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This had to happen. It probably a good thing. You'll "hopefully" see performance of voip, web mail, etc.. improve. Torrents are drain especially since most peers exists outside of TOT, if you look at an average torrent drainer using a steady 1mbit the economics just dont make sense. I cant even buy full transit routes on 1000mbit commits for < 550baht/mbit (or anywhere near that). So hopefully TOT stop, separate, or traffic shape them.

Ideally I'd like to see torrent drainer pay a massive premium. Part ignorance for most windoze users as the systray hides the little U, but wow imagine how fast the internet would be in Thailand without torrent drainers.

Ends rant.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I think you are very much in the minority

I agree!

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Just because he is in the minority, does not make him wrong. In most societies the majority want a free ride from the minority that pay more than their fair share.

As I said earlier. Those that pay, pay for those that don't pay.

What societies would those be then? Whilst it's true that those that pay, pay for those that don't/can't but if those that don't were the majority, then that would be unsustainable.

In all societies, more people work than don't, more people are healthy than not, more people are at liberty than those in prison and, more people are on moderate or low incomes than rich. The 'fair share' that the more wealthy are expected to contribute but, in many cases, would rather pay to accountants to find 'loopholes' in order to avoid, is decided by the government. Allegedly representative of the majority, who work, pay taxes, raise families etc. and are the backbone of all societies.

All this sensationalist, cheap right-wing newspaper headline, bar-room nonsense about a 'free ride' is merely a diversion to make some people think that it's not their government and the large corporations (the minority) fleecing them but, somehow, 'the poor'. It points to a mind dulled by lack of exercise and is, like my post (apologies for going way way off topic but I couldn't stop myself) nothing to do with p2p.

More on topic, when a company decides to provide a service such as the internet, why should it have the right to decide how people use it? They provide access, what you do with it, is up to you. If you decide to do something illegal with it then those charged with the policing of it should prosecute you after proving that what you have done is illegal. Not simply say 'we think this is being used illegally so we're switching it off'.

I said more on topic, it wasn't really was it? :lol: sorry OP but I was 'due' a rant. :)


Maybe yous guys are using different trackers. The ones blocked are: tracker.thepiratebay.org, tracker.publicbt.com, and possibly tracker.openbittorrent.com

Basically, you get a tracker timeout error if they are blocked.


bad news: my wife just phoned TOT and was advised that they are indeed blocking torrent traffic. engineer was quite open about it.

good(ish) news: he also advised that torrent traffic will be turned on between 10pm and 5am - reason to give faster traffic during the day for "normal" use.

it was stated as temporary though he couldn't give a timespan as to when full service would be resume.

we'll see at 10pm lads.

Can anyone else confirm this?

Just chatted with friends over WLM, some of whom are on TOT. Been getting mixed answers -- some say torrent is dead slow, while others report nothing out of the ordinary... TOT claiming to throttle torrents is nothing new. I've heard this line many times before. Each time it amounted to nothing more than some network glitch on their end.

I'd say another case of FUD, only this time it's coming from a TOT engineer.


Maybe yous guys are using different trackers. The ones blocked are: tracker.thepiratebay.org, tracker.publicbt.com, and possibly tracker.openbittorrent.com

Basically, you get a tracker timeout error if they are blocked.

It is NOT depending on URL - but it is all about the protocol itself.

I CANT connect to my own tracker via BT application, but I CAN connect it via Telnet. Same address, same port.....:(


Tor is not meant for Torrents....While it will work the speed will never be that good. I would suggest Rapidshare type services or Usenet via Giganews...You will be required to pay subscriptions per month depending on usage but the speed and reliability are great. The top level Giganews package even comes with a VPN service that is extremly fast, can route all your net connections through it and nothing is blocked by the ISP, Torrents, web sites etc


I really cannot understand what the issue here is??

You sign up with TOT for a 3MB or whatever download speed, and a 512KB upload speed, for which they are happy to accept your money, then, because they find themselves unable to provide THE SERVICE YOU PAID FOR, they stop you from downloading torrents, what does it matter if it is torrents or pdfs or any other dam_n thing?

They took on a contract to supply 3mb/512, end of story!

If I went out and placed an order for 20 bottles of beer every month and they started sending me 5 because they didn't have the beer, because everyone else was drinking it, and still wanted to charge me, I think I would be a bit pissed off!

The TOT contract we have says nothing at all about monthly limit. If this is for real then BYE BYE TOT!

Another 3rd world country trying to pretend it is modern!

If they want to change the rules, then change the prices too!

I pay them for 3mb/512, I expect it 24/7/365 simple as that.


looks like mine's blocked....ring them in a minute......I don't think I have an alternative service where I live.But if I can I'll switch straight over to TT&T or whatever I can find.


This had to happen. It probably a good thing. You'll "hopefully" see performance of voip, web mail, etc.. improve. Torrents are drain especially since most peers exists outside of TOT, if you look at an average torrent drainer using a steady 1mbit the economics just dont make sense. I cant even buy full transit routes on 1000mbit commits for < 550baht/mbit (or anywhere near that). So hopefully TOT stop, separate, or traffic shape them.

Ideally I'd like to see torrent drainer pay a massive premium. Part ignorance for most windoze users as the systray hides the little U, but wow imagine how fast the internet would be in Thailand without torrent drainers.

Ends rant.


I am going to ring them too, but what good it will do, you can just imagine it, the operators on TOT helpline "DARING" to go to their supervisors and telling them there is a problem!!!

They will sit there smiling all day, bottling it up, all the stressfull calls from foreign devils, then go home and murder someone. Kreng Jai all the way!


Well 2 possibilities

1 TOT has a a technical problem and is slow to repair:OK can wait a little

2 TOT blocks downloads.Then, a little question for the network literates here:will the use of a VPN resolve this?

Just received the answer to question 2 from the staff of a well known private tracker

-Yes VPN will resolve the situation

-encrypting the bittorrent clients could help too (if the tracker is configurated to accept encryption) but not sure

Hope this help

Situation now:private trackers:non working

Other ones (piratebay) working sloooowly


This had to happen. It probably a good thing. You'll "hopefully" see performance of voip, web mail, etc.. improve. Torrents are drain especially since most peers exists outside of TOT, if you look at an average torrent drainer using a steady 1mbit the economics just dont make sense. I cant even buy full transit routes on 1000mbit commits for < 550baht/mbit (or anywhere near that). So hopefully TOT stop, separate, or traffic shape them.

Ideally I'd like to see torrent drainer pay a massive premium. Part ignorance for most windoze users as the systray hides the little U, but wow imagine how fast the internet would be in Thailand without torrent drainers.

Ends rant.

You're point of view is completely wrong! If you look at another medium like the telephone network. You could not a group of heavy telephone users block their account because of others who use the medium less intense.

You pay for a certain bandwith and then you are entitled to use what you have paid for. The provider has nothing to do with what kind of data you send or receive over the network. Same as the telephone provider has nothing to do what kind of conversation or messages you send or receive.

The real problem is that the providers in Thailand don't keep up installing sufficient hardware according to the number of accounts and demanded bandwith. In Europe I pay much less for a much higher bandwith and recently has a court in The Netherlands denied a claim for controling the content of the internet use by the providers.

It is time that the Thai people let their government know that they are capable adults who can decide for themself what they think is good or bad. A government should not treat Thai citizens as if they are incapable dummies by controling a big part of their social life, where nowadays internet is part of that too.


Tor is not meant for Torrents....While it will work the speed will never be that good. I would suggest Rapidshare type services or Usenet via Giganews...You will be required to pay subscriptions per month depending on usage but the speed and reliability are great. The top level Giganews package even comes with a VPN service that is extremly fast, can route all your net connections through it and nothing is blocked by the ISP, Torrents, web sites etc

You use tor to talk to the trackers, and then the trackers tell you who to connect to. Then you connect over the regular internet to the people who have the file you want, without tor. Since TOT is blocking the trackers, but not the P2P, this works and is just as fast as anything before, except maybe the initial connection.


This had to happen. It probably a good thing. You'll "hopefully" see performance of voip, web mail, etc.. improve. Torrents are drain especially since most peers exists outside of TOT, if you look at an average torrent drainer using a steady 1mbit the economics just dont make sense. I cant even buy full transit routes on 1000mbit commits for < 550baht/mbit (or anywhere near that). So hopefully TOT stop, separate, or traffic shape them.

Ideally I'd like to see torrent drainer pay a massive premium. Part ignorance for most windoze users as the systray hides the little U, but wow imagine how fast the internet would be in Thailand without torrent drainers.

Ends rant.

You're point of view is completely wrong! If you look at another medium like the telephone network. You could not a group of heavy telephone users block their account because of others who use the medium less intense.

You pay for a certain bandwith and then you are entitled to use what you have paid for. The provider has nothing to do with what kind of data you send or receive over the network. Same as the telephone provider has nothing to do what kind of conversation or messages you send or receive.

The real problem is that the providers in Thailand don't keep up installing sufficient hardware according to the number of accounts and demanded bandwith. In Europe I pay much less for a much higher bandwith and recently has a court in The Netherlands denied a claim for controling the content of the internet use by the providers.

It is time that the Thai people let their government know that they are capable adults who can decide for themself what they think is good or bad. A government should not treat Thai citizens as if they are incapable dummies by controling a big part of their social life, where nowadays internet is part of that too.

Exactly, you paid for it, and they can't supply so they start cutting down on one particular user type. What happens next when it gets full? cut out SKYPE, cut out E mail? What right does someone using SKPE or whatever have to expect their 3mb that I don't?


Hmm... Wouldn't it be fair if we paid for the resources we consume, like your electric or water meter?

Yes BUT, that depends on whether the ISPs can provide the resources that we pay for?


We have the right to use the internet for what we want, moralists keep watching your stupid reality tv shows/ soaps full of advertising crap, people who use torrent do not necessarily download all the time and mostly just want to watch things they like and not what they feed us.

Everything uses bandwidth, streaming videos, online tv, online gaming, videoconferences etc ...we pay for it and we use it for what we want!

Here in Chiang Mai no problem so far with TOT.

I have used the precious bandwidth for 20 min. just to test and it was working, please forgive me for doing so.:ph34r:


For all you "pay your fair share people" there is a very simple way for TOT to prioritize VOIP and HTTP traffic over P2P so that everything works as expected. I know my connection speed is limited and restrict my bandwidth accordingly so VOIP works and P2P gets the most when other traffic isn't using it. Perhaps y'all are just using windoze and that's why your connections suck?


Hmm... Wouldn't it be fair if we paid for the resources we consume, like your electric or water meter?

Yes BUT, that depends on whether the ISPs can provide the resources that we pay for?

WE do, we signed up for the TOT advertised rate, it doesn't say in that rate that we can have 3MB on monday but nothing on Tuesday as far as I could see - it said on my contract 3MB/512, it didn't say it was subject to any restrictions.

And the addage that we pay like we do for water and electricity...well, that is not the TOT offer, but if it did go that way, then who would suffer most? The poorer Thais who couldn't afford to use the internet anymore.

The idiots at TOT would have been better to sell 1mb packages that would have allowed 3 or 4 times the business, now they are going to lose customers.

If everyone was signed up for a 1mb/256, then at least they would know what to expect, instead of this usual THAI FIASCO.


Working fine on TOT in Ratchaburi.

Can you start a new torrent?

Using TOT in Ban Chang and as of last night could not download existing torrents.

Haven't tried a new one.

CAT was working OK but now seems to have stopped but at least all the torrent icons are green (uploading) or blue (downloading).

On TOT all icons were red (stopped).

Back on TOT now and can confirm it's still not working, not even for new downloads.


For all you "pay your fair share people" there is a very simple way for TOT to prioritize VOIP and HTTP traffic over P2P so that everything works as expected. I know my connection speed is limited and restrict my bandwidth accordingly so VOIP works and P2P gets the most when other traffic isn't using it. Perhaps y'all are just using windoze and that's why your connections suck?

Why??? Why not just supply the customer with what you advertised and charge for? Everyone gets what they paid for, no prioritizing this or that, just GIVE PEOPLE WHAT THEY HAVE PAID FOR, if you can't do it, don't sell it, it really is quite simple.

Does anyone know what you exactly need to switch to TRUE ot ATT or any other provider? I am in the boonies and only seem to have TOT cable, do 3BB or True rent TOT cable etc.? Thanks.


This had to happen. It probably a good thing. You'll "hopefully" see performance of voip, web mail, etc.. improve. Torrents are drain especially since most peers exists outside of TOT, if you look at an average torrent drainer using a steady 1mbit the economics just dont make sense. I cant even buy full transit routes on 1000mbit commits for < 550baht/mbit (or anywhere near that). So hopefully TOT stop, separate, or traffic shape them.

Ideally I'd like to see torrent drainer pay a massive premium. Part ignorance for most windoze users as the systray hides the little U, but wow imagine how fast the internet would be in Thailand without torrent drainers.

Ends rant.

You're point of view is completely wrong! If you look at another medium like the telephone network. You could not a group of heavy telephone users block their account because of others who use the medium less intense.

You pay for a certain bandwith and then you are entitled to use what you have paid for. The provider has nothing to do with what kind of data you send or receive over the network. Same as the telephone provider has nothing to do what kind of conversation or messages you send or receive.

The real problem is that the providers in Thailand don't keep up installing sufficient hardware according to the number of accounts and demanded bandwith. In Europe I pay much less for a much higher bandwith and recently has a court in The Netherlands denied a claim for controling the content of the internet use by the providers.

It is time that the Thai people let their government know that they are capable adults who can decide for themself what they think is good or bad. A government should not treat Thai citizens as if they are incapable dummies by controling a big part of their social life, where nowadays internet is part of that too.

Exactly, you paid for it, and they can't supply so they start cutting down on one particular user type. What happens next when it gets full? cut out SKYPE, cut out E mail? What right does someone using SKPE or whatever have to expect their 3mb that I don't?

Well quite- Let's face it, this is an expected response form big business cheaters. The real problem here is the 'holier than thou' users who believe that their use is more important than anyone else's for whatever their own selfish reasons may be.

Meanwhile On-topic- if anyone has an invite from a tracker that they can't download from, pm me an invite code and preferably a non-working torrent that you've tried and I will test it from my connection. I used to be a member of many private sites but I download so few torrents these days that I've let them all lapse.

And I agree with the many posts- Mods please delete all the opinions on whether torrents are right or wrong and get this thread back on topic.


Tor is not meant for Torrents....While it will work the speed will never be that good. I would suggest Rapidshare type services or Usenet via Giganews...You will be required to pay subscriptions per month depending on usage but the speed and reliability are great. The top level Giganews package even comes with a VPN service that is extremly fast, can route all your net connections through it and nothing is blocked by the ISP, Torrents, web sites etc

You use tor to talk to the trackers, and then the trackers tell you who to connect to. Then you connect over the regular internet to the people who have the file you want, without tor. Since TOT is blocking the trackers, but not the P2P, this works and is just as fast as anything before, except maybe the initial connection.

Unsure, but the Tor project doesnt look kindly on it.



...<snipped>...I pay my Internet connection like the others and I want to have my Skype strong enough to talk to people in Europe. But the quality of my connection is scrapped by torrent users who use all the bandwidth in my area, and reduce the amount of available bandwidth for data located outside of the country.

In these conditions, I don't want to be located to the same router or backbone than torrent/donkey users. This is the reason why I'm not with TT&T as you have to share your connection with your neighbors and you can't do anything anymore when they start they p2p.

I guess you must have one of the a basic TT&T packages. They offer fast speed but you share the connection with lots of others.

I have TT&T's basic 'Premier' connection..it's just a 3/1mb U/D...but I share the connection with far fewer users.

Hence, I can download torrents...AND simultaneously use Skype to chat to those in the US and Europe.

While there have been a few times the speeds have been somewhat slower, they are uncommon!

I think you problem is using a cheaper connection, though it claims to offer greater speeds, but it shares bandwidth with more users!!.


i will be switching my service in the morning. as will many of my friends who i've talked about this with.

Me too if I have the option, but as usual here in Lala land the idiots at TOT will do nothing until it is too late!

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