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Thai Colleges Get A Dressing Down Over Short Skirts


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Short skirts! I don’t see a problem. Now padded bras! Come on! That’s just wrong under the trade deceptions act, Geneva Convention and I’m pretty sure the SALT accord as well. Will there be no end to this abuse, and as I’m on the subject of miss representation (of the worst kind) False Butts!!!! What’s all that about? What’s next? Men dressed as women?

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<br>Personally I dont believe that short skirts are the problem here. If they were then maybe we should encourage the girls, women to wear burkhas, like the Muslims.<br>
<br>..correct, it's the long legs that are the problem..<br>

Are old ladies who are frustrated that they are no longer young the ones behind this?

Or, are men who are frustrated the young girls are no longer finding them attractive behind this?

I would think they would have more serious problems to attend to like MASSIVE CORRUPTION IN ACADEMIA!

Edited by Globalhot
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Another crackdown cracking me up at the crack of dawn. I say: lower the skirts over the knees and show your cracks instead, that should keep everybody happy!

Some ideas to replace those lame game shows on Thai TV: Who's on crack??Whose crack is it?

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A few comments point towards improving education and that the skirt thing isnt something to consider. However, its a pretty delicate age where girls form opinions about themselves, their self-worth, their identities...and how boys view them. Having clothes tighter, shorter, promoting skinniness, wearing a lot of padding in bras so that the shirt strains at the buttons, isnt that giving the message that in order to be perceived as desirable they have to fit a mold and reveal a lot of skin? A lot of the girls are skipping meals, taking diet pills, etc. How is any of that conducive to learning? Shouldnt the uniform be standardized and neat but not too sexy? The focus on a females self worth should be on her studies, not how sexy she looks to the opposite sex.

Well what is best for and how young people should think and feel has NEVER had any bearing in reality. No attempts at controlling it will ever work. Also, its because the uniform IS standardized that they have this problem. If they were able to wear what they wanted they wouldn't have such a strong desire to differentiate and push the limits of what they are FORCED to wear. All young people want to express themselves and differentiate themselves. And who in the world doesn't want to look attractive to the opposite sex? Sounds like you just want to change evolution and the way we as humans are hard wired. Should it be the most important thing in the world? No but this is Thailand, how many of those girls will be anything more than a house wife. That is the ultimate goal here, its not an enlightened society. Very few working towards bettering themselves and want to be doctors, most are looking for the best husband possible as the life goal. The more attractive they make themselves the better the choice of husband is probably the connection in their minds.

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Im getting the feeling that most are not reading the responses, just reading the title and giving their "opinion".

Edit: or maybe i should rephrase that most seem to be not reading the considered responses. ho hum.

Edited by eek
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Surely its time to get tough with these students.

Cant they introduce public stonings for girls having their skirts not down to their knees?

Its good enough for Iran.

Yes, this is the time to get tough. If your skirt is too short, you have to go through the rest of the day without it.

Or, the other way around, and force everyone into super mini skirts. It can be the beginning of a short skirt revolution.

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Are these dress rules written by fat, unattractive women who want equal opportunities?

This is the usual response to women who show concern about how young women develop. I realise its likely hard for men to understand how delicate teenage years are in a womans life, and how that can impact her life in subsequent years. Its concern for how a woman will perceive and value herself. Not something a lot of men have empathy or understanding of.

And equally 'fragile' young men will still graduate with a decent degree and get a good job despite getting tattoo's and dressing like a gangsta bro in their 'formulative' adolescent years.

It's up to parents to tell their kids what is proper school attire just as it is also their responsibility to educate them on what is acceptable social behaviour.

The schoolteachers, ajahns and the 'minders' of private educational establishments should &lt;deleted&gt;.

What on earth is this OPEC anyway? A Quango?

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watch  in thailand out muslim are the one who always complain with the dress code......................................................... thailand become muslim state ????????<div>No more tourist   no more money............................</div>

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No I didn't read every page but enough to know that most are missing the point that they are private schools and non elected, busybody, creepy socailist should just shut the hel_l up about any uniforms or even a requirement for them in the first place. Its not your school, go get a productive job in the real world.

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No real impact or importance... no real problem or situation... so, not much of a brain on this! <_<

...yeah, yeah... sure... the country has tons of important problems, but lets take it on those trying to look good at school... that's a vital subject and should be addressed right away... before the start of a new movement of the red shirts... due to the white panties! :lol:

Edited by DonGato
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Its hot in Thailand, whats wrong with wearing temperature appropriate clothing. Maybe a Burka would appease the skin police.

Besides I like looking at short skirts :rolleyes:

Absolutely disgusting. Whatever it is ban them and ban them now. Just can't stand this carefree society anymore. Just hate the sight of all those naked long legs on motorbikes or the ultra short skirts in the bars when all I'm trying to do is have a quiet drink. Ban 'em, hang 'em, flog 'em I say.

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There's an old saying that goes, "A girl can always run faster with her skirt up that a dude with his pants down." These short skirts are merely "anti-assault" equipment. I'll bet a 100 baht that a girl in a short skirt can outrun a girl in a Burqa any day of the week.

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Its hot in Thailand, whats wrong with wearing temperature appropriate clothing. Maybe a Burka would appease the skin police.

Besides I like looking at short skirts :rolleyes:

Absolutely disgusting. Whatever it is ban them and ban them now. Just can't stand this carefree society anymore. Just hate the sight of all those naked long legs on motorbikes or the ultra short skirts in the bars when all I'm trying to do is have a quiet drink. Ban 'em, hang 'em, flog 'em I say.

The floggings will continue until morale improves!

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I think the problem may be the imposition of a uniform rule on Thai uni students. The uniform is incredibly boring, so its natural they would want to spice it up a bit as part of a general d esire to look attractive. Since they can't change the colour or design and are banned from wearing much jewellery, all they can do is shorten the skirt and tighten the blouse.

I teach a number of Thai university age students at a college in Australia and they all dress quite modestly, certainly much more modestly than the Thai uni uniform.

If they allowed freedom of dress they might find most students would actually dress more modestly than the current uniform.

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A few comments point towards improving education and that the skirt thing isnt something to consider. However, its a pretty delicate age where girls form opinions about themselves, their self-worth, their identities...and how boys view them. Having clothes tighter, shorter, promoting skinniness, wearing a lot of padding in bras so that the shirt strains at the buttons, isnt that giving the message that in order to be perceived as desirable they have to fit a mold and reveal a lot of skin? A lot of the girls are skipping meals, taking diet pills, etc. How is any of that conducive to learning? Shouldnt the uniform be standardized and neat but not too sexy? The focus on a females self worth should be on her studies, not how sexy she looks to the opposite sex.

So you are in favour of forecefully dressing young women in burkas?

Open question:

And wasn't part of the idea with a school uniform that the girls would not be seen having sexy clothes and objectifieing themselves? Seems like it has never worked...but I remember seeing a film of another organisation where all the kids had uniforms and was told to proudly wear the logo for display...but the narrative might be hard to follow for some as it was in German...

Edit: Added segmentation as the second paragraph wasn't a reply to Eek, but for anyone in favour of uniforms in schools...

Edited by TAWP
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Interesting how you come up with such an inflammatory and rather nasty assumption based on her post. I didn't read that in her post at all, but perhaps that is just your interpretation of it and should be noted as such???

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Her posting point was summoned in the last sentence:

The focus on a females self worth should be on her studies, not how sexy she looks to the opposite sex.

Since the females themselves are the ones wearing uniforms sometimes a number too small (denial of growth or on purpose) and being sexy, i.e. no-one is forcing them to do it...what is her proposed solution?

As a standardized uniform is already what the students have...

And I still stand by the fact that dressing up kids in uniform in a public school-system, as it is formed in many countries, is just another pussle piece of the governments aim to brainwash the kids into being productive worker drones for the state.

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To does who need more prove of the "problem" Just look in the street of Thailand.. you see them there everyday...

When comes to burka, why not... Who would not want to unpack a thaigirl more than ones everyday at home... :)

In the end. I'll just say, "I don't mind girls in short-skirt as long it's not my daughter" ;)

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Her posting point was summoned in the last sentence:

The focus on a females self worth should be on her studies, not how sexy she looks to the opposite sex.

Since the females themselves are the ones wearing uniforms sometimes a number too small (denial of growth or on purpose) and being sexy, i.e. no-one is forcing them to do it...what is her proposed solution?

As a standardized uniform is already what the students have...

And I still stand by the fact that dressing up kids in uniform in a public school-system, as it is formed in many countries, is just another pussle piece of the governments aim to brainwash the kids into being productive worker drones for the state.

So, in other words, you don't like her ideas so you assume she is proposing this? Really Tawp, I expect better of you than this.

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Her posting point was summoned in the last sentence:

The focus on a females self worth should be on her studies, not how sexy she looks to the opposite sex.

Since the females themselves are the ones wearing uniforms sometimes a number too small (denial of growth or on purpose) and being sexy, i.e. no-one is forcing them to do it...what is her proposed solution?

As a standardized uniform is already what the students have...

And I still stand by the fact that dressing up kids in uniform in a public school-system, as it is formed in many countries, is just another pussle piece of the governments aim to brainwash the kids into being productive worker drones for the state.

So, in other words, you don't like her ideas so you assume she is proposing this? Really Tawp, I expect better of you than this.

Uh, no, I don't think she proposes it, it is called a rethorical question.

I ask it to make a point.

If dress code clearly isn't working, already, what is it people want next?

In Iran the religious police will whip those that wear too revealing clothes. While that isn't for here, they do however do something that a crackdown like this would demand: someone has to measure or judge students and proclaim who is wearing the right size, who is wearing a too small size, who is wearing the skirt too high up etc. A snakes nest...and a tastepolice - especially in the form of bureaucrats - are not something I would like to see.

So the question is asked to force the other side to formulate a responce to better explains what they want.

Everywant want kids etc to be happy and feel safe, have good confidence etc - but proclaiming that something is causing a negative effect on this and then not saying what would solve it isn't helping either if we would like to progress forward.

And I doubt more rules regarding uniforms will help.

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Haha..no worries, ive had Tawp take a pop at me before, so its no surprise. Anyway..all i can say is Im sure most of us know (i hope) when views are extreme and to use some common sense. Most will surely realise my comments were not concerned so much with the uniform, but rather about concern over how young women may perceive and value themselves. Regardless, im sure this thread will happily go on its merry way without any reasonable discussion on the subject. :D

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Weren't they just complaining that there wasn't enough babies? Make up your mind!!<br><br>And...has there been a huge number of attacks on these girls suddenly? I think not. Nothing had changed. Nothing ever will.<br>

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