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Warning About Twilight 3 Vampire Movie

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I have been aware that the Twilight vampire movies were mainly targeted towards young girls but the first two were kind of fun and it didn't feel too weird watching them. Twilight 3 takes the girl demographic targeting to a whole new level. This isn't a chick flick, it's a chickadee flick. I suggest you steer clear of it unless you are in the demographic.

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I suggest you steer clear of it unless you are in the demographic

If you want to write a decent review is one thing, but trying to be a movie cop and suggest what we should or should not steer clear of is out of place

We can watch what ever we want to its a free country

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I suggest you steer clear of it unless you are in the demographic

If you want to write a decent review is one thing, but trying to be a movie cop and suggest what we should or should not steer clear of is out of place

We can watch what ever we want to its a free country

What a ridiculous comment. Of course it's your decision. Just posted about what you will experience if you do go.

You may want to look up the definition of the word SUGGEST.

Edited by Jingthing
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................and we're supposed to believe there is no "gender" issue out here..................:blink:

I don't get your point. Commercial entertainment properties clearly target their products at specific demographics, and age and sex are often big factors in the segmenting. Sometimes these efforts are more extreme than others. This movie is a very extreme case of a product being designed so that people not in the demographic are probably going to have a hard time relating to it, because it wasn't made for them. This is a fact of business life. Another good example, the song choices and styles of Justin Beiber. I would bet the house his concerts aren't filled with 60 plus men.

"Girls just want to have FANGS" Girls, yes, that means young females folks ... So politically incorrect to point out something that has hit you in the face.


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The second film was, with no hint of exaggeration, the most unenterprising film I have ever seen. I simply refuse to watch this installment or any others. Mai Pen Rai - plenty of films suit my tastes and I'm happy the demographic these films are aimed have something to watch...

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I went to see the movie (the second one) without any prior knowledge of the series or first movie. I wanted to leave after about 15/20 mins, but the person with me wanted to stick it out to see what (if anything) happens.

Of course..nothing happened.

I sat there for the remainder of the movie wondering if a lobotomy would be preferable to wasting any more minutes of my life on one of the dullest dramas ive seen in a very long time. I realised however that as tempting as a lobotomy was at that time, at least the movie wasnt a permanent fixture.

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Yeah, like I said, IF I had remembered the second one, I probably wouldn't have been suckered into the third one. Don't be fooled by the trailer either. The trailer shows a good bit of vampire/werewolf action while in reality most of the movie is about the teen girl lead's hard decision between the two pretty boys, the werewolf boy vs. the vampire boy. So romantic. IF you're a girl!

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Ya my homosexual quotient went up a startlingly 35% after having watched Twillight 3, be warned! I now eat 3 courses a day of red meat and hit the weights doing lots of grunting and yelling and strutting around with my chest out and a scowl on my face, I figure a few weeks of this and I'll be back down to regular levels.

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Horse poo, movies don't all have to be macho, shoot and beat 'em up and loaded with testosterone to be worthwhile. For the most part I enjoyed watching it, loved the scenery of course, have to admit the plot was a bit thin on the ground and the romantic triangle didn't do a lot for me, but as far as entertainment goes, it was quite watchable, especially for Baht 100.

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Why anyone over the age of say 21 would actually want to go and watch any of these movies is beyond me. :o

I thought the standard answer to this was common knowledge. Women. They make us do terrible terrible things in exchange for sexy time. Why would women over 21 want to go see it? I dont know why they want to go see any of the things they do, stopped questioning that a long time ago. It's all about the sexy time.

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Last time i checked i was a woman. And over 21. Not all women like to watch total and utter drivel on the big screen.

Can i get a refund of the time i spent watching it please? :(

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Not a particularly surprising conclusion given the books' target audience: tweenage girls.

I saw Twilight: Eclipse and didn't feel like a girl, but it was painful to watch such a poorly written, and even more poorly acted film. It is more on par with a really crappy TV show. Kristen Stewart was OK in "Adventureland" and "The Runaways".

Edited by lomatopo
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the story is based around a guy 200+ years old "dating" a 16 year old ?

don't you end up in jail for that sort of thing?

( sends a bad message to teenie boper girls at the least)

I knew it. I knew it. Roman Polanski was the ghost writer!

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Got suckered into seeing this movie on Sunday. The Thai lady I was with wanted to see it or else some Thai movie. I figured it was the lesser of 2 evils - wrong. The Thai movie could not have been worse. Spoiler alert - stop reading if you want to go and see this movie - but nothing happens. Over 2 hours sitting down and watching nothing happen. Every now and then you get the feeling that something might happen - but it never does. 2 guys sparring over probably the most boring girl in the world - please. I felt like demanding a refund. Funnily enough the sound went out for about 10 minutes towards the end of the movie. I was delighted in that I thought we could leave. Unfortunately it came back on but with a plot so thin it didnt matter that we had missed 10 minutes of it.

Edited by Rumcabal
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Actually, the books (yes, real books, that you hafta READ, word by word, page by page :o ) aren’t too bad to plow thru. ;)

FWIW: they’re not the movie, (although you can see the script they ripped from the bookz :( ).

The movies are something totally different and in reality, are just b/s movies designed to capitalize on the Vampire genre which is sweeping any country NOT in S/E Asia (as in america, uk, or name your country) .

Sorry :( , just Googled “Twilight the Series” and saw it’s rabid here in S/E Asia too :huh: .

Sad for Asians, and everyone else too. .. …

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I didn't particularly want to see this movie, but the GF convinced me to go. Half way through the movie, the GF was sound asleep. The comments here are correct--you keep waiting for something interesting to happen and it never does. I find it hard to believe that this movie has such international appeal. It's like an "Emperor has no clothes" sort of thing. Why don't the critics come out and just say that this movie sucks? Or maybe they have and I haven't heard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a Role Playing Game Geek, and I have been doing things like Vampire LARPs (Live Action Role Playing) for 13 years. None of us like Twilight.. I refuse to watch any of them. I mean <deleted>, a glittering sparkly vampire in the sun???

I'm going to finance a new movie "Blade IV: The End of Twilight" Just so I can watch Blade kill ever last one of those emo-rific wanna be nosferatue bitches.

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As some one said, Bella needs to decide between beastiality and necrophilia. Fine young example she is.

Ahahahahaha! Brilliantly put.

I've been forced to watch all three movies, because of careful blackmailing by my 13-year old sister annoyed.gif

And I've also had to "proof read" the series of books to determine if they would be suitable for said sister... I am very family-dedicated.

The books left me horrified! It's such banal, immature writing and you can just see how the author envisioned herself as the main character; this poor clumsy, undeserving girl with major self-esteem issues being loved by the gorgeous, practically unattainable hunk - who just happens to be dead.

What horrified me the most about these books were the intended target audience. I don't think anyone wants their teenage girls to be bombarded with the social imagery and ideas that are being promoted in the books.

It's not cool to be so insecure. It's not cool to have an overall "excuse-me-for-living" attitude.

It's not cool to deliberately behave like a total moron. And it's not cool to be totally inelegant regarding the acceptance of gifts and favours from people around you - the Bella-character freaks out every time someone wants to do or give something for her.

And lastly, as per book three and four: It's not cool to have to negotiate with and beg your boyfriend for sex - I shuddered when I read that and my libido suffered for my pride alone.

I would much rather recommend The Vampire Diaries for teenagers riding the vamp vibe - the characters are a bit more realistic.

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