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Pattaya Tour Company Scam Uncovered By Angry Foreign Customers


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This is why I always book my tickets directly with the airlines.

That's being a bit paranoid isn't it?

Nope, it's simply easier. Just go on their web site, book the tickets, and voila...ordnung must sein!

Who on earth uses a travel agent in the year 2010!

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^ Only people who enjoy being ripped-off still use travel agencies...

Thailand. Nuf said really.

If you dont agree... more fool you for living there.

There, fixed that for you...

I travel the world for my work... There is no place like Thailand for the blatant rip-offs that take place every day with the blessing of the police and judiciary...

Edited by KeyserSoze01
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Wow...have never heard of this happening before...but I guess it could easily be done. Interesting question is if you get a airline booking confirmation code (a legit one...not some receipt "Somchai" wrote out on some bill-pad) would the airlines have to honor it (and seek restitution from the agent themselves)?

I guess just another reason to book all your travel plans (hotels and airlines) online direct or with reputable online travel site...they have the best rates now anyways!

Sadly not. Some years ago my firm booked me a return flight London Houston on BA through our corporate travel agent.

I had confirmation numbers and allocated seats for both legs. Flight to Houston was fine but when I checked in to return they said I could not fly because the agent had not processed the payment for the return flight, the confirmation number only meant a reservation had been made but it did not guarantee anything unless the money had turned up.

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Better to book air tickets with the airlines direct. Thai travel agents used to be able to share some of their discount with customers but the airlines have cut that so much there is nothing they can share any more. Travel agents also usually want customers to pay the credit card commission which airlines don't. I can't see the agents add any value these days. Most cannot use the airline online reservation systems properly and you see them phoning a friend to make the reservation for them.

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Unfortunately not a new scam.

40 years ago I bought 2 tickets to LDN from SYD & I was tipped off that the agent was a bit naughty.

I contacted British Caledonian (in those days) and I don't know what they said to the guy,

but the tickets were delivered in person by the guy, 24 hrs before the flt..

He was well pissed, but we were lucky, some others weren't so fortunate.

BCal treated us like VIPs on the flt, to this day, I don't know why. :D

I passed out over Persia & woke up at Gatwick.....

I feel sorry for those who were scammed. :)

Book online direct with the airline, Better prices and never worry.

They say, "you cant cheat an honext man" go looking for a deal and u get one

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This is terrible. Its a common scam. My friend lost the prices of 2 tickets to England 4 years ago from another travel Agent in Chiang Mai. The Police where not interested. But threatened to arrest my friend if he caused a breach of the peace.

Another example that ripping people off in this country is fine but don't complain its not polite.

Exactly the same happened to me last year. It was Mau Tours in Chiang Mai. I had to buy a new and very expensive ticket at the airport in Europe to get back (I stayed all day at the airport to find a solution). Apparently, she canceled the return when I left for Europe and payed the carrier for a one-way only. I had a proof of payment and e-ticket (for a return flight) but Ethihad refused to give me a seat. They closed the check-in in front of me and told me I had to find a solution by my own. Ethihad did do nothing at all to help or give some advice. NOTHING at all. They even not gave me the opportunity to make a call.

I went to the police (a low policeman first and later to the highest ranked in CM) and , knowing they had hundreds of similar cases, they did do nothing at all. It was a feeling of protecting Mau Tours and being aggressive to me!

Very expensive lesson but also very frustrating as I know for sure, after me, more farangs got scammed the same way and by the very same lady.


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As they book tickets FROM Thailand, guess they live here for a while, and, as such, should be aware that travel agencies in Thailand are rip offs more often than no (or occasionally worse, as in this case).

So because this one agency has been caught means that all are a rip off, thats going way over the top, what about the rest that are properly licensed and happy making the small amount they do compared to agencies in western countries making a lot more with a lot more overheads, now I can see where the rip off is.

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The current bond that is being hold by TAT for Travel Central Thailand is THB200,000

As we are an IATA agency we are required to give IATA a bond of 1 million Thai Baht. Agents in Bangkok are required to have a 2 million Baht Bond.

We can issue tickets up to that value before we need to go to the bank to pay down the outstanding amount.

The bond for IATA is not to protect consumers it is to protect the airlines if the agent goes bust.

The TAT bond is for consumer protection but I am not sure how much will be covered as this a a much larger amount then THB200,000

People who want to deal with airlines might be safer but if you have a problem then you are on your own and if you need to make changes expect to wait on hold.

The volcano in Iceland was a "CLASSIC EXAMPLE" people waited on hold for hours and yet we had all of our clients re-book the same day the problems arose and kept re-booking them until we were sure they could travel.


Edited by Rimmer
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This scam is real and "normal" practice. Be aware that there may be a front company so the real masterminds are never exposed. Below I give you and excerpt of my letter to Thai Air in 2007 about a scam in Bangkok many Thais and foreigners and even schools and Universities fell for. Despite claiming that Air Ticket Services Co Ltd had nothing to do with the "legitimate" I Love you Travel Co Ltd we found out that the shareholders were the same. I Love You Travel Co Ltd however belongs to an influential man in brown! The manager of Air Ticket Services was never hold at the police until she disappeared. Intervention by lawyers, consumer protection, and TV news reports were fruitless. The claimed damage was up to 50 Mio Baht. Thai Airways said that as Air Ticket Services was not an official ticketing agent of theirs they could do nothing. Swiss Air compensated the loss to some of the victims by offering very special fares. Amadeus Reservation claimed that they could do nothing about the scam as they just offer the reservation service. They did not elaborate how a status of "confirmed and guaranteed" and "flight payment has been processed" can be reversed on their system.

My experience is that by living in this country you have to expect such things happen from time to time. On another note: Just got bitten by a dog and now the owner asks for discount on the vaccination bill. TIT!

Here the excerpt:

Bangkok, June 6, 2007

Attn.: Flg.Off. Chinawut Naressaenee –Vice-President Customer Services Department

Thai Airways International Plc, Bangkok, Thailand

Sent by fax and registered Mail

Complaint about non-issuance of confirmed Tickets by I LOVE TRAVEL CO., LTD:

Dear Khun Chinawut,

This letterconcerns a fake ticket scam with damage of several million Thai Baht. Thedefrauded parties are A International School (name withheld), other Schools and many private persons related to theschools. However, I am only writing on my behalf and my case.

I am a member of the school board of .... International School (name withheld) and have received information of aspecial fare to Europe for RIS, RIS Swiss Section and related persons offered by Air Ticket Service Co., Ltd. Relying on the trustable source I have decided to order under my company name 4 tickets with carriers TG (long-haul) and LX (domesticin Switzerland) through this travel office. Air Travel Service Co., Ltd. on its behalf has used I LOVE TRAVEL CO., LTD. to undertake the bookings through the Amadeus Reservation System. On May 28, 2007 we checked our booking status inthe internet and received confirmation that our reservations were 'confirmed and guaranteed' and 'the flight payment has been processed'. When we received the tickets from Air Ticket Service Co., Ltd. I asked for a free ROP Gold member upgrade at your Silom office. However, we were told that the tickets were invalid. As the reservation, confirmation and guarantee was done by I LOVE TRAVEL CO., LTD. we have contacted them and asked for issuance of valid tickets. They have refused our request and claimed that they were not paid by Air Ticket Service Co., Ltd. We have evidence of our payment to AirTicket Service Co., Ltd. and are of the opinion that payment transactions between Air Ticket Service Co., Ltd. and I LOVE TRAVEL CO., LTD. are not our concern.

In attached documents you find evidence of our claim and also our fax dated June 1st,2007 to I LOVE TRAVEL CO., LTD.

We request your full support and ask you to undertake the necessary steps against I LOVE TRAVEL CO.,LTD. We also like to inform you that letters with similar content and regarding this subject are being sent at the same time to Tourism Authority of Thailand, Thai-Amadeus Southeast Asia Co., Ltd., SWISS and the Embassy of Switzerland.

Please, also be informed that legal action has been undertaken against Air Ticket Service Co.,Ltd. and its Director Khun Chayada Horarit at Pravet Police station.Nevertheless, we insist that I LOVE TRAVEL CO., LTD. fulfils its obligations. Wewill reserve the right to sue I LOVE TRAVEL CO., LTD. if they still keep their position, but we believe that with your help we could resolve this case in an amiable way.

I hope in your fast reaction and remain at your disposal for any more information.

(end of excerpt)

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I don't imagine travel insurance would be much good either. If the Agent did not submit the airline tickets why would he do any different with travel insurance?

If you are travelling from Australia then there is No, Zip, Nil travel insurance. An insurance company will not touch you at this point in time. You travel to thai at your own peril.

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As they book tickets FROM Thailand, guess they live here for a while, and, as such, should be aware that travel agencies in Thailand are rip offs more often than no (or occasionally worse, as in this case).

So because this one agency has been caught means that all are a rip off, thats going way over the top, what about the rest that are properly licensed and happy making the small amount they do compared to agencies in western countries making a lot more with a lot more overheads, now I can see where the rip off is.

First, I said "more often than not", not ALL. Say, in Chiang Mai once I booked a train ticket to Bkk, and they charged just +60 baht to the price (I agreed, because I knew the real price, of course, was w/o motorbike and this was just before SRT opened their online booking, so the visit to train station would eat 40 baht for songthaew at least, not to mention time lost). Yes, I do not have anything against agencies like that. Also, if the agency charges more, but for a reason (such as they take care of their customers if something goes wrong), it's perfectly OK! If some people do want that and not to be on their own, and are ready to pay - yes, why not?

But... when I walk around some tourist place in Thailand (like say Pattaya), so often I see crazy prices posted just on the street/on TA doors... such as many hundred baht for local trips 10-20-30 km away, 1000 baht to Ko Chang (not sure if they won't make you to pay for the ferry after, and not just to pay normal price, but 2x price in some another agency on the way). Or, how about so popular "just 2000 baht" for a visa run to Cambodia (and guess you'll be lucky if have time to bargain with Cambodian officials even to 1000 baht before it's not too late to return to your minibus). I always use (well-organized and often offering better conditions) Thai public transportation while traveling around, so those numbers just sound crazy to me!

So, yes, I never tried to book any air tickets from a travel agency in Thailand - but, given all what I see, do I have to expect those selling long-distance tickets on the same street will not try to rip off any farang in a same "Thai" (so to say) way? Yes, I still believe there are many honest ones too - but not the majority. And one should do some work choosing right one before giving them money, especially if the sum is large.

And, if the agency is not even licensed... well, then it's just a plain stupidness to give them tens of thousand bahts. Not just in Thailand.

P.S. As of this case - it's not a rip off, it's a plain scam, as the topic title tells us.

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Considering to have a travel agency license you need 10M Baht paid up capital you would think in that alone there would be grounds for arrest. The brown mafia have no difficulty in picking up any foreigner and detaining them on any verbal complaint indefinitely but a police warrant cannot be enacted for 4 days? I mean really - this country is really beyond belief in so many ways! Simply unbelievable. I guess they have had a 'word' and of course, received a payoff to allow the perp to run away!

What with airport scammers from King Power, tourists being left stranded, red shirts smashing down Royal Cliff, politics, continuing jumping suicides (does Pattaya hold the world record for death by dropping out of buildings?) and more hangings than any other country also as suicides and the victims somehow managing to put a plastic bag over their heads and trying the hands behind their backs - it is no wonder we all come for holidays and live here - the entertainment value is beyond belief!


Well Said.....

I like that... so true

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BCal treated us like VIPs on the flt, to this day, I don't know why. :D

I passed out over Persia & woke up at Gatwick.....

Too many inflight sherbets GungaDin... LOL cool.gif

Too true, and I have never touched alcohol on a flight since.

The hangover was so bad. :)

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I don't imagine travel insurance would be much good either. If the Agent did not submit the airline tickets why would he do any different with travel insurance?

If you are travelling from Australia then there is No, Zip, Nil travel insurance. An insurance company will not touch you at this point in time. You travel to thai at your own peril.

If you are traveling from Australia you are covered by the Travel Compensation Fund www.tcf.org.au

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Cannot believe anybody would pay cash for anything. Using plastic, you have the card company to dispute payment and they can debit the vendor's account for failure to perform.

because most places will charge the card user 3% which can add up to quite a lot of money

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Unfortunately not a new scam.

40 years ago I bought 2 tickets to LDN from SYD & I was tipped off that the agent was a bit naughty.

I contacted British Caledonian (in those days) and I don't know what they said to the guy,

but the tickets were delivered in person by the guy, 24 hrs before the flt..

He was well pissed, but we were lucky, some others weren't so fortunate.

BCal treated us like VIPs on the flt, to this day, I don't know why. :D

I passed out over Persia & woke up at Gatwick.....

I feel sorry for those who were scammed. :)

Book online direct with the airline, Better prices and never worry.

They say, "you cant cheat an honext man" go looking for a deal and u get one

you know this is not always the case.I use a local travel agent on Samui and will get a better price than online.

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Considering to have a travel agency license you need 10M Baht paid up capital you would think in that alone there would be grounds for arrest. The brown mafia have no difficulty in picking up any foreigner and detaining them on any verbal complaint indefinitely but a police warrant cannot be enacted for 4 days? I mean really - this country is really beyond belief in so many ways! Simply unbelievable. I guess they have had a 'word' and of course, received a payoff to allow the perp to run away!

What with airport scammers from King Power, tourists being left stranded, red shirts smashing down Royal Cliff, politics, continuing jumping suicides (does Pattaya hold the world record for death by dropping out of buildings?) and more hangings than any other country also as suicides and the victims somehow managing to put a plastic bag over their heads and trying the hands behind their backs - it is no wonder we all come for holidays and live here - the entertainment value is beyond belief!


Very well said.

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Unfortunately not a new scam.

40 years ago I bought 2 tickets to LDN from SYD & I was tipped off that the agent was a bit naughty.

Book online direct with the airline, Better prices and never worry.

They say, "you cant cheat an honest man" go looking for a deal and u get one

Thanks for the advice Richard but there was no Internet 40 years ago ! :)

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Unfortunately not a new scam.

40 years ago I bought 2 tickets to LDN from SYD & I was tipped off that the agent was a bit naughty.

I contacted British Caledonian (in those days) and I don't know what they said to the guy,

but the tickets were delivered in person by the guy, 24 hrs before the flt..

He was well pissed, but we were lucky, some others weren't so fortunate.

BCal treated us like VIPs on the flt, to this day, I don't know why. :D

I passed out over Persia & woke up at Gatwick.....

I feel sorry for those who were scammed. :)

Book online direct with the airline, Better prices and never worry.

They say, "you cant cheat an honext man" go looking for a deal and u get one

you know this is not always the case.I use a local travel agent on Samui and will get a better price than online.

Agreed. But as I cannot tell which agencies I can trust, and which I cannot trust, I prefer to use my old agent back in New Zealand, where I have always gotten better - sometimes considerably better - prices than through the airline's website. Not paranoia, just caution.

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Wow...have never heard of this happening before...but I guess it could easily be done. Interesting question is if you get a airline booking confirmation code (a legit one...not some receipt "Somchai" wrote out on some bill-pad) would the airlines have to honor it (and seek restitution from the agent themselves)?

I guess just another reason to book all your travel plans (hotels and airlines) online direct or with reputable online travel site...they have the best rates now anyways!

YEP, online, preferably direct with the airline, everytime - only folks who still cannot use a computer go into those weird old offices

with pics of planes and sunny beaches on the window ! ESPECIALLY here !!!

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"It is thought that around 3 Million Baht's worth of flight tickets have not been booked with various airlines and around 50 more customers are thought to be affected by this."

As noted by other posters, it's unfortunate that the victims apparently were not aware of direct on-line booking via the Internet-- and they probably would have received a lower airfare as well as a valid written confirmation from the airline.

Maybe a word to the wise in the future? Caveat Emptor!


Edited by SurfRider
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I don't imagine travel insurance would be much good either. If the Agent did not submit the airline tickets why would he do any different with travel insurance?

If you are travelling from Australia then there is No, Zip, Nil travel insurance. An insurance company will not touch you at this point in time. You travel to thai at your own peril.

If you are traveling from Australia you are covered by the Travel Compensation Fund www.tcf.org.au

That is totally wrong as a result of the lastest political unrests travel insurance companies will not cover you to thailand and as a result of government warning the Aust government wpe thier hands of you. Thailand is a blacklisted place

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I don't imagine travel insurance would be much good either. If the Agent did not submit the airline tickets why would he do any different with travel insurance?

If you are travelling from Australia then there is No, Zip, Nil travel insurance. An insurance company will not touch you at this point in time. You travel to thai at your own peril.

If you are traveling from Australia you are covered by the Travel Compensation Fund www.tcf.org.au

That is totally wrong as a result of the lastest political unrests travel insurance companies will not cover you to thailand and as a result of government warning the Aust government wpe thier hands of you. Thailand is a blacklisted place

If you are talking about Travel Insurance rather than Consumer Insurance then you might be right. Since Smart Traveler www.smartraveller.gov.au has lowered their warnings for Thailand you will find insurance companies in Australia will cover you for both insolvency of a Travel Agency and Travel Insurance.

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Considering to have a travel agency license you need 10M Baht paid up capital you would think in that alone there would be grounds for arrest. The brown mafia have no difficulty in picking up any foreigner and detaining them on any verbal complaint indefinitely but a police warrant cannot be enacted for 4 days? I mean really - this country is really beyond belief in so many ways! Simply unbelievable. I guess they have had a 'word' and of course, received a payoff to allow the perp to run away!

What with airport scammers from King Power, tourists being left stranded, red shirts smashing down Royal Cliff, politics, continuing jumping suicides (does Pattaya hold the world record for death by dropping out of buildings?) and more hangings than any other country also as suicides and the victims somehow managing to put a plastic bag over their heads and trying the hands behind their backs - it is no wonder we all come for holidays and live here - the entertainment value is beyond belief!


Very well said.

tell that to the guy who has been sitting on the same bar stool at the end of the bar dropping 100 baht bills for the last 5 years he would say you are mad.

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