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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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Punk music is crap.............

5555 transam don"t set them off!... keep your head down below the parapet for the next few hours. Expect a barrage about 9 or 10 pm after rgs has had his dinner and downed a few. Shelling will be heavy. There could be lightning attacks from the tigerfish and tomorrow morning DB will launch daylight sorties but they sometimes contain friendly fire

.I will try to lob over a couple of 50 pounders but it's probably best to dig in for a while.

i'll try to divert fire with some easy targets.

Please read the subtitles pop peoples, from schoolboy to a seriously reckoned force.- no wonder he was Alone again naturally

our Gilbert's bin gooing down pit since he wuz 5, he yers to gerrup half an hour fore he went ter bed and slave away at coal face 20 hours er day- but he wuz appy, aye, wearing hiz dad's cloth cap our gil wuz a right wally.

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Punk music is crap.............

5555 transam don"t set them off!... keep your head down below the parapet for the next few hours. Expect a barrage about 9 or 10 pm after rgs has had his dinner and downed a few. Shelling will be heavy. There could be lightning attacks from the tigerfish and tomorrow morning DB will launch daylight sorties but they sometimes contain friendly fire

.I will try to lob over a couple of 50 pounders but it's probably best to dig in for a while.

i'll try to divert fire with some easy targets.

Please read the subtitles pop peoples, from schoolboy to a seriously reckoned force.- no wonder he was Alone again naturally

our Gilbert's bin gooing down pit since he wuz 5, he yers to gerrup half an hour fore he went ter bed and slave away at coal face 20 hours er day- but he wuz appy, aye, wearing hiz dad's cloth cap our gil wuz a right wally.

Cheers thanks for the laugh, great stuff, a brief history of punk will begin shortly, please do not adjust you channel.

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Sorry to dissapiont BN, stone cold sober, sober as a judge in fact, usually log on at this time of night due to international time zones and skyping.

Punk is crap, is just a statement, but nothing to back it up.

The roots of punk can be traced back, first of all to the '70s, bands such as the Stooges, MC5 and the Velvet Underground.

Punk was already to be found in Brit music of the '60s, in bands such as The Who and The Kinks.

To be continued in next post, please dont be alarmed dear listener.

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Ah ok, are you still with me dear listener,

Lets step back a generation ot two to the '50s

The King of the power chord.

Brilliant stuff,

No mention made yet of other such punk heroes like Chuck Berry.

To be continued.

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