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Wine Tasting!


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Just so this won't be taken as advertising, I'm reporting on an event that already passed, yesterday. :)

But it was excellent, and another example of something that would be unheard of for Chiang Mai 'in the good old days'.. Life in this city just gets better and better.

Wine Connection had a wine tasting event yesterday evening and it was lovely. Seating outside, 200 baht ticket to sample some of their wines, plus they served some French bread, cheese and chorizo type sausages. There was some live music (not too loud) as well.

I will definitely be going back if they ever have this again. There wasn't really a limit on how much wine could be sampled as well, so went back for seconds and thirds.. And bought some nice wine as well. It's a really great place. And there are other restaurants and food outlets nearby, so you can order some other snacks as well. (It's located at Nim City, where Rim Ping Airport is)

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  • 6 months later...

Wine drinkers may wish to check out Rimping near the airport.

They have a large quantity of wine on sale at 3 bottles for 1000B.

Admittedly it may not be the best on the market at this price but there is a large variety of brands and style.

Thanks for that info as I need to pick up some for Christmas dinner. I assume the same 2-5 PM rules for not being allowed to buy applies there also? If so, will pick some up in the morning on the way to work. Opening time for Rimping near airport?

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Wine drinkers may wish to check out Rimping near the airport.

They have a large quantity of wine on sale at 3 bottles for 1000B.

Admittedly it may not be the best on the market at this price but there is a large variety of brands and style.

Thanks for that info as I need to pick up some for Christmas dinner. I assume the same 2-5 PM rules for not being allowed to buy applies there also? If so, will pick some up in the morning on the way to work. Opening time for Rimping near airport?

Dang, there go the good ones! Seriously though, they have the same promotion at all the Rimping stores.

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Thanks for that info as I need to pick up some for Christmas dinner. I assume the same 2-5 PM rules for not being allowed to buy applies there also?

Uh, just what are "2-5PM rules" please?

Can one not buy wine between 2 and 5 PM?

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Yep.....it's the law to protect children from drinking and all Thais abide by it......you never see a Thai person drinking between 2 and 5pm.

The superstores follow the law, but you can get all you want from any mom and pop store in the country 24hrs a day and they don't check IDs.

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What he said. No alcohol can be sold between the hours of 14:00-17:00. It's a government rule that most stores actually seem to abide by. Stores like 7-11 and larger stores like Tesco, Rimping, etc., won't sell during those hours, but I (farang female) have no trouble going into any liquor wholesaler (even the ones on Nimmanhaemin and Huay Kaew) and buying during those hours. Then again, I have a male farang friend who is part Asian and he told me the liquor wholesalers won't sell to him during those hours. (Maybe they worry about getting busted by undercover people working for the Thai gov't?! I really don't know. That's just what he told me.)

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While on the topic of clueless law making and incompetent enforcment, I also noticed that the beer girls at the hypermarket food centers stopped wearing branded outfits. So "casual" clothes it is, which actually look super sexy. Mosey on over.

Edited by CheGuava
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Wine drinkers may wish to check out Rimping near the airport.

They have a large quantity of wine on sale at 3 bottles for 1000B.

Admittedly it may not be the best on the market at this price but there is a large variety of brands and style.

I have seen individual bottles of some of those wines on "sale" at 3 for 1000B for 288B each at other supermarkets.

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Wine drinkers may wish to check out Rimping near the airport.

They have a large quantity of wine on sale at 3 bottles for 1000B.

Admittedly it may not be the best on the market at this price but there is a large variety of brands and style.

Thanks for that info as I need to pick up some for Christmas dinner. I assume the same 2-5 PM rules for not being allowed to buy applies there also? If so, will pick some up in the morning on the way to work. Opening time for Rimping near airport?

That's the same deal that Rimping Meechok has had for at least 6 months now, maybe longer. They basically toss the bottles that don't sell in the 3 for 1000 Baht bin. Once in a while there's a good one in there; not often.

Yes that's correct. They won't sell between 2-5 P.M.

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As i understand it, we can purchase large amounts during those hours. Don't know about wine (help?) but a friend decided on 2 cases (delivered in those days) by Carrefour, and they allowed the purchase. He received them at home that time within two hours. It may have related to a baht amount, don't recall.

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That's the same deal that Rimping Meechok has had for at least 6 months now, maybe longer. They basically toss the bottles that don't sell in the 3 for 1000 Baht bin. Once in a while there's a good one in there; not often.

I've never been disappointed with those "3 for 1000" bottles at Rimpings.

I've just checked the labels of the last three I bought at their ongoing "Sale" and, as usual, I thought they were really good value. All very pleasant and drinkable. I can't imagine seeing any of these on sale for 300baht.

Australian Yarra Yalley Cabernet Sauvignon 2006

Chile Ventisquero classico 2009

Chile Terrasur Cabernet 2009

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What he said. No alcohol can be sold between the hours of 14:00-17:00. It's a government rule that most stores actually seem to abide by. Stores like 7-11 and larger stores like Tesco, Rimping, etc., won't sell during those hours, but I (farang female) have no trouble going into any liquor wholesaler (even the ones on Nimmanhaemin and Huay Kaew) and buying during those hours. Then again, I have a male farang friend who is part Asian and he told me the liquor wholesalers won't sell to him during those hours. (Maybe they worry about getting busted by undercover people working for the Thai gov't?! I really don't know. That's just what he told me.)

You kidding?

My local 7/11 will sell it any time of day or night, but don't issue a receipt for that part of the bill, they just keep a note and ring it up later.

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What he said. No alcohol can be sold between the hours of 14:00-17:00. It's a government rule that most stores actually seem to abide by. Stores like 7-11 and larger stores like Tesco, Rimping, etc., won't sell during those hours, but I (farang female) have no trouble going into any liquor wholesaler (even the ones on Nimmanhaemin and Huay Kaew) and buying during those hours. Then again, I have a male farang friend who is part Asian and he told me the liquor wholesalers won't sell to him during those hours. (Maybe they worry about getting busted by undercover people working for the Thai gov't?! I really don't know. That's just what he told me.)

You kidding?

My local 7/11 will sell it any time of day or night, but don't issue a receipt for that part of the bill, they just keep a note and ring it up later.

Really? I've had a lot of bad luck lately trying to buy liquor. I guess I'm usually shopping during that time period. I tried to order beer with my lunch at Tesco food court pretty much as the clock turned 14:00 and they refused me. Instead they handed me a little notice in Thai defining the law. I've tried to buy liquor at Carrefour, Tesco, and 2 different 7-11's in the last couple of weeks during that time and all refused.

Edited by elektrified
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I'd definitely go to a tasting if I'm in town, Please let us know if you hear of another such event. I'm not back until early August.

a little bird i met tonight said you were back on Christmas Day as per usual! Are you coming incognito this year?!?

As to the booze ban, the current plan is that the 2-5 ban will apply to all pubs and restaurants from Jan 1st - although of course no-one will really know until 2nd Jan. If such a ban comes in, the only ones who will suffer will be Thailand's long sufering tourists. The Thais as always will get round it as always and so will the local expats. In any event, from Jan1st, no inside or outside advertising of alcoholic beverages will be allowed including light boxes, coasters, beer condoms, bar towels, labelling of beer pumps, etc etc. It will effect legitimate businesses who pay VAT and taxes considerably whilst the cowboys out in the sticks will of course get away with it as usual! TIT!

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Wine drinkers may wish to check out Rimping near the airport.

They have a large quantity of wine on sale at 3 bottles for 1000B.

Admittedly it may not be the best on the market at this price but there is a large variety of brands and style.

And one of the Aussie ones is really palatable..

Wont say which as I hope it stays there !!

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Interestingly you can purchase 3 for 1000 baht at Rimping from time to time. These wines are normally priced at around 590 baht per bottle off promotion. Kind of makes you wonder what downward pricing pressure will do to these brands over time but I suppose that is not our worry - it' good for the consumer.

I managed to buy some little gems from a wine store the other day at 450 per bottle and found that Rimping sell the same at 599. It works both ways. You've just got to know where and when to go.

If you look at the back labels of many of the "dumped" wines at Rimping you will see an importation sticker ".... imported by...."

Seems as though there is a huge range from one particular importer going into Rimping at close to cost price. What's the point? Moving stock?

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Thank you for the explanation. What an odd law!

When I worked for GM (General Motor's) which can have a strange and odd set of corporate rules, when I asked: "is that really the way we do things here..." I'd get: "welcome to GM," over time, I found myself answering that way.

So I suppose the 2-5 rule fits neatly under the "welcome to Thailand" category.

Odd too that the only purchase I have made since I've been here was at Makro and it was a six-pack of beer plus a single beer Lao and that was allowed, perhaps because it was "almost 5pm."

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Picked up my 3 bottles at Rimping. Took the piss a bit with the sales lady as I would look at a bottle and ask if she has tasted it and was it ok. Yes to all of them - seems a wino in their midst. :D

I remember some time ago when I tried to buy Root Beer at Tops in the 2-5 PM time and the cashier said I can't buy it. Took another girl to clue her in. ;)

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What he said. No alcohol can be sold between the hours of 14:00-17:00. It's a government rule that most stores actually seem to abide by. Stores like 7-11 and larger stores like Tesco, Rimping, etc., won't sell during those hours, but I (farang female) have no trouble going into any liquor wholesaler (even the ones on Nimmanhaemin and Huay Kaew) and buying during those hours. Then again, I have a male farang friend who is part Asian and he told me the liquor wholesalers won't sell to him during those hours. (Maybe they worry about getting busted by undercover people working for the Thai gov't?! I really don't know. That's just what he told me.)

You kidding?

My local 7/11 will sell it any time of day or night, but don't issue a receipt for that part of the bill, they just keep a note and ring it up later.

Really? I've had a lot of bad luck lately trying to buy liquor. I guess I'm usually shopping during that time period. I tried to order beer with my lunch at Tesco food court pretty much as the clock turned 14:00 and they refused me. Instead they handed me a little notice in Thai defining the law. I've tried to buy liquor at Carrefour, Tesco, and 2 different 7-11's in the last couple of weeks during that time and all refused.

Me too. I do most of my shopping mid-afternoon. I've been refused at Tesco when I was on line at 1:58pm but didn't get to the check-out counter til 2:01pm. As a male farang I've also been refused at the big liquor store on Nimmanhaemin btwn 2 and 5:00pm, as I have at the few 7-11's I've tried. Maybe there's a secret password?

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What he said. No alcohol can be sold between the hours of 14:00-17:00. It's a government rule that most stores actually seem to abide by. Stores like 7-11 and larger stores like Tesco, Rimping, etc., won't sell during those hours, but I (farang female) have no trouble going into any liquor wholesaler (even the ones on Nimmanhaemin and Huay Kaew) and buying during those hours. Then again, I have a male farang friend who is part Asian and he told me the liquor wholesalers won't sell to him during those hours. (Maybe they worry about getting busted by undercover people working for the Thai gov't?! I really don't know. That's just what he told me.)

You kidding?

My local 7/11 will sell it any time of day or night, but don't issue a receipt for that part of the bill, they just keep a note and ring it up later.

Really? I've had a lot of bad luck lately trying to buy liquor. I guess I'm usually shopping during that time period. I tried to order beer with my lunch at Tesco food court pretty much as the clock turned 14:00 and they refused me. Instead they handed me a little notice in Thai defining the law. I've tried to buy liquor at Carrefour, Tesco, and 2 different 7-11's in the last couple of weeks during that time and all refused.

Me too. I do most of my shopping mid-afternoon. I've been refused at Tesco when I was on line at 1:58pm but didn't get to the check-out counter til 2:01pm. As a male farang I've also been refused at the big liquor store on Nimmanhaemin btwn 2 and 5:00pm, as I have at the few 7-11's I've tried. Maybe there's a secret password?

I've never had a problem buying beer, wine or spirits at any hour of the day at the liquor shop in Charoen Prathet just south of the Porn Ping Tower entrance. Good range and reasonable prices too..

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I've never had a problem buying beer, wine or spirits at any hour of the day at the liquor shop in Charoen Prathet just south of the Porn Ping Tower entrance. Good range and reasonable prices too

Liquor stores due not come under this law and are exempt for these hours.

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I've never had a problem buying beer, wine or spirits at any hour of the day at the liquor shop in Charoen Prathet just south of the Porn Ping Tower entrance. Good range and reasonable prices too

Liquor stores due not come under this law and are exempt for these hours.

That's interesting....I guess there's a logic to this policy, but have to say it doesn't immediately jump out at me...

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I've never had a problem buying beer, wine or spirits at any hour of the day at the liquor shop in Charoen Prathet just south of the Porn Ping Tower entrance. Good range and reasonable prices too

Liquor stores due not come under this law and are exempt for these hours.

That's interesting....I guess there's a logic to this policy, but have to say it doesn't immediately jump out at me...

This law has been on the books for about 4 years. Even bars fall under it for selling of spirits. 11AM to 2PM 5PM to Midnight but it is selectively enforced by the BIB.

Edited by gotlost
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