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Three Foreign Drug Traffickers Nabbed At Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport

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Three foreign drug traffickers nabbed at Bangkok’s main airport

BANGKOK (TNA) -- The Thai Customs Department arrested two Iranians and one Pakistani for smuggling illegal drugs into the country as crystal methamphetamine and heroin with a street value of Bt10 million (US$310,000) were concealed in their stomachs.

Iranians Alireza Fathiyazdan and Saeid Aghili Iranians were detained at Suvarnabhumi Airport after arriving from Tehran by Mahan Air.

They behaved suspiciously and an X-ray scanner detected crystal meth, also known as ‘ice’in their stomachs.

They were given laxatives and 2,000 grammes of ice were found with an estimated street value of about Bt7 million (US$210,000). The duo confessed they were hired to smuggle the drug in exchange for $1,000-2,000.

Qaisar Afzal Nadeem, 34 a Pakistani,traveling from Lahore by THAI Airways International was detained after he ingested 800 grammes of heroin valued about Bt2.4 million ($75,000).

Police believed that both shipments of drugs were destined for selling to domestically to Thais and international residents as well as foreign tourists.

According to an initial investigation, transnational drug syndicates took advantage during Thailand's recent political turmoil to increase trafficking narcotics via Thailand to third countries.

Since October last year until now, the Customs Department have arrested 47 drug traffickers at Suvarnabhumi Airport with narcotics worth more than Bt224 million ($7 million). (TNA)


-- TNA 2010-06-02


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Good to see customs officers are doing their jobs. It has been a while since they made a bust at the airport, surprised they were not coming from Dubai this time.

Good to see customs officers are doing their jobs. It has been a while since they made a bust at the airport, surprised they were not coming from Dubai this time.

now if only they can catch the slippery weasel in Montenegro.

As far as these guys, I am sure its tough to make a living in Bananastan, onenightstan, or any "stan" country.

A bit overboard to send them to the gallows!

send them to the gallows !!!

Beat them to within an inch of their lives with a copy of the daily mail!

It is perfectly acceptable to whip mules, is it not?

send them to the gallows !!!

Beat them to within an inch of their lives with a copy of the daily mail!

Yeah gallows and beatings will do a lot. I feel safer already. I wont worry anymore.

Good to see customs officers are doing their jobs. It has been a while since they made a bust at the airport, surprised they were not coming from Dubai this time.

now if only they can catch the slippery weasel in Montenegro.

As far as these guys, I am sure its tough to make a living in Bananastan, onenightstan, or any "stan" country.

A bit overboard to send them to the gallows!

Well at least they will get to learn Thai free.

They are doomed!!! :D :D :D :):D:D:D:D:D

No way, they are living the dream, staying in Thailand long time, no Visa hassle, no burkha and free food/accomodiation. :D

They are doomed!!! :D :D :):D:D:D:D

No way, they are living the dream, staying in Thailand long time, no Visa hassle, no burkha and free food/accomodiation. :D

ha! and they'll probably get lots of free sex too!! :D


realise how desperate and dumb you have to be for do this job for 1or 2k....Yes the hang them high TV judges will be all ovber the place...imagine its your son daughter,family who did the same stupid thing would you hang them as well?

I comdemn any trafficking or sell of drugs so dont get me wrong.....but its alredy proven that whatever punishment those people get the big dealers will always find stupid mules to transport it to whatever country.And btw big dealers dont send mules they ship containers of this shit.

p.s just hate the so called hang them high clan...dont worrie even a year in a Thai jail will change you forever how can a normal thinking person wish them dead or a huge prisonterm?


'Randee' date='2010-06-02 19:36:54' 3661634']

'CHdiver' post='3661603' date='2010-06-02 19:27:19']'3661558' date='2010-06-02 19:09:47']They are doomed!!! :D :D :):D:D:D:D

No way, they are living the dream, staying in Thailand long time, no Visa hassle, no burkha and free food/accomodiation. :D

ha! and they'll probably get lots of free sex too!! :D

Did I miss something ? never saw a reference they are fwiends !!!!

The duo confessed they were hired to smuggle the drug in exchange for $1,000-2,000.

I would never do it for that low amount of money, even if I was in deep trouble...33k baht does not last longer than a month here, if even that...versus 15 years in prison.

send them to the gallows !!!

Beat them to within an inch of their lives with a copy of the daily mail!

From now on for these guys it will be a Daily Male, don`t drop the soap in the showers...

send them to the gallows !!!

Beat them to within an inch of their lives with a copy of the daily mail!

From now on for these guys it will be a Daily Male, don`t drop the soap in the showers...

“They behaved suspiciously and an X-ray scanner detected crystal meth, also known as ‘ice’in their stomachs”.

Well, time to pick up the soap….but sorry how does an X-ray scanner know the difference between crystal and human excrements? Must be an I-Pod inside…… :) .

what a waste. all i want is some good weed and you're bringing in heroin and crystal meth? god, that's so ghetto...

anyway, wonder if they were tipped off. x-ray? hmpf...

It's mostly 'tip offs' that allow these drug smugglers to be caught. It's not just here, if you read about drug smugglers getting nabbed in Singapore and Malaysia, it's usually by 'tip off' also. The anti drug agencies in this region must have a pretty good intelligence service.

They are doomed!!! :D :D :D :):D:D:D:D:D

And no ALLAH to help them. I'm waiting for the next post from these guys' friends.Telling me that they'll kill me.... Better do something else to make money. There are already enough problems in this country. Don't bring yours to Thailand,please. Let me call them fools. Sorry, nothing but the truth.


Well, time to pick up the soap….but sorry how does an X-ray scanner know the difference between crystal and human excrements? Must be an I-Pod inside…… :D .

I would hazard a guess that the officer looking at the x-rays had an inkling of human physiology and knew excrement wasn't usually found in people's stomachs. :)

But with some of the airline food that gets served up I'm not so sure. :D

It's always easy for us to say we wouldn't do it for a measily 1000 bucks but put yourself in their shoes. Living is some desert shitehole, no money and no prospect of ever having any and someone offers you a years money cash and all you have to do is swallow a few packages for a few hours. "What can go wrong with it? You'll be flying into a third world country that can't even keep it's own people in line".

And if you wouldn't do it for a grand how much would you do it for? 100,000? 1,000,000? What is your price? But it's still not the same, we have our money and a future so the temptation isn't there and we also know that these poor schmucks do get caught with monotonous regularity. These were probably the sacrificial ones on those flights anyway so they never stood a chance.

Wherever there is poverty there is big money to be made exploiting it.

realise how desperate and dumb you have to be for do this job for 1or 2k....Yes the hang them high TV judges will be all ovber the place...imagine its your son daughter,family who did the same stupid thing would you hang them as well?

I comdemn any trafficking or sell of drugs so dont get me wrong.....but its alredy proven that whatever punishment those people get the big dealers will always find stupid mules to transport it to whatever country.And btw big dealers dont send mules they ship containers of this shit.

p.s just hate the so called hang them high clan...dont worrie even a year in a Thai jail will change you forever how can a normal thinking person wish them dead or a huge prisonterm?

Have you ever seen friends dying because of AIDS through needle sharing? Did you find your own brother overdosed in your bathroom?

I was on cocktails for about 20 years, shooting Heroin and Cocaine.

Most of my friends are dead. Now I changed my way of thinking, because I quit this shit a long time ago. So would you mind that I’m telling you that they deserve a few years?

Last news was that a 23 year old girl died six month ago, using brown sugar from Pakistan. Now please don’t tell me to let them go home……………………..

realise how desperate and dumb you have to be for do this job for 1or 2k....Yes the hang them high TV judges will be all ovber the place...imagine its your son daughter,family who did the same stupid thing would you hang them as well?

I comdemn any trafficking or sell of drugs so dont get me wrong.....but its alredy proven that whatever punishment those people get the big dealers will always find stupid mules to transport it to whatever country.And btw big dealers dont send mules they ship containers of this shit.

p.s just hate the so called hang them high clan...dont worrie even a year in a Thai jail will change you forever how can a normal thinking person wish them dead or a huge prisonterm?

Have you ever seen friends dying because of AIDS through needle sharing? Did you find your own brother overdosed in your bathroom?

I was on cocktails for about 20 years, shooting Heroin and Cocaine.

Most of my friends are dead. Now I changed my way of thinking, because I quit this shit a long time ago. So would you mind that I'm telling you that they deserve a few years?

Last news was that a 23 year old girl died six month ago, using brown sugar from Pakistan. Now please don't tell me to let them go home……………………..

20 years ago I would have told you most of my friends were dead or in jail. Now they are just dead. I am a survivor and have outlived most of my friends. It is never to late to change the road that you are on. By Led Zepplin. Been there and done that.

anyway, wonder if they were tipped off. x-ray? hmpf...

It's mostly 'tip offs' that allow these drug smugglers to be caught. It's not just here, if you read about drug smugglers getting nabbed in Singapore and Malaysia, it's usually by 'tip off' also. The anti drug agencies in this region must have a pretty good intelligence service.

they are not tipped off by the informants, but by their own bosses, who sacrifice a mule or two, so the many other can pass with a bigger load at this same time (often on from this same airplane).

"drugs were destined for selling to domestically to Thais and international residents as well as foreign tourists"

don't think that many residents or tourists do drugs in thailand - even possesing a small amount, for a personal use, is a criminal offence and can easily end up with a jail sentence

realise how desperate and dumb you have to be for do this job for 1or 2k....Yes the hang them high TV judges will be all ovber the place...imagine its your son daughter,family who did the same stupid thing would you hang them as well?

I comdemn any trafficking or sell of drugs so dont get me wrong.....but its alredy proven that whatever punishment those people get the big dealers will always find stupid mules to transport it to whatever country.And btw big dealers dont send mules they ship containers of this shit.

p.s just hate the so called hang them high clan...dont worrie even a year in a Thai jail will change you forever how can a normal thinking person wish them dead or a huge prisonterm?

Have you ever seen friends dying because of AIDS through needle sharing? Did you find your own brother overdosed in your bathroom?

I was on cocktails for about 20 years, shooting Heroin and Cocaine.

Most of my friends are dead. Now I changed my way of thinking, because I quit this shit a long time ago. So would you mind that I'm telling you that they deserve a few years?

Last news was that a 23 year old girl died six month ago, using brown sugar from Pakistan. Now please don't tell me to let them go home……………………..

20 years ago I would have told you most of my friends were dead or in jail. Now they are just dead. I am a survivor and have outlived most of my friends. It is never to late to change the road that you are on. By Led Zepplin. Been there and done that.

Been clean 26 years now but a good joint would help.

realise how desperate and dumb you have to be for do this job for 1or 2k....Yes the hang them high TV judges will be all ovber the place...imagine its your son daughter,family who did the same stupid thing would you hang them as well?

I comdemn any trafficking or sell of drugs so dont get me wrong.....but its alredy proven that whatever punishment those people get the big dealers will always find stupid mules to transport it to whatever country.And btw big dealers dont send mules they ship containers of this shit.

p.s just hate the so called hang them high clan...dont worrie even a year in a Thai jail will change you forever how can a normal thinking person wish them dead or a huge prisonterm?

Have you ever seen friends dying because of AIDS through needle sharing? Did you find your own brother overdosed in your bathroom?

I was on cocktails for about 20 years, shooting Heroin and Cocaine.

Most of my friends are dead. Now I changed my way of thinking, because I quit this shit a long time ago. So would you mind that I'm telling you that they deserve a few years?

Last news was that a 23 year old girl died six month ago, using brown sugar from Pakistan. Now please don't tell me to let them go home……………………..

20 years ago I would have told you most of my friends were dead or in jail. Now they are just dead. I am a survivor and have outlived most of my friends. It is never to late to change the road that you are on. By Led Zepplin. Been there and done that.

Been clean 26 years now but a good joint would help.

I work in Mexico and se the news day by day abouth all the people that get kill due to drug traffic. Legal the shit and get it under control by selling it from "intoxicating substance " shops. Then there will be tax to pay to cover the treatment for them that don't know their limit, same as with alcohol.

anyway, wonder if they were tipped off. x-ray? hmpf...

It's mostly 'tip offs' that allow these drug smugglers to be caught. It's not just here, if you read about drug smugglers getting nabbed in Singapore and Malaysia, it's usually by 'tip off' also. The anti drug agencies in this region must have a pretty good intelligence service.

they are not tipped off by the informants, but by their own bosses, who sacrifice a mule or two, so the many other can pass with a bigger load at this same time (often on from this same airplane).

"drugs were destined for selling to domestically to Thais and international residents as well as foreign tourists"

don't think that many residents or tourists do drugs in thailand - even possesing a small amount, for a personal use, is a criminal offence and can easily end up with a jail sentence

haha!!! Drugs are rife in Thailand!

I work in Mexico and se the news day by day abouth all the people that get kill due to drug traffic. Legal the shit and get it under control by selling it from "intoxicating substance " shops. Then there will be tax to pay to cover the treatment for them that don't know their limit, same as with alcohol.

yes this has been a point of debate for a long time.... good arguements for it and good arguements against it. both sides have strong points and valid issues, and so the debate goes on ........

anyway, wonder if they were tipped off. x-ray? hmpf...

It's mostly 'tip offs' that allow these drug smugglers to be caught. It's not just here, if you read about drug smugglers getting nabbed in Singapore and Malaysia, it's usually by 'tip off' also. The anti drug agencies in this region must have a pretty good intelligence service.

they are not tipped off by the informants, but by their own bosses, who sacrifice a mule or two, so the many other can pass with a bigger load at this same time (often on from this same airplane).

"drugs were destined for selling to domestically to Thais and international residents as well as foreign tourists"

don't think that many residents or tourists do drugs in thailand - even possesing a small amount, for a personal use, is a criminal offence and can easily end up with a jail sentence

There are 2 errors in your post;

Most people caught are so due to the mules being fairly typical transporters and more often than not very inexperienced at what they are doing. And fairly easily profiled.

Drug usage in Thailand is no less amongst expats and tourists than it is in Europe. One reason due to drugs being available fairly easy and another for the prices being fairly good for those with outside money.

Police believed that both shipments of drugs were destined for selling to domestically to Thais and international residents as well as foreign tourists.
This must have been a masterpiece of investigation to find out. :)

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