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Few Questions Abt Uk Visa

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hi guys

im in the stage off looking at a visa for the missus,been reading all the info here which is helping me alot so i thk you all.just got a couple of questions i need sum help with

my gf is still married but hasnt seen her husband in 3 yrs and doesnt know if he even in thailand,now im looking at the general visitor form to apply we are unsure what part to put down

as the marital status if we put down married we have then put all her exs details down and where he lives to which we dont know.can i put she is single or a dissolved patnership or any other

so we dont have to put her ex husbands information down

hope someone can shed sum light for me

cheers lads


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This may sound silly, but is she legally married with all forms been signed in front of a registrar at her local amphur office ? Or has she just been involved in a religious ceremony conducted by a local monk which is not legally binding ? I have met scores of foreign men who have not realised either through ignorance of their gf understanding or a lack in communication that their gf is not actually married under Thai law or English law at that !I hope you don't think I am being rude asking but many have trodden this path.

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What nationality is your girlfriends husband, if he is from the UK or another western country has she visited his country? if so that will be on record, even if she submits a new passport.

If she is still legally married she should say so in her application, she shouldn't leave out material facts otherwise she could be in trouble. I have known for UK Citizens who have previously taken their wives to the UK to advise UK Visas that the relationship is no more, this will be on file.

So tell the truth and tread carefully.

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This may sound silly, but is she legally married with all forms been signed in front of a registrar at her local amphur office ? Or has she just been involved in a religious ceremony conducted by a local monk which is not legally binding ? I have met scores of foreign men who have not realised either through ignorance of their gf understanding or a lack in communication that their gf is not actually married under Thai law or English law at that !I hope you don't think I am being rude asking but many have trodden this path.

alright mate

I'm afraid it was a proper marriage not just a local one.yeah mate totally

understand that wires get crossed abt thai marriages

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What nationality is your girlfriends husband, if he is from the UK or another western country has she visited his country? if so that will be on record, even if she submits a new passport.

If she is still legally married she should say so in her application, she shouldn't leave out material facts otherwise she could be in trouble. I have known for UK Citizens who have previously taken their wives to the UK to advise UK Visas that the relationship is no more, this will be on file.

So tell the truth and tread carefully.


Alright mate

her husband was from pakistain and lived and worked in bkk,my gf

has never visited his home country

I know she is still legaly married but I've looked up the term seperated

and that is more how the relationship is,would I b able to put this on the form instead of married

and not fill her exs details down??

Thks again

Edited by annnick
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Yes, she can tick 'separated' but should still put details of her husband; or as much as she can. She cannot skip these questions as she is technically still married.

If she is unable to answer a particular question, put 'see additional information' and note there that she and her husband have been separated for 3 years and she does not know his current whereabouts so is unable to answer that question.

Remember that should your relationship develop to the point where you want to apply for her to live in the UK with you she will first have to divorce her husband so she can marry you. I don't know enough Thai law to say if this is possible after a three year separation without his knowledge; speak to a Thai lawyer.

Alternatively, she could apply as your unmarried partner, but to do so the two of you will need to have been living together outside the UK in a relationship akin to marriage for at least the previous two years.

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Yes, she can tick 'separated' but should still put details of her husband; or as much as she can. She cannot skip these questions as she is technically still married.

If she is unable to answer a particular question, put 'see additional information' and note there that she and her husband have been separated for 3 years and she does not know his current whereabouts so is unable to answer that question.

Remember that should your relationship develop to the point where you want to apply for her to live in the UK with you she will first have to divorce her husband so she can marry you. I don't know enough Thai law to say if this is possible after a three year separation without his knowledge; speak to a Thai lawyer.

Alternatively, she could apply as your unmarried partner, but to do so the two of you will need to have been living together outside the UK in a relationship akin to marriage for at least the previous two years.

thanks 7by7 for the info much appreciated,thats put my mind at rest about that.i do have another question if you can help

its abt the friends and family part on the form,my gf met my parents in bkk this yr, is it worth putting them on the form as her friends or does it mean non uk friends

or shall i just leaving it blank as not to confuse things?

thks again


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Obviously, she should put you in this box (I assume you mean Q 8.8) if you live in the UK. I wouldn't put your parents here; particularly if they have only met once. But I would mention in your sponsor's letter that they have met and the circumstances of that (those) meeting(s).

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Obviously, she should put you in this box (I assume you mean Q 8.8) if you live in the UK. I wouldn't put your parents here; particularly if they have only met once. But I would mention in your sponsor's letter that they have met and the circumstances of that (those) meeting(s).

your a diamond mate!!!


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