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I'M An Alien!


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Parasitism is a relationship where the host is harmed, and the symbiote is benefitted (illustrated by the shorthand -/+). Commensalism is a relationship where there is no harm or benefit to the host, but the symbiote is benefitted (0/+). Mutualism is a relationship where both are benefitted by the association (+/+).

Symbiosis from an Evolutionary Perspective. Understanding parasites, commensals and mutualists.

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Having lived here for a long time, I certainly don't think of myself as a guest. If I had spent this long in most other countries, I would certainly have become a citizen by now. I live here, have a wife, kids, grandkids even, a business and I pay taxes.

So why havent you become a citizen then ??.....

Unless you are a Citizen or PR..you are a "guest" and have no rights as such, and at the whim of a goverment/official you may not be permitted to stay in Thailand anymore, you have absolutely no recourse to the law to appeal either..

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'Guest' is normally used by the Thaier than Thai / Thai apologist element to describe us. :)

You said it Jack, totally agree

read your books, kilgore:

Listen: We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different!

let the people say that they are guests here, why not? the 'thai apologist' remark mostly come from the grumpy old expat who doing it wrong.

but okay, the 'Thaier than Thai' faction don't get it right either.

I vote for Alien. i can perfectly live with that. the legal alien. probably on transit, for an indefinite time. in between something. i like how it keeps me in a distance. that i am the stranger. why insist to become a resident? why give up the freedom of an alien? with this attitude i could have staid back home. born, school, work, death. i moved away from that. I am a wanderer, taking a rest here. since quite a while. i don't demand guest rights. and i don't have a mission.

good luck.

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it would be nice for us long term contributers to get some RIGHTS for all the capital injects we bring here to the country...

a nice juicy union would be nice ...

buy condo worth 5 million => instant recidency, no other bull needed

would be nice, no ?

just dreaming i guess...

(legal) minorities in my home country have same rights as original inhabitants

we here in thailand have.... none

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it would be nice for us long term contributers to get some RIGHTS for all the capital injects we bring here to the country...

a nice juicy union would be nice ...

buy condo worth 5 million => instant recidency, no other bull needed

would be nice, no ?

just dreaming i guess...

(legal) minorities in my home country have same rights as original inhabitants

we here in thailand have.... none

What makes you think they care about your miserly 5 million baht, it's not really going to spike a US$300 billion GDP.

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it would be nice for us long term contributers to get some RIGHTS for all the capital injects we bring here to the country...

a nice juicy union would be nice ...

buy condo worth 5 million => instant recidency, no other bull needed

would be nice, no ?

just dreaming i guess...

(legal) minorities in my home country have same rights as original inhabitants

we here in thailand have.... none

What makes you think they care about your miserly 5 million baht, it's not really going to spike a US$300 billion GDP.

That's the problem: they don't seem to care about anything and especially about us, Aliens. But give it another few years of economic depression and I hope they may realise they actually want the compound effect of all the money that foreigners who want to settle somewhere warm bring .. or could bring. Could .. if they were not treated as second class citizens as they are now. If they were actually given some rights like to invest without a fear of loosing it all, under their own names. If they could stay and live here on a decend, permanent visa. But so far things have been to rosy for Thailand governing elites to notice. The Aliens just kept coming and kept making them rich beyond their dreams. So .. why should their cared?

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I'm not offended at all. I just don't like the word guest to describe long term expats.

I agree with you. A guest is someone who is " hosted" . .that is, taken care of, supported in some way, fed, entertained to some extent . . .

Long term alien residents are usually supporting themselves ( and often half the village) . . .not "guests" at all but really more like hosts.

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'Guest' is normally used by the Thaier than Thai / Thai apologist element to describe us. :)

You said it Jack, totally agree

The old way of describing such a person . . .usually with a negative spin . . is that it is an element among us that has "gone native"

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I'm not offended at all. I just don't like the word guest to describe long term expats.

I agree with you. A guest is someone who is " hosted" . .that is, taken care of, supported in some way, fed, entertained to some extent . . .

Long term alien residents are usually supporting themselves ( and often half the village) . . .not "guests" at all but really more like hosts.

i am a guest in Thailand. the country has been and is good to me. stay here and eat your heart out Thailand haters or go back to the sorry village in your home country where you are treated like honoured tax paying citizens. an alternative would be if you move to a village in the vicinity of Ouagadougou and apply for the job of head man.

"A guest is someone who is " hosted" . .that is, taken care of, supported in some way, fed, entertained to some extent . . ."

yeah right! next week i will stay with the Mrs. for six days as guests in a fancy Kuala Lumpur hotel. i will ask for "support, being fed and to some extent entertained". naturally i will ask that each and every Ringgitt my wife prepaid by credit card is refunded... not withstanding the caviar, lobster and champagne i will order with room service. after all... I AM A GUEST and therefore entitled to support!

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Having lived here for a long time, I certainly don't think of myself as a guest. If I had spent this long in most other countries, I would certainly have become a citizen by now. I live here, have a wife, kids, grandkids even, a business and I pay taxes.

So why havent you become a citizen then ??.....

Unless you are a Citizen or PR..you are a "guest" and have no rights as such, and at the whim of a goverment/official you may not be permitted to stay in Thailand anymore, you have absolutely no recourse to the law to appeal either..

i beg to differ because in Thailand money talks, bullshit walks.

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