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Thai PM Abhisit Under Fire Over Deadly Crackdown

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The embassies obviously do monitor the local news as this is part of their job. My niece has worked as an intern in the political section of one of the main western embassies here. What they do is compile a daily news report for the ambassador and senior staff taken from the national Thai dailies, business papers and the two English-language papers. It's usually no more than 2-pages in length, and a quick summary of the main news stories.

They don't go looking around farang-oriented websites such as TV. They can get information more easily from other sources. They're not interested in Khorat bar stool opinion, Chiang Mai gossip or Phuket rumor mills. They have little interest in newspaper opinion pieces, either. They're quite capable of forming their own opinion from their own fact-gathering services.

methinks, some do take themselves too seriously.

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The embassies obviously do monitor the local news as this is part of their job. My niece has worked as an intern in the political section of one of the main western embassies here. What they do is compile a daily news report for the ambassador and senior staff taken from the national Thai dailies, business papers and the two English-language papers. It's usually no more than 2-pages in length, and a quick summary of the main news stories.

They don't go looking around farang-oriented websites such as TV. They can get information more easily from other sources. They're not interested in Khorat bar stool opinion, Chiang Mai gossip or Phuket rumor mills. They have little interest in newspaper opinion pieces, either. They're quite capable of forming their own opinion from their own fact-gathering services.

methinks, some do take themselves too seriously.

You only mention an embassy. Embassies have varying resources.

Secondly, some journalists of the two English language newspapers would no doubt have a membership of TV as part of their search and research.

Methinks you haven't thought it through.

Readers should note that the occasional belittling of TV by red cheerleaders is because of two factors:

1. There are a substantial number of contributing TV members who are opposed to Thaksin and his red team.

2. TV is the premier expat forum.

The above two points drives the reds into a rage as yet another institution not under Thaksin/red control.

Sorry, there were no one killed by Mark/Suthep.

The the dead were by the Red shirt.

The proof is eveyehere, even in youtube.

Oops, I post the wrong video clip.

How can I remove it?


Good to see another avid member of the Watch Red Shirt group :D

/edit - asinine comments aside, looks like there's a serious effort under way to arrest the militant side of the reds. The guy in the CNN video was apparently arrested this morning, and another number of arrest warrants have been issues - apparently for the people responsible for the attacking the military on the 10th April.

This was reported on the radio. No wonder it was missed by people here :)

This thread is about Abhisit being criticized regarding the crackdown. You however would summarily and in your determined and misplaced pursuits would change that. That said..... 

You continue to amuse yourself as in the latest instance of your statement above that "Thai Visa is the best resource on the 'net for people with personal interests in Thailand, nothing less, nothing more," is your attempt to put words into my mouth. That's your statement, an exaggeration, an overstatement, and your statement only. Point out to me where this statement is in my post. Your can't, can you? Correct, you can't. The overreach of the statement is by you and is yours alone.

Your further expansion (to be kind, 'expansion') that Abhisit himself, or Suthep or Korn or any lower level operatives/functionaries would hang out in farang watering holes to get the 'true' scoop is a weak attempt to place such people beneath their dignity or self respect, which comes as no surprise from you. (But of course you're really being humorous aren't you, perhaps even ironic or even sarcastic.)

You are fascinated, fixated on the word "propaganda" towards anyone with a pov different than yours and your cohorts. If you fail to realize that you are excessively repetitive, indeed monotonous in throwing the word around as you nuisance stalk my posts - I'm not the only one to recognize that which you cannot or obsessively pursue. It troubles me not, but I do need to point out your compulsions.   

ThaiVisa continues in its original and vitally informative function of providing Visa information, observations and the personal experiences of expats in Visa matters, and does the definitive work in this respect - and that is a direct, unequivocal statement by and from me, myself. However, with its well known discussion forums, ThaiVisa has extended and grown well beyond its basic function to include becoming a well known and respected discussion board. Your or I, as with so many others, are welcome to participate in the purposes of the TVF board, as well it should be. 

TV enforces the laws of Thailand as they apply to posts made to its board because it knows the site is read regularly and consistently (in addition to it being the proper thing fore TV to do, given that the site needs rules and that the rules per se need to be observed and effectuated). The reality is that the people, the government and the opposition, among others domestic or foreign, read TVF because among other reasons, they want to know what farang vested in the country want and have to say, and why.  

Get real.

Blimey! Another one that was a tough read!

This thread had already been hijacked by you and your mates who were busy tag-teaming another poster when I arrived.

I made a very straightforward post giving my opinion about what Thai Visa is and what it is not. Quite how you have made the quantum leap to thinking that I am trying to put words into your mouth is beyond me, though it seems to give us a little insight into your rather bizarre thought processes.

Yes, surprise, surprise, I was being ironic about government officers visiting bars. I thought your nonsense about the government formulating policy based on what they read here needed flagging up. Though, as another poster has since pointed out, this is getting quite unneccessary the way your posts are currently heading :) .

I don't have any cohorts. I don't do internet team work. That's the domain of posters such as yourself.

And I don't have issues with anyone having a different POV from myself. Hearing and reading different POV's is one of the best ways to learn. I do have issues with posters aggressively trying to force extremist one-sided opinions (or, to give it the shorter, correct name: Propaganda) on myself and others, trying to hector, badger and bully other posters into submission (yes, that's you, Publicus).

In case you hadn't noticed my remarks -because I was deliberately careful - didn't infringe any TV rule.

What I noticed was:

This post has been edited by LivinginKata: Yesterday, 2010-06-03 15:44:39

Reason for edit: Remark removed - LivinginKata

I am impressed Beltre. You are a very observant reader, reminds me of someone else i know with similar skills.

welcome on TV board.

You're to easily impressed, mazeltov, really surprises me :)

Good to see another avid member of the Watch Red Shirt group :D

/edit - asinine comments aside, looks like there's a serious effort under way to arrest the militant side of the reds. The guy in the CNN video was apparently arrested this morning, and another number of arrest warrants have been issues - apparently for the people responsible for the attacking the military on the 10th April.

This was reported on the radio. No wonder it was missed by people here :)

The arrested FATBOY (in CNN clip) claim that he was carrying a BB gun. :D :D :D

Good to see another avid member of the Watch Red Shirt group :D

/edit - asinine comments aside, looks like there's a serious effort under way to arrest the militant side of the reds. The guy in the CNN video was apparently arrested this morning, and another number of arrest warrants have been issues - apparently for the people responsible for the attacking the military on the 10th April.

This was reported on the radio. No wonder it was missed by people here :)

The arrested FATBOY (in CNN clip) claim that he was carrying a BB gun. :D :D :D

I believe that as much as I believe that's you in your avatar.

But feel free to call me "chicken" for not asking him in person. Don't want to walk straight into an M79 now, do I?

This thread is about Abhisit being criticized regarding the crackdown. You however would summarily and in your determined and misplaced pursuits would change that. That said.....

You continue to amuse yourself as in the latest instance of your statement above that "Thai Visa is the best resource on the 'net for people with personal interests in Thailand, nothing less, nothing more," is your attempt to put words into my mouth. That's your statement, an exaggeration, an overstatement, and your statement only. Point out to me where this statement is in my post. Your can't, can you? Correct, you can't. The overreach of the statement is by you and is yours alone.

Your further expansion (to be kind, 'expansion') that Abhisit himself, or Suthep or Korn or any lower level operatives/functionaries would hang out in farang watering holes to get the 'true' scoop is a weak attempt to place such people beneath their dignity or self respect, which comes as no surprise from you. (But of course you're really being humorous aren't you, perhaps even ironic or even sarcastic.)

You are fascinated, fixated on the word "propaganda" towards anyone with a pov different than yours and your cohorts. If you fail to realize that you are excessively repetitive, indeed monotonous in throwing the word around as you nuisance stalk my posts - I'm not the only one to recognize that which you cannot or obsessively pursue. It troubles me not, but I do need to point out your compulsions.

ThaiVisa continues in its original and vitally informative function of providing Visa information, observations and the personal experiences of expats in Visa matters, and does the definitive work in this respect - and that is a direct, unequivocal statement by and from me, myself. However, with its well known discussion forums, ThaiVisa has extended and grown well beyond its basic function to include becoming a well known and respected discussion board. Your or I, as with so many others, are welcome to participate in the purposes of the TVF board, as well it should be.

TV enforces the laws of Thailand as they apply to posts made to its board because it knows the site is read regularly and consistently (in addition to it being the proper thing fore TV to do, given that the site needs rules and that the rules per se need to be observed and effectuated). The reality is that the people, the government and the opposition, among others domestic or foreign, read TVF because among other reasons, they want to know what farang vested in the country want and have to say, and why.

Get real.

Blimey! Another one that was a tough read!

This thread had already been hijacked by you and your mates who were busy tag-teaming another poster when I arrived.

I made a very straightforward post giving my opinion about what Thai Visa is and what it is not. Quite how you have made the quantum leap to thinking that I am trying to put words into your mouth is beyond me, though it seems to give us a little insight into your rather bizarre thought processes.

Yes, surprise, surprise, I was being ironic about government officers visiting bars. I thought your nonsense about the government formulating policy based on what they read here needed flagging up. Though, as another poster has since pointed out, this is getting quite unneccessary the way your posts are currently heading :D .

I don't have any cohorts. I don't do internet team work. That's the domain of posters such as yourself.

And I don't have issues with anyone having a different POV from myself. Hearing and reading different POV's is one of the best ways to learn. I do have issues with posters aggressively trying to force extremist one-sided opinions (or, to give it the shorter, correct name: Propaganda) on myself and others, trying to hector, badger and bully other posters into submission (yes, that's you, Publicus).

You claim not to "have issues with anyone having a different POV from myself." Yet to the exact contrary you seem seriously to have obsessive issues with my posts - which troubles me not, but which needs pointing out so we can better know and understand you and the (obvious) agenda inherent to your posts.

The agenda of course is the Thaksin agenda of burning the country to the ground, which I've made clear I oppose (vehemently). For the record, what do you say of Thaksin the Torch of Bangkok? (Indeed, this kind of question and so many equally salient others by posters drive you and other Reds present and past their and your desperate and lunging attacks against posts critical of Thaksin and his Red outlander elites, and which cause you repeatedly and frantically to beat the dead horse of accusing myself above all others critical of Thaksin of being a propagandist. :D )

For whom and why would I propagandize? No one pays me to state my views and experience of Thaksin's demented delusions about Thailand as he himself schemes to own and possess it entirely and completly. No one has accused or found ulterior motives to my rejection of Thaksin as an authoritarian fascist tyrant, a meglomaniac who in direct and stark contrast to other leaders of Thai government after being deposed, could not accept getting up, dusting himself off and getting on with life. That's because Thaksin the egomaniac meglomaniac hasn't any life, perhaps because of his billions of baht especially.

I state my views, perceptions and analysis. If to you this is propaganda, then you indeed stand in line with others who over time have made similar claims only to have been dismissed by the vast majority of posters, however, most importantly to me, by myself. I have my views. They are my views. I experienced the LOS before Thaksin and TRT, during it, the event of the coup, the country post Thaksin's fascist rule and more - I make no claim to be exclusively unique in this regard, as many of us have experienced the same horrors that for some years now have created the former LOS.

But, alas, you continue to state you "do have issues with posters aggressively trying to force extremist one-sided opinions (or to give it the shorter, correct name: Propaganda) on myself or others, trying to hector, badger and bully other posters into submission (yes, that's you Publicus)."

If you and some other Reds you try to position yourself to protect in their advocacy of Thaksin, were confident and comfortable with your pov, you would not need to be staging a forceful and persistent campaign to try to discredit my effective posts over a significant period of time which criticize the fascist tryrant Thaksin. You keep trying to use the word "propaganda" when you refer to my posts. This is because you, as with posters over recent time, cannot counter effective critiques and criticisms of Thaksin.

Certain posters have gone so far as to post publicly to me that Thaksin has "powerful friends" in Thailand....a thinly vieled suggestion that had no meaning then and less meaning to me now as Thaksin is recently declared on evidence a terrorist and already is a long standing and high profile fugitive from Thai justice and against the country. You and others have heard of Montenegro - I know you have.

It's an absolute you and Thaksin know every man has his price. Offer me mine :D:D



Jesus H Christ. First it was you and LaoPo, now it's you and Siam Simon.

Do you get paid by the word or screenfull?


you and your mates who were busy tag-teaming another poster when I arrived.


- what an excellent way to describe the antics of these anti-reds.

Good to see another avid member of the Watch Red Shirt group :)

/edit - asinine comments aside<snip>

Had to look it up. But you're right - asinine: "foolish, unintelligent, stupid"

Sums it up nicely.

Good to see another avid member of the Watch Red Shirt group :)

/edit - asinine comments aside<snip>

Had to look it up. But you're right - asinine: "foolish, unintelligent, stupid"

Sums it up nicely.

Typical Red-shirt: "foolish, unintelligent, stupid" poor uneducated farmers vote-seller dirty unhygienic

Typical Yellow-shirt: Rich smart fair-skin Merc-BMW oversea-degree business-owner English-speaking Facbook blog greedy

Be assured that while we do not have the vote - nor should we - TVF is read by Reds and Yellows alike, by the Thai media and most significantly of all, by both the government and the Reds. They closely follow that which we farang have to say in the here and now. like it or not.

As Abhisit sets up a task force specifically to deal with a noodle shop in Lampang that overcharged a westerner by 2 baht for a plate of Pad Thai. :)

<snip>but which needs pointing out so we can better know and understand you and the (obvious) agenda inherent to your posts.

The agenda of course is the Thaksin agenda of burning the country to the ground<snip>

I gave up on the latest post about half way through because most of what I'd already read was quite badly garbled. But the bit I've quoted above (if I've interpreted it correctly, which is never a given with your posts) seems to be alleging that I'm party to a conspiracy to burn Thailand to the ground :) . That's quite an allegation! And as clear an example of a propagandist forum bully at work as can be had.

Just for the record, I never condone arson under any circumstances.


Jesus H Christ. First it was you and LaoPo, now it's you and Siam Simon.

Do you get paid by the word or screenfull?


you and your mates who were busy tag-teaming another poster when I arrived.


- what an excellent way to describe the antics of these anti-reds.

Some red shirt tag-teaming at work.

So typical of a red. Complain about something and then do the exact same thing yourself. Like master, like follower.


I thought the PM did a good job in handling the situation, he killed off the main troublemaker and got the boys in green to go on a shock and awe spree. It was rough but absolutely necessary to bring thailand back on the road to reconcilliation. The killings in the temple was unnecessary though, if I was him I would have targeted the red leaders instead.

I thought the PM did a good job in handling the situation, he killed off the main troublemaker and got the boys in green to go on a shock and awe spree. It was rough but absolutely necessary to bring thailand back on the road to reconcilliation. The killings in the temple was unnecessary though, if I was him I would have targeted the red leaders instead.

A nasty little smear masquerading as an anti-red contribution.

Good to see another avid member of the Watch Red Shirt group :)

/edit - asinine comments aside<snip>

Had to look it up. But you're right - asinine: "foolish, unintelligent, stupid"

Sums it up nicely.

Typical Red-shirt: "foolish, unintelligent, stupid" poor uneducated farmers vote-seller dirty unhygienic

Typical Yellow-shirt: Rich smart fair-skin Merc-BMW oversea-degree business-owner English-speaking Facbook blog greedy

Yep, clearly not short on examples are we? Have fun kids.


Jesus H Christ. First it was you and LaoPo, now it's you and Siam Simon.

Do you get paid by the word or screenfull?


you and your mates who were busy tag-teaming another poster when I arrived.


- what an excellent way to describe the antics of these anti-reds.

Some red shirt tag-teaming at work.

So typical of a red. Complain about something and then do the exact same thing yourself. Like master, like follower.

Typical elitist tag-teaming at work.

You master, me follower? Ha! Can't get more elitist than that.

Some red shirt tag-teaming at work.

So typical of a red. Complain about something and then do the exact same thing yourself. Like master, like follower.

Typical elitist tag-teaming at work.

You master, me follower? Ha! Can't get more elitist than that.


Master is your square-faced friend; he was your teacher. Taught you how to condemn an act and then commit it. Good job.

Some red shirt tag-teaming at work.

So typical of a red. Complain about something and then do the exact same thing yourself. Like master, like follower.

Typical elitist tag-teaming at work.

You master, me follower? Ha! Can't get more elitist than that.


Master is your square-faced friend; he was your teacher. Taught you how to condemn an act and then commit it. Good job.

On the subject of us Thaksin apologists and stooges, has anyone actually met him? I have, sort-of and very briefly, at the free gig he put on in Manchester shortly after he took over Manchester City FC. It was a tough one because I *%@#in' hate the Blue Noses and *%@#in' hate Thaksin even more. But we were in Manc at the time and my wife wanted to see Mai and Lydia, who were singing that day. Most of the Thais present were obviously in awe of Thaksin, and when he took his seat on the VIP terrace they were queuing up for his autograph. My wife isn't a political person, but wanted Thaksin's autograph for posterity and because he's famous (though she prefers her Michelle Wie-autographed golf visor), so we stood in line. One thing that surprised me was how aloof he was. He just sat there with a perma-smile, signing stuff. I never once saw him utter so much as a word to any of his admirers. Anyway, I didn't take any of the free food but we did stay for the show, which was worth it just for the comic entertainment of Thaksin crooning the Blue Nose anthem 'Blue Moon' at the end of the gig. So I suppose I can admit to having accepted Thaksins coin in taking advantage of his hospitality . C'mon Yoshi, fill yer boots.

Just thought if we're going to stay offtopic we might as well have a bit of variety :) .

Some red shirt tag-teaming at work.

So typical of a red. Complain about something and then do the exact same thing yourself. Like master, like follower.

Typical elitist tag-teaming at work.

You master, me follower? Ha! Can't get more elitist than that.


Master is your square-faced friend; he was your teacher. Taught you how to condemn an act and then commit it. Good job.

On the subject of us Thaksin apologists and stooges, has anyone actually met him? I have, sort-of and very briefly, at the free gig he put on in Manchester shortly after he took over Manchester City FC. It was a tough one because I *%@#in' hate the Blue Noses and *%@#in' hate Thaksin even more. But we were in Manc at the time and my wife wanted to see Mai and Lydia, who were singing that day. Most of the Thais present were obviously in awe of Thaksin, and when he took his seat on the VIP terrace they were queuing up for his autograph. My wife isn't a political person, but wanted Thaksin's autograph for posterity and because he's famous (though she prefers her Michelle Wie-autographed golf visor), so we stood in line. One thing that surprised me was how aloof he was. He just sat there with a perma-smile, signing stuff. I never once saw him utter so much as a word to any of his admirers. Anyway, I didn't take any of the free food but we did stay for the show, which was worth it just for the comic entertainment of Thaksin crooning the Blue Nose anthem 'Blue Moon' at the end of the gig. So I suppose I can admit to having accepted Thaksins coin in taking advantage of his hospitality . C'mon Yoshi, fill yer boots.

Just thought if we're going to stay offtopic we might as well have a bit of variety :D .

Well, I guess you've proved you're human after all  :) .

A cute and clever diversion from you usual mantras, but just not a really well done or hardly convincing one.

I've never met Thaksin, much less seen him in his persona or absence of persona. But I've seen him at work and it's not pretty.

Thaksin the terrorist torch.


On the subject of us Thaksin apologists and stooges, has anyone actually met him? I have, sort-of and very briefly, at the free gig he put on in Manchester shortly after he took over Manchester City FC. It was a tough one because I *%@#in' hate the Blue Noses and *%@#in' hate Thaksin even more. But we were in Manc at the time and my wife wanted to see Mai and Lydia, who were singing that day. Most of the Thais present were obviously in awe of Thaksin, and when he took his seat on the VIP terrace they were queuing up for his autograph. My wife isn't a political person, but wanted Thaksin's autograph for posterity and because he's famous (though she prefers her Michelle Wie-autographed golf visor), so we stood in line. One thing that surprised me was how aloof he was. He just sat there with a perma-smile, signing stuff. I never once saw him utter so much as a word to any of his admirers. Anyway, I didn't take any of the free food but we did stay for the show, which was worth it just for the comic entertainment of Thaksin crooning the Blue Nose anthem 'Blue Moon' at the end of the gig. So I suppose I can admit to having accepted Thaksins coin in taking advantage of his hospitality . C'mon Yoshi, fill yer boots.

Just thought if we're going to stay offtopic we might as well have a bit of variety :D .

Well, I guess you've proved you're human after all  :D .

A cute and clever diversion from you usual mantras, but just not a really well done or hardly convincing one.<snip>

Eh??? You're thinking too much as usual. You seem to be assuming that everybody else is employing complex forum strategies like you :) .


Abhisit was damned if he ended it, and damned if he let it drag on. He showed patience and demonstrated attempts to reason.

Thaksin will not stop until Thailand is his toy again, or until it is destroyed so no others can play with his toy. He's acting like a spoiled brat kid. God help Thailand if they give Thailand back to Thaksin.


On the subject of us Thaksin apologists and stooges, has anyone actually met him? I have, sort-of and very briefly, at the free gig he put on in Manchester shortly after he took over Manchester City FC. It was a tough one because I *%@#in' hate the Blue Noses and *%@#in' hate Thaksin even more. But we were in Manc at the time and my wife wanted to see Mai and Lydia, who were singing that day. Most of the Thais present were obviously in awe of Thaksin, and when he took his seat on the VIP terrace they were queuing up for his autograph. My wife isn't a political person, but wanted Thaksin's autograph for posterity and because he's famous (though she prefers her Michelle Wie-autographed golf visor), so we stood in line. One thing that surprised me was how aloof he was. He just sat there with a perma-smile, signing stuff. I never once saw him utter so much as a word to any of his admirers. Anyway, I didn't take any of the free food but we did stay for the show, which was worth it just for the comic entertainment of Thaksin crooning the Blue Nose anthem 'Blue Moon' at the end of the gig. So I suppose I can admit to having accepted Thaksins coin in taking advantage of his hospitality . C'mon Yoshi, fill yer boots.

Just thought if we're going to stay offtopic we might as well have a bit of variety :D .

Well, I guess you've proved you're human after all  :D .

A cute and clever diversion from you usual mantras, but just not a really well done or hardly convincing one.<snip>

Eh??? You're thinking too much as usual. You seem to be assuming that everybody else is employing complex forum strategies like you :D .

Ahh, predictably back to the usual form.  :D

So what did Thaksin have for breakfast today? Does he get Thai food shipped to him daily or what? Give us the scoop.  :)

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