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Briton And Australian Face Trial Over Thai Unrest

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I thought the PM was talking about an amnesty for rank and file reds. Surely that would also apply to Purcell and Savage,? They are not leaders and certainly not terrorists who the PM said would not be pardoned. Doubt that they'll spend time in jail on a conviction. Probably given a suspended sentence, fine and shown the door. After all all they so far have been shown to do was basically 'mouth off' and take part in an illegal gathering. Far more serious crimes were commited by other folk on that day. Savage - bit of a silly boy, got caught up in the moment along with thousands of others, stick him on a bus and send him home to england. Purcell clearly in need of psycological help, is he fit enough to stand trial i wonder??

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Let's put 3 and 3 together.

Yes their trial will be quick.

Yes they will get sentenced to something like 2 years.

Yes they will get quickly deported.

No shocks there.


The Government did state at the begining of the protests that any Foriegners involved would be deported. I call that fair warning. However, what these guys did was more than participation. The Irish guy incited rebelion and the English guy carried an offensive weapon and threatened looting and arson. As already seen, those Thais charged with breaking the emergency decree were charged and found guilty, but given a reduced sentence for a guilty plee. Perhaps these guys should take note and show some remorse and take responsability for their actions as well.


I'm all for using one's discretion abroad ; and understandably the govt couldn't just let them go and say 'don't do it again' .

But I find revolting to have them in court in stinky pajamas and iron-bound.

cattle are often better treated.

I guess the red-shirt leaders will appear in formal suits , clean white shirts and NO irons. This smacks of racism , they like to humiliate them for a part of the electorate to see and enjoy.

Of course if they keep on being aggressive they have to be restrained in court.

But why the ragged pajamas ?

When I first came out to Thailand, I often thought - How racist about the many expressions and habits Thai have. Nearly 20 years later, I have learnt that the Thai racism compared to the European one is very different

The Thai racism is not mean like the European is, it is not at all as hard meant and there is nearly always a good reason behind it. Doesn't make it good or anything but fact is that it is much softer

We cannot compare the red shirt leaders with Jeff, they have brains and know that showing respect will help them, Jeff is too childish to have thought about that. Like giving a dog a good clean compared to doing it to a wild tiger perhaps? Of perhaps it is because he insulted the prime ministers wife (which is lower behaviour than insulting the prime misister himself)? Or perhaps it was simply because they refused to obey and the guards felt it wasn't worth the effort to force them into other clothes? Or perhaps they thought Suits you right...

Again I just don't think that there is any racism here, it's just people getting exactly what they deserve, a result that they themselved provoked


This post neatly sums up your 'Daily Express reader' mentality. You think that giving a sad pathological liar a cruel lesson will improve his condition? Your petty hate never ceases to amaze me.

Please spare me any more of the bleeding-heart liberalism. He is a liar, not a cancer sufferer. I don't care if his punishment improves his condition - that's his problem. You do the crime, you pay the time. Time for him to be an adult and take responsibilty for his actions.

They should both be deported. Back in the UK, Savage will either keep his head down or be quickly identified and monitored by his local police force. And there is an exponentially better chance of Purcell getting professional help for his mental health issues back in Australia than in a Thai prison.

Get deported and on the next plane back out to Asia no doubt. That will really teach them.


Instead, they have both been used for propaganda by both sides.

Please expand this thought as i'm struggling to see of what benefit in terms of propaganda either of these two numbskulls have been to either side.


The court set the next hearing for July 28.

The Nation

The Australian news agency put that date as August 20.

They both were denied bail and so it's another 2 months in prison from now for them.


Aussie denies Thai emergency law breach

which includes some indication that he knew what was going to happen beforehand.

"My actions at all times were to prevent the massacre that was going to happen," he said.

Denied Bail???? GEEZE maybe they should have stated they wanted to see the World Cup and promise to come back after that. :-) When in Thailand do as Thais.???? like .. when in Rome......


This is truely entertaining stuff. Its always interesting to see those do gooders that squirm around on the forum, " Boo hoo hoo, poor little guys" :D .

I clearly remember the Thai Governement Issuing a warning to foriegners at the start of all of this. The warning was clear and precise, nobody could make any mistakes about that.

So Sorry, I think I might save my sympathy for someone more deserving and laugh at these two idiots instead. :D and :) and :D .


The Government did state at the begining of the protests that any Foriegners involved would be deported. I call that fair warning. However, what these guys did was more than participation. The Irish guy incited rebelion and the English guy carried an offensive weapon and threatened looting and arson. As already seen, those Thais charged with breaking the emergency decree were charged and found guilty, but given a reduced sentence for a guilty plee. Perhaps these guys should take note and show some remorse and take responsability for their actions as well.

Actually, the Government did say that any Foreigner who got involved in the political rally would face upto 5 years in Prison followed by deportation, So if these guys get anything less than that (like the 2 years being quoted) they are getting off lightly. At the end of the day they will be sentenced, do only part of their time then get deported with the red stamp.

One of the guys was here illegally (no visa) anyway, how stupid do you have to be? Here illegally and then get openly involved in illegal activity? The guy was asking to get royally screwed...


Instead, they have both been used for propaganda by both sides.

Please expand this thought as i'm struggling to see of what benefit in terms of propaganda either of these two numbskulls have been to either side.

The fact that Percell (as a representative westerner) was allowed to voice his warped logic on stage was a demonstration to the crowd that the western world agreed with their actions and found them justified and legitamised. I believe this is an example of how he was used as a propagander tool. I addition the manipulation of the western media (EG: the BBC and CCN reports) by the red shirts further enhanced this view.


Savage was active with the red shirts for over a year

he was seen on video in Pattaya throwing stones at police during black Songkran 2009

that's a lot more than making outrageous statements, that's actually breaking the law

assault on a policemen is a serious charge anywhere in the world

regardless of what he did and said in Bangkok 2010, he should do some time for Songkran 2009

He admitted being present at Channel 3 when it was burned with over 100 people trapped. If the government had been unable to rescue those people, 100 innocent people would have been dead, murdered by the redshirts. He was there, he had been threatening and inciting violence and arson. From my standpoint he needs to be charged with much more than he has been, including arson and attempted murder... These individuals come to Thailand as guests of this wonderful country, and then they take active part in seditious activities and think they will end up as heroes? Heroes not... Savage in particular. Purcell was I think just another wannabe macho warrior but he deserves to suffer the consequences of his words. I suppose they thought Thaksin and the redshirts were invincible, but how that house of cards is facing collapse as the government pursues all legal options against them and their supporters.


They deserve as harsh a sentence as the courts can give them. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever...

What a compassionate, kind Christian comment. You must be a really nice person to think like that.

You are assuming I am a Christian, but the fact is they took participated in an illegal and seditious activity that contributed to the deaths of nearly 100 people and injury to hundreds more, damaged Thailand's economy, intimidated residents of some areas of Bangkok (one of my Thai friends left for her home province till this was over). If the government had not been able to rescue those trapped at Channel 3, there would have been 100 more deaths - innocent people burned to death. So excuse me I have no sympathy to those who participate in sedition against the Thai government, including farang, and incite and participate in arson, rioting, extortion, and other mayhem.

And for the record, yes most people consider me a really nice person. One person called me a sweet and gentle woman... But being sweet and gentle does not mean that I will sympathize with criminals. I come from a state in the US where people can (but usually don't) strap a nun to their waist - and I never owned a gun or want to own one, but I do shoot straight from the hip with my words... I'm happy with those friends who consider me sweet and gentle, and for those who don't well we've never met and I suspect I would not want to.


Has Savage ever been able to prove he was elsewhere when the actual fires occurred? From the youtube clip he said we are gonna burn the place down and loot all the gold and watches and he sounds very convincing. Now that he is caught I understand he is asserting he didn't actually do what he said, but has he offered any proof that he was elsewhere when the burning occurred? I haven't read that so I guess he has no such proof. His own words will convict him of inciting to riot, etc.


It doesn't matter what he says, he is going to be found guilty and deported, so he may as well give them a piece of his mind!

Are you sure he can spare it?


I thought the PM was talking about an amnesty for rank and file reds. Surely that would also apply to Purcell and Savage,? They are not leaders and certainly not terrorists who the PM said would not be pardoned. Doubt that they'll spend time in jail on a conviction. Probably given a suspended sentence, fine and shown the door. After all all they so far have been shown to do was basically 'mouth off' and take part in an illegal gathering. Far more serious crimes were commited by other folk on that day. Savage - bit of a silly boy, got caught up in the moment along with thousands of others, stick him on a bus and send him home to england. Purcell clearly in need of psycological help, is he fit enough to stand trial i wonder??

Actually my understanding is that Savage was working as a redshirt guard...


Has Savage ever been able to prove he was elsewhere when the actual fires occurred? From the youtube clip he said we are gonna burn the place down and loot all the gold and watches and he sounds very convincing. Now that he is caught I understand he is asserting he didn't actually do what he said, but has he offered any proof that he was elsewhere when the burning occurred? I haven't read that so I guess he has no such proof. His own words will convict him of inciting to riot, etc.

he claimed he was at the Channel 3 building, watching the unsuccessful arson attempt there at the time!


Has Savage ever been able to prove he was elsewhere when the actual fires occurred? From the youtube clip he said we are gonna burn the place down and loot all the gold and watches and he sounds very convincing. Now that he is caught I understand he is asserting he didn't actually do what he said, but has he offered any proof that he was elsewhere when the burning occurred? I haven't read that so I guess he has no such proof. His own words will convict him of inciting to riot, etc.

he claimed he was at the Channel 3 building, watching the unsuccessful arson attempt there at the time!


This is truely entertaining stuff. Its always interesting to see those do gooders that squirm around on the forum, " Boo hoo hoo, poor little guys" :D .

I clearly remember the Thai Governement Issuing a warning to foriegners at the start of all of this. The warning was clear and precise, nobody could make any mistakes about that.

So Sorry, I think I might save my sympathy for someone more deserving and laugh at these two idiots instead. :D and :) and :D .

Agreed. These guys were guests in the country and should have listened to the tourist warning and should have been on their best behaviour. I think they should be punished MORE harshly as they have no real ties to the political situation, they had nothing to gain....just in it for the adrenalin and the violence by the looks of it. Pathetic.

The maximum punishment of the charge could lead to two years in prison. Briton Jeff Savage, 48, screamed abusive comments about Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and the PM's wife as he was led past reporters on Thursday. He called Abhisit "a murderer."

This should really help his defense. What an idiot.

Seems like he still has not learned to engage his brain before opening his BIG mouth


They deserve as harsh a sentence as the courts can give them. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever...

What a compassionate, kind Christian comment. You must be a really nice person to think like that.

You are assuming I am a Christian, but the fact is they took participated in an illegal and seditious activity that contributed to the deaths of nearly 100 people and injury to hundreds more, damaged Thailand's economy, intimidated residents of some areas of Bangkok (one of my Thai friends left for her home province till this was over). If the government had not been able to rescue those trapped at Channel 3, there would have been 100 more deaths - innocent people burned to death. So excuse me I have no sympathy to those who participate in sedition against the Thai government, including farang, and incite and participate in arson, rioting, extortion, and other mayhem.

And for the record, yes most people consider me a really nice person. One person called me a sweet and gentle woman... But being sweet and gentle does not mean that I will sympathize with criminals. I come from a state in the US where people can (but usually don't) strap a nun to their waist - and I never owned a gun or want to own one, but I do shoot straight from the hip with my words... I'm happy with those friends who consider me sweet and gentle, and for those who don't well we've never met and I suspect I would not want to.

"Strap a nun to their waist"???? The mind boggles...................


This is truely entertaining stuff. Its always interesting to see those do gooders that squirm around on the forum, " Boo hoo hoo, poor little guys" :D .

I clearly remember the Thai Governement Issuing a warning to foriegners at the start of all of this. The warning was clear and precise, nobody could make any mistakes about that.

So Sorry, I think I might save my sympathy for someone more deserving and laugh at these two idiots instead. :D and :) and :D .


Way of the world it seems these days to treat criminals as the victims. Bullshit merchants and con-artists of yesteryear are now labeled as sufferers of pathological conditions who had no control over their actions and who require loving care and attention to aid their rehabilitation - all of course at the expense of you and me, hardworking folk doing our best to get by.


You are assuming I am a Christian, but the fact is they took participated in an illegal and seditious activity that contributed to the deaths of nearly 100 people and injury to hundreds more, damaged Thailand's economy, intimidated residents of some areas of Bangkok (one of my Thai friends left for her home province till this was over). If the government had not been able to rescue those trapped at Channel 3, there would have been 100 more deaths - innocent people burned to death. So excuse me I have no sympathy to those who participate in sedition against the Thai government, including farang, and incite and participate in arson, rioting, extortion, and other mayhem.

And for the record, yes most people consider me a really nice person. One person called me a sweet and gentle woman... But being sweet and gentle does not mean that I will sympathize with criminals. I come from a state in the US where people can (but usually don't) strap a nun to their waist - and I never owned a gun or want to own one, but I do shoot straight from the hip with my words... I'm happy with those friends who consider me sweet and gentle, and for those who don't well we've never met and I suspect I would not want to.

"Strap a nun to their waist"???? The mind boggles...................

It's not a habit I'd want to get into.


No surprises here, Savage was on the front page of dozens of papers so set himself up for it and should answer for anything illegal he may have done. However, his actions do raise a question about whether a resident foreigner should participate in Thailands political landscape when they haven't any rights to vote anyway. In coming here, should we just accept things as they are and never express any sort of opinion ?

THats a non question as it is clearly stated that farang must not participate isn't it? I thought there were warnings before this and before the yellow shirted fiasco.


They deserve as harsh a sentence as the courts can give them. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever...

What a compassionate, kind Christian comment. You must be a really nice person to think like that.

You are assuming I am a Christian, but the fact is they took participated in an illegal and seditious activity that contributed to the deaths of nearly 100 people and injury to hundreds more, damaged Thailand's economy, intimidated residents of some areas of Bangkok (one of my Thai friends left for her home province till this was over). If the government had not been able to rescue those trapped at Channel 3, there would have been 100 more deaths - innocent people burned to death. So excuse me I have no sympathy to those who participate in sedition against the Thai government, including farang, and incite and participate in arson, rioting, extortion, and other mayhem.

And for the record, yes most people consider me a really nice person. One person called me a sweet and gentle woman... But being sweet and gentle does not mean that I will sympathize with criminals. I come from a state in the US where people can (but usually don't) strap a nun to their waist - and I never owned a gun or want to own one, but I do shoot straight from the hip with my words... I'm happy with those friends who consider me sweet and gentle, and for those who don't well we've never met and I suspect I would not want to.

"Strap a nun to their waist"???? The mind boggles...................

Oops - have to edit that - apparently my fingers were lazy to make it to the "g" key...jap.gif


What a compassionate, kind Christian comment. You must be a really nice person to think like that.

You are assuming I am a Christian, but the fact is they took participated in an illegal and seditious activity that contributed to the deaths of nearly 100 people and injury to hundreds more, damaged Thailand's economy, intimidated residents of some areas of Bangkok (one of my Thai friends left for her home province till this was over). If the government had not been able to rescue those trapped at Channel 3, there would have been 100 more deaths - innocent people burned to death. So excuse me I have no sympathy to those who participate in sedition against the Thai government, including farang, and incite and participate in arson, rioting, extortion, and other mayhem.

And for the record, yes most people consider me a really nice person. One person called me a sweet and gentle woman... But being sweet and gentle does not mean that I will sympathize with criminals. I come from a state in the US where people can (but usually don't) strap a nun to their waist - and I never owned a gun or want to own one, but I do shoot straight from the hip with my words... I'm happy with those friends who consider me sweet and gentle, and for those who don't well we've never met and I suspect I would not want to.

"Strap a nun to their waist"???? The mind boggles...................

Oops - have to edit that - apparently my fingers were lazy to make it to the "g" key...jap.gif

Leave it alone! Nun was much more fun than gun! Thanks you for perking up my day!!

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