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Al Qaeda To Blame For London's Explosions?


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It's too far fetched for Boon Mee to believe for sure. I think he actually believes the US government gave a sh.it about those people in 9/11.

Like those 3000 odd people were of actual importance in the grand scheme of things to the American government and its future plans. Just a drop in the ocean to them, 'a sacrifice for the better good'.

A little harsh there perhaps, bkkmadness.

I have to disagree, I don't think it's harsh at all. These are governments that plan there future far ahead, they look at the great scheme of things, not how will tax be next year, but how will America/Europe/China stand in the next hundred or so years.

If the death of 3000 citizens means they can get more power at a later date and keep and increase their superpower status then its hardly a decision for them. Its an enormous game of chess, pawns need to be sacrificed and that precisely how the American government would view 9/11. Lets be honest about it people, it gave them a great excuse to go into Afghanistan and Iraq, it worked out very well for them, the troops dying there everyday and the initial victims of the tragedy means nothing to them. :D

Don't tell me the real powers that be in the American government didn't hear this news today and think to themselves "Well this will help us get some more backing for our war on terror, this will give us more excuses to perform illegal invasions and treatment of prisoners" :D

Or do you think they all had a good cry and felt really bad that 33 people they didn't know died. :D:o

They couldn't give a shit, we are all being led down the garden path with propaganda, cover ups and b.ullshit from the governments of the world, and its a shame that we have little power to do anything about it. Sad fact is that most people are sheep. :D

this may be off topic but i think not, we now live in one big f****ed up world:http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2005/290605hugeresponse.htm

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Galloway is a bit touched in the head Boon forgive him he know not what he says.

I particularly enjoyed the part where Galloway says, "No one can condone acts of violence aimed at working people going about their daily lives." Translation: "Not even a vile anti-westerner like me can condone acts of violence aimed at working people; my fellow Islamofascists, please be more careful to direct your future acts of terrorism against politicians, capitalists, and the little Eichmann's who work for them." :o

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(wolf5370 @ 2005-07-07 15:55:49)

Sorry, but fanatics can't be appeased. Not when their 'cause' is the removal of ALL non-muslims. Not all muslims are fanatics of course, but those that are do not take olive branches. If you can't appease them, and you can't ignore them, then there is little choice but to seek and destroy them.

I am against knee-jerk reactions, and I am against blaming a whole race and/or religion. However, I think its getting d4mn close to the time when exeptions are made to human rights laws (OK, some have been ignored, but political and international preasure follows when they are). That those suspected are arrested and held - there will be mistakes and innocents will be detained, but so will the guilty.

Technology needs to be brought to the fore to remove the ability of these people to communicate their messages of hate. Governments should target web sites, TV and radio stations and quieten them. Take religion out of schools completely. D notice news clips and soundbites that come from them (and not the stupid Anti-Adam's thing they did before where his voice was banned, but his word weren't, so an actor dubbed him - doh!). Total blackout. Return any suspected undesireables with visas or passports - revoke their aquired citizenship and send them packing. Use the Riot-Act against hate laden sermons and arrest the preachers that preach hate. Lets get the crap out of our childrens head, lets help the true Muslims by protected them from those that would brainwash them, use them and kill them.

Use special forces to assissinate the leaders and those known to fund and support them. I know assassination is illegal, I just don't care in this case. The cancer has to be lanced.

Lock suspect bank accounts and company fronts. If countries like Panama, Switzerland, etc refuse, then embargo them - put large tax levies on locals that hold accounts in those countries to nudge them to boycot those countries too.

Embrago ANY country giving refuge. Even if it is Saudi! Lets turn them against themselves. Lets make the honest Muslims hate the MF's too.

Lets starve the b*stards of the media, money and fodder - they will die a natural death in their own countries then - and probably by their own countryman's hands!


Do that mean everyone should not be talking on here? I am lost, get me a map---------> 1984. However the speech was good, if your ######ing Hitler!!!

No genius - unless you're one of the terrorists/hate-preachers. I am talking about shutting them up from preaching the hate - not about people talking about the acts.

They get their fodder - the poor muppets that strap Samtex to themselves and go siteseeing - by twisting truth and religous dogma. The preachers don't strap bombs to themselves, they talk others into it. If we take away the soap box from all that spread hate, then we protect the potential bomb carrying sap as well as his/her potential target. Get it yet - or do you need that map.

Can't see the comparison to 1984, did you actually read it, or are you just quoting in a avin attempt to look intelligent.

Hittler would have exterminated all the Muslims I would guess, can't see any rethoric in what I posted to say that, indeed - if you read it I catagorically say the opposite.

Of course, there are other choices: We go out guns blazing and storm another country as a scapegoat, or we lie back and let it keep happening until we run out of people to get blown up (or they run out of fodder).

Good luck with the reading.

You are talking about infringing on peoples libertys and freedoms with your beliefs. I know various western governments do this however your quotations does not take no "genius" to say that you are trying to stop freedom of speech whether it be right or wrong. Also the Gun ho attitude of using special forces to assasinate the leaders and those known to fund and support them. This only glorifies the person you kill as a matyr.

Aslo taking religion out of schools also forces terrorism to go underground and hatred within society (Hitler and the Jews ring a bell).

However I do believe in some of your writings, but also see that the rules and justifications for media blackout is to make any population bias to the truth.

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It's too far fetched for Boon Mee to believe for sure. I think he actually believes the US government gave a sh.it about those people in 9/11.

Like those 3000 odd people were of actual importance in the grand scheme of things to the American government and its future plans. Just a drop in the ocean to them, 'a sacrifice for the better good'.

A little harsh there perhaps, bkkmadness.

I have to disagree, I don't think it's harsh at all. These are governments that plan there future far ahead, they look at the great scheme of things, not how will tax be next year, but how will America/Europe/China stand in the next hundred or so years.

If the death of 3000 citizens means they can get more power at a later date and keep and increase their superpower status then its hardly a decision for them. Its an enormous game of chess, pawns need to be sacrificed and that precisely how the American government would view 9/11. Lets be honest about it people, it gave them a great excuse to go into Afghanistan and Iraq, it worked out very well for them, the troops dying there everyday and the initial victims of the tragedy means nothing to them. :D

Don't tell me the real powers that be in the American government didn't hear this news today and think to themselves "Well this will help us get some more backing for our war on terror, this will give us more excuses to perform illegal invasions and treatment of prisoners" :D

Or do you think they all had a good cry and felt really bad that 33 people they didn't know died. :D:o

They couldn't give a shit, we are all being led down the garden path with propaganda, cover ups and b.ullshit from the governments of the world, and its a shame that we have little power to do anything about it. Sad fact is that most people are sheep. :D

if the usa wanted to conquer the world, they could have done this a long time ago. when the usa first invented the nuclear bomb, they were the only ones to have it for over 3 years.

if hitler had the atom bomb, he would have conquered the world. but because the usa has the good guy mentality, they didn't go this route.

they would rather have friends around them then slaves.

you need to get off this conspiracy idea...

if the usa is so bad, why did they invest all that money in japan and europe shortly after ww2 with the marshall plan?

from reports in the news, it seems that iran is sheltering terrorists, it is only logical to confront iran with this issue, and tell them to give up the terrorists. if they don't, then, go in with force. otherwise, these scenarios will occur again and again, and again. it won't end.

as I see it, the ones sheltering the terrorists are just as guilty as the terrorist.

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first, you cannot supress free speech in any manner, shape or form, in any medium, anywhere.

second, you must over-ride those who preach hate with an overwhelming amount of the opposite.

third, you must give those who would listen, and respond in kind to the preachers of hate, a very good reason not to.

no one is giving anyof these martyrs and terrorists a very good alternative.

most people on this planet live a life of exclusion and suffering.

until that is turned around, worldwide, there will always be those who seek to be included through acts of violence.

Edited by mtnthai
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I too wish to extend my condolances to all effected by this horrible violence.

I believe you are right Brit. How can you reason with a a group who gets their orders from their god? This is not about having their grivences addressed or them having political participation in their own countries. This is about the Caliphate, the system of succession in Islam that combines both religion and state under the rule of one caliph, sitting over all of us.

When will the muslims separate themselves from these muderers? I believe the general muslim population fears them but also I think they harbor thoughts that the jihadists are their warrior sect willing to do the dirty work when necessary so the general population can't cast them out.

As far as arab businessmen giving money to terrorist groups I bet not all is given willingly. Some of it is extortion money to keep themselves and their families from being murdered and kidnapped, such acts are a tradition with them.

My thoughts and prayers for those good people harmed and killed today.

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The bus driver will have seen the face of the bomber and the bus had CCTV so its just a matter of time . possibly the bomber was a suicidee bomber though .

and there will have been witnesses to the bomber on the bus .

thats the chief lead .

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you need to get off this conspiracy idea...
You need to get rid of that naivety.
if the usa is so bad, why did they invest all that money in japan and europe shortly after ww2 with the marshall plan?

It may not be a case of USA taking over but a mixture of continents ruling the world in the future. I imagine Europe is quite a large part of the grand scheme as well.

from reports in the news, it seems that iran is sheltering terrorists, it is only logical to confront iran with this issue, and tell them to give up the terrorists. if they don't, then, go in with force. otherwise, these scenarios will occur again and again, and again. it won't end.

Ah, so its Iran to attack next time is it? Yeah, lets GET 'EM!!! After all we will be supplied with hard honest evidence from our governments that it's their fault, which will be handling beamed into everybodys homes via the unbiased news channels and other back by other forms of unbiased media.

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Captors kill Egypt envoy to Iraq

Ihab al-Sherif had been in Iraq since early June

Egypt has confirmed its ambassador to Iraq has been killed, five days after he was kidnapped in Baghdad.

An internet message purportedly from Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's militant group was released on Thursday, claiming Ihab al-Sherif had been killed.

A video on the website showed a blindfolded man who identified himself as Mr Sherif saying he had worked at Egyptian embassies in Iraq and Israel.

Cairo is an ally of the US and Iraqi governments.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak offered his condolences to Mr Sherif's family and said his government would not be deterred from supporting Iraq.

Mr Sherif was abducted in Baghdad on Saturday. ID cards bearing his name appeared on a website on Wednesday.

A statement also released on Wednesday in the name of al-Qaeda in Iraq said Mr Sherif would be killed because he was an "apostate", who had betrayed his faith.

It criticised the Cairo government for its support of the US and Iraqi administrations.

Al-Qaeda claims to have beheaded several foreign hostages in Iraq under the leadership of Zarqawi, a Jordanian fugitive.

'Delayed announcement'

A written statement on the website on Thursday said "the verdict of God against the ambassador of the infidels, the ambassador of Egypt, has been carried out".

No images of the killing were shown.

It said the group had been planning to abduct more foreign envoys in Iraq.

"The reason we delayed the announcement of capturing the ambassador of the dictator Egypt was to be able to capture as many ambassadors as we can," it said.

Mr Sherif had been in Baghdad since early June.

:o ..but close!

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What makes a Martyr - someone dieing for a cause? Nope, that makes a dead person. What makes a Martyr is others KNOWING s/he dies for a cause.

We can go on giving the posative/negative propagander to cater for the hate-preacher's negative propagander eternally. It will never work. Simply because the hate-preachers are embedded - they are believed - we are labelled as liars and our message comes to nought.

I know I was talking about stamping on freedom-of-speech (nice notion, free-speech, there isn't any by the way, but that's another thread). I make no excuse for it. Somewhere we have to break the cycle of hate-teaching and rhetoric that causes this fundermentalism. If we drive it undergroung, great - opium for the few rather than the masses. No media coverage, no Martyrs, no lies, no followers.

Taking religion out of schools is not about making kids agnostic, its about allowing them to learn from their family rather than some twisted preacher at some Muslim school somewhere. Its about removing hate from religion - in itself it will not, of course, but it is a component.

Assissination is extreame, but sometimes extreame measures are called for. Often we know who and where the leaders of millitant terrorist organisations are, but can not arrest them because they are protected by the country/rebels/etc or for security reasons we can not try them in a court without risking lives of security personel. We either let them carry on, or we don't. I choose don't.

Aslo taking religion out of schools also forces terrorism to go underground and hatred within society (Hitler and the Jews ring a bell).

Does it ring a bell, er why? Terrorism IS underground, and hate IS in society because hate-preachers ensure it is. Taking religion out of schools, simply makes it easier to intergrate children and allow them to learn about eachother from the eyes and ears God gave them rather than someones twisted notion of what he thinks God wants. Not sure what this has to do with Jews and Hitler though - or isb this just added in to add some lead to your pencil?

As I said, Hitler would exterminate all of the Muslims - like he tried to do to the Jews and Gypsies - I want to remove the pus so that the live flesh can thrive, allow the vast majority of Muslim's to do what they want - follow the Koran and live peaceably with their neighbours, by removing those that twist the Book and condemn the inocent to death and misery.

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Murdering scum like Al Qaeda need to be expedited straight off the planet earth. There is no room on earth for them and us.

"Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan."

These people are that stupid, that they actually believe that.

Muslims everywhere, this is what your religion has brought to this world: murder, torture, honor killings, kidnappings, bombings, rape, medievalism and mayhem.You must be so proud of your crusade to bring mankind back to your century, the 7th.

You are scum, or else you are condoning scum, or else you will stand up against this evil. The time has come, make a decision now. If this is what you want, war until every last Muslim "freedom fighter" is dead, that is exactly what you will get.

Boon Mee , if you think killing all Muslims is a way out of this , then I pity you and your kids if you have any.

Think about it.

I agree that the scum who did this must be eradicated , but if you suggest war against all Muslims will be an answer , then there is a problem in your head.

That will signal the beginning of the end of the world.

It is your reaction that these scum are hoping every westerner to feel.


Edited by chonabot
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Boon Mee , if you think killing all Muslims is a way out of this , then I pity you and your kids  if you have any.

Think about it. :o

So true... nothing is gained by condemning innocent muslims for acts commited by inhuman zealots... :D

Any rational person would understand that... :D

totster :D

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I think that we should ignore the terrorists like we would an irritating child.

We should lampoon them on TV shows and on stage and in cartoons as much as possible and we should get on and enjoy our lives as much as possible.


If this topic makes 100 pages, how closer will we be to a soloution?

We should think ourselves lucky that we are alive and enjoy the life we have until it is ended by a terrorist, or liver cancer, or a car crash, or a rogue hippo.

Let's hope Saddo's colleague will be okay, turn our backs on the terrorists (unless we are in the government or police or relevant minority) and make the most of life.

:o:D :D :D:D:D:D:D:D

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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Murdering scum like Al Qaeda need to be expedited straight off the planet earth. There is no room on earth for them and us.

"Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan."

These people are that stupid, that they actually believe that.

Muslims everywhere, this is what your religion has brought to this world: murder, torture, honor killings, kidnappings, bombings, rape, medievalism and mayhem.You must be so proud of your crusade to bring mankind back to your century, the 7th.

You are scum, or else you are condoning scum, or else you will stand up against this evil. The time has come, make a decision now. If this is what you want, war until every last Muslim "freedom fighter" is dead, that is exactly what you will get.

Boon Mee , if you think killing all Muslims is a way out of this , then I pity you and your kids if you have any.

Think about it.

I agree that the scum who did this must be eradicated , but if you suggest war against all Muslims will be an answer , then there is a problem in your head.

That will signal the beginning of the end of the world.

It is your reaction that these scum are hoping every westerner to feel.


Chon, I'm a bit worried about you.very sensible and thoughtful post. :D

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I don't think Boon is saying kill all Muslims, he said "freedom fighters'" He's asking Muslims to stand up and speak out. They are afraid? They won't fight against extremism, we can't count on their help? We fight on their behalf too. To be fair Saudi Arabia recently captured the #1 AQ man in their country.


The fact that decent people decent muslims cannot, out of fear for their lives, speakout against the jihadists should tell us what we are up against. They are destroyers of freedom. Think about how the taliban ruled Afghanistan, no music, women underneath sheets, the destruction of books and art, beatings on the spot in the street, doled out by goons who give themselves the authority to do so because they imagine themselves holier than the rest of the population, which translates to they fancy themselves better than the rest.

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Apologies to Boon Mee if I misread your earlier post. But I do believe that these scum want us to hate all Muslims and start a hate war between the East and West.

Todays retaliations in London are a sign that this is partially working amongst the reactionaries out there.

I really fear for our future and wish that I had some answers, fortunately/unfortunately that is not my job.

But undoubtedly it will become my kids' problem.


Edited by chonabot
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Murdering scum like Al Qaeda need to be expedited straight off the planet earth. There is no room on earth for them and us.

"Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan."

These people are that stupid, that they actually believe that.

Muslims everywhere, this is what your religion has brought to this world: murder, torture, honor killings, kidnappings, bombings, rape, medievalism and mayhem.You must be so proud of your crusade to bring mankind back to your century, the 7th.

You are scum, or else you are condoning scum, or else you will stand up against this evil. The time has come, make a decision now. If this is what you want, war until every last Muslim "freedom fighter" is dead, that is exactly what you will get.

Boon Mee , if you think killing all Muslims is a way out of this ,

That is not what I was advocating at all - only the Islamofaschists and those who support them.

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Apologies to Boon Mee if I misread your earlier post. But I do believe that these scum want us to hate all Muslims and start a hate war between the East and West.

Todays retaliations in London are a sign that this is partially working amongst the reactionaries out there.

I really fear for our future and wish that I had some answers, fortunately/unfortunately that is not my job.

But undoubtedly it will become my kids' problem.


Great post. Every statement that creates anti Muslim sentiment is helping the militant terrorists or whatever you want to call them. Even if your statements are not meant to create anti Muslim sentiment...but they do...then you are helping the militant extremists. I think this means that all responsible people should think twice about what impact their words will have and be sure that their words do not inadvertantly fan the flames of anti Musilim sentiment because this is what is jeaprodizing our future.

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you need to get off this conspiracy idea...

You need to get rid of that naivety.

if the usa is so bad, why did they invest all that money in japan and europe shortly after ww2 with the marshall plan?
It may not be a case of USA taking over but a mixture of continents ruling the world in the future. I imagine Europe is quite a large part of the grand scheme as well.
from reports in the news, it seems that iran is sheltering terrorists, it is only logical to confront iran with this issue, and tell them to give up the terrorists. if they don't, then, go in with force. otherwise, these scenarios will occur again and again, and again. it won't end.

Ah, so its Iran to attack next time is it? Yeah, lets GET 'EM!!! After all we will be supplied with hard honest evidence from our governments that it's their fault, which will be handling beamed into everybodys homes via the unbiased news channels and other back by other forms of unbiased media.

have you been watching the television these past 2 days?

what do you suggest we do. sit on our butts and do nothing? maybe serve out some food? waiting for these terrorists to come at us one more time?

we know that this is al qaeda doing this because they themselves declared on the internet, and in the media that they did. what more proof do you need to know who did this? these guys confessed to it.

now, as I see it, if we have absolute proof that the al qaeda are in iran. then, LET'S GET THEM!!!!

if iran doesn't like it, that's too bad. when they tell us that they won't give the terrorists to us, they are telling us to f##k off.

this being the case, then, I say they are just as guilty as the terrorists.

what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

take it to them.

if you are concerned about our justification in entering another country, consider this, THEY are entering our countries.

if iran is sheltering the terrorists, and they got the bomb, we are in big danger. it is only a matter of time before they work together to use it on us.

are we going to wait for them to explode a nuclear bomb in our homeland before we react?

yes, it may be true that only a minority of the people are terrorists, and that there are a lot of innocent people. but does that mean we can do nothing? if the innocent people are too scared to do anything, then, we need to take actions in our own hands.

and if innocents are in the way, it's unfortunate, but we need to take out the terrorists.

otherwise, this murdering will continue.

we know where these terrorists organizations reside. I think it is time to take them out. every single one of them.

if the "innocent" people are not willing to stand up and stop their "fellow" man from murdering others, then, what other option do we have?

as I see it, none.

bring it on.

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The thing we have to remember is that a while back materials used for explosives were discovered in a London Self Storage facility. I don't think that this should come as a surprise. That should have been a red flag that a terror plan was in the works. This is a terrible tragedy and I feel that anyone making light of it is a really seriously sick pup.

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This 'terrorist' attack on Britain is hardly a surprise. It could have been a lot worse. The British people have been fortunate, I think. Who expected it when all the "###### leaders" are in Scotland. Who is to blame? Tony Blair, of course, or maybe the people who voted for him. No one on this thread that I have read have said anything about the reasons for this attack.

Noone likes to hear of innocent civilians, but what about Bush and Blair?

I just wish that they had been blown up instead.

God, it is SO simple what Bush is up to, why can't we all see it? I guess the brainwashing by the media. I am glad I don't have CNN. Thai tv didn't make much of it this morning. Nothing near as much as when Liverpool won the cup.

Are Thai people affected? "Mai pen ria", well maybe this is a good understanding of life that they have.

Yes, they(and I) are suffering as the price of oil(petrol) goes up.

Was this Bush's plan? Of course!


Why did all those people on 9/11 die, and the few in London 7/7?

One group of people's greed for money and power(OIL)

Who has forgotten Afghanisthan, now that that huge pipeline has been built?

What have they brought that country, and Iraq apart from anarchy?

Next is Iran. Why, do they have any oil?

If we realised that war is born in the minds of men, we would make greater efforts for peace of mind.

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Just like the events of 9/11, ask yourself, who stands to gain from this? Could this have been organized by any group other than one who has direct unlimited access to all areas of London's transport grid at all times?

This has MI5 written all over it. Just watch that national ID card legislation sail through. 

The military-industrial complex has the motive in this latest atrocity. Every major western government, including the British, has been caught red-handed carrying out bombings against their own people and blaming it on external enemies. It is mainstream news in Spain that the government was involved in the 3/11 bombing. The London 7/7 bombings are nothing different. Government ghouls are now all over television spreading the fear to encourage the people to submit to the war on terror. Support our work, spread the word, expose who is gaining power from terrorism, or our freedoms will be lost.

Yep, the Moonbats are coming out of the woodwork now... :o

why is this such a far-fetched idea?

Its to far fetched because MI5 are not so stupid as to realise they are to stupid to keep it quiet. CIA on the other hand are far to stupid to realise they are far to stupid and could do it anyway!

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have you been watching the television these past 2 days? 
Do you ever tear yourself from in front of the television to step back and ask a couple of basic questions, namely:

What is the advantage to America and other governments from this attack?

answer - allows another invasion into an Oil rich country to take place.

What is the disadvantage to America and other governments from this attack?

answer - none

Could my government and the American government be lying?

answer - well it wouldn't be the first time would it? So a good chance they will lie again and again as long as it's good citizens sit in front of the tv for two days taking it all in.

what do you suggest we do.  sit on our butts and do nothing?  maybe serve out some food?  waiting for these terrorists to come at us one more time?

I say we deal with the problem on all levels, including looking at the terrorists within our own countries that are keeping it's citizens in a state of fear.

we know that this is al qaeda doing this because they themselves declared on the internet, and in the media that they did.  what more proof do you need to know who did this?  these guys confessed to it.
Well if it was on the internet and the tv then that's it for sure, all the proof I need, lets ATTACK!! :o
now, as I see it, if we have absolute proof that the al qaeda are in iran.  then,  LET'S GET THEM!!!!

You have absolute proof? What organisation has given you this absolute proof? Don't you think the people who gave us this proof may have an advantage in decieving us? Are any people watching the watchmen or do we all just believe what we see on the tv?

if iran doesn't like it, that's too bad.  when they tell us that they won't give the terrorists to us, they are telling us to f##k off.
It is too bad for Iran, we are more powerful than them. Tbe real power is in the people of the attacking countries but then the propaganda war to pacify us as already started and according to your posts its working quite well already.
this being the case, then, I say they are just as guilty as the terrorists.

Did you think of that, or was it just stated in one of those speeches that are broadcast out everyday live into your home until it has become your own thoughts? I personally agree with you on this one, but lets have a little bit of a deeper look into the situation and see who else might be worth blaming as well. If our own countries have let these attacks happen then they too are just as guilty or not?

if iran is sheltering the terrorists, and they got the bomb, we are in big danger.  it is only a matter of time before they work together to use it on us.

If! If! If! Fear! Fear! Fear! Lets get them before they get us! And while we are at it maybe we can get some oil sorted as well, wow, what an unexpected bonus!

are we going to wait for them to explode a nuclear bomb in our homeland before we react?
Are we going to react just because we fear someone may attack us with a nuclear bomb in the future. Ah, the weapons of mass destriuction line was used in the last one, so its the nuclear bomb fear in this one is it.

I wonder what the next line will be for the next terrorist atatck will be in a couple of years after this is over with? I wonder what country we will choose to attack next?

But of course we don't attack without a reason do we, we defend their attacks on us.

But what if they don't attack us?

Well lets help them attack us, blame it all on them, and then we have the right to go and defend ourselves!

yes, it may be true that only a minority of the people are terrorists, and that there are a lot of innocent people.  but does that mean we can do nothing?  if the innocent people are too scared to do anything, then, we need to take actions in our own hands. 

We need clear and honest evidence from unbiased sources before we back another war campaign. Lets face it the evidence they had last time was shakey to say the least, but then again, too late now, and of course 'another vile attack on our country and people and freedom blah blah blah' has happened so thats conveniently diverted the attention from our governments once again.

we know where these terrorists organizations reside.  I think it is time to take them out.  every single one of them.

You are told where they reside. You do not know. YOU ARE TOLD!

Do you question any of your governments acts or are they beyond question because the smiling puppet Tony and businessman Bush lead the march with all their conclusive 'evidence'?

Don't get me wrong, I'm totally against the attacks, London is my hometown, I know people that live and work there as do my family, my Dad even works on the buses which were targets for the attack yesterday though thankfully he was not on those routes.

But I was all the time waiting for an announcement about who was to blame and what war into an oil rich country was coming next, and lo and behold, it looks like the propaganda is coming already.

To quote Orwell though perhaps not precisely

"Lets all sit around and have a good hate". :D

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Be fair Bkkmadness , no-one has said they are going to attack any country , apart from a few knee-jerks on this site.

Blair has said that we will do our best to find these perps and deal with them The rest of the G8 leaders have said we will never be controlled by terrorists etc.

Where have you heard ( apart from forums etc ) that anyone is going into any other countries as retalliation ?

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Be fair Bkkmadness , no-one has said they are going to attack any country , apart from a few knee-jerks on this site.

Blair has said that we will do our best to find these perps and deal with them The rest of the G8 leaders have said we will never be controlled by terrorists etc.

Where have you heard ( apart from forums etc ) that anyone is going into any other countries as retalliation ?

Ah sorry Chonabot, UBC is off at the moment so no news apart from a bit on the radio last night and some from here. I just been reading that Iran is too blame and they have the nuclear bomb and LETS GET EM! from some people on here.

So have to put some of my thoughts in the previous post on hold for the moment.

No doubt they will be relevant in a few weeks time when they have gathered the appropriate evidence. :o

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