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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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Goa, India, all night beach parties attended by the hippie elite of Europe, well dressed up and down Italians and French in the mid-80s.

Bra-less beauties grinning on ecstasy, dancing animatedly to Bryan..........Somehow I think he would have approved.....perhaps he was there.

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I fear you're being too parochial, rgs,

Goa, the original hippie paradise, had become by the mid 80s, the playground of the well-heeled, coiffured brigade. Most of them weren't rich but at night the competition to look glamorous was irresistible, except among the English who generally failed to make the grade, though I remember some characters who broke that rule and dressed the part- perfect wind -blown hair ( Dove rather than Sunsilk shampoo), white shirt, latest fashion, suitably unbuttoned to reveal hairy chest, ( in moderation) and casual white cotton trousers.

The Italians and French were however, immaculately dressed and formed an unspoken yet impenetrable circle around the elite DJs and their inner core of drug dealers and drug groupies.

I knew either I or they had really lost the plot when they started to play house music with its dreadful monotonous heavy machinery beat in the midst of a beautiful tropical environment.

The dream was over, plain denim was out and I retreated into a world of melody and rhythm, never to emerge again.

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@BN post #6104,

sounds like this,

The only thing worse than hippies are plastic hippies, rich spoilt brat kids living on paters credit card while they have a gap year, easily spotted

elephant hair wrist band, manky unwashed dreadlocks, cargo pants and a sak yant.

Never mind, they all spout the same mantra, "we havent had that same spirit here since 1969" as they wash down down their

pink champagne on ice.

Good gawd man, who TF wears denim in bloody India, never mind the heat and humidity, maybe the faux hippies were smarter than you.

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The power of music- I can't listen to The Main Thing without being transported back to that beach in Goa and dancing with a bevy of beautiful bra-less babes ( enough alliteration) at 6.00 am on the beach. The same with Hey Jude I remember watching that live on the BBC on our telly the first time it was broadcast, the chorus just took me and millions somewhere., I'll always associate that song with our old home.

And the words of even crap songs can remain lodged in the brain for decades, someone mentioned Black Sabbath were doing a final tour, and somehow it reminded me of a really terrible group called Black Widow and a dreadful song they used to sing,Come to the Sabat- god, it was bad, but somehow lodged there way down deep into the brain.


' a feeling in the air'.......I like that

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