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Do You Believe Everything Here ?


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It seems that ThaiVisa members have an uncanny and totally unbelievable knack of attracting rich Hi So Girls, personally, I think they're lying.

I am going by my own experience, I've been here since 1990 and I have met very few Farangs who have never met their wife or GF in a bar, yet here on ThaiVisa it seems that you guys all met in universities, hence, I don't believe you, because it cannot be true.

Why do Farangs deny the facts ?

I'm sure your wife wouldn't .

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I dunno why you talk about hiso women...I've seen all three different relatioships work simply because of the people involved care for each other.....its much different with the 'wannabee' girls tho.....met a few of those but easy for a rich falang like me of course.....B)

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Mine's a whitey. (Sorry - we're not allowed to call farangs farangs around these parts these days, unless we want to be termed as 'apologists')

So now we have four.

Mind you- my mia noi is a high-so Chinese-Thai so nothing to see here.

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....and what about those members that have attached themselves to the proverbial: attractive and straight forward everyday farm girl? No points for them...?? Those members which don't find it necessary to keep such hi-so circles, less the predictable bargirl one.

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Didn't you read the forum rules? To be a member of ThaiVisa you must:-

1. Have met your wife, a good girl from a hi-so background, in Chulalongkorn university while you were doing research for number 2.

2. Be educated to PhD level, MSc or BSc are acceptable at a scrape but you can only be an associate member.

3. Have NEVER EVER been to Pattaya, but that doesn't rule out knowing everything there is to know about the place.

The alternative is to lie through your back teeth like most of us. ;)

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I dunno why you talk about hiso women...I've seen all three different relatioships work simply because of the people involved care for each other.....its much different with the 'wannabee' girls tho.....met a few of those but easy for a rich falang like me of course.....B)

You'll find that there is nothing terribly special about this hi-so class lasses. What might be expected, is the usual suspects tend to chase and chose those Thai girls that have some similar language connection {the Farang's native language} and/or have a great deal of exposure and influence under Western manner. Personally, there is nothing more disgusting than a Thai women who has excepted and developed a Western tone.....

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I dunno why you talk about hiso women...I've seen all three different relatioships work simply because of the people involved care for each other.....its much different with the 'wannabee' girls tho.....met a few of those but easy for a rich falang like me of course.....B)

You'll find that there is nothing terribly special about this hi-so class lasses. What might be expected, is the usual suspects tend to chase and chose those Thai girls that have some similar language connection {the Farang's native language} and/or have a great deal of exposure and influence under Western manner. Personally, there is nothing more disgusting than a Thai women who has excepted and developed a Western tone.....

But then regardless of her starting point any Thai girlfriend or wife will surely become more westernised simply by being around you and your friends/family....a catch 22 no?

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It seems that ThaiVisa members have an uncanny and totally unbelievable knack of attracting rich Hi So Girls, personally, I think they're lying.

I am going by my own experience, I've been here since 1990 and I have met very few Farangs who have never met their wife or GF in a bar, yet here on ThaiVisa it seems that you guys all met in universities, hence, I don't believe you, because it cannot be true.

Why do Farangs deny the facts ?

I'm sure your wife wouldn't .


can we assume <snip>

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The fish you catch is detrmined by the pool you fish in. It seems to me, many farang come here first for holidays and for the sex/party atmosphere, they hang around in bars and the only Thai females they meet socially are working there. Some of us come to Thailand for business and other reasons, and as such may not be in holiday mode or frequent bars so much - and thus meet other Thais, and their families. For example my wife is the niece of a Thai friend's (and ex-business partner's) ex-wife - she wasn't ex then though. We met socially in Thailand through family and were chaperoned through our courtship. She is not hi-so (if you ask her) - though her dad was a Naval Offier, all the family were business people of varying degrees of success; she was privately educated and was a junior teacher when we met. She doesn't drink and there was no way in Satan's palace that she would have been allowed near a bar by her family. We just celebrated our 11th anniversary and have two kids. She now holds passports to both countries as do the kids, and is fluent in English (ditto the kids). Her grandparents on one side (father's) were Chinese (but she doesn't think of herself as sino-Thai) - right down to black teeth from betel nuts and her grandmother having wrapped feet so small she was overtaken by arthritic snails on a jaunt.

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Considering that 80% or more of Thais don't speak English or any other foreign language, and those that do either work in bars or high end businesses, I find it hard to believe that foreigners coming to Thailand for the first time can meet women anywhere else but bars. I'd also believe that very few foreigners can learn to speak thai within the first year of living in Thailand. Even the ones who've been around Thailand for several years seldom learn the language. If that is the case then I guess all those men live like monks when they come to Thailand.

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You never heard of the internet Ian? or art galleries, concerts...blah blah blah. I'm sure the vast majority of men dabbled in the bar scene when they first got here, although some will swear blind they didn't. You can meet people by chance though.

I think the word hi-so is very overused by Westerners here. It doesn't apply to any Thai with a bit of money or a small business. It comes from "high society" as we all know, and those sort of people move in certain circles. It doesn't matter whether you like them, hate them or are completely indifferent to them. I don't consider it impressive or an attempt to climb the social ladder if one has a relationship with a hi-so girl. It is what it is, a relationship. But then what do I know?

From my experience (and shoot me down and call me a liar if you like), the higher you go in Thai society the less restrictions there seem to be on the girl's (or men's for that matter) behaviour. it might be socially unacceptable for a middle class Thai girl to smoke cigarettes and go to seedy bars but I've met girls that don't think anything of doing both those things and certainly come from "good" families. Having said that, they wouldn't tell their parents what they were getting up to. And no, most of them wouldn't describe themselves as hi-so either. I think that would disqualify you anyway, if you went around claiming to be one.

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Considering that 80% or more of Thais don't speak English or any other foreign language, and those that do either work in bars or high end businesses, I find it hard to believe that foreigners coming to Thailand for the first time can meet women anywhere else but bars. I'd also believe that very few foreigners can learn to speak thai within the first year of living in Thailand. Even the ones who've been around Thailand for several years seldom learn the language. If that is the case then I guess all those men live like monks when they come to Thailand.

Some foreigners use this fandangled thing called the "interweb" or summat? Ian and chat before they come to weed out the dross.

Married 4 years <_<

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The question should be, not do you believe everything you read on here, but do the posters really believe what they are posting?

My Thai girlfriend, a famous actress. I believe it::

Sorry she's "pig ugly" in my eyes :bah:

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Anybody who would proffer the thought that every farang must have met his girl in a bar, and anybody who would support that theory..........well you guys really really need to get out a whole lot more. I know a lot of Thai who speak very little English, I also know many who speak very good English, who neither drink nor will have ever set foot in a bar to work. I don't mix in the so called Hi-so circles. What the Op is believing, are the sacastic repetitive comments thrown into threads that state "every one on Thai Visa.........." well you know the rest off by heart now I'm sure.....:D

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The question should be, not do you believe everything you read on here, but do the posters really believe what they are posting?

My Thai girlfriend, a famous actress. I believe it::

Yeah, I dumped her a couple of years ago actually. I didn't like the look of her legs

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Between bargirl (a few % of the population) and "hi-so" (in it's truest form an even less % of the population than bargirls) you (the OP) have excluded the majority of the Thai female population, including as someone pointed out above the every day farm girl or provincial city girl.

Most of the thai falang relationships I associate with or know come from that group with many diverse means of first meeting thrown in. The most common means of introduction I have observed has been by means of introduction from the falang's thai partner and or from internet research. That means also gives the newbie some coaching so that while some may choose the bar scene as part of their first visit they have it spelt out that the rules are no different than for a western prostitute.

In my case 10 years ago it was ariving at Don Maung, hiring an old pick up truck from Budget Rentals and have them point me in the direction of Isaan armed only with a Lonely Planet English Thai language book. Didn't go anywhere near Pattaya, inner Bangkok or bars until some 4 years and many more monthly holidays later. And that was in the company of my normal everyday provincial city girlfriend / now wife of 5 years.

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I met my wife in the UK where she had been sent to study English by her parents. All the other people I know with Thai wives met them in the same way.

I dont know anyone who met their wife in a bar (or in Thailand for that matter)

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I am a Program Manager/Transfer coordinator and I met my GF at the company where I transferred operations. We sat through many meetings together during the transfer activities. We hit it off. Simple as that. No different than anywhere else in the world I would suppose. We have been dating for quite sometime now. Funny, I was clueless about the Thai bar girl deals until few of my team came over and went right to Pattaya, then off to Phuket and of course BKK. They told me a few stories and it is not my style, never has been, Never will be. To each his own I suppose.

Now I will say this. It does tend to bother me that people will look at us when we are in BKK for shopping or walking around. It is like my GF is just another Thai Bar girl. Amazing how quick people stereo type. Not all men in Thailand met their GF's/wifes on the internet through dating links or at a Thai bar. Some met like I did. SImple chemistry and compatibility. She has no desire to move to US and I cant wait to move to Thailand. I am just waiting to finish up my contract then out of the US I go. Place is a pathetic place to be now.......

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