.

Hurricanes are another great example. Al Gore swore that Hurricane Katrina was man-made, but it turns out there is actually a declining worldwide trend in hurricane and cyclone activity and energy, so much so that we hit the lowest level in 2009 since we started measuring by satellite 30 years ago.

The reporting on whether manmade climate change is already happening is just awful. We see something happen that we can’t remember happening in the last 20 years and declare it to be “abnormal” and therefore “manmade.” It's absurd, and amazing that skeptics are called anti-scientific when the science being practiced is so awful.

The problem is that for academics, who are always scrambling for funds, climate change has become the best source of money. So you can’t just say you are studying acne, you have to say you are studying the effect of manmade climate change on acne.

Essentially, we have told the academic world that they can get much more money for their work if they claim to see climate change. So is it any surprise they find it under every rock?

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