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"We Are Guests In This Country"


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Well it would seem evident that to avoid the "plane leaving ever hour" crowd you should not have mentioned it in the first place..

To do so only seems to attract them like throwing chips at seagulls, :rolleyes:

From reading you post however i would reply to your question in a different way. Guys always asking why we are treated as tourists seem to smack of self importance..this seems to escalate daily in rapid succession after stepping OFF an inbound plane.

So how was the cop (or anyone else for that matter) supposed to know that you have been here bla bla years?..have wife, have kids, pay tax..

have this permit and that paper....bla bla bla...

Since they can obviously NOT know these things up front, then how can they possibly give you all this respect that you are so dearly deserving of??

It matters nought to them, they just want your money..not hard to understand, just pay up the small pittance and moove on.

Next time i walk down Sukhumvit in the company of a veteran farang mate maybe i should point out to the local copper that he stay LONG TIME and I stay SHORT TIME...

I will post you the results...

Meanwhile, since you seem to be tiring of the "next plane home" crowd, may i refresh you by suggesting an alternative....you can also leave by boat :jap:

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We however do enter officially, and no doors are shut, thus we do not have to GATE-CRASH ... therefore, to refer to us as CRASHERS is obviously incorrect, the Thai officialdom might well have negative views about us, which is reflective of the fireing hubs farangs have to jumb through, but we are allowed to stay here, therefore we could / should regard ourselfs as an UNWELCOME LOT ... than CRASHERS.

You are way too literal for me and BTW your post just gave me headache.

Lets just put it this way, crashers at parties are quite often allowed to stay as long as they bring along some good stuff to party with (ka-ching $$$) and/or are willing to dance around like amusing naked monkies.

Next ...


Edited by Jingthing
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This is funny. I am thinking the same way you do.. to a tee.

I look at it this way. They cry because the tourists arent comming. They give retirement visas to anyone!!! Then proceed to extort money from you at every turn.. LOL You have to have sence of humor about it. If you have the funds you can laugh some but it is very irritating. Really the only good thing i have done is read a good book about the statistics, and the rate of failure here among marriages and relationships. It should be mandatory reading.

I waited two years to give myself the chance to adapt. In the two years i waited and i mean very hard sometimes not to buy a home or what ever.

I have gone from:

1. ohhh poor thais.

2. Can i pay and help some.

3. I don't think they appreciate the help.

4. Screw them. it my money and i am going to have fun on my retirement.

5 A total lack of caring what they think or say..

I am a happy camper.. She says i need an extra 5000 baht.. I say hit the door. She says can you help my mom live better than i do???? Hit the door.. Of course it never happens but i am happy and spend my money on me.

She and every one in her family says. If you don't give me more money what will they think of you... My answer is screw them.. You would be surprised how well i get along now.


Nice one garyk!

A little bit blunt, but, I think on the money. I tend to now lean towards how you think in your post. But I've always tried to give people the benefit of doubt……That’s a losing battle in Thailand, you just get seen as a soft mark here to any Thai’s you show compassion too. 5 years and I only trust 2 Thai’s, My wife and my mates wife.

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5 A total lack of caring what they think or say... and then there are Thai girls who would say "What an a--hole.. I don't need your money" and kick your b-lls into the roof of your mouth before hitting the door.

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<BR>We however do enter officially, and no doors are shut, thus we do not have to GATE-CRASH ... therefore, to refer to us as CRASHERS is obviously incorrect, the Thai officialdom might well have negative views about us, which is reflective of the fireing hubs farangs have to jumb through, but we are allowed to stay here, therefore we could / should regard ourselfs as an&nbsp;&nbsp;UNWELCOME&nbsp;&nbsp;LOT&nbsp;&nbsp;... than&nbsp;&nbsp;CRASHERS.<BR>
<BR>You are way too literal for me and BTW your post just gave me headache.<BR>Lets just put it this way, crashers at parties are quite often allowed to stay as long as they bring along some good stuff to party with (ka-ching $$$) and/or are willing to dance around like amusing naked monkies.<BR>Next ...<BR><BR>


<BR><BR><BR><BR>If the contents of  a(4 line) posting gives you a headache then that is indicative of negative brain functioning, this is of course worrisome, and I am sorry to hear that, remedial action must be taken, initially lay down in a dark room with a wet towel over your head and take paracetamol, thereafter make an appointment to see a neurologist in order to get matters sorted, good luck. Edited by personchester
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<BR>We however do enter officially, and no doors are shut, thus we do not have to GATE-CRASH ... therefore, to refer to us as CRASHERS is obviously incorrect, the Thai officialdom might well have negative views about us, which is reflective of the fireing hubs farangs have to jumb through, but we are allowed to stay here, therefore we could / should regard ourselfs as an&nbsp;&nbsp;UNWELCOME&nbsp;&nbsp;LOT&nbsp;&nbsp;... than&nbsp;&nbsp;CRASHERS.<BR>
<BR>You are way too literal for me and BTW your post just gave me headache.<BR>Lets just put it this way, crashers at parties are quite often allowed to stay as long as they bring along some good stuff to party with (ka-ching $$$) and/or are willing to dance around like amusing naked monkies.<BR>Next ...<BR><BR>



If the contents of a (4 line) posting with opposing views gives you a headache then that is indicative of negative brain functioning, this is of course worrisome, and I am sorry to hear that, remedial action must be taken, initially lay down in a dark room with a wet towel over your head and take paracetamol, thereafter make an appointment to see a neurologist in order to get matters sorted, good luck.

Edited by personchester
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When this topic comes up it really makes me think that there are many, many Thailand fanboys who view the country as a place of perfection which does not need to change a bit. And all those with dissenting views need to be put on a plane.

The other day I read about some trouble in a bar where some westerners, including a lady, ended up getting laid out with heads split open. Several of the posters concluded that they would continue to patronize the establishment and in some cases defended the establishments actions. :unsure:

That is how strong the pull of Thailand has on some people. I bet that many would submit to an annual video taped beating by the locals (with a 2-week stay in the hospital to recuperate) if it meant they could stay in the kingdom. Maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration, but the way people defend the problems (and all countries have problems) makes my head spin.


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There are also a lot of winging losers who would not be happy anywhere and blame all their problems on something or somewhere else. I prefer to associate with expats who do not fall too far into either category. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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There are also a lot of winging losers who would not be happy anywhere and blame all their problems on something or somewhere else. I prefer to associate with expats who do not fall too far into either category. :)

Quite often when I wing it I come out ahead, but as Kenny Rogers sang,

"You've got to know when to wing it, know when to plan

I paused to let him sing it, then off I ran"


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Last night one was watching an interview on Australian ABC-TV and the short interview was with an Englishman living in Hongkong who was born in Shanghai. He stated that he was a guest in China and a welcome one but he could never be regarded as a native of China.

The same applies to long term western expat. residents in Thailand.

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There is a plane leaving every day. What else is there to say? :D

Depends if The Yellow Shirts come back out. :rolleyes:

good call!!!

really, we should be cheering that Thailand will never change and always be backward. It should always make thailand a cheap country to live in, because it will take thailand forever to get to the level of western countries!!! So you should just keep taking advantage of this (or find a way to take advantage of the situation)... if they did everything the same as back home, would there be any point staying here???

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Whinging. :giggle:

To be honest, I've never really noticed much whinging here; it's like traffic noise, or crickets, the sea, or vuvuselas; just part of the background noise that makes it so attractive to live by the coast / in the jungle / near an expressway / visit a football match. No-one actually listens to it. That's why God gave us an in-ear and an out-ear - which in turn is the reason for monogamy...


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There are also a lot of winging losers who would not be happy anywhere and blame all their problems on something or somewhere else. I prefer to associate with expats who do not fall too far into either category. :)

Couldn't agree more.

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It should always make thailand a cheap country to live in, because it will take thailand forever to get to the level of western countries!!!

Not if the pound and euro continue to plummet against the baht it won't!

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I have a Thai friend who lives in the UK he has a Thai restuarant. He pays taxes etc. And nobody says 'you are ony a guest here'

Hmm, if he ever had the misfortune to cross paths with a BNP sympathiser, he would probably be called something far worse!

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Some can't live with the reality that they are not as loved as their financial contribution. Fine.

Others are more than happy to live the "lie" as it is better than a cold clammy old fat bird at home.

Others still have enjoyed for a while and become disenchanted.

The same may be true of many popular "Sexpat" destinations chiefly because people are people, no matter where they are or where they go.

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I have never felt as a guest in Thailand.

I feel very at home here .

As the saying goes: HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS

SAWADEE KHRUP !! welcomeani.gifwai.gif

Isn't self delusion grand?

And still you stay here ?

As you might know {or not}, this is a very common character trait amongst those in residence that don't feel at home......they're uneasy about gathering any such positive sense of their existence here - they're more comfortable towards the fanciful negativity.

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I have never felt as a guest in Thailand.

I feel very at home here .

As the saying goes: HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS

SAWADEE KHRUP !! welcomeani.gifwai.gif

Isn't self delusion grand?

And still you stay here ?


Good for you and good for this country !

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