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The Good, The Bad And The Ugly.


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Marky, seems as you've limited your arrows and critiques towards the good and lovely folk of the U.K., yes? What about others? Aussies? Yanks? Others?

Statistics. I think the forum is overwhelmingly British. No slight intended. I am sure Aussies and Americans are also posting from home, just think much smaller numbers.

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Marky, seems as you've limited your arrows and critiques towards the good and lovely folk of the U.K., yes? What about others? Aussies? Yanks? Others?

Statistics. I think the forum is overwhelmingly British. No slight intended. I am sure Aussies and Americans are also posting from home, just think much smaller numbers.

Its not overwhelmingly British. I bet you.

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Marky, seems as you've limited your arrows and critiques towards the good and lovely folk of the U.K., yes? What about others? Aussies? Yanks? Others?

Statistics. I think the forum is overwhelmingly British. No slight intended. I am sure Aussies and Americans are also posting from home, just think much smaller numbers.

Its not overwhelmingly British. I bet you.

Just my opinion. I am not in a position to know. It would be interesting information. What do you think the % make up of active posters is?

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Fancy answering my post then marky45y, which one am I, the good the bad or the ugly..

Don't know. You don't bother me. What do you think?

Well seen as it was you who started the thread and titled it "THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY" in capitals IMO you should be the one telling the forum who you think the good the bad or the ugly are.

Me thinks IMHO thread was a lame attempt at flaming and baiting...

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Marky, seems as you've limited your arrows and critiques towards the good and lovely folk of the U.K., yes? What about others? Aussies? Yanks? Others?

I doubt he means 'nationality' - more 'type', I suspect. There is an enormous difference between the expats you meet in the bars and those that post on a clique like this, where diversity of thought isn't welcome.

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Fancy answering my post then marky45y, which one am I, the good the bad or the ugly..

Don't know. You don't bother me. What do you think?

Well seen as it was you who started the thread and titled it "THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY" in capitals IMO you should be the one telling the forum who you think the good the bad or the ugly are.

Me thinks IMHO thread was a lame attempt at flaming and baiting...

I'm il Buono, if that helps.

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Ah I see. You can't come up with the goods.

Which leaves us with the observation already made. You've given us nothing more than the foundations of your argument that someone else's opinion is less valid than yours because you claim (but cannot demonstrate) that they do not live in Thailand, haven't integrated to Thai society (presumably to a measure set by yourself) and are not happily married to the woman you would choose for them or are an expat wannabee.

An argumentum ad hominem with a twist - you can't even prove the accusation that you say invalidates other people's opinions - you rely on innuendo.

It's enough for you Marky to declare people who think differently from you fall into your unfounded generalizations and they can be ignored.

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So let me get this right.... The OP tells us

There are a lot of people from the UK who post on TV who don't live in Thailand.

I would imagine the mods would know, are the majority of postings from outside of Thailand?

Is this really a forum of Thai ex pat wannabees?

And then adds:

I guess I am amazed at some of the opinions people hold supposedly living in Thailand..

There a lot of young kids (under 40) posting on here who could not afford to live in Thailand and need to take it out on the people who do and can.

There are a lot of unhappy married guys in the west who seem to need to take it out on the single men, mostly older who are no longer married and live in Thailand.

So off the Pot Marky you've made your statement. Now back it up. Tell us who you think is:

  • An Expat Wanabee
  • Posting from the UK
  • A young kid (under 40) who cannot afford to live in Thailand
  • Unhappily Married in the West

You presumably have some kind of a basis for your comments and hence should have no trouble giving us the names.

Over to you Marky, the floor is your's.

Well, if the Fedora fits...

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Who on earth cares about the nationality about the farang that's made the mistake that that everyone has tried to warn them against?

It happens all the time as farang refuse to believe that local women are (99% of the time) interested in their money - and nothing else.

It's not new, and it will happen time and time again in the future... Old, old story.

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Fancy answering my post then marky45y, which one am I, the good the bad or the ugly..

Don't know. You don't bother me. What do you think?

Well seen as it was you who started the thread and titled it "THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY" in capitals IMO you should be the one telling the forum who you think the good the bad or the ugly are.

Me thinks IMHO thread was a lame attempt at flaming and baiting...

The only ones I bait are neverdie and guesthouse. And the only reason I do is to give meaning to their lives. It is like religion. Religion can’t exist without persecution. They do the same for me. My threads would be boring without the barbs, slings and arrows of others. Thank you for noticing.

You should also realize that I can’t criticize other forum members personally. I can only criticize their ideas or posts. That would actually be a nice rule. Maybe someone should suggest to administration. Oh wait, I think it is a rule. But what do I know.

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Well, if the Fedora fits...

You mean you want to borrow my hat, or have you something to say?

I love the way 'your mob' hide behind this: you know dam_n well YOU can say whatever the hel_l you please. You also know dam_n well I can not.

Enjoy it while it lasts, cos the times, well, they are achangin'.

Could you please explain who 'Your Mob' is and why YOU can't say what YOU please?

Or just tell us what you want to say.

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Well, if the Fedora fits...

You mean you want to borrow my hat, or have you something to say?

I love the way 'your mob' hide behind this: you know dam_n well YOU can say whatever the hel_l you please. You also know dam_n well I can not.

Enjoy it while it lasts, cos the times, well, they are achangin'.

Could you please explain who 'Your Mob' is and why YOU can't say what YOU please?


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Ah I see. You can't come up with the goods.

Which leaves us with the observation already made. You've given us nothing more than the foundations of your argument that someone else's opinion is less valid than yours because you claim (but cannot demonstrate) that they do not live in Thailand, haven't integrated to Thai society (presumably to a measure set by yourself) and are not happily married to the woman you would choose for them or are an expat wannabee.

An argumentum ad hominem with a twist - you can't even prove the accusation that you say invalidates other people's opinions - you rely on innuendo.

It's enough for you Marky to declare people who think differently from you fall into your unfounded generalizations and they can be ignored.

Do you think my observations are invalid and if so why? I know that would be responding directly to one of my posts but there is always a first time. Maybe we could discuss something I posted for a change. It would be refreshing. Something like, no you are wrong. I think people posting from California who have never visited Thailand are just as knowledgeable about Thai women as you are.

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Ah I see. You can't come up with the goods.

Which leaves us with the observation already made. You've given us nothing more than the foundations of your argument that someone else's opinion is less valid than yours because you claim (but cannot demonstrate) that they do not live in Thailand, haven't integrated to Thai society (presumably to a measure set by yourself) and are not happily married to the woman you would choose for them or are an expat wannabee.

An argumentum ad hominem with a twist - you can't even prove the accusation that you say invalidates other people's opinions - you rely on innuendo.

It's enough for you Marky to declare people who think differently from you fall into your unfounded generalizations and they can be ignored.

Do you think my observations are invalid and if so why? I know that would be responding directly to one of my posts but there is always a first time. Maybe we could discuss something I posted for a change. It would be refreshing. Something like, no you are wrong. I think people posting from California who have never visited Thailand are just as knowledgeable about Thai women as you are.

I have challenged what you posted - and you can't confirm what you've said. So I disagree with what you say because it is baseless.

But it does leave your tactic of innuendo.

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Ah I see. You can't come up with the goods.

Which leaves us with the observation already made. You've given us nothing more than the foundations of your argument that someone else's opinion is less valid than yours because you claim (but cannot demonstrate) that they do not live in Thailand, haven't integrated to Thai society (presumably to a measure set by yourself) and are not happily married to the woman you would choose for them or are an expat wannabee.

An argumentum ad hominem with a twist - you can't even prove the accusation that you say invalidates other people's opinions - you rely on innuendo.

It's enough for you Marky to declare people who think differently from you fall into your unfounded generalizations and they can be ignored.

Do you think my observations are invalid and if so why? I know that would be responding directly to one of my posts but there is always a first time. Maybe we could discuss something I posted for a change. It would be refreshing. Something like, no you are wrong. I think people posting from California who have never visited Thailand are just as knowledgeable about Thai women as you are.

I have challenged what you posted - and you can't confirm what you've said. So I disagree with what you say because it is baseless.

But it does leave your tactic of innuendo.

Not to mention yours of hypocrisy...

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WOW this thread took an ugly turn......................................

If it is any value to someone's data, my posts may show from the US and Thailand as I am back and forth frequently and if I have my "Privacy Application" running I may be in Thailand but it will show an IP addy in US. I do this so I can watch certain things blocked to outside the continental US access. I will however be residing in Thailand full time at the end of this year if all goes well but doubt I will post very much. I am not a much a forum person albeit there is very good information to be found in general on this site.

Carry On

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Would you please stop talking gibberish.


I should report you for that.

What if he's one of THEM?.......you could end up kneecapped or whatever.....:o

more like, hit with his rhythm stick.

maybe rakers and sbk could become a double act. laugh.gif

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I'm a tad confused by what constitutes an expat in the context of this thread. Those of us who choose/are forced to work abroad may be working anywhere in the world right? Basing ourselves in Thailand when we are not working. Whether we work on a rig travel around the world on airoplanes for a month or three or indeed return to our countries of origin in search of this is any of this important?

The common theme is we spend a large portion of our time in Thailand whether we have or are investing in the country or simply choose to enjoy ourselves who is more expat?....someone who has lived in Thailand for a year or one who has spent 6 months a year for the last 20 years.....over to you....

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