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Bangkok's Silom Road Turns Into Walking Street Fair

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I live nearby, so I'm popping down for a bit. Take the dogs for a bit of a walk and going to do some shopping while we're down there, grab a bite to eat.

Good for you, might be nice if a few more that can took the same course instead of the general whining and negativity we see daily of the forum and in this thread.

And for those who do go and find that the quality or the prices do not meet your criteria there is a solution,-you don't have to buy. :)

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Go to Silom Road today spend a few bucks and support the vendors, vehicle traffic should be light with the holiday.

Nice idea. Spend a few MORE 'bucks' than the Thais are charged, do you mean? Spend maybe triple the price, now that they have to make up for their people's actions? Hmmm ... I think I will stay at home and let the tourists be ripped off even more than normal.

That is so sad, so much paranoia, wouldnt you be much happier back where you came from?

Why so many idiotic, hatred and childish comments here??

The people are REALLY affected. The busineeses are REALLY need support. And all of those workers are not the ones who made problems - now they just need to survive after the terror right below their windows. Those who dislike the red's actions - please just come and sue them, it is ANOTHER story for ANOTHER topic!

Talking about "bangkok should be back" - but very ironic in every step on this long way...??

A very nice "support" from all of you, yeah, who dare to call this land "a home"...

Shame on you all. Get back to your holes and dont bark on the wind, if unable to say something more meaningful.


A agree. I hope these cynical people do not live in BKK. If so I pitty them; for they should move on. I will show up Sat. night to show my support. My heart aches when I think of the Thai workers who have lost their jobs (due to the fires) or due to the tourist slow down. (And my heart burns with anger when I think how the Red protesters (some) could take two...three months off and just sit from day to day at the rally receiving free food, drink, and getting paid 200 baht a day. Like one lady that was interviewed by BBC, she would sight see during the day, then come back to "enjoy the music" and food in the evening.

Why so many idiotic, hatred and childish comments here??

The people are REALLY affected. The busineeses are REALLY need support. And all of those workers are not the ones who made problems - now they just need to survive after the terror right below their windows. Those who dislike the red's actions - please just come and sue them, it is ANOTHER story for ANOTHER topic!

Talking about "bangkok should be back" - but very ironic in every step on this long way...??

A very nice "support" from all of you, yeah, who dare to call this land "a home"...

Shame on you all. Get back to your holes and dont bark on the wind, if unable to say something more meaningful.

Maybe they feel they have been getting Shafted long enough.

The Rot set in at Phuket after the Tsunami.

Its not a Falang problem.

Thai on Thai im afraid.

If it is Thailand's RIGHT then why are they being arrested detained and prosecuted by the authorities? Why is Thaksin facing terrorist charges??

It is also their RIGHT to write their own laws and apply them among their own citizens the way they want it. And NOT OUR right to judge them, too. They WANT to build a huge mall - and BURN it next day, and noone asked your opinion. It is THEIR life. Anything to argue here?

We have the only right to join it (quietly) - or to leave it (freely).

Or how will you feel if you discovered one huge Thai forum, where Thais blaming, say, America - while staying in America and not planing to go home, nonono nowwaaaayyyy? :D

Your statement is nonsense :D:D:)

Nope. Just your understanding is limited and framed.

If it is Thailand's RIGHT then why are they being arrested detained and prosecuted by the authorities? Why is Thaksin facing terrorist charges??

It is also their RIGHT to write their own laws and apply them among their own citizens the way they want it. And NOT OUR right to judge them, too. They WANT to build a huge mall - and BURN it next day, and noone asked your opinion. It is THEIR life. Anything to argue here?

We have the only right to join it (quietly) - or to leave it (freely).

Or how will you feel if you discovered one huge Thai forum, where Thais blaming, say, America - while staying in America and not planing to go home, nonono nowwaaaayyyy? :D

Your statement is nonsense :D:D:D

Nope. Just your understanding is limited and framed.

When somebody like me invests a huge amount of time and money

and dedication and love and care in a situation - as I have done with my 15 years


Don't preach to me :)

You lost me.

Are you saying none of this is Thailand's fault?

Last I checked, minus some loony guy from Briton, it was Thai people fighting, looting and burning down the city. Someone is going to take the fall, who should it be if not Thailand?

Oh... oh... Nigerians. Yes, I'm cool with that. Those guys are always sending me emails saying I'm rich. I keep sending them the money they ask for but they never send me the money they promised me. Can't trust those guys. Easy to blame them for all this mess. No?




I have just noticed that amazingly, I am now an advanced member.


me too :):D

Not me :D but I guess that's because every time I try to contribute some "senior member" decides I'm "OFF TOPIC" or vhave said something that offends their sensitivities. :D So I've given up trying to participate. You'll probably never see this anyhow :D

And me :D ..... what ever that means :D

I have just noticed that amazingly, I am now an advanced member.


me too :):D

Not me :D but I guess that's because every time I try to contribute some "senior member" decides I'm "OFF TOPIC" or vhave said something that offends their sensitivities. :D So I've given up trying to participate. You'll probably never see this anyhow :D

And me :D ..... what ever that means :D

Whoops I just noticed me too! :D , I guess it's just a matter of how much you write, not what actually makes it past the word police!! :D

I have just noticed that amazingly, I am now an advanced member.


me too :):D

Not me :D but I guess that's because every time I try to contribute some "senior member" decides I'm "OFF TOPIC" or vhave said something that offends their sensitivities. :D So I've given up trying to participate. You'll probably never see this anyhow :D

And me :D ..... what ever that means :D

I see it! :D

People expected to join walking street on Silom Rd to help affected operators

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Permanent Secretary for Commerce Yanyong Poungrat invites people to join the walking street, set at Silom Road with the hope to stimulate economy and assist business operators affected by political protest.

Mr Yanyong stated that the walking street had been set at Silom Rd to Narathiwat Rd during 28-29 May 2010, 10.00-19.00 hrs. More than 700 hundred booths of the protest affected operators will display their quality products on sale at low prices.

These operators are the affected group from the riot around Ratchaprasong, Pratunam, Victory Monument and Silom. The Commerce Ministry has provided the location at Impact Arena for some other 200 businesses as well with the cooperation from Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, the Royal Thai Police and the Tourism and Sports Ministry.

A throng of shoppers are expected at the event to help all operators to survive from this crisis. Hundred million THB are foreseen to circulate within this function.

I think this is a very nice move and deserves all the support possible.

Just turning up will be a demonstration of solidarity.

Solidarity with the working people of Bangkok.

Have something to eat, drink, spend a little.

And know you are in the right place.

Do it.

I do wonder how many of you read this post and took it in.

Best piece of advice I've been given in a while.

My wife, son and I will be there Saturday.

(Just hope we can get parked somewhere close!)

The people are REALLY affected. The businesses are REALLY need support. And all of those workers are not the ones who made problems - now they just need to survive after the terror right below their windows.

Isn't the Thai government giving money to all of the vendors for their loss of business? I don't recall the amount but I believe they are all getting paid, from the shop houses to the street vendors.

This is correct. The Thai government has agreed to compensate shop owners who can prove direct losses from the actions of the protesters. It's a little more complicated than just 'giving', it is accountable and accountable for. However I am minded of the fact that the compensation will cover only those losses directly incurred and not losses which are consequential from the actions of the protesters.

DocJohnnie99, I remember your "grandpops" used to post in here to...much the same vane, and then your good friend Che Guvara came visiting for a short time... say hello to all your old Farang friends for us..!!!

who are some of these drones who always take the negative no matter what the topic on this site?

they slag off the thais yet they live here...if it's so sorry arse why do they stay?

i bet the reality is that they're nobodies at the bottom of the heap in their own countries, probably U.K so feel some sense of inflated self-importance here where it's only the money they spend on the "GF" etc that makes them feel a sense of false self importance.

The thais have their way of doing things but if you're always criticisinge then the burning question must be " why don't you leave?"

We have all seen 100s of first Posts on TV,which was very predictable to say the least,including the usual yaaawn.....

biased dig at the UK!..... yaaawn,

sorry for the lack of interest!

Eye think it's a good idea 2 help da people affected by da recent terrorism in bkk. Eye might go and bye some stuff. My wife needs some shoes & clothes. she told me their's some really super good prices over there, like 80% off in some cases and da good are knot low quality like you wood see from da typical street vendors in pat pong and sukhumvit and da platinum and pratunam. she said these r stuff from da central world and such

Are you incapable of communicating in correct English?

Go to Silom Road today spend a few bucks and support the vendors, vehicle traffic should be light with the holiday.

Nice idea. Spend a few MORE 'bucks' than the Thais are charged, do you mean? Spend maybe triple the price, now that they have to make up for their people's actions? Hmmm ... I think I will stay at home and let the tourists be ripped off even more than normal.

:):D Learn to speak Thai go out and enjoy the city Oh, and leave the attitude at home, or better yet, go back to your wherever you came from..............

When somebody like me invests a huge amount of time and money

Do you mean that you just BOUGHT this right by your "huge amount of time and money"? Wow.

As far as I know - we, farangs, are VERY limited in rights here. Read the list. :)

Have you ever seen even one Thai seriously asking a farang's opinion regarding Thai politic?

YAWWWWN.....lets back to the topic?

Keep blaming Thailand today while you are in Thailand

Shall we blame... Germany?

:):D Don't knock it, I lived and owned a bar in Pattaya from '74-78 when the Germans & Japanese came in and started buying everything in site (I made 10 times what my place cost me) and the Thai's didn't like them at all at first, until they discovered they had much much more money than us Americans did - one thing, we didn't have Bar fines until they arrived en mass. :D :D


It seems ironic that in the beginning of the protests, there were all these stalls and vendors out in a 'fair' like atmosphere. Some of these vendors are the same that sold goods and services with no hesitation to the reds during their protests. By doing so they made it much easier for the reds to stay entrenched. The vendors literally laid out the welcome mat in the early days of this ugly incident. It was all good when they were making fast money with no thought going into who it was they were actually supplying. I guess that one came back to bite them in the ass.

When somebody like me invests a huge amount of time and money

Do you mean that you just BOUGHT this right by your "huge amount of time and money"? Wow.

As far as I know - we, farangs, are VERY limited in rights here. Read the list. :)

Have you ever seen even one Thai seriously asking a farang's opinion regarding Thai politic?

YAWWWWN.....lets back to the topic?

oi dumb ass ... i said opinion not rights ... duh!

you are definately not the brightest spark on the fire are you numb nuts. its not surprising you harbour so much anger and resentment LMAO at you :D:D

and i see very clearly how you edit peoples original comments when you reply.

you edit comments and just take small snippets then reply to it

thus making the original posters comment not appear as it was.

ive seen you doing it with everybody's posts.

you are a cheat and not to be trusted.

The place was mobbed tonight. Massive traffic snarl on Rama4 road opposite Silom. Silom Complex still shuittered.

wow! mobbed by red shirts? it crossed my mind that they could do that ....

When somebody like me invests a huge amount of time and money

Do you mean that you just BOUGHT this right by your "huge amount of time and money"? Wow.

As far as I know - we, farangs, are VERY limited in rights here. Read the list. :)

Have you ever seen even one Thai seriously asking a farang's opinion regarding Thai politic?

YAWWWWN.....lets back to the topic?

Expats views sought on restoration



BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration will actively seek suggestions from expatriates on ways to revive the capital after the political crisis ebbs.

Governor Sukhumbhand Paripatra yesterday told the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand that Bangkok nowadays did not belong only to Thais but also to foreigners who work and live in the city.

They should be invited to share their ideas on rehabilitating their current hometown together with the locals.



I have to agree, reluctantly. Did anyone here seriously and honestly ever here us called 'farang' in a positive way? Not if you answer honestly. Respect? For us? Not in a million years. Respect for our purchasing power, every time. They're not a bad people at all, but they are not as pure as the driven snow as some of you long timers seem to think.

I won't use the word as whatever the apologists say, it is used most commonly in a derogative fashion.

As you say, some people are so grateful for whatever little piece of happiness they were able to purchase in Thailand, purchase being the operative word, that they think all is wonderful and the sun shines out of the proverbial rear.

All these fairs and bazaars and so forth are never really about the issue they wish to promote. Those with the power to issue the permits required to set up stalls see it as just a reason to fill their pockets with loot. Not much or anything ever goes back to City Hall or whoever is supposed to benefit. The traders ply rubbish at high prices and the gullible and the tourists fed lies that this is traditional Thailand lap it up, perhaps on their first trip to the country, then they learn. We see the same in Pattaya year after year. Some of the food is good but even that is usually vastly overpriced.

Why so many idiotic, hatred and childish comments here??

The people are REALLY affected.

A very nice "support" from all of you, yeah, who dare to call this land "a home"...

Shame on you all. Get back to your holes and dont bark on the wind, if unable to say something more meaningful.

Actually, a lot of the comments here are spot on about being overcharged if one happens to try and purchase "some item" from these street stalls. They have no scruples when it comes to squeezing and fleecing the "happy" tourist on their 2 week vacation. And most of the products are either fake or not of a good quality.

Thai's are not the only ones affected by the red shirt thing, how about you give a thought to all the foreigners who own tourist related businesses, they are really suffering big time.

No shame on any of us for giving our opinions, shame on you for being a snappy little bitch.

A lot of us are in our holes now because business for us is non existent these days.

By the way, its bark AT the wind. Anyway, the only wind here is coming from you, hot air bubs.

Eye think it's a good idea 2 help da people affected by da recent terrorism in bkk. Eye might go and bye some stuff. My wife needs some shoes & clothes. she told me their's some really super good prices over there, like 80% off in some cases and da good are knot low quality like you wood see from da typical street vendors in pat pong and sukhumvit and da platinum and pratunam. she said these r stuff from da central world and such

Are you incapable of communicating in correct English?

Not nice to make fun of some-one who may be a genuine Italian-American gentleman. On the other hand suggesting some stuff is from CentralWorld is a wee bit suspicious.

Why so many idiotic, hatred and childish comments here??

The people are REALLY affected.

A very nice "support" from all of you, yeah, who dare to call this land "a home"...

Shame on you all. Get back to your holes and dont bark on the wind, if unable to say something more meaningful.

Actually, a lot of the comments here are spot on about being overcharged if one happens to try and purchase "some item" from these street stalls. They have no scruples when it comes to squeezing and fleecing the "happy" tourist on their 2 week vacation. And most of the products are either fake or not of a good quality.

Thai's are not the only ones affected by the red shirt thing, how about you give a thought to all the foreigners who own tourist related businesses, they are really suffering big time.

No shame on any of us for giving our opinions, shame on you for being a snappy little bitch.

A lot of us are in our holes now because business for us is non existent these days.

By the way, its bark AT the wind. Anyway, the only wind here is coming from you, hot air bubs.

Haha!! Very well said! Excellent comment.

The author of that previous comment is indeed a dumb ****er. I'm having some annoying disagreements on here today with that ****er.

Well said indeed :)


I don't understand all the comments about Farangs being ripped off. The normal arrogance of many of our kind I suppose.

I took a walk down there today and it was packed with - guess what? - Thais. Well it is Thailand. I saw very few Farangs, although there were some. So are these vendors gonna rip off their own - possibly.

From the quality of most of the post on TV, we don't deserve their respect.

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