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Thailand Upset By US Human Trafficking Watch List

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Thailand upset by US human trafficking watch list

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Thai government, has voiced its disappointment after the US has recently named Thailand as one of many countries in the human trafficking watch list.

According to Deputy Information Department Director-General and Deputy Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Thani Thongphakdi, the Thai government has informed its discontent over the issue and has questioned the credibility of the human trafficking watch list report.

Mr Thani reasoned that the report did not consider the development and attempts of the Thai government to tackle this problem. He said the Thai government would move on missions to solve human trafficking problems no matter how the US would rank Thailand.

The deputy director-general however confirmed that the ranking degradation this year would not prompt the US to cut any annual assisting budget.

As explained by Mr Thani, Thailand must be included in the watch list for two consecutive years and must have its rank reduced. Then, the consideration for budget cut can be made, but the budget for humanitarian purposes and trade must not be touched.


-- NNT 2010-06-17 footer_n.gif


Mr. Thani seems to lean more toward the US being a source of funding than a bully. Maybe wealthy bully would be more apt, but the way the dollar is going the former may be short lived. The future loss of funding would probably have little effect on the root problem.


Paying sin sod dowry is purchasing a woman. That is human trafficking.

Well that has been been my answer each time those nasty words are mentioned :) I do mention her culture & my culture needs to be considered

Thai's tell me this is our way sinsot

My way is Brides father pays for wedding respecting both cultures each cancels the other ......so easy

Best solution keep your money in your pocket

Pay for the party finished Sinsot is for show of face only get it back


Paying sin sod dowry is purchasing a woman. That is human trafficking.

Well that has been been my answer each time those nasty words are mentioned :) I do mention her culture & my culture needs to be considered

Thai's tell me this is our way sinsot

My way is Brides father pays for wedding respecting both cultures each cancels the other ......so easy

Best solution keep your money in your pocket

Pay for the party finished Sinsot is for show of face only get it back

I have tried to enlighten a few mothers here in Thailand.


In the past few weeks there has been news reports of Thai women sent under false pretenses, held against their will, worked under slave like conditions in the US, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, middle east countries, Germany, England, and Australia that I have read about. If this is like most illegal activity, the bulk of the offenders get away with it. The problem starts right here with the individuals/groups (suppliers) who recruit, arrange transport, visa, etc, and have contacts on the other end. The villages seem to be the principal source of the of the suppliers. Every village has a headman with access to a p.a. system, schools, and temples. Use some the monies which are funding to eliminate human trafficking to make public announcements, print fliers informing the population and when they are approached the headman can be notified and he can notify the authorities to check the potential supplier for their legality.

With today's communication and tracing/verification network this should be low cost, easy to implement, and enforceable. Of course, making this suggestion, I did not take into account who may be behind the supply side.


Paying sin sod dowry is purchasing a woman. That is human trafficking.

Well that has been been my answer each time those nasty words are mentioned :) I do mention her culture & my culture needs to be considered

Thai's tell me this is our way sinsot

My way is Brides father pays for wedding respecting both cultures each cancels the other ......so easy

Best solution keep your money in your pocket

Pay for the party finished Sinsot is for show of face only get it back

I have tried to enlighten a few mothers here in Thailand.

I can tell you if you hook up with a younger Asian model & import her to the UK it is viewed as trafficking & a paid for wife by our white female counterparts WETHER we like it or not & seen as a SIN


Thailand has all the right to be upset.

Sure Thailand has the right, but where are the arguments?

Or should we ask some Burmese women what they think about that topic?


Paying sin sod dowry is purchasing a woman. That is human trafficking.

Well that has been been my answer each time those nasty words are mentioned :) I do mention her culture & my culture needs to be considered

Thai's tell me this is our way sinsot

My way is Brides father pays for wedding respecting both cultures each cancels the other ......so easy

Best solution keep your money in your pocket

Pay for the party finished Sinsot is for show of face only get it back

I have tried to enlighten a few mothers here in Thailand.

I can tell you if you hook up with a younger Asian model & import her to the UK it is viewed as trafficking & a paid for wife by our white female counterparts WETHER we like it or not & seen as a SIN

It is viewed upon the same in many countries and if you have a problem with the wife and she goes to the police to report you you can end up in jail.


Thailand has all the right to be upset.

Do do you think you are, American's bullies.

It seems to me that all your pissed off about and all that Thailand is worried about is American giving them less money.    All that article said what they won't cut our money, not on the budget cut.  All of your foreign countrys including you ass holes from EUROPE want our American money but don't want any strings attached.  I personally believe America should stop sending all you FOREIGNERS our American dollars and let your countrys decay back to the dark ages.

Temper Temper settle down. We can not help that the uneducated do have their opinions. :D

Ok. gotlost I will settle down.  I am just sick and tired of people that complain at the same time they are waiting for a handout.

KEEP (!) your money and use it for the 40% in your holy country who can NOT read and write!  :)


Thailand has all the right to be upset.

Do do you think you are, American's bullies.

The King of Thailand signed an international agreement with 51 other countries in 2001 outlawing human trafficking. I cannot recall the name of the document, but it is available on the internet.


KEEP (!) your money and use it for the 40% in your holy country who can NOT read and write! :)

I love it when the eurotrash start spouting off about the US. Totally baseless comment. Where do you people get your information? What's next, are you going to tell us that most Americans shoot other people and take part in car chases on a daily basis? I wish the US would keep more of its money as well. Too much of it has been wasted on Yurp.


Thailand has all the right to be upset.

Do do you think you are, American's bullies.

It seems to me that all your pissed off about and all that Thailand is worried about is American giving them less money. All that article said what they won't cut our money, not on the budget cut. All of your foreign countrys including you ass holes from EUROPE want our American money but don't want any strings attached. I personally believe America should stop sending all you FOREIGNERS our American dollars and let your countrys decay back to the dark ages.

So please enlighten us,what money does Europe get from the USA? apart from vested interests?

Who paid a large part of the cost of rebuilding Europe after world war 2? Short memory huh?

Cheers Yanks !next time please join in a bit earlier you might have had less rebuilding to have done if you had come to help earlier and no thanks for sheltering Nazi rocket scientists after the war.


Hallooooo! This post is called 'Thailand upset by US Human Trafficking Watch List'

Stop your US/UK/US whining! Take it to the kids' forum please



Thailand has all the right to be upset.

Do do you think you are, American's bullies.

Am a little curious as to what Thailand has to be upset about?

The fact that it has been named or the fact that it is angry with itself for being involved with human trafficking. A very Thai response, the bigger crime is getting caught and shamed, not committing the offence.

I would suggest a little more friendly attitude to America coming from a Thai. If the Yanks hadn't pitched up, you might have been born in a re-education camp, and the we might be answering to Beijing about who to have as hour esteemed governer.


"BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Thai government, has voiced its disappointment after the US has recently named Thailand as one of many countries in the human trafficking watch list."

Yeah, the US is pretty hypocritical on this issue with people of many nations illegally crossing, as well as being smuggled and trafficked, through the porous southern border with Mexico. Also, humans are largely trafficked for purposes of slavery/servitude or the sex industry. With technically illegal massage parlors openly operating in at least half of the lower 48 states, it just adds to the hypocrisy. Typical do as I say, not as I do mentality.


If the Thai government is distressed by the U.S. position, then the Thai government can respond by identifying all of the concrete steps the Thai government has taken to address the issue. Not too difficult is it, unless of course the statements are an accurate assessment.

The same report that upset the Thais, also singled out the Thailand for praise as per the following section of the report;

Thailand: Coordinating Government and NGO Efforts Against Trafficking

In Northern Thailand, TRAFCORD, the Anti- Trafficking Coordination Center, facilitates collaboration among government and nongovernment agencies working to combat human trafficking, particularly cases involving women and children. TRAFCORD is an NGO that takes a multidisciplinary approach, in which employees work with police, social workers, prosecutors, and other government and NGO officials to rescue, rehabilitate, and repatriate child victims of sexual exploitation. By coordinating government and private agencies prior to, during, and after raids on suspected brothels, TRAFCORD helps ensure that victims receive better treatment and access to services and that criminal cases have a higher chance of being prosecuted. TRAFCORD’s work helped inform portions of Thailand’s new, comprehensive anti-trafficking law in June 2008, and the organization has been a catalyst in the implementation of updated procedures for dealing with human trafficking cases. Government and non-government agencies throughout Thailand have adopted TRAFCORD’s multidisciplinary team approach, and international agencies have praised it as among the most effective ways to fight child prostitution and trafficking crimes.


I can tell you if you hook up with a younger Asian model & import her to the UK it is viewed as trafficking & a paid for wife by our white female counterparts WETHER we like it or not & seen as a SIN

It is viewed upon the same in many countries and if you have a problem with the wife and she goes to the police to report you you can end up in jail.

Please provide concrete examples of men winding up in gaol for paying sin sot. I can see two stumbling blocks:

(a) Demonstrating the wife was under the control of her parents; and

(B) Establishing that marriage is '[a] forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs'. (Leading her into prostitution would provide the exploitation requisite for trafficking.)

Or would the probationary period prior to permanent residence substitute for (a) by being a form of coercion?


I removed all the off topic garbage and nationality bashing.

As for sin-sod being human trafficking, that is ridiculous as it results from a consensual relationship and has no bearing on people forced into slavery against their will. If you want to discuss sin-sod there are plenty of topics on it, but I won't allow this topic to be turned into yet another argument on dowries.

Stay on topic and stop the fighting.


Ask yourself this.

Who controls the borders ?

Who lets all the drugs and human traffic come in ?

Who got upset by Thaksin's war on drugs as it severely cut down on the incoming flow of drugs and thus the money made allowing it coming through the borders ?

You all know who controls the inflow of drugs, human traffic et al from the borders............... who controls the borders ?

The same people who control the borders are the same people who kicked out the government in 2006 and the same people who are behind the present government and the same people who were shooting innocent civilians on the Bangkok streets lately. The same people whose top men on their "meagre" salaries but all seems to be multi millionaires.

How do the top brass all end up being multi-millionaires ? :cheesy:


Ask yourself this.

Who controls the borders ?

Who lets all the drugs and human traffic come in ?

Who got upset by Thaksin's war on drugs as it severely cut down on the incoming flow of drugs and thus the money made allowing it coming through the borders ?

You all know who controls the inflow of drugs, human traffic et al from the borders............... who controls the borders ?

The same people who control the borders are the same people who kicked out the government in 2006 and the same people who are behind the present government and the same people who were shooting innocent civilians on the Bangkok streets lately. The same people whose top men on their "meagre" salaries but all seems to be multi millionaires.

How do the top brass all end up being multi-millionaires ? :cheesy:

In fact, its much the same in China, where the Chinese PLA (Peoples Liberation Army) controls all drug shipments in the country. They even have an area on the border with Burma which the Chinese claim is Burmese and the Burmese claim is Chinese and so neither country bears responsibility to stop the massive drug production going on there.

China, Burma, Thailand and others all have "extremely" wealthy army top brass, and big drug and human trafficking problems.

The money generated from the illicit trades means that in each country the military and its backers yield disproportionate power, and in each country there is NO DEMOCRACY.

There is only one single reform needed in each of these countries to stop corruption and make them democratic.

That single reform is reform of the military and removal of all links of the military to business and politics.

Will Abhisit do it ? No chance, he is appointed by them.

Therefore all this talk of reform and reconciliation is pure nonsense. Thailand has a massive problem with human trafficking, and until the military is reformed it will continue unabated.


Thailand has all the right to be upset.

Do do you think you are, American's bullies.

So this is what you thank is OK.

Young Pattaya Women Hoodwinked Into Prostitution In Malaysia - Thailand Forum :)

They where woman working in Pattaya, they came from upcountry. My gutfeeling tells me they where no Virgings to the trade, probably just upset because they had to pay twice. But I am sure there are better (real) examples out there.


Thailand has all the right to be upset.

Do do you think you are, American's bullies.

So this is what you thank is OK.

Young Pattaya Women Hoodwinked Into Prostitution In Malaysia - Thailand Forum :)

They where woman working in Pattaya, they came from upcountry. My gutfeeling tells me they where no Virgings to the trade, probably just upset because they had to pay twice. But I am sure there are better (real) examples out there.

(a) Consent is irrelevant to the UN definition of trafficking, whatever Cdnvic may think.

(B) If they were deceived as the terms, then the only issue is whether they were exploited.

Thus everything indicates that this is a genuine case of trafficking.

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