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Police Stop Check


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I went out to watch the football last night. I took a taxi and it passed Asoke junction. There were a lot of police and the police stopped the taxi and asked me the the girl friend to get out. I thought they were going to search the taxi and turn the taxi driver over. But it was me and my girl friend they were interested in. They wanted to check all our pockets and bags (it seemed like they were searching for drugs), and asked for I.D from both of us. Good job i had my drivers license on me.

My girlfriend says that they CAN do this for no reason at the moment as the cerfew that existed when the reds were in town is still on going in some fashion!

Luckily after 2/3 minutes we were off again, with no problems.

Heads up guys.

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I have been checked at that intersection 3 times. I don't think it has anything to do with the state of emergency because two of the three times I have been checked was before the state of emergency was issued. I was checked there about a week ago, early this year and at some point last year. It looks like they are targeting foreigners because each time the cop shined his flashlight into my face before deciding to make the taxi stop.<br>

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I am told that, unless a police officer with more than 3 stars is there, then they CANNOT search you.

If there isnt a "Dam Ruat Sanya Bat" ตำรวจสัญญาบัตร there, then they cannot search you.

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Same happened to me and a mate of mine while we were heading off for some local entrateinment, but this was many months before the state of emergency, basically it was like maybe a gang of 10 BiB's on the side of the road, they stop our taxi and told us to came out, then i have been first asked to show what i was having in my pockets and then he wanted to see the money inside my wallet (?!) i was very wary because i know what they are capable of and i remembered the similar story of another OP were the BiB stole the banknotes inside the wallet of another farang while he was taking out the driving license from it...., he didn't check by himself and i just showed him, however if i was hideing anything he wouldn't have find it because he only wanted to see the part of the wallet where all the banknotes are....i was taking the whole thing with some fun and i was having a small chat in thai with the BiB to not to spoil my night out, then i noticed they were taking longer on my friend and i started to talk with the other BiB to let us enjoy the rest of the night, no tea was requested however once inside the taxi again, my friend told me his BiB tried to stick his hands on his pockets and he just grab his hand to stop him because he was worry that he would stick something inside them....after 2 seconds our taxi departed, the rest of the "gang" (as we were at the beginning of their group) tried to stop us again! at which point i told him from the window to have a word with his other "colleagues" because we had just been given a go and then they let us to head off our way.....what an annoyance they are

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Acquaintance of mine has been stopped several times at the same intersection. He finally called the USA Embassy. They told him to come down and make a complaint there, then take it to the Thonglo police station.

If enough complaints go thru the Embassies, the harassment will likely stop.

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Thongor Police Station seems to have a bit of a reputation, BKK James has mentioned it a couple of times.

I needed to go there to make a complaint, not about the police, I mentioned it to a friend who happens to be a Police Sergeant there, she advised me to never go there without a lawyer, I was pretty amazed by that statement but took her advice.

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It has been going on in that spot intermittently for years. I've not been stopped in a taxi at all this year, but was stopped twice about two years ago, in one year, and once the year before that. Asoke Rd forms the western edge of the Thonglor police district.

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FYI there have been nightly police check points at Phrom Pong/Petchaburi. The "police" are at the chokepoint, the bridge that crosses the San seab. They seem to be stopping people going into Phrom Pong.

Noticed it on Sunday night after I came back to BKK. It has been happening nightly too.

Saw them pull over a bunch of girls from a taxi. They seem to be mainly checking the taxis as most private vehicles are waved on. (doubt they would have the balls to stop and harass the benzes and bmws on Phrom Pong).

I was stopped the night I flew in, but the wife told them off saying we just flew in and already went through airport security. So they were NOT going to open our bags. Surprisingly they waved us on.

Have noticed the checkpoints nightly, have not been stopped since though...knock on wood.

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  • 4 months later...

I was stopped by police near Thong Lor BTS at 11pm on Nov 15. They were filtering taxis into the left lane, and appeared to be targeting farangs. They shone a torch on my face through the window of the cab and I was asked to get out and empty my pockets. They wanted to see my passport and entry stamp. I only had a photocopy of my passport on me, but this appeared to be acceptable. A Japanese guy was being put theough similar treatment ahead of my taxi. I asked the cop what he was looking for but he did not tell me. He kept accusing me of being drunk, as if he was trying to get a rise out of me, but I replied: That's why I am in a taxi! Is it a crime to be drunk in a taxi in Bangkok? I was allowed to go, but was worried that they could have easily planted something on me and I would not have had a leg to stand on.

A mate of mine also got stopped by two policemen in at 3pm yesterday on his way to a local bakery, in Soi 49. Thorough search, pockets, under the scooter seat. When he asked them what it was about - no real answer.

What is going on? Is it open season on farangs?

Is this legal? (Sorry, silly question!)

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I wouldn't be very friendly if this happened to me. I have seen it done and heard about it from others, and now on here. Why target foreigners in high season? Easy money or are they looking for something more? I doubt it.

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The same thing happened to a friend of mine last Friday (near Asoke / Rama 9). He was asked to get out of his car at a Police stop, he was then asked to empty his pockets and then patted down before being permitted to carry on his way.

I'm not sure if Foreigners are being specifically targeted, my friend is Thai and like anyone else was a little disturbed and had no idea why these searches were taking place.

There must be some legitimate reason behind all of this. Apart from one TV member having had money lifted from his wallet at a police checkpoint (on the tollway?) I have not heard of one incident where the person being pulled over has not simply been waived on after a simple check.

I really do wonder what the Police are looking for. Given the reputation of the Police in Thailand it frightens me that they can do this.

I have refused to get out of the taxi before (in a dark sub soi when the police asked me for ID) but I think that was more of a 'opportunistic' stop from two crafty Thonglor Policemen on a motorbike. At that time (2:30am) the situation appeared too dodgy so I simply said "Mai Mee" when they asked for my Passport, and then "Mai Mee" when they asked for ID (although I did have my Thai drivers license). If they had pressed the issue I would have suggested that we go to Thonglor Police station and called assistance while on the way.

At a 'standard' stop I would have no issues complying as there never appears to be any underhand behavior, so long as the police continue to practice the appropriate (and legal) search methods of not placing their hands in our pockets etc.

Maybe its time to start a pinned thread regarding the legalities:

1) [Position - Lieutenant?] and upwards only may request a search (they can be recognised by [x] stars on their shoulder?

(I'm not sure if this is true or not).

2) Police may not place their hands inside our clothing in a search.

(I've been told of this by the police of varying status / position a number of times)

3) You can refuse a search on the street but then have to go to the nearest Police station to be searched there (you can call your lawyer on the way if you have one that can respond that quickly).

(I've been told of this by the police of varying status / position a number of times)

Edited by richard_smith237
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Happening on phrom pong too. Its not solely targeted at farangs, they are stopping Thais. Mostly Thais from what I see actually. It's a drug check

If it's a bike, everyone is told to get off and the underwear compartment checked. Usually they just shone the light into the taxi. Unless you are doing something suspicious you get waved on. I was stopped once CIA I was fidgeting with something and they thought I was dumping my dope onto the car floor. So out I went, emptied my pickets while another cop checked the car floor.

As to high season... Crime does not stop for high season, so you can't expect the police to stop. ;)

Edited by mmushr00m
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Asoke junction is the main place for stopping foreigners in taxis (I've seen groups of foreign girls searched and groups of Japanese). Basic unthoughtthrough orders from above "find out of foreigners are going out with drugs. They often travel from Silom to Sukhumvit, so check at Asoke". How many foreigners carry drugs with them in taxis? How many have been caught? Complete waste of police time (again) and another way to alienate tourists and expats.

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Another way to alienate expats and tourist?

Are we as expats and tourist supposed to get special treatment, no Thais are supposed to interfere with our activities? I think we as a group are getting a bit too high of an opinion of ourselves. If an expat or a tourist is stopped, immediately it is seen as we are being targeted.

Ask ouselves a question. If the impression that the police are specifically targeting foreigners are correct, what are the reasons? What is to be gained and what makes it so "lucrative" that theycontinue this activity?

An answer is that they DO find foreigners with "controlled substances" and that there is money to be made in offering the "get out of jail" tea money option.

I live near the Thonglor area and I do see alot of Thais being stopped. If its a bike, the under seat compartment will be searched. If its a bunch of younger thais, they will be stopped for sure. There are alot of pubs and clubs in the area and alot of drugs are available for the trendy thai kids. Same with the younger expat/long stay tourist crowd. Go to Insomnia, Narz, etc (the higher end in clubs)and you will be shocked to see some of the open drug use.

However that being said, I do wonder why they dont crack down on Soi Africa and its surroundings. THat area is dodgy.

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Happening on phrom pong too. Its not solely targeted at farangs, they are stopping Thais. Mostly Thais from what I see actually. It's a drug check

If it's a bike, everyone is told to get off and the underwear compartment checked. Usually they just shone the light into the taxi. Unless you are doing something suspicious you get waved on. I was stopped once CIA I was fidgeting with something and they thought I was dumping my dope onto the car floor. So out I went, emptied my pickets while another cop checked the car floor.

As to high season... Crime does not stop for high season, so you can't expect the police to stop. ;)

Hmm, an underwear compartment on a motorbike, thats something new :blink:

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I've been stopped a few times at that intersection and searched. Each time they've been very polite about it- although sometimes going as far to check the back seat of the taxi, lift it up etc. Only time it was every a problem was when I had a small scrap of plastic bag in my pocket with some hair gel in it (...I know, it's pretty pathetic... but sometimes the aircon does a number on my hair ...) and they got very excited by the white substance till I explained that it was for my hair, and then they just laughed at me.

The first time it happened to me I was on my way to a sports bar to watch some football. Police wanted to know where I was going and why. Told them, they asked me to write down the name of the sports bar. I said I couldn't remember it, so I just wrote down "Some Sports Bar". The policeman looked at it and said "Oh yes, I know that place." rolleyes.gif

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I think it was Sunbelt who posted a comment on another website that the police cannot search you without a warrent or probable cause. Simply refuse or ask to see the warrent. I wonder if anyone has ever done this.

Back in 11-Jul-2010 column on Stickmans web site (copied below)

Question 1: Foreigners get nervous when stopped by Thai police and told that they are going to be searched. There is a fear that something might be planted on their person. What are a person's rights when stopped by the police? Do they have the right to search us without permission? What is the best way to handle this situation?

Sunbelt Legal responds: First and foremost, a search without a warrant is illegal and is in direct violation of your basic human rights. The police can conduct a warrantless search ONLY if you voluntarily consent to the search. Do not be intimidated into saying YES in being searched. In the first place, you may refuse to be searched and strongly enforce this right if there is no search warrant. In the case of a minor, consent from the legal guardian has to be obtained first before any search can be conducted. However, the Police are given extrajudicial rights to conduct a search without a warrant depending on the circumstances for as long as they have a probable cause to do so. The officer must demonstrate two things for a search of a vehicle without probable cause: First, he has an exception to the probable cause requirement. Second, he has an exception to the warrant requirement. Your first right is simply to say NO. However, the case may be disputed as to whether the officer has a probable cause to do so or not. If the case may arise and you firmly believe that you have been stopped for no reason and unjustly searched or unlawfully arrested, you as the defendant must demonstrate standing in a motion to suppress evidence seized (if any) as a result of an illegal search. You must demonstrate a privacy interest in the area or thing searched. You have the right to have a lawyer, to contact people, to have an interpreter or to have the reason you've been arrested explained to you.

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Its a trend that normally in the month Of December and early January, the cops would be trying to raise as much money as they did to give their superiors New Year Gifts for their promotions, good reports , etc plus also momies for their own families for the New Year. What they normally do is to target foreigners and try any methods of extortion. It seems more worsts this year and they are targetting Foreigners not only at the Asoke Area but also at Thonglor Intersections, Wireless/Ploenchit Road Intersection, Sathorn Roads(various Points), Din Daeng, Ratchadaphisek, Lardphrao, etc and also the Toursist Police are so do at various BTS Stations. Most of the time however, only Western Looking Foreigners are being targetted.. Best to warn your friends about not to come to Thailand this year.

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Its a trend that normally in the month Of December and early January, the cops would be trying to raise as much money as they did to give their superiors New Year Gifts for their promotions, good reports , etc plus also momies for their own families for the New Year. What they normally do is to target foreigners and try any methods of extortion. It seems more worsts this year and they are targetting Foreigners not only at the Asoke Area but also at Thonglor Intersections, Wireless/Ploenchit Road Intersection, Sathorn Roads(various Points), Din Daeng, Ratchadaphisek, Lardphrao, etc and also the Toursist Police are so do at various BTS Stations. Most of the time however, only Western Looking Foreigners are being targetted.. Best to warn your friends about not to come to Thailand this year.

Nobody thats been stopped reported being asked for money.

Whats Thai for "warrant"?

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They will not directly ask for money but will find some fault with you first such.....why not carrying passport, or will "find" something on you, etc. Here over at Pattaya, its starting to happen now, this morning near the Central Pattaya, (at about 1130hrs), cops were having a checkpoint just outside on the road and were checking both Thais and Foreigners.

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I know quite a few people who have been stopped, and nobody's ever been asked to hand over money. I've been stopped without any ID and they just told me to make sure I carried some from now on.

How much are people being asked to pay then in the case you know about?

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Was in Bkk approx. 6 months ago and went to Los Cabos with a friend. After leaving, we were stopped by 2 police just by the entrance to soi 14 below the Asoke Bts. We were asked to show what we had in our pockets, which we did (nothing of interest).

They were polite, said thank you and let us go!

We thought they were looking for drugs, and did random checks.

It didn't bother me much ...........:)

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