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Why Police Nor Condo Assist With Troubles


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One week ago I woke up in the middle of the night because people were fighting (as in screaming, not fysical I think) in the hall of my condo. I had no idea who it was but I just slammed my fist against my door 3 times and asked if they could "shut up". Next thing some idiot starts kicking and screaming on my door. It didn't last too long and when I had put on my shoes he was gone and I went down to get security. They came up with some local boys and I got back to bed. 5 mins later the idiot is in front of my door again kicking and threatening me, when I opened up my door he tried to punch me in the face through a hole he made in the mosquito net of my steel security door. He missed and I got spit in the face twice we cursed and I slammed the door shut. I didn't see the guy before but now it turned out to be one of the security guards who I'd seen fighting with the girl living acros me already several times in the past weeks. The second time he came back their was also at least one other security guard standing in the hall doing nothing.

I felt threatened and called the police (tried 5 numbers) but they all hang up on me, even the ones that did speak english. So I got dressed and went to my local police station in Pattaya. The officer was very friendly and really interested in everything about me except what happened. He send me home and told me an officer would meet me at the condo but this never happened.

I'm not going to make a fool out of myself so I never went back to the police offcourse. I did went to the condo management to ask how it could be a security guard on duty tried to kick down the door etc on duty and why the other guards didn't help me out and were just watching. They told me they'd fix the door and look into the situation. They didn't fix the door and the guy is still working here. The girl across the hall is the daughter of the office where I rent and her mom promised me to fix the door for free. Offcourse they have no idea who the guy is what is not true offcourse because I've seen them together several times.

If I wouldn't have locked my security door after I went down to get security and gor back in I would have got beaten up at least, probably not by the guy threatening me but by the other security guards.

Next day also the tire of my bicycle got stabbed in the night.

So, well.... The guy still works here and sais nothing to me. I got my tire fixed for 100thb and my door is being fixed. Problem solved I'd say.

However offcourse I am pissed of and don't understand why the police won't respond and the condo management doesn't fire the guy what would have happened in Holland for sure. Does the condo loose face too much or something? I would really like to know how people who lived here for a long time and maybe have a thai wife or something think about this.

Also offcourse I do realise it is my own fault and will never ever bang my door again for silence nor will I call the police when I see fights, accidents or genereal mischief. This apparently is not Holland...

PS: I don't even know why they were fighting in the hall. I thought they were relatives or maybe her boyfriend but she clames she doesn't know him even though I had seen them fight before and heared them in the hall more frequently. Maybe it's about money? Maybe he's a part of the mob next to being a security guard and that's the reason police nor condo do anything? I'm a noob, I don't know this society.

Edited by Crypt36
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You have forgot that you are a Falang living in Thailand, you should except all that is done against you wether it is right or wrong. the only thing that you have done is kick a wasps nest , just be prepared for more intimidation, Sorry it has to be this way welcome to the land of smiles , not , maybe treatment like this is gradually turning people away from living in Thailand, in the real world the problem would be sorted, but with people who do not seam to understand fair and just treatment there is no chance , just more insults and intimidation. sorry to hear again of problems of this type.

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From your original post I believe you are renting.

There are hundreds of other places where you can rent a condo/apartment. Many of them have decent management and security.

There are a some that do not permit people to fight in the hallways or allow security staff to punch and spit at residents.

If I was in your place I would move immediately, as thing may get even worse.

If possible, make sure the owner knows why you are leaving.

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A reminder of the forum rules. Racist comments will not be tolerated.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

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No way I'm moving out and everyone is once more very friendly. As I said basically the problem is solved except for broken pride and the fact I at that point never felt more alone in this country. Basically this treatment was very racist. Especially the emergency lines that just hang up on me, ridiculous.

Edited by Crypt36
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Next time you could use a Wasp Spray, he will not touch your door till he got out of the hospital. That should you give enough time to move to another place. :whistling:

You just forgot the double standards taking place, as soon as you cause the lovely local any sort of damages, they will be on you, locking you up, asking you to pay damages and your place is very likely to get ransacked while you are securely locked up elsewhere......

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This is a another one of those wonderful situations. A paid security guard in you're building complex is now targeting you because you interrupted his domestic dispute or drug deal or whatever in the middle of the night. Its absurd.:annoyed:

Back to the incident: By banging on you're closed door and screaming out for him to shut up has identified YOU to HIM as a coward. He sees that you wern't brave enought to confront him face to face & he is now targetting you. He's a bully, its as simple as that, grubs like this thrive on these situations. I'm not trying to be critical OF YOU but perhaps you can understand what I am saying. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but its too late to change what happened on the night now.

Of course theres other ways to look at this. Perhaps, if on the night you open the door went out into the corridore and then asked him to be more considerate, he would of, a.) Complied (HIGHLY UNLIKELY) OR b.) Shot, stabbed or bashed you to death, in which case the hole in the flyscreen & tyre would of looked fairly minor in comparison. On the other side of things, if the melee in the hallway had turned out into a siutation where you kicked his arse then you would either a.) Have all his mates down on you OR b.) Be on the receiving end of the Police farce and compensation system :lol: .

Anyway, by my way of thinking your sitting pretty right now but you should consider all options available, such as moving etc unless you are prepared to grab this bull by the horns and teach him a lesson. Of course there are many reasons not to do that, some outlined already in this post.

Please note, there are no warm, cuddly, fuzzy and sensitive new age options built in to this thai system, which is possibly one of the reasons why most thais don't get invovled.


Edited by neverdie
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Honestly, I'd move if I were you. Thais generally have a long memory once someone has gotten on the wrong side of them and they NEVER fight fair as we understand it in the west. Unless you want to spend the rest of your time in Thailand constantly watching your back, then I'd consider a relocation. The fact that you were in the right.....and I truly think you are.....is beside the point here. The condo management and police are obviously keeping a hands off approach here, and you should take that as a sign. In Thai vs. farang situations....even when we're in the right....the farang ALWAYS is perceived to be at fault. sad.gif

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It's all ben said. Move. If you take any form of revenge on a Thai - it is never over. There are other measures but I would not place them here and they are very effective. But after you have been here a lot longer you will know. Renting in Pattaya - try moving to some other place like Chiang Mai where people seem to be less aggressive. smile.gif

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It's all ben said. Move. If you take any form of revenge on a Thai - it is never over. There are other measures but I would not place them here and they are very effective. But after you have been here a lot longer you will know. Renting in Pattaya - try moving to some other place like Chiang Mai where people seem to be less aggressive. smile.gif

Nope, people in CM just as aggressive .... if not worse.


Learn how to use the camera on your phone, people doing naughty stuff are easily identified from a photo.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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You finally did the right thing.

In Thailand it is so important to pay attention to the chain of command. By going to the condo management, you will see the problem ceased. The security guard would not 'smash his own rice bowl'. If you continue to feel psychologically intimidated or unhappy, then move. But I doubt the problem will recur. Do not consider the police and there is no point confronting the other party directly. These were your 2 errors in the beginning. Even though his behaviour was unreasonable, you antagonised him and going to the police was a pure waste of time.

Always use the authority hierarchy when dealing with a problem in Thailand.

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I do not know if this is helpful, but frequently when I go to the market or 7-11, I bring back something for security guards such as pepsi, coffee or some snacks. This is not for a payoff for protection, but because many years ago i myself worked as guard and I know they do not make much money and appreciate anything which shows consideration and breaks up monotony Perhaps this would help in your situation, but as I have not encountered this myself I cannot say for sure. In general, it helps to have a good relationship with the locals. Smile and say hello, and leave a decent tip to waitresses and other workers, show some attempt to learn the language and customs, and if you run into some hostility, you may find that you will suffer less repercussions afterwards. I am not saying you did anything wrong here. Am only speaking from practical point of view, not about right and wrong.

Also, I have lived in Pattaya and Chiang Mai, and my experience is there is much more hostile and agressive behavior in Pattaya than in Chiang Mai.

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Please note, there are no warm, cuddly, fuzzy and sensitive new age options built in to this thai system, which is possibly one of the reasons why most thais don't get invovled.


Neverdie's reply pretty much said it all.

However, I did like Tomahawk's reply. It pays to have friends in low places. But, in your situation it would have been after the fact when the relations were already "strained"

I learned a long time ago that someone who is drunk is not in their right mind and can fantasize any strange belief and act upon it... just like someone who is mentally ill. Any amount of reasoning with a drunk will fall on deaf ears.

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What has the price of a building got to do with an idiot, you get idiots every where, Look at the British government..

Look at ANY government. None of them are worth a plugged nickle... anywhere.

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You should of gone to the Tourist Police and spoke to them they would of at least listened to you and given you some advice from an English Speaking person.

Thats what they are there for, why you would go to a regular police station is beyond me.

The problem with most on TV is they slag the TPD off but they are there to assist you specifically in cases like this.

Let the bashing begin

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This is a another one of those wonderful situations. A paid security guard in you're building complex is now targeting you because you interrupted his domestic dispute or drug deal or whatever in the middle of the night. Its absurd.:annoyed:

Back to the incident: By banging on you're closed door and screaming out for him to shut up has identified YOU to HIM as a coward. He sees that you wern't brave enought to confront him face to face & he is now targetting you. He's a bully, its as simple as that, grubs like this thrive on these situations. I'm not trying to be critical OF YOU but perhaps you can understand what I am saying. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but its too late to change what happened on the night now.

Of course theres other ways to look at this. Perhaps, if on the night you open the door went out into the corridore and then asked him to be more considerate, he would of, a.) Complied (HIGHLY UNLIKELY) OR b.) Shot, stabbed or bashed you to death, in which case the hole in the flyscreen & tyre would of looked fairly minor in comparison. On the other side of things, if the melee in the hallway had turned out into a siutation where you kicked his arse then you would either a.) Have all his mates down on you OR b.) Be on the receiving end of the Police farce and compensation system :lol: .

Anyway, by my way of thinking your sitting pretty right now but you should consider all options available, such as moving etc unless you are prepared to grab this bull by the horns and teach him a lesson. Of course there are many reasons not to do that, some outlined already in this post.

Please note, there are no warm, cuddly, fuzzy and sensitive new age options built in to this thai system, which is possibly one of the reasons why most thais don't get invovled.


Spot on - as usual.

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You should of gone to the Tourist Police and spoke to them they would of at least listened to you and given you some advice from an English Speaking person.

Thats what they are there for, why you would go to a regular police station is beyond me.

The problem with most on TV is they slag the TPD off but they are there to assist you specifically in cases like this.

Let the bashing begin


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You should of gone to the Tourist Police and spoke to them they would of at least listened to you and given you some advice from an English Speaking person.

Thats what they are there for, why you would go to a regular police station is beyond me.

The problem with most on TV is they slag the TPD off but they are there to assist you specifically in cases like this.

Let the bashing begin


This is a typical response of someone without a brain that takes the time to post a completely useless post

Good Job there chappy now get back to your beer Chang

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Thai men hate others complaining when they make noise at night. You should not ever do this......banging your door infuriated them.

It seems stupid, I know, but when they are drunk they are like this....I have experienced this myself, and heard many other peoples' stories similar to this.

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"This apparently is not Holland..."

Very astute observation there . . . .

I for one am always amused when someone experiences something in Thailand or anywhere else and then has the above "So this is not (insert home country here)" eureka moment. Sounds like you need to move or take some Muay Thai lessons. There's a good martial arts school in Pattaya Klang around the corner from CarreFour.

Chok dee.

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Thai men hate others complaining when they make noise at night. You should not ever do this......banging your door infuriated them.

So what. It's not our job to make life easy for any troublesome Thai's who happen to be operating in the area.

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You need to track down a copy of Niels Mulder's book "Everyday Life In Thailand" to get a better understanding of Thai culture in order to understand why your actions were not the best choices to be made given the situation. The book may have a slightly new title after it was revised a few years ago, but it remains the bible for westerners living within a Thai social context. Bottom line is you caused the perp in question to lose face by interfering in his dispute at a time when he was acting in anger.

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