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Just REMEMBER this whole situation is far from over..it will continue UNTIL there is an ELECTION!

Once there is an ELECTION then you YELLOW SHIRT Sympathizers will have to be on the side of the REAL TERRORISTS! As the YELLOW SHIRTS will make their move.

So you ask where is the end of this conflict? I think if you study what is really going on here you will find the answer!

Let there be no mistake my shirt is RED!

Get over it! The election already happened and the reds lost. Period. And lost big time in the most recent elections. It does not look good for them in the future...especially if their war chest is locked up and they can't bribe the locals!!!!

Sure, they will still have pockets of supporters in Issan, but the majority of Thailand will not vote their way...

My word how ignorant of the facts some people are.

The "Reds" have won every election for over a decade.

The Democrats have lost every election for over a decade.

Sadly democracy cannot overcome the power of the military and the old corrupt Bangkok elite who have stolen power from the reds by a coup (military and judicial).

What is going on now is the total destruction of the Reds financial backers so that they are neutered ahead of an election.

Obama needed 600M US$ to get elected, if Obama supporters in the US had all their finances frozen he would never have won the election.

The Thai Junta know what they are doing, however their action is becoming more overt now and the more overt it is the more and more people will be able to see clearly how corrupt they all are and that its nothing to do with Thaksin, its a grab for power by the old corruptos to reduce democracy to zero within Thailand, so the Thai Junta can rule for ever more............

Interesting first they say the red shits have the majority of Thailand on there side

now they say they need money to get them to vote for them

seems you can not decide which

Level head are you sugesting that all of Thailand can see these hidden agenda's of the Government but not the red shirts invasion of hospitals, attempt to burn Bangkok down and total disregard for the rites of the people in the area where they decided to camp out.

Perhaps this is another day and you have had time to sleep it off you might want to reconsider some of your posts.

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All the Red leaders have to go to jail for LIFE.

All the Red shirt supporters have to be sent to full time boarding re-education school to adapt them to Thai society; Thai society means 1 king, 1 religion, 1 nation (the color of Thai flag).

Until then, the State of Emergency must NOT be lifted at all cost


If the people/organisations that are openly making the threats of further violent action are actually known or identifiable to authourities, why dont the authourities just arrest them now before it gets out of hand again - or would that just be too simple?? :annoyed:

Well, then they will come up with the "proof" that this is a

"military dictator ship" it's not a red shirt movement, it's not

a genuine political movement, if it's true that 11 billion

have been "invested" into this uprising.... well there is a strong

"force" behind this and a determination to win - it is all about power

and who will rule this country "tomorrow", one party "democracy"

and a resulting Autocracy is in the books.... what is going to happen then?

If this is not contained, which might prove rather difficult, Thailand

is up for some serious trouble over the years to come!

Someone who won't give up and stop at nothing, unless he's got it his way!

just watch the undoing of a once united and homogeneous society for the sake of

a single individuals hurt ego.

11 billion Baht or USD?

I assume you mean 11 billionBaht.

This is small change for some I know. Yes, the same and all mighty guy you you are thinking of right now.


I find the constant call for a new election, as the thing which will turn the country around and bring true democracy to Thailand, to be pure nonsense. There will not and cannot be free and fair elections under the current conditions. How many places in Isaan and the North can a Democrat candidate go and campaign without fearing for his life. How many places in the South can someone from Peua Thai party go. Votes will be bought with money, lies or extortion. The latest election story I have come across if from two of my in-laws. They each bough a condo in a government built low income complex in Samut Prakan. These developments were started by Thaksin and they loved him for letting them be able to purchase a place of their own. They have recently had their electricity rates raised significantly. A Peua Thai representative has come to see them and told them that if they want to reduce their rates support Peua Thai. If the district does not suppot PT in the next election the rates will go higher. Just anther example of how free and fair the system really is.


Here we go again..

They are waiting for the emergency decree to be lifted..? So why not just leave it in place.

A number of posters will whine that this is not justified. However, the protesters have proved beyond doubt that it is. :(

Thailand is a democratic country, if the emergency decree is keept in place then this would be indicative of a dictatorship, the political parties of this country must negotiate in order to find a solution to the current problem, a solution that has been forced into being will not last, and is bound to renew the problems as has been the case in the past.


All the Red leaders have to go to jail for LIFE.

All the Red shirt supporters have to be sent to full time boarding re-education school to adapt them to Thai society; Thai society means 1 king, 1 religion, 1 nation (the color of Thai flag).

Until then, the State of Emergency must NOT be lifted at all cost

At the last night of our towns OTOP (one tambon,one product) festival a stand selling T-shirts all bright red in colour with Thai writing on the back and in large English capitals underneath.


Not sure what the context is but did not buy one as no, eck eck el.

Other sizes were selling well though.:rolleyes:


The cash war is well funded and will continue with even greater hatred and violence generated by well remunerated operatives using lies, misinfornmation, disinformation and even a few truths oh plus loads of money

This has a way to go yet.

No bureacratic reform panel is going to stop this and anyt government thinking it will achieve things by using legal and parliamentary means will not knock the cash war off course. The potential winnings at the end of the day are just too much. This only gets resolved at street fighter level which gives an advantage to those not in power as they can be down and dirty while government has to at least keep the international community compliant. Those out of power are better at propaganda too

Interesting times


All the Red leaders have to go to jail for LIFE.

All the Red shirt supporters have to be sent to full time boarding re-education school to adapt them to Thai society; Thai society means 1 king, 1 religion, 1 nation (the color of Thai flag).

Until then, the State of Emergency must NOT be lifted at all cost

At the last night of our towns OTOP (one tambon,one product) festival a stand selling T-shirts all bright red in colour with Thai writing on the back and in large English capitals underneath.


Not sure what the context is but did not buy one as no, eck eck el.

Other sizes were selling well though.:rolleyes:

IMHO, such sales might not be legal under the state of emergency, as it is provocative.

Have you reported to CRES? If you are Thai, that is your social responsibility.

If you do not dare not report, please PM me the details and I will call CRES hotline for you.

Please also send photo proof of the seller for faster conviction.


All the Red leaders have to go to jail for LIFE.

All the Red shirt supporters have to be sent to full time boarding re-education school to adapt them to Thai society; Thai society means 1 king, 1 religion, 1 nation (the color of Thai flag).

Until then, the State of Emergency must NOT be lifted at all cost

At the last night of our towns OTOP (one tambon,one product) festival a stand selling T-shirts all bright red in colour with Thai writing on the back and in large English capitals underneath.


Not sure what the context is but did not buy one as no, eck eck el.

Other sizes were selling well though.:rolleyes:

IMHO, such sales might not be legal under the state of emergency, as it is provocative.

Have you reported to CRES? If you are Thai, that is your social responsibility.

If you do not dare not report, please PM me the details and I will call CRES hotline for you.

Please also send photo proof of the seller for faster conviction.

Please, Rucharee, stop now. My sides are splitting. :cheesy:

Two posts in succession from you that qualify for "Quote Of The Day" awards.


All the Red leaders have to go to jail for LIFE.

All the Red shirt supporters have to be sent to full time boarding re-education school to adapt them to Thai society; Thai society means 1 king, 1 religion, 1 nation (the color of Thai flag).

Until then, the State of Emergency must NOT be lifted at all cost

At the last night of our towns OTOP (one tambon,one product) festival a stand selling T-shirts all bright red in colour with Thai writing on the back and in large English capitals underneath.


Not sure what the context is but did not buy one as no, eck eck el.

Other sizes were selling well though.:rolleyes:

IMHO, such sales might not be legal under the state of emergency, as it is provocative.

Have you reported to CRES? If you are Thai, that is your social responsibility.

If you do not dare not report, please PM me the details and I will call CRES hotline for you.

Please also send photo proof of the seller for faster conviction.

Please, Rucharee, stop now. My sides are splitting. :cheesy:

Two posts in succession from you that qualify for "Quote Of The Day" awards.

The funny part is that Rucharee is not kidding. The government want its citizen to become all little STASI like helper for the authorities.

Google for ""Volunteers for Protection of Justice" programme" and "Justice Minister launches 'justice spy' scheme"


For the 500th time, don't modify other people's quotes. Next time its a suspension.

Hopefully your definition of "modifying" does not include "snipping": Maestro's Post

- because I do that all the time.


For the 500th time, don't modify other people's quotes. Next time its a suspension.

Hopefully your definition of "modifying" does not include "snipping": Maestro's Post

- because I do that all the time.

Snipping is actually appreciated, so long as the quoted "snip" is unaltered.

Answering within the quotes, or reformatting someone's quote with colours or bold print is not allowed though.

Have you reported to CRES? If you are Thai, that is your social responsibility.

Ruch - I have spoken to the wife, who is busy changing a cam belt on the Kubota, so is rather stressed at the moment.

She is large on social responsibility and this month has reported to various hotlines and authorities several neighbours for playing the illegal lottery, a group of foolish Thai boys for betting on England to make the ko stage of the world cup and four teenage girls for riding together to school on a mo-cy with no helmets, and I will be pretty sure no licence/tax/insurance as well.

We have had no mains water for 4 days now and everyone is getting a bit smelly too. I am off up to the Tessabaan to kick some butt.

Please do not confuse me with someone who gives a flying <deleted> about Thai politics

Free speech, democracy -you aving a laugh!!


For the 500th time, don't modify other people's quotes. Next time its a suspension.

Hopefully your definition of "modifying" does not include "snipping": Maestro's Post

- because I do that all the time.

Snipping is actually appreciated, so long as the quoted "snip" is unaltered.

Answering within the quotes, or reformatting someone's quote with colours or bold print is not allowed though.

Thanks for the clarification.


BANGKOK: -- Anti-government red shirts seeking revenge are expected to instigate fresh turmoil in Bangkok and the provinces after the government lifts the emergency decree, security agency sources said yesterday.

These folks have no problem breaking laws, causing violence and terrorizing people but for some reason are scared to break the rules of the emergency decree?

a political assembly of more then 5 people would be a crime that allows the security forces to shot them down and arrest and chained the wounded like the the red shirts in this photo.


without the SoE the government could not do this legally. And without the SoE the reds could use their constitutional rights to protest without fear for life and health.


I had some sympathy for the redshirts before the hatred, violence and firestorm that they initiated in Bangkok. However, they have proved that the Prime Minister is right. Many of the leaders are acting like terrorists.

They need to stop the threats and do things legally and peacefully. After Bangkok, the government is justified in whatever measures it takes to stop them from ruining the country. They are cutting their own throats with their recalcitrance.

From what I remember of your posts you are pro-Yellow and very anti-Red.

Its funny how many Yellow supporters all claim to "......have had some sympathies with reds but not anymore......."

Are they attempting to portray a move of support away from Reds ?

I think you will find that Red strength is growing even more stronger - even those who were neutral have been disgusted by the governments lies and propaganda and now are not so neutral anymore.

Looks at this "Red School" nonsense by the Nation - pure fantasy pumping the government propaganda - pathetic. !!!

You can spin it both ways...many are tired of the red's lies and propaganda and are not so neutral anymore....I'm in this group...

They claim they can't campaign due to media closure. I am sure they could easily find a media outlet ready, willing and able to host their (paid for) ads...as long as they don't include things like burning down city halls, killing the PM, etc. Things which are not allowed in most civilized nations...

They say they don't have a voice just for spin.

What did we hear from sanamluang.tv for three months at Rajprasong? Their hoarse, threatening voices 24 hours a day.

The UDD still control hundreds of community radio stations throughout the north, northeast and central Thailand. On these broadcasts they're fond of such threats as "If you meet a woman who says she's a democrat, rape her. Then rape her sisters and daughters too."

They say this time the rally "will be effective." What could that possibly mean other than that they plan to attempt to overthrow the government? Even the largest anti-war demonstrations of the 1960s in the USA never lasted more than one day.


Google for ""Volunteers for Protection of Justice" programme" and "Justice Minister launches 'justice spy' scheme"

Excellent article by Voranaiv. :thumbsup:


The UDD still control hundreds of community radio stations throughout the north, northeast and central Thailand. On these broadcasts they're fond of such threats as "If you meet a woman who says she's a democrat, rape her. Then rape her sisters and daughters too."


You don't expect anyone to believe that rubbish, do you?


The UDD still control hundreds of community radio stations throughout the north, northeast and central Thailand. On these broadcasts they're fond of such threats as "If you meet a woman who says she's a democrat, rape her. Then rape her sisters and daughters too."

After seeing the videos of leaders instructing followers to loot and burn Bangkok, I'm mildly surprised (instead of shocked). Have these broadcasts been recorded and available to download anywhere? I'd specifically like to have a copy of some of the recordings, such as the one you claim to have heard (or heard of).

I'd imagine that the government themselves are recording all UDD propaganda outlets 24h per day in case anything is said or written that can be used against them.


BANGKOK: -- Anti-government red shirts seeking revenge are expected to instigate fresh turmoil in Bangkok and the provinces after the government lifts the emergency decree, security agency sources said yesterday.

These folks have no problem breaking laws, causing violence and terrorizing people but for some reason are scared to break the rules of the emergency decree?

a political assembly of more then 5 people would be a crime that allows the security forces to shot them down and arrest and chained the wounded like the the red shirts in this photo.


without the SoE the government could not do this legally. And without the SoE the reds could use their constitutional rights to protest without fear for life and health.

The reds started this and now can not deal with the ramifications. If they had protested peacefully, they would still be there today. And there would be no SOE.

I just read about a guy in Singapore who was protesting the inhumane treatment of chickens by Kentucky Fried Chicken. That is his right, but illegal for him to do it outside the approved area. So he was arrested. Thailand needs some laws like this. Free speech is great, but only as long as it doesn't effect my life. I have freedoms also....

So the reds fear for their life....just like the yellows do when they are in Issan? Like Tul? How is that explained?


All the Red leaders have to go to jail for LIFE.

All the Red shirt supporters have to be sent to full time boarding re-education school to adapt them to Thai society; Thai society means 1 king, 1 religion, 1 nation (the color of Thai flag).

Until then, the State of Emergency must NOT be lifted at all cost

At the last night of our towns OTOP (one tambon,one product) festival a stand selling T-shirts all bright red in colour with Thai writing on the back and in large English capitals underneath.


Not sure what the context is but did not buy one as no, eck eck el.

Other sizes were selling well though.:rolleyes:

IMHO, such sales might not be legal under the state of emergency, as it is provocative.

Have you reported to CRES? If you are Thai, that is your social responsibility.

If you do not dare not report, please PM me the details and I will call CRES hotline for you.

Please also send photo proof of the seller for faster conviction.

Please, Rucharee, stop now. My sides are splitting. :cheesy:

Two posts in succession from you that qualify for "Quote Of The Day" awards.

The funny part is that Rucharee is not kidding. The government want its citizen to become all little STASI like helper for the authorities.

Google for ""Volunteers for Protection of Justice" programme" and "Justice Minister launches 'justice spy' scheme"

Yes and even the D.D.R (former East Germany ) police state has collapsed under his system : suppress a people and it expand himself more :thumbsup:


Here we go again..

They are waiting for the emergency decree to be lifted..? So why not just leave it in place.

A number of posters will whine that this is not justified. However, the protesters have proved beyond doubt that it is. :(

Thailand is a democratic country, if the emergency decree is keept in place then this would be indicative of a dictatorship, the political parties of this country must negotiate in order to find a solution to the current problem, a solution that has been forced into being will not last, and is bound to renew the problems as has been the case in the past.

The emergency decree is in place so that the red's do not immediately go back to Bangkok and do some more burning and wrecking of working people's lives financed by the Thaksin slush fund. Once the slush fund has been properly blocked up and the terrorist network responsible for organising the attack on Bangkok has been broken up, then there is a chance of normality.


Answering within the quotes, or reformatting someone's quote with colours or bold print is not allowed though.

Every now and again we all make these silly mistakes, I have also done this not realising the definition of the rule

I will have to keep this one in mind myself in future


Answering within the quotes, or reformatting someone's quote with colours or bold print is not allowed though.

Every now and again we all make these silly mistakes, I have also done this not realising the definition of the rule

I will have to keep this one in mind myself in future

it was not a mistake , but the only way to reply as i 3 times get message that too much multi quotes are in it , only way to reply was to copy a few and delete , unless you know the better way how to do it:sorry: , then i welcome it ???

i did not change txt in mrssages , respect posters edit rights


BANGKOK: -- Anti-government red shirts seeking revenge are expected to instigate fresh turmoil in Bangkok and the provinces after the government lifts the emergency decree, security agency sources said yesterday.

These folks have no problem breaking laws, causing violence and terrorizing people but for some reason are scared to break the rules of the emergency decree?

a political assembly of more then 5 people would be a crime that allows the security forces to shot them down and arrest and chained the wounded like the the red shirts in this photo.


without the SoE the government could not do this legally. And without the SoE the reds could use their constitutional rights to protest without fear for life and health.

I think the chain is to keep them from running away, since they have been arrested. They also tie down people who are withdrawing from alcoholism, but in this case it's usually 2 or 4 limbs. I see the guy on the right has hurt his fingers.

Incredibly nice propaganda though.


BANGKOK: -- Anti-government red shirts seeking revenge are expected to instigate fresh turmoil in Bangkok and the provinces after the government lifts the emergency decree, security agency sources said yesterday.

These folks have no problem breaking laws, causing violence and terrorizing people but for some reason are scared to break the rules of the emergency decree?

a political assembly of more then 5 people would be a crime that allows the security forces to shot them down and arrest and chained the wounded like the the red shirts in this photo.


without the SoE the government could not do this legally. And without the SoE the reds could use their constitutional rights to protest without fear for life and health.

I think the chain is to keep them from running away, since they have been arrested. They also tie down people who are withdrawing from alcoholism, but in this case it's usually 2 or 4 limbs. I see the guy on the right has hurt his fingers.

Incredibly nice propaganda though.

I know, human rights issues are not one of the concerns of hypocritical Thaksin haters.


I know, human rights issues are not one of the concerns of hypocritical Thaksin haters.

Prisoners are routinely restrained when in hospital to keep them from escaping - especially prisoners with only minor wounds. This has nothing at all to do with human rights. 


I know, human rights issues are not one of the concerns of hypocritical Thaksin haters.

Which human rights issue is that? Cuffing, chaining, tying down, or otherwise restraining arrested individuals in hospital is standard practice the world around.


it was not a mistake , but the only way to reply as i 3 times get message that too much multi quotes are in it , only way to reply was to copy a few and delete , unless you know the better way how to do it:sorry: , then i welcome it ???

i did not change txt in mrssages , respect posters edit rights

It's not as easy but you can remove the older quotes as "quote", "/quote" pairs starting from the inside, like the blue quote below.

[guote name=david555' date='2010-06-21 18:33' timestamp='1277119990' post='3701735]

[guote name=ozzieman05' date='2010-06-21 17:01' timestamp='1277114496' post='3701525]

Answering within the quotes, or reformatting someone's quote with colours or bold print is not allowed though.

Every now and again we all make these silly mistakes, I have also done this not realising the definition of the rule

I will have to keep this one in mind myself in future


it was not a mistake , but the only way to reply as i 3 times get message that too much multi quotes are in it , only way to reply was to copy a few and delete , unless you know the better way how to do it:sorry: , then i welcome it ???

i did not change txt in mrssages , respect posters edit rights


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