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If You Were Tourism Minister


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Let us imagine you were appointed Minister with responsibilities for tourism in Thailand. What innovative new ideas would you introduce to improve tourism in the country?

I have two ideas (from the top of my head):

1. The Thai tourist authority should attach itself to every major international sporting event eg Open golf championships, Cricket Test Matches, Super bowl, FA Cup etc. etc. offering the winners plus families a 14 days free luxurious holiday in Thailand. The only conditions being i) control of all photographs on boarding and departing Thai Airlines ii) winners must offer one day during their holiday to meet the press and public.

2. Start a Thai Culture Youth Work Program, inviting young people (farang) between 19-26 to visit Thailand at specially reduced prices. These young people will be offered lectures on Thai history, Buddhism, Thai music and dance etc; they will have to work about 4 hours everyday in some labour intensive (agricultural etc.) Thai industry, for this they will receive guided tours of all the sights of cultural and historical importance in Thailand. Accommodation will be basic but clean. This, if managed correctly, will create young ambassadors for Thailand who will naturally promote the land as an ideal place to visit.

Edited by penzman
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I like your first idea....but the second one I think needs some work. I don't think 19-26 year olds will want to work 4 hours every day unless it is beer tasting.

If I were Tourist Minister I'd help build Thai tourism by improving the quality of every tourists stay in Thailand by steering them away from the north. The north is a very unpleasant place as evidenced by a plethora of posts throughout ThaiVisa and when tourists visit the north how could it do anything but besmirch Thailand's reputation. Yes, if I were the Tourist Minister I'd preach the heavenly glories of the south and warn of the perdition in the north...definitely perdition in the north...definitely....

Edited by chownah
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Let us imagine you were appointed Minister with responsibilities for tourism in Thailand. What innovative new ideas would you introduce to improve tourism in the country?

I have two ideas (from the top of my head):

1. The Thai tourist authority should attach itself to every major international sporting event eg Open golf championships, Cricket Test Matches, Super bowl, FA Cup  etc. etc. offering the winners plus families a 14 days free luxurious holiday in Thailand. The only conditions being i) control of all photographs on boarding and departing Thai Airlines ii) winners must offer one day during their holiday to meet the press and public.

2. Start a Thai Culture Youth Work Program, inviting young people (farang) between 19-26 to visit Thailand at specially reduced prices. These young people will be offered lectures on Thai history, Buddhism, Thai music and dance etc; they will have to work about 4 hours everyday in some labour intensive (agricultural etc.) Thai industry, for this they will receive guided tours of all the sights of cultural and historical importance in Thailand. Accommodation will be basic but clean. This, if managed correctly, will create young ambassadors for Thailand who will naturally promote the land as an ideal place to visit.

Hey Tom isn't there enough farangs here already?

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they will have to work about 4 hours everyday in some labour intensive (agricultural etc.)

No that's not possible...only Thai's are allowed to do that sort of work !!!! :D

A few sugestions off the top of my head:

Teach the poeple involved (all those involved )

in the tourism industry a reasonable standard of English...

Get rid of Mr Happy promotions !!!

( if that really is true I'm not sure.... what idiot thought that one up )

Get rid of dual pricing at all government run parks and attractions..and try to get private companies to follow the example.

The TAT brouchers need much more information about exciting things to do...

at the moment they seem only to feature temples and waterfalls and there is nothing to do during the evening ??????

They should be handed out to anyone who want's one apon at arrival at the airport.

Other things not really under the control of the tourism ministry.

Round up all the skanky stray dogs.

Get tough on noisey and/or polluting vehicles.

Get the Thais to throw their rubbish in a bin or take it home with them !!!!!! :o

Bury the electricity and telephone cables.

Make the pavements suitable for walking on ..free from dangerous obstructions.

Move the whole country slight further north..so it wouldn't be so bloody hot all the time :D

Thats enough ..to be getting on with for the first few decades. :D

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Clear out the lager louts, clean up the streets, re-liberalise the licensing laws and hours of operation, improve the infrastructure, get rid of the peadophiles, allow go-go's / clubs to operate within a common decency standard (no live f#cking, razor blades, etc.), get rid of corruption in the police force (haha), put the skytrain all the way to Walking Street Pattaya (you'll thank me DaveT), get rid of the beggers and hawkers selling cr@p, protect foreigners rights in local or legal disputes, allow foreign ownership of property, license ALL providers to the tourist industry operating in Thailand, clamp down on the crazy and sometimes non-existant driving standards, arrest the criminals / Drug sellers, reduce the Chinese package tours and most importantly only ever serve me a beer that is Ice Cold...no excuses ! !

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Clear out the lager louts, clean up the streets, re-liberalise the licensing laws and hours of operation, improve the infrastructure, get rid of the peadophiles, allow go-go's / clubs to operate within a common decency standard (no live f#cking, razor blades, etc.), get rid of corruption in the police force (haha), put the skytrain all the way to Walking Street Pattaya (you'll thank me DaveT), get rid of the beggers and hawkers selling cr@p, protect foreigners rights in local or legal disputes, allow foreign ownership of property, license ALL providers to the tourist industry operating in Thailand, clamp down on the crazy and sometimes non-existant driving standards, arrest the criminals / Drug sellers, reduce the Chinese package tours and most importantly only ever serve me a beer that is Ice Cold...no excuses ! !

Sounds like a winning election manifesto. You just need to give every Changwat 5 million baht each and you will definitely get in. I suggest you call your party Farang <deleted> Thai Party (FFT). This could be the start of something great!

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I would clear out the lager louts also, send them back to Teneriffe.

I would promote the north possibly more than the south and I would help the poorer parts of Thailand to attract tourists by creating an environment that would be attractive to a particular clientele, perhaps one which hadn't yet been catered for.

I would cater for backpackers but have designated cheaper areas for them, backpackers bring in as much money as short term holidaymakers, possibly more - the only difference is that they spread their budget over a longer time span.

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Turn Thailand into an ecological paradise like it was only say 60 years go for the last 500 years or so.

Get rid of all chemical bases agriculture and farming practices and go 100% organic all the way.

Promote the original Thai ways in farming, aquaculture, fishing, etc as well as the arts and music.

Thailand will have so many tourists coming they wont know what to do with them all.

Tourist are afraid of all the environmental hazards of this country and think its just a bit too risky to come here and get poisoned from all the toxic technologies in place presently.

Follow the Thai Kings examples of self-sufficiency and 100 % natural farming and you will see everything change quickly!

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Turn Thailand into an ecological paradise like it was only say 60 years go for the last 500 years or so.

Get rid of all chemical bases agriculture and farming practices and go 100% organic all the way.

Promote the original Thai ways in farming, aquaculture, fishing, etc as well as the arts and music.

Thailand will have so many tourists coming they wont know what to do with them all.

Tourist are afraid of all the environmental hazards of this country and think its just a bit too risky to come here and get poisoned from all the toxic technologies in place presently.

Follow the Thai Kings examples of self-sufficiency and 100 % natural farming and you will see everything change quickly!

You are so right!!! But there is just one problem with your theory. Once you get it back to how it should be, people would return and spoil it again. I think Thailand is fast running out of places to spoil. I really enjoyed Tak Province. I believe Isaan was like that once.

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That's a ###### good question, Thomas Merton. I have worked in the tourism industry in Thailand for nearly 6 years and have a few suggestions (yes, I acknowledge that some of these are merely dreams, but this is my wish list):

1. Get rid of the dodgy tuk-tuk scammers. They rip people off (although this is because of the tourists greed, I know) and are scumbags. :o

2. Ban dreadlock 'makers' down Khao San Road. Yuk. :D

3. Stop guides from taking such HUGE commissions everywhere they go.

4. Make the tour company pay the guides a decent salary so that they don't NEED to seek out these ridiculous commissions.

5. Allow westerners to be guides in this country (after completing a certified course, that is). Many Thai people tell me that I know more about their country than they do, and I'm not the only one.

6. Ensure that these guides are educated about cultural sensitivity, especially in the more rural areas (Many times I have seen western girls trekking in bikini tops -and, believe me, it's usually the ones who really should be keeping them on!). :D

7. Make sure that taxi drivers actually know the city. It's not a problem for me, but many a time I have gotten into a taxi where the driver is from Isaan and only been in the city for 3 or 4 days! Now, I think that this is OK, because I can speak enough Thai to tell them where I want to go and how to get there. But can you imagine if you were a first time visitor and got into one of these guys cars? I understand that they are only trying to make a buck. All I am saying is that they should receive some education and orientation about Bangkok before being let out onto the streets.

8. Get rid of paedophiles. Scum of the earth. :D

9. If Thailand really NEEDS to have dual pricing in national parks, don't make the farang price ten times the Thai price. Halve it (as in 5 times). I don't notice that much of a change to most national parks since the price went up.

10. Promote Thailand as having more then temples. Thailand is a FUN place to visit. There's lots of really cool things to do, but the TAT seems reluctant to promote such things.

11. The TAT should hire a farang to put ideas forward for new trips and areas to be researched. Basically, farang know what farang want. This isn't putting a Thai out of a job. Rather, more will gain from it because more of the country will be promoted, more tourists will come, bringing more money...you get the drift.

12. Get rid of this stupid elite card.

13. Approach more schools in the west and bring school students here on educational trips. Many schools in Australia go to Bali for their school trip, so why not go that little further and sell Thailand? It may mean that they need to be studying Thai at school. So be it. Promote it.

14. The current minister, Mr Somsak (please correct me if I am wrong) is wanting to promote Longstays in Thailand. They have set up a Longstay company, with TAT being 30% shareholder. Although this company has some great people working there, they need an agressive marketing person. There has been 100 MILLION baht invested in this company but they are making NO money because they can't sell trips...because they have nobody to do their marketing. (How do I know this you may ask? I used to work for them).

15. Open up the bars til a decent hour. :D

16. Stop this 'surprise' urine testing in clubs. :D

17. Have a REGULAR (comfortable) train service from the airport to Hualampong.

Phew...think that's it for now. If I think of more I will certainly post them.

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Oh my I think this will turn into quite a long thread.

1) Extend the sky train or subway out to the airport. – Not a good first impression for visitors to get ripped off as soon as you step off the plan. And not a last impression if you get ripped off going to the airport for departure.

2) Develop quick and effective method to address tourist complaints about getting ripped off. Publicize the actions taken to correct these problems.

3) Develop a special grade of taxies (use a specific color for the taxi that will make them easy to identify by all) and make sure these taxies always use their meter, never reject a customer, have some level of English skill or access to translator (some taxies in Seoul give cell phones to the drivers and there are signs on and in the taxi that give a number you can have the driver call then you can tell the person on the other end of the line what you need in English and he/she can translate to the driver).

4) Regulate the street vendors (food and merchandise) – it would be nice to be able to actually walk down the sidewalk. There are already a lot of malls and markets in Bangkok do I really need six T-shirt vendors between my hotel and the BTS station? I think not. If necessary there are sufficient dilapidated/undeveloped lots in Bangkok – the government could buy some of these up to develop more markets for the vendors. I would like to actually use the sidewalks for walking and not have to wade thru people – especially difficult if someone actually stops to take a look at some of the items for sale. With vendors on both sides of the sidewalk if someone stops to look at what is on display for either vendor then traffic can get stopped in both directions.

5) Control development of the sex industry by limiting where such establishments are allowed to operate as well as policing the “street workers”. Places like soi cowboy, and Nana are great. But it is difficult to get from one to the other without the sex industry being very visible to everyone in the family. I mean does there really need to be a dozen working girls hanging out in front of the Landmark hotel?

The sex industry is still an import part of tourism in Thailand, and I am by no means saying it should be eliminated or overly restricted except for better controlling where it is located. This would make Thailand more appealing to those not interested in that aspect of Thailand while keeping it easily accessible to those who wish to partake.

6) Allow farang tour guides

7) Can’t they put meters on Tuk-Tuks? Either meter them, eliminate their less than scrupulous practices, or get rid of them.

8) Clean-up Bangkok – fix the sidewalks, use a little paint, get rid of litter (how is it possible for the boys in brown to catch a farang tossing a cigarette butt but somehow miss all the other trash being tossed around?)

9) Promote the wonders that can be found outside of Bangkok better. (North, South, Northeast – all of them).

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Beleive me, I think that this is a great thread, but everybody is living in fantasy land if you think that by posting all these suggestions for change any of them will happen. Seems to me its just a way to while away a few minutes that are of no value to you.

None of us are Thai -so none of us can make a change. Flame away if you want to- but whats the point?

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1. Clean up public toilets, install more in high traffic areas and parks, hire attendant(s) to keep same maintained, :D

2. Install more trash receptacles, empty them before they start to over flow, :D

3. Extend Sky Train service to other locations, :D

4. Remove corner hawkers and touts, :D

5. Cover or seal open street sewers, :D

6. Build more city parks and respites, :o

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Beleive me, I think that this is a great thread, but everybody is living in fantasy land if you think that by posting all these suggestions for change any of them will happen. Seems to me its just a way to while away a few minutes that are of no value to you.

None of us are Thai -so none of us can make a change. Flame away if you want to- but whats the point?

True, but there are rumours that certain Thai Officials of varying rank and role browse this very site. There's always hope that they take a few of these suggestions away (OK, it didn't work with the Elite cards that we blew to bits before they came in and yet come in they still did - with the predicted results!!!).

Anyway, its a bit o' fun too.

I think most of what I can think of has already been said, but I'd like to emphasis a few of those again mostly - with a couple of mine for good cheer:

- Train/Sky-Train/something other than a taxi or limo serving the airport.

- Clamp down on litter.

- Real action against scammers (special anti-graft task force assigned to tourist police with results based target and bonuses thereof)

- Allow Farang guides - it promotes tourism, so why not?

- Employ Farang mystery shoppers from expats community to act as tourists and catch those scammers, cheating taxis etc - could be adhok, voluntary, expenses paid only etc.

- Learn Thai TV show on Thai TV - used to be one.

- Hand out summary booklet showing basic customs, do's/don'ts and how to conduct yourself to people waiting in passport control - they're there for a while might aswell read something usefull.

- Farang (international) support group to help travellers in trouble. Someone they can call if they are hit by another car, accused of something illegal or offered that too-good-to-be-true deal, that know Thailand and can communicate in Thai and have direct access to the Anti-Graft taskforce I mentioned above for leverage. This to be licensed by the government to give a seal of approval and some leverage without needing 'special' powers.

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I'd like to see a really radical approach to Bangkok's traffic problems. Ban all vehicles from certain areas and turn them into large pedestrian precincts. It would be nice to breathe reasonably clean air around Siam Square.

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- Farang (international) support group to help travellers in trouble. Someone they can call if they are hit by another car, accused of something illegal or offered that too-good-to-be-true deal, that know Thailand and can communicate in Thai and have direct access to the Anti-Graft taskforce I mentioned above for leverage. This to be licensed by the government to give a seal of approval and some leverage without needing 'special' powers.

Great idea – they have something similar to this in Tokyo call TELL (Tokyo English Life Line) – you can call and ask them pretty much any question in English and they will try to get you an answer.

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I like your first idea....but the second one I think needs some work.  I don't think 19-26 year olds will want to work 4 hours every day unless it is beer tasting.


The working part of the idea is a steal from the Kibbutz volunteers programs in Israel.

The prices of these trips would be at least half price of an airline ticket - a price that all "students" could afford - therefore the 4 hours work hopefully would be seen as a method of payment for a cheap holiday.

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Close Pattaya bars.

Close Nana, Cowboy and Patpong bars

Close Patong bars.

Then start again issuing a sensible ammount of Licenses for drinking establishments, strictly enforce prostitution laws making it illegal for the customer also, don't only blame the woman, blame the man that travels the miles to engage in illegal activities.

This would change the worlds view of Thailand as a sex resort and by getting rid of the sex tourists, such actions may attract a better quality or Family based tourist. It would certainly gain world wide news coverage.

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