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Yet Another 3Bb - Tripple Net Woes Thread...

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It seems 3bb was taken over yet again, received quarterly bill this time from company called Triple Net or something.

For a past few weeks I have been experiencing worse internet connection ever: can't do down or uploads via ftp's, to play or edit youtube content is virtualy impossible, takes ages to load simple internet page...Sometime, line is totally dead. The other day I tried to call their hotline number 1530, it was disconnected alltogether as if they knew people going to call and curse them. And when you are lucky and someone actually answers their attitude is like "how dare you to complain". There are no advanced warnings, apologies, nothing.....Always same story: Phuket lines having a problem because some dam_n cable at the ocean bottom seems to be damaged. This excuse has been used too many times, surely by now technicians with average competency would have been able to fix this problem?

Back in 2005 to 2008 I have been using JI NET/TTT combination, please note, that was 5 years ago. Great speed, no issues, never had to call and complain. Sadly they went belly-up and had to switch to these idiots. We are in 2010 now and one would expect technology and customer care service to improve. Wishful thinking on my part.

Spoke to X-net owner, Toshiba and Fujitsu official dealer and he tells me despite all this bullshit, 3bb is still the best and that I should wait until they fix the issues. According to him all other alternatives are even worse? What about you folks, any suggestions? If I decide to change ISP which one would you recommend?


Have to agree with you about TT&T/3BB or whoever they are now.

These last 6 months their service has been going downhill, and getting worse these past few weeks. Many times service down for several hours. No-one answers the service centre 1530, just get the message loop in Thai.

The strange thing is the the speed check sometimes says TT&T and other time 3BB. The sooner our local cable TV service offers the CAT internet service, the better.


They are on restricted connection through Cat International connections- unpaid bills. !

Have to agree with you about TT&T/3BB or whoever they are now.

These last 6 months their service has been going downhill, and getting worse these past few weeks. Many times service down for several hours. No-one answers the service centre 1530, just get the message loop in Thai.

The strange thing is the the speed check sometimes says TT&T and other time 3BB. The sooner our local cable TV service offers the CAT internet service, the better.



Vote with your feet brother. I went in last year and Cancelled my contract with them, told them up front that I would not honour any cancellation fees as they broke their end of our contract first, by not providing me with satisfactory internet service. One of the greatest bunch of bufoons Ive ever had the disatisfaction of dealing with.

At the time the manager told me if I didnt return their free modem that I was supplied with, that they would pursue me for the 1000 baht they claimed it was worth. I went prepared for this and produced it and told him to shove it where the sun doesnt shine......something that confused him to no end. Douchebags. :annoyed:


Internet and Thai customer service make such great stories. Hopefully this will be informative and funny.

As I have mentioned elsewhere on the forum, after 2 years I finally gave up with TT&T/3BB and grudgingly switched to TOT despite all the negative publicity. It was strange how I spent about 6 months in 2008 getting TT&T working well, then it worked ok for about a year, then 3BB came along and everything went to shit. I must have been told by TT&T and 3BB to replace the router 5 or 6 times. Well after 10+ calls to service center in the last 2-3 months, yet another new router, many slowdowns, constant dropouts, and hours of no service, 3BB simply became unusable. I would on occasion get the endless loop LIK speaks of. When you do finally get someone, you could get passed around randomly to several people before someone felt confident enough to speak English. (It doesn't bother me if a company/government office doesn't have English speaking staff in Thailand, as it's not their language.) Sometimes people simply hung up on me after they learn I need an English speaking customer service rep.

One more reason I dumped TT&T/3BB. For some reason last August TT&T stopped billing me and would not let me pay my bill on 3 separate occasions when I visited the office. "No need, you pay already" "Ok, but I haven't paid in 3 months and I don't want a big bill to come when you guys realize your mistake." I would tell them. Then finally after several months, I rather stupidly insist they made an error somewhere. I ask when was the last bill I paid. They look it up and determine to be August 2009. It's now May. Oops. They hand me a hand written estimate of about 21,000 baht. :lol:

So, what do I think of TOT so far? Well, their customer service reps have given me a new all time favorite "Thai moment." They asked for 3000 baht extra to put in a line to my house because I needed something like an additional 400m beyond the 300m which TOT pays for. I said ok, and then I asked where exactly the hub is. The answer I got was "Ok, only 2000 baht." :blink: You just have to smile or you'll go mad. To top it off, when I got home I learned the neighbor paid 1000 baht for his additional distance over 300m from his house to the hub. :huh:

TOT likes lots of signatures and contracts. There is one staff member there (on Choa Fa west office) that speaks decent English. She read the Thai language contracts to me. She made a point to read one section in particular. Something like "speeds may not be as advertised due to several factors outside of TOT's control. And went on to list several reasons, some pretty silly. When I asked about cancellation policy if I can not get the advertised speeds, the woman actually said to me, "Do you have no confidence in our product?" I laughed and said, "No, I don't" then pointed to the silly bit on the contract she had just read to me and said "Do you?"

In the two weeks I have had TOT, it has been mostly stable after a bit of a slow start. The first couple days I was stuck at about 100Kbps with occasional yet fleeting aspirations of becoming an actual "broadband" connection. One call and complaint with a service tech follow up promised to me. I have heard nothing back but the connection seems decent now most of the time, with the exception being peak after school hours when the kids get out of school and flock en masse to the internet cafe's to get their Wow on. One nice thing is the 4mb/1mb from TOT is about a third the cost of 4mb premier offered by 3BB.

And FYI Crobiker, your bill probably says "Triple Broadband." That is what "3BB" stands for.

I too am hoping Kata Cable gets an internet service soon.


Nope Scuba, there is a new letterhead and says Triple Net, completely different than last time around. Call center number (1530) is still the same though.


When you guys say about 3BB are you on the indy or the premier ?

I find the premier to be solid and I get full international speeds pretty much day and night.. I would say its had a couple of off days in the last couple of months, but its 100x better than TOT goldcyber I had before.


Nope Scuba, there is a new letterhead and says Triple Net, completely different than last time around. Call center number (1530) is still the same though.

My Kata bills come from Triple T Internet Co Ltd, but my Patong bills come from TT&T Subscriber Services Company Limited. When I signed up it was known as Maxnet. Go figure.


When you guys say about 3BB are you on the indy or the premier ?

I find the premier to be solid and I get full international speeds pretty much day and night.. I would say its had a couple of off days in the last couple of months, but its 100x better than TOT goldcyber I had before.

We have 2 x Premier 3 accounts and 2 x Indy accounts. The Indy seems to clock better than Premier. In the past (say > 6months) I would have said Premier was better/more stable. But these days I think Indy is the better for speed & stability. BTW Indy is billed from TT&T and Premier from Triple T.

We also have 2 x TOT Goldcyber which runs never more than 1 Meg but it's been stable for many many months. The Patong Cable service from CAT we installed (as a trial) about 5 months ago and it clocks at 4 Meg and is very stable. And only costs 499 baht/month.


When you guys say about 3BB are you on the indy or the premier ?

I find the premier to be solid and I get full international speeds pretty much day and night.. I would say its had a couple of off days in the last couple of months, but its 100x better than TOT goldcyber I had before.

I agree. My premier service has been good for the lat year. Since the rains have come I have had some down time in the mornings but nothing too major.

The indy service limits certain things I want to do and to be honest drove me slightly insane.


Internet and Thai customer service make such great stories. Hopefully this will be informative and funny.

As I have mentioned elsewhere on the forum, after 2 years I finally gave up with TT&T/3BB and grudgingly switched to TOT despite all the negative publicity. It was strange how I spent about 6 months in 2008 getting TT&T working well, then it worked ok for about a year, then 3BB came along and everything went to shit. I must have been told by TT&T and 3BB to replace the router 5 or 6 times. Well after 10+ calls to service center in the last 2-3 months, yet another new router, many slowdowns, constant dropouts, and hours of no service, 3BB simply became unusable. I would on occasion get the endless loop LIK speaks of. When you do finally get someone, you could get passed around randomly to several people before someone felt confident enough to speak English. (It doesn't bother me if a company/government office doesn't have English speaking staff in Thailand, as it's not their language.) Sometimes people simply hung up on me after they learn I need an English speaking customer service rep.

One more reason I dumped TT&T/3BB. For some reason last August TT&T stopped billing me and would not let me pay my bill on 3 separate occasions when I visited the office. "No need, you pay already" "Ok, but I haven't paid in 3 months and I don't want a big bill to come when you guys realize your mistake." I would tell them. Then finally after several months, I rather stupidly insist they made an error somewhere. I ask when was the last bill I paid. They look it up and determine to be August 2009. It's now May. Oops. They hand me a hand written estimate of about 21,000 baht. :lol:

So, what do I think of TOT so far? Well, their customer service reps have given me a new all time favorite "Thai moment." They asked for 3000 baht extra to put in a line to my house because I needed something like an additional 400m beyond the 300m which TOT pays for. I said ok, and then I asked where exactly the hub is. The answer I got was "Ok, only 2000 baht." :blink: You just have to smile or you'll go mad. To top it off, when I got home I learned the neighbor paid 1000 baht for his additional distance over 300m from his house to the hub. :huh:

TOT likes lots of signatures and contracts. There is one staff member there (on Choa Fa west office) that speaks decent English. She read the Thai language contracts to me. She made a point to read one section in particular. Something like "speeds may not be as advertised due to several factors outside of TOT's control. And went on to list several reasons, some pretty silly. When I asked about cancellation policy if I can not get the advertised speeds, the woman actually said to me, "Do you have no confidence in our product?" I laughed and said, "No, I don't" then pointed to the silly bit on the contract she had just read to me and said "Do you?"

In the two weeks I have had TOT, it has been mostly stable after a bit of a slow start. The first couple days I was stuck at about 100Kbps with occasional yet fleeting aspirations of becoming an actual "broadband" connection. One call and complaint with a service tech follow up promised to me. I have heard nothing back but the connection seems decent now most of the time, with the exception being peak after school hours when the kids get out of school and flock en masse to the internet cafe's to get their Wow on. One nice thing is the 4mb/1mb from TOT is about a third the cost of 4mb premier offered by 3BB.

And FYI Crobiker, your bill probably says "Triple Broadband." That is what "3BB" stands for.

I too am hoping Kata Cable gets an internet service soon.

I've had TOT for about 30 months now, and endured the occasional disruptions, and poor customer service. However, overall they've been OK, and certainly over the last 6 months or so, have been good bordering on excellent. Maybe part of that was my wife getting the name of the lady she was speaking to at TOT, and as I live very close to their offices, now I just go in and ask to speak to the same lady. Works great. Lots of smiles and apologies, and problem(s) fixed smartish.


We have 2 x Premier 3 accounts and 2 x Indy accounts. The Indy seems to clock better than Premier. In the past (say > 6months) I would have said Premier was better/more stable. But these days I think Indy is the better for speed & stability. BTW Indy is billed from TT&T and Premier from Triple T.

We also have 2 x TOT Goldcyber which runs never more than 1 Meg but it's been stable for many many months. The Patong Cable service from CAT we installed (as a trial) about 5 months ago and it clocks at 4 Meg and is very stable. And only costs 499 baht/month.

LIK's house:




With the increase in the use of fibre optic the price for this service should come down. Heard yesterday that CAT are planning to offer fibre optic at 1,500 per month. The current rates with TOT are much higher.

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