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Cancel...probably yes..but if the other providers follow then we're stuffed. Over the past few weeks I have seen various reports that torrenting will die and that file deposit sites (rapidshare, megaupload etc.) will take over. In fact I've already found many interesting websites listing the kind of movies I like with links to get them from rapidshare or megaupload. In the last week I've download far more from these types of sites than I have via torrents.

I used rapidshare before finding thebox. Never found any uptodate sport on rapidshare. Good for movies & popular tv. Also, how easy is blocking rapidshare going to be?

sport might start appearing on rapidshare if torrenting fails. It's all a matter of supply and demand. As to blocking very easy but they'd need a reason/proof. What I've seen so far is websites that are actually blogs most often not indexed by search engines so can be hard to find not only for the user but also for those monitoring. Those blogs then contain a list of links where you can find say "Harry Potter I". Those links are with obscure file names on rapidshare like "HP.zip" They may also be passworded. Doing it this way a rapidshare search for "Harry Potter" wouldn't turn up the files and even if you downloaded "HP.zip" you wouldn't know what is was unless you had the password. It is not going to be easy. But if torrenting does really die then I'm sure another method will appear....

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using TOT in Khao Lak and all my torrents have turned red, meaning there is a connection problem, but is still working and downloading, even new torrents

Private torrents like thebox working or not or don't know? Please folks tell us if you are talking about private torrents or not, as that is the main problem.


linuxtracker.org also seems to be blocked now which is either insane, incompetent or an indication that this is not a deliberate thing (which I suppose brings us back to incompetent).


Going out now and won't be back till the morning. Best of luck to those still experienceing TOT woes. I hope it improves for you.


Just to give you more info...

I am with TTT or 3BB as it's called, Ihave a 7Mbps download package and my Torrents speed are non existant for international peers.

I have just connected to a peer in Thailand and my d/load speed is now 580 kBps. So it looks like it's only the international peers that are being throttled,

and it's happening to TOT and TTT . I am in Cha Am in Petchaburi.

Edit for spelling


Cancel...probably yes..but if the other providers follow then we're stuffed. Over the past few weeks I have seen various reports that torrenting will die and that file deposit sites (rapidshare, megaupload etc.) will take over. In fact I've already found many interesting websites listing the kind of movies I like with links to get them from rapidshare or megaupload. In the last week I've download far more from these types of sites than I have via torrents.

I used rapidshare before finding thebox.  Never found any uptodate sport on rapidshare.  Good for movies & popular tv.  Also, how easy is blocking rapidshare going to be?

sport might start appearing on rapidshare if torrenting fails. It's all a matter of supply and demand. As to blocking very easy but they'd need a reason/proof. What I've seen so far is websites that are actually blogs most often not indexed by search engines so can be hard to find not only for the user but also for those monitoring. Those blogs then contain a list of links where you can find say "Harry Potter I". Those links are with obscure file names on rapidshare like "HP.zip" They may also be passworded. Doing it this way  a rapidshare search for "Harry Potter" wouldn't turn up the files and even if you downloaded "HP.zip" you wouldn't know what is was unless you had the password. It is not going to be easy. But if torrenting does really die then I'm sure another method will appear....

I understand how easy it is to "hide" content on rapidshare, but surely CAT or TOT will just block everything on rapidshare?


Am using True Online and torrents are going at a normal rate.. Last month I had a scare when torrent speeds (browsing was faster) were down but this was at the same time when maintenance was being done. Things improved after 1week! Already orientated on the use of VPN but in the end in was not necessary.. There are a lot of public trackers that I cannot connect to (connection was closed by peer), but maybe that was the case before I got trouble.

Another interesting thing I found out on True's website is that with my standard 4MB package I have a data-limit of 540MB per hour..


Just to give you more info...

I am with TTT or 3BB as it's called, Ihave a 7Mbps download package and my Torrents speed are non existant for international peers.

I have just connected to a peer in Thailand and my d/load speed is now 580 kBps. So it looks like it's only the international peers that are being throttled,

and it's happening to TOT and TTT . I am in Cha Am in Petchaburi.

Edit for spelling

After I modded my uTorrent as described in an earlier post, I am running torrentday and BTJunkie at close to my 3MB limit and have been ever since I put it in place. Both outside Thailand, nearly completed the 11GB Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, completed an earlier doco, and am nearly through on an 1.5GB movie, so TOT can go FXXX themselves, there is more than one way to skin a cat so to speak!

What I am noticing however, there is huge variations in bandwidth, i.e. you can go from 297KBs to 30KBs, in waves, but I cannot understand if it is TOT's bandwidth shaping, or the lack of seeders???


.... If customers leave no doubt the front-line staff will be the ones blamed - and sacked. ....

In your dreams baby, in your dreams.

Customers leaving = lost revenue = people laid off. LOS mate, these organisations margins are wafer thin, the slightest ripple and some young kids lost a job.

Its in your dreams mate, if you think some poor unfortunate at TOT won't get shafted over once the farang customers start leaving.


.... If customers leave no doubt the front-line staff will be the ones blamed - and sacked. ....

In your dreams baby, in your dreams.

Customers leaving = lost revenue = people laid off. LOS mate, these organisations margins are wafer thin, the slightest ripple and some young kids lost a job.

Its in your dreams mate, if you think some poor unfortunate at TOT won't get shafted over once the farang customers start leaving.

As usual with anything here, they won't even notice until after it has happened, then there will be the usual kreng jai, cover up protecting blaming anyone else, in the end if TOT went down the pan, they would probably blame the farang!

The whole mentality and way of thinking is totally different from the average farang, they cannot see tomorrow, let alone another 6 months, it is all here and now.

Like the world recession, they keep on telling themselves it won't affect Thailand, and you know, if you keep telling a lie long enough, they eventually believe it.......


We should wish for incompetent because if it is intentional, then they mean business.

As I posted last night, it is intentional, I spoke to one of the service centre guys at TOT and he admitted that TOT were "shaping" their bandwidth to improve speed for non torrent users.


The blocking is 100% intentional. No question about that. It seems more sites and areas are being blocked as time goes by. What KKK said is true. Private trackers are not being blocked by IP but rather by port number or maybe by protocol analysis. This is no accident or broken equipment. Also, the increase of activity by the CAT and MICT in scanning torrent users and trackers points to them trying to block this activity.

Is this worth experimenting with..

thebox website works...their tracker doesn't which uses http protocol. The website, also http protocol, would use port 80. The trackers are on ports 2710, 8080, 8000, 4440 & 36000 and would seem to be banned. What about adding a tracker url using port 80 and see if it connects.

Anybody out there keen to do a tracker edit and report back?

http ports 80 not working, using udp ports 80 works perfectly.

Also if CAT are blocking then those using other providers will also be affected as per my knowledge (not perfect) but CAT has the International Gateway and not TOT or TRUE or 3BB. Therefore the providers cannot do anything about it,


Update here 3BB working 100% for torrents so now using them exclusively and ToT for other stuff only but this should not be necessary of course. I really only use private trackers mainly The Box and UK Nova as no point in downloading movies when I can get them here for 100 Baht on DVD with 5.1 surround sound, so I only use torrents for the latest British TV which I can get no other way apart from live streaming via a good VPN connection. Best to hold fire to see what transpires but sure many of us will cancel the ToT accounts, those young Thai workers need the power of a decent union here else they will just continue to get sh*te on as always.

This looks more and more like CAT to blame rather than ToT but easy answer is for ToT to get their own international highway like TT&T did a few years ago when it was deregulated and they could go it alone internationally. If they do not drop CAT then ToT will get the smallest share of the internet customers and deserve all the losses they make !! It is all so pathetically childish and unintelligent as there are always ways around whatever blocking they do, sometimes just have to wait a while for a hacking fix. What would we do without hackers, this irresponsible action just makes hackers the big heroes of the community. I find it all so bloody stupid from people in power who should know a lot better, they need to grow up. Anyway I am okay here with 3BB for now so not much of a problem here but feel for those who rely solely on ToT.

I can see what is coming next it will be download limits per month like a few other crap countries do to their folk and charge them silly money.


.... If customers leave no doubt the front-line staff will be the ones blamed - and sacked. ....

In your dreams baby, in your dreams.

Customers leaving = lost revenue = people laid off. LOS mate, these organisations margins are wafer thin, the slightest ripple and some young kids lost a job.

Its in your dreams mate, if you think some poor unfortunate at TOT won't get shafted over once the farang customers start leaving.

What? All 40* of you? That is really going to break the bank and the state-owned telco isn't it?

*Number if people reading this thread at 11:38 UTC


Update here 3BB working 100% for torrents so now using them exclusively and ToT for other stuff only but this should not be necessary of course. I really only use private trackers mainly The Box and UK Nova as no point in downloading movies when I can get them here for 100 Baht on DVD with 5.1 surround sound, so I only use torrents for the latest British TV which I can get no other way apart from live streaming via a good VPN connection. Best to hold fire to see what transpires but sure many of us will cancel the ToT accounts, those young Thai workers need the power of a decent union here else they will just continue to get sh*te on as always.

This looks more and more like CAT to blame rather than ToT but easy answer is for ToT to get their own international highway like TT&T did a few years ago when it was deregulated and they could go it alone internationally. If they do not drop CAT then ToT will get the smallest share of the internet customers and deserve all the losses they make !! It is all so pathetically childish and unintelligent as there are always ways around whatever blocking they do, sometimes just have to wait a while for a hacking fix. What would we do without hackers, this irresponsible action just makes hackers the big heroes of the community. I find it all so bloody stupid from people in power who should know a lot better, they need to grow up. Anyway I am okay here with 3BB for now so not much of a problem here but feel for those who rely solely on ToT.

I can see what is coming next it will be download limits per month like a few other crap countries do to their folk and charge them silly money.

where are you because 3bb here in Ubon is definately not letting me download any torrents.


this is very bothersome indeed.

what's the point in having high speed adsl connections if you aren't downloading torrents??? :angry:

always found dial up more than adequate for plain surfing...

i'm stuck with tot at my location .no other options whatsoever.

VPN no good for private the trackers i use.



I use strongvpn.com and haven't been affected at all. In fact, I think things may have speeded up. :rolleyes:

Which package from them did you use that speedup things? I have only found slower speeds but better than no speed.


It looks like 3BB is now throttling torrent downloads. I'm currently getting around 10kB/s on a single torrent that has seed/peer ratio of 20.9 with 209 seeds and 10 peers. :blink:

I've never seen this before, a torrent like that would scream down at around 7-800kB/s on my 8Mb Premier line.

I can download iTunes via HTTP transfer at 800kB/s and I can speed test at 7,500kB/s to San Francisco so I know it's not a problem with my line, however the ping times are suspicious (35ms) - looks like they're using some type of caching...

I'm using uTorrent with forced encryption, random port on start up, uPnP is enabled on router so NAT is working fine. There is definitely something up. I've never seen speeds so bad before.


Bluechip IT Samui Co., Ltd.

Company Registration No: 0845551000420 - Registration Date: 15th January 2008


I am a Torrent downloader.. Long live The Pirate Bay.... However, I download movies or TV shows that I CAN NOT watch here (i.e. Burn Notice, True Blood) I also listen to a style of music that is not very popular.. I listen to death metal... Sure It's not your choice... But have you tried to find a death metal cd (i.e. Despised Icon, Acid Bath, Arch Enemy, Cripper, Otep) in any of the 50,000,000 CD shops? I have... Think I found any? Nope, not ONE!!! But they do have alot of Michael Jackson, if thats your thing. So in fact torrents is a way for me to maintain my life style.


A hel_l of a first post dude. Death metal rules! :thumbsup:

:jap: I feel so loved!


the pirate bay and btjunkie are working but public torrent sites are for noobs...:annoyed:

I would love to have an invite to Demonoid >.>

Actually I am a web designer, I would really LOVE to have an invite to p2ptemplate.com *drools* thats like open source heaven!


I am a Torrent downloader.. Long live The Pirate Bay.... However, I download movies or TV shows that I CAN NOT watch here (i.e. Burn Notice, True Blood) I also listen to a style of music that is not very popular.. I listen to death metal... Sure It's not your choice... But have you tried to find a death metal cd (i.e. Despised Icon, Acid Bath, Arch Enemy, Cripper, Otep) in any of the 50,000,000 CD shops? I have... Think I found any? Nope, not ONE!!! But they do have alot of Michael Jackson, if thats your thing. So in fact torrents is a way for me to maintain my life style.


A hel_l of a first post dude. Death metal rules! :thumbsup:

:jap: I feel so loved!

You would be loved by your death metal idols as well if you would buy their music legit over the internet.

That's what i do when i want to support my favorite bands...

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Is this worth experimenting with..

thebox website works...their tracker doesn't which uses http protocol. The website, also http protocol, would use port 80. The trackers are on ports 2710, 8080, 8000, 4440 & 36000 and would seem to be banned. What about adding a tracker url using port 80 and see if it connects.

Anybody out there keen to do a tracker edit and report back?

All webtraffic is sent through transparent proxies (government owned). A tracker using tcp port 80 does not comply with the normal http-request, which results in the packet being dropped by the proxy. Logfile example of what happens at the proxy:

1281615553.366      0 n.n.14.19 NONE/400 3789 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281615553.865      0 n.n.14.19 NONE/400 2499 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281615556.997      0 n.n.14.229 NONE/400 1743 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281615573.182      0 n.n.13.88 NONE/400 1719 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281615593.708      0 n.n.8.21 NONE/400 2177 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281615659.010      0 n.n.14.229 NONE/400 1743 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281615719.017      0 n.n.14.229 NONE/400 1743 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281615744.011      0 n.n.14.229 NONE/400 1743 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281615765.020      0 n.n.14.229 NONE/400 1743 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281615771.552      0 n.n.14.19 NONE/400 2183 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281615875.773      0 n.n.13.88 NONE/400 1719 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281615899.738      0 n.n.8.21 NONE/400 1721 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281616034.657      0 n.n.14.19 NONE/400 4050 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281616057.675      0 n.n.14.19 NONE/400 2532 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281616058.173      0 n.n.14.19 NONE/400 2259 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281616333.360      0 n.n.14.19 NONE/400 2272 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281616596.118      0 n.n.14.19 NONE/400 2260 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281616622.690      0 n.n.14.19 NONE/400 3159 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html
1281616720.985      0 n.n.13.88 NONE/400 1719 NONE error:unsupported-request-method - NONE/- text/html

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