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Al Qaeda To Blame For London's Explosions?


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Yep...all George Bush's fault... :o

Yeah, you're right. This time around it's obviously Iran's fault (or maybe Syria or North Korea's?) Or should we bomb Iraq again? Those types of things obviously solve problems, because after our occupation of 2 countries there have been no more terrorist attacks... oops!

Can't deny the insidious links between latte liberals and murderous Islamists.

As long as there are enablers and appeasers about, we'll always have this sh1t... :D

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If anyone wants to bring themselves up to speed on Osama and his buddies I highly recommend Al-Qaeda: Casting a Shadow of Terror

by Jason Burke. It paints a depressing picture of Gulf businessmen financing myriad groups of would-be martyrs, of which Al-Qaeda is just the most prominent example. Catching Osama won't stop this.

Another excellent book which gives a broader overview of Islam and the grievances of Muslims is The Crisis of Islam : Holy War and Unholy Terror

by Bernard Lewis.

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i really feel for all those injured and the families of the vicitms....

i should know living in belfast during the 80's and early ninties i knew many friends murdered by the scum IRA.... :o

seems like islamic terrorists causing problems all over the world....bangkok i fear could be next... :D ..lets pray its not

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Scampy, I'm in South East London at the moment. More by luck than judgement, I was out of the main office and in Bromley. All our people in town are ok and say that the biggest worry is being unable to tell their families that they're ok, as the phones are jammed solid. I'm trying to do it for them, with limited success.

Don't sweat it, mate. All will be well.

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Sick twisted individuals, G8 and London’s victory in the Olympic bid, the whole country was on a high now thanks to these <deleted> we are on a down. I hope they find every last one and stick them in a jail to rot away as slowly and gracelessly as they deserve. TO ###### with human rights, they don’t play by those rules so why the ###### should we!?

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I dread the day it happens in Bangkok.

That will be the day that Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos are grateful that they are not so wealthy and westernised.

I'm sitting by a top floor window, police cars and an empty bus have gone past.

Tony Blair just gave another speech with all the world leaders standing solemly behind him, Bush and chiraq bookending him left and right.

That inevitable favourite word 'barbaric' came up, but condemnation of AQ goes without saying so I think it's pointless to comment on how evil they are etc... etc...

What are we going to do is what we want our leader to tell us.

It is however plain to see that Blair dearly cares about Britain and it feels good to have him in charge and was touching to see the other G8 leaders behind him, great feeling of unity.

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It is however plain to see that Blair dearly cares about Britain and it feels good to have him in charge and was touching to see the other G8 leaders behind him, great feeling of unity.

TOTALLY agree, the last few days Blair has gone up in my estimation, the emotion he showed when we got the Olympics, and now the leadership qualities he is showing at the moment, i, as i've said time and time again, can't think of anybody better to have in charge of Britain!

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IAnother excellent book which gives a broader overview of Islam and the grievances of Muslims is The Crisis of Islam : Holy War and Unholy Terror

by Bernard Lewis.

What do you mean by grievances of Muslims?

Israel, the occupation and carving up of Arab lands by colonial powers, despotic leaders, poverty, etc, etc. Many of them are still pissed off about the Crusades! The Jihadis see 9/11 and similar atrocities as pay-back time for what happened 1,000 years ago...

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Netanyahu Changed Plans Due to Warning

JERUSALEM - "British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before Thursday's explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city, a senior Israeli official said..."

Just wait 'till the conspiracy wackos get hold of this!

9/11 all over again with the Jeeeews getting a warning first... :o


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Israel, the occupation and carving up of Arab lands by colonial powers, despotic leaders, poverty, etc, etc. Many of them are still pissed off about the Crusades! The Jihadis see 9/11 and similar atrocities as pay-back time for what happened 1,000 years ago...

With a mentality like that, can you ever beat terrorism?

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Netanyahu Changed Plans Due to Warning

JERUSALEM - "British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before Thursday's explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city, a senior Israeli official said..."

Just wait 'till the conspiracy wackos get hold of this!

9/11 all over again with the Jeeeews getting a warning first... :o


well where theres smoke....

we will see in due course, whether the info handed out is right or wrong in respect to the truth, we will still get the answer we want to hear. :D

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Israel, the occupation and carving up of Arab lands by colonial powers, despotic leaders, poverty, etc, etc. Many of them are still pissed off about the Crusades! The Jihadis see 9/11 and similar atrocities as pay-back time for what happened 1,000 years ago...

With a mentality like that, can you ever beat terrorism?


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Guys, even if they did get a warning, this is London, if somebody phones up and says "a bomb will go off" what the heck can you do? Even if they said "in a subway" in minutes, what could you do? Hindsight is a wonderful, but very dangerous, thing, people would be faultless if the laws of it could be turned to reality (and Man Utd would NEVER lose!)!

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Israel, the occupation and carving up of Arab lands by colonial powers, despotic leaders, poverty, etc, etc. Many of them are still pissed off about the Crusades! The Jihadis see 9/11 and similar atrocities as pay-back time for what happened 1,000 years ago...

With a mentality like that, can you ever beat terrorism?


That's the answer i feared, ah well maybe it's time to give Bush a ring to sort things out for us!!!? (JOKE!)

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Guys, even if they did get a warning, this is London, if somebody phones up and says "a bomb will go off" what the heck can you do?  Even if they said "in a subway" in minutes, what could you do?  Hindsight is a wonderful, but very dangerous, thing, people would be faultless if the laws of it could be turned to reality (and Man Utd would NEVER lose!)!

agree to a certain extent, but being forwarned is certainly an edge.

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Guys, even if they did get a warning, this is London, if somebody phones up and says "a bomb will go off" what the heck can you do?  Even if they said "in a subway" in minutes, what could you do?  Hindsight is a wonderful, but very dangerous, thing, people would be faultless if the laws of it could be turned to reality (and Man Utd would NEVER lose!)!

agree to a certain extent, but being forwarned is certainly an edge.

oh yeah I agree too, but for all we know the emergency services could have been kicked into gear the second the warning was given, i'm just thinking it's a little too early to start listening to rumours, and earlier yet still to start judging on them.

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Guys, even if they did get a warning, this is London, if somebody phones up and says "a bomb will go off" what the heck can you do?  Even if they said "in a subway" in minutes, what could you do?  Hindsight is a wonderful, but very dangerous, thing, people would be faultless if the laws of it could be turned to reality (and Man Utd would NEVER lose!)!

agree to a certain extent, but being forwarned is certainly an edge.

oh yeah I agree too, but for all we know the emergency services could have been kicked into gear the second the warning was given, i'm just thinking it's a little too early to start listening to rumours, and earlier yet still to start judging on them.


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