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PM Abhisit Criticizes Thaksin For Continuing To Damage The Country


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PM Criticizes Thaksin for Continuing to Damage the Country

BANGKOK: -- The prime minister said that he never expected former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to stop damaging Thailand with his criticisms. At the same time, he denied having received any report that some fugitive red-shirt leaders are preparing to resume anti-government movements abroad.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva commented on the messages posted on a social website, critical of Thailand, by former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Abhisit said that he personally, never expected Thaksin to stop such behavior, which has been detrimental to the country's image.

He also said the ousted premier should stop supporting illegal activities if he is really sincere about partaking in the reconciliation process.

When asked about the report from a foreign source that some fugitive hard-line red-shirt leaders such as Arisman Pongruengrong and Suporn Attawong are preparing to resume the anti-government movement abroad, the prime minister replied that he has not received such a report, but said that the Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation, or the CRES, is keeping a close eye on the situation.

The prime minister also said that he has ordered the National Statistical Office to conduct a public survey of 100,000 Thai people on the topic of the national reform.

The premier added that the survey will be done free from any political agenda. The government is sincerely seeking public participation to successfully bring about national reform and reconciliation.

Abhisit also reiterated that the government has never conducted a witch-hunt for any group, but that those who have been convicted in the court of law must be brought to justice.


-- Tan Network 2010-06-22


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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement. He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

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The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party. Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee.

Are you serious??

This guy will NEVER stop until he's reached what he want (and his want is a total power). Especially after he "mistakedly" tried a King's chair in front of the country (a few years ago), and after all of these damages/movements/actions recently...And now you are talking about letting the wolf into the sheep's yard again - to "help the sheeps reconcilate into wolves"...Haha!

He is praying for that. :whistling:

Edited by alex_aka_P
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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement. He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

complete rubbish !!!!!!!
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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement. He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

complete rubbish !!!!!!!

Only in your mind.

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After the first two posters put their view across i thought OMG look out here they come and sure enough the sky opened up.

But i must say i am one of those, that think it would be a grave mistake it would cause more problems than it would solve, the best thing the government could do is ignore and not make any comments about the former PM of Thailand.

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement. He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

complete rubbish !!!!!!!

Only in your mind.

If Abhisit is serious about reconciliation, of course Thaksin should be involved otherwise it will be a futile exercise. lets see if he has the balls to do it.:jap:

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

If he gets a pardon, he will sense weakness and then demand power back, or try to take it.

Which he is trying to do now. A pardon will not bring reconciliation, Thaksin wants all or nothing,

that's obvious from the tactics and methodes he uses.

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement. He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

complete rubbish !!!!!!!

Only in your mind.

The WILL to act on the charges is likely with a political component,

but there is more than enough true facts to act on to nail him securely to the barn door.

He could have done his 6 months out of 2 years bribed into total luxury in detention,

but that's not what he scarpered. It's the OTHER deep dirt he can be nailed for that's the real worry.

He's up to his nostrils in merde and sinking, and he knows it.

Otherwise he would have stayed, waited, and used due process.

He doesn't dare, and get 10 years to spend his dotage paying huge bribes for perks

and letting the bitch-slapped ego, pile o' bile in his mind slowly erode it.

Edited by animatic
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Thaksin wants all or nothing,

that's obvious from the tactics and methods he uses.

It certainly seems that way. However, if there is any way to neuter him politically, it would certainly be worth a pardon to straighten out this mess and it is the Thai way.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

Are you suggesting the court complied with this political agenda?

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

If he gets a pardon, he will sense weakness and then demand power back, or try to take it.

Which he is trying to do now. A pardon will not bring reconciliation, Thaksin wants all or nothing,

that's obvious from the tactics and methodes he uses.

Totally agree. Letting him in would be a big misstake.

Mr.T has no sympati for anyone, but him self and his family.

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement. He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

have you ever read the charges against him.? They are all serious and well founded. How can you make such an ignorant statement. Unless of course you are a Taksin supporter

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement. He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

Totally disagree. It may seem an easy solution, but would definitively give the wrong signal. The way K. Thaksin is still profiling himself only gives the impression he want his power back. Would you really like to switch back to K. Thaksin and cronies? If so better be prepared not to say a single word out of (Thaksin's) line, he tends to get annoyed with comments and difficult questions. Having K. Thaksin back on amnesty not only signals to (any of the) power-hungry that they can still rule to roost, but is a VERY BAD example for the Thai youth. With PM Abhisit we stand a better chance, even though he will need time to disentangle himself from some of the ruling cronies. This he can only do step-by-step. If he moves too slow the common people get annoyed, if too fast the ruling elite. One way or another he needs support from all who like to bring this country forward!

Edited by rubl
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I know that this subject will invoke emotional outburst as sides and divisions have been well grounded. But is permanent peace for the King, country and our children are more overwhelming reasons for putting aside our differences? If Northern Ireland can be an example and the wise decision of the then British leaders to engage Sinn Fein which was far more radical than the UDD; could we do the same? I am no Taksin fan but I love the country to discard emotional prejudice and think for the future.

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

I seriously doubt if "reconciliation" and "permanent peace" are on Mr Ts' mind... he has proven, through his actions, that he only cares about his own personal wealth and power. He'd rather destroy the country before he helps it or the people.

This whole mess is - partially - his fault.

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement. He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

Totally agree

The best way to put out a fire is throw more petrol onto it

That way it will burn itself out

I have 3 mates coming over

Can you send a bottle of what ever you have been drinking over

we can all get smashed and say stupid comments

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement. He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

complete rubbish !!!!!!!

Only in your mind.

and the majority of people who can think for them selves

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.  

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement.   He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

Totally agree

The best way to put out a fire is throw more petrol onto it

That way it will burn itself out

I have 3 mates coming over

Can you send a bottle of what ever you have been drinking over

we can all get smashed and say stupid comments

more bottles in the fire??? what is that??? not enough buildings burned down in bangkok???

stop drinking, mate!!!!!

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

Get out of here! You must be joking! As if he hasn't done enough damage! You and the other gentleman would just let him back?! Outrageous to ask for the problems.

Thaksin won't bring peace, he never has! He made south thailand dangerous and volatile, stirring up a hornet's nest of unrest. Any man who shows he wants to use excess violence in S thailand, an out of control war on drugs, then encouraging rioting...needs to stay far away in exile.

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement. He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

Motivated for a good reason, the man is a crook! Who in their right mind would wanna be used and abused by this tyrant? You are absolutey absurd!

A good business leader?! A master crook! He swindled his ex business partner, crippled competitors, bent laws. He is a study in how to be an Al Capone combined with a Khmer rouge leader.

I think you've killed a few too many brain cells, or you've accepted some cash from Uncle Thaksin

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If that "The Joseph Plan" posting doesn't stop I will stop it with a long suspension for the poster in question.

I hope my point is clear

one post and quoted post deleted

I don't even know what that  plan means... :boring:

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A reply of "No comment" when asked the question would have reduced the "damage to Thailand's reputation" greatly by keeping the statement off the front pages.

They can't very well say that he continues to damage the country by posting on a "social website" and then follow it up with statements that bring the issue onto the front pages of the news.

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement. He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

Why don’t we just hand him the key to the city too while you are at it

I totally disagree. How ca you give a man who everyone know was totally corrupt and tried and still trying to destroy the country a second chance.

If Thaksin would put his country’s interest ahead of his own interest and was more conciliatory from the beginning and he would help to reconcile the difference then would be a different matter, Thaksin ‘s arrogant is his downfall and I don’t think he should be given any leeway or chance.

Hunt him down and put him away for a long long time

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.  

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement.   He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

Why don't we just hand him the key to the city too while you are at it

I totally disagree. How ca you give a man who everyone know was totally corrupt and tried and still trying to destroy the country a second chance.

If Thaksin would put his country's interest ahead of his own interest and was more conciliatory from the beginning and he would help to reconcile the difference then would be a different matter, Thaksin 's arrogant is his downfall and I don't think he should be given any leeway or chance.

Hunt him down and put him away for a long long time

well said!  :jap:

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Like it or not, AV may have to made sacrifice and include Taksin in the reconcilation plan. If past history is to set precedent, pardoning Taksin for the sake of permanent peace is not unique.

100% agree.

The best move Abhisit could make is to "suspend" Thaksins sentance so he can come back to Thailand.... on the proviso that he not get involved in any political party.

Include him as an advisor to the reconciliation comittee. That would immediatly subdue the red shirt movement. He is obviously a good business leader so make use of his talents to get the country pul;ling together.

If he steps out of line...then they have him in the country to do what they want with him.

The charges laid against him were politicly motivated and only designed to keep him out of the political scene...which obviously backfired on those that instigated the charges.

OMG have you no clue at all, Thaksin is one very evil man that stole his riches of the Thai people, he is now paying a select few to organise and disrupt so he can step back again and take control, they forced him out and he is trying to force his way back in, how many people do you think Thaksin would have executed or exterminated if he stepped back into power here............................take all his money - remove his ability to do anything - lock him up.........one very evil vindictive man

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