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Phuket 'Killer Brit' Lee Aldhouse Has Reputation For Violence


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Do you think the police have checked border security cameras yet ? As I still think he crossed the border on the day of the event , also yes he may of left his passport behind , but some people have 2 passports .....

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I think he's holed up on the island and the police are waiting for him to move. Unless someone rats him out, he could do that indefinitely.

Wonder if his gf is with him. They should offer a 500 baht reward. Maybe she would turn him in.

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Just a quick note , so he is on the run with his gf , now they will surly need money which will be in a bank account , have the police checked lee and his gf bank accounts to see where they are withdrawing money ? Also lee might have a uk bank account that is being funded with money to help him out , have these be checked ?

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What you need to be clear of mmh8 is there were witnesses that saw the guy kill.

All the other stuff is rubbish, I agree. Including the ring fight video, who cares.......

He's a twit of a Brit who couldn't handle his booze or his anger, especially when a better man knocked his a*s down. So he sneaks up and murders.

Complete coward and will get what he deserves.

Why is Thai Visa allowing on this thread and the other one the publication of unsubstantiated 'facts'?

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Probably because it is a forum where people express their views.:D

That's fine if it is expressed clearly and carefully eg. 'based on what I've read / heard etc I think he did / didn't do it' (though that would of course just highlight they aren't really saying anything).

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Probably because it is a forum where people express their views.:D

That's fine if it is expressed clearly and carefully eg. 'based on what I've read / heard etc I think he did / didn't do it' (though that would of course just highlight they aren't really saying anything).

Based on your posts you seem to highly doubt Lee did this. You have a right to you opinion as do other board members.

I am a firm believer in "innocent until proven guilty" and I would like to see him in a come forward to answer the questions that the police have.

However I think you are not seeing what I would think are considered facts:

  • They had a fight at the freedom bar. (no one seems to dispute this)

  • Lee stole the knives from 7-11 and his girlfriend tried to stop him. (no one has said they were misidentified in the cctv)

  • The victim was found dead at HIS bungalow.

  • Lee fled.

Are you a personal friend of Lee or do you have any facts that something other than this happened?

Do you think the police set him up?

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Probably because it is a forum where people express their views.:D

That's fine if it is expressed clearly and carefully eg. 'based on what I've read / heard etc I think he did / didn't do it' (though that would of course just highlight they aren't really saying anything).

Based on your posts you seem to highly doubt Lee did this. You have a right to you opinion as do other board members.

I am a firm believer in "innocent until proven guilty" and I would like to see him in a come forward to answer the questions that the police have.

However I think you are not seeing what I would think are considered facts:

  • They had a fight at the freedom bar. (no one seems to dispute this)

  • Lee stole the knives from 7-11 and his girlfriend tried to stop him. (no one has said they were misidentified in the cctv)

  • The victim was found dead at HIS bungalow.

  • Lee fled.

Are you a personal friend of Lee or do you have any facts that something other than this happened?

Do you think the police set him up?

I have not suggested one way or the other whether i think he did it or not.

Others are suggesting outright that he did it but without making it absolutely clear that what they are saying is only their opinion based on allegations others have made which are yet to be tested since it is an ongoing investigation at the moment.

As such there are no 'considered facts' at all at the moment.

Talking about those allegations, expressing opinions and postulating what might have happened is all well and good but that is quite something else from saying he murdered him.

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The girl who tried to stop Lee in the 7 is not his girlfriend. She works at Freedom with Oi, DeShawns girlfriend.

The bald guy in the video is Charley Jr, the owner of Freedom. Too bad neither of them phoned Oi or Deshawn to tell them Lee was on his way with a knife...

I was at Freedom the night Deshawn was killed, but left early. i didn't see Lee, but when I left Deshawn was very relaxed, not even drinking. just hanging out talking with Oi.

Lee sold Coke in Phuket and is involved with the local mafia. Maybe they are hiding him or helped him escape?

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What you need to be clear of mmh8 is there were witnesses that saw the guy kill.

All the other stuff is rubbish, I agree. Including the ring fight video, who cares.......

He's a twit of a Brit who couldn't handle his booze or his anger, especially when a better man knocked his a*s down. So he sneaks up and murders.

Complete coward and will get what he deserves.

Why is Thai Visa allowing on this thread and the other one the publication of unsubstantiated 'facts'?

Thaiwanderer - whats been "substantiated",

people saw the fight at Freedom, they saw Lee steal the knives from 7/11 (so did we on the video), GF saw Lee stab the deceased, and you are going to sit there at your keyboard and claim no one can call him a murderer because there is an "ongoing investigation"?

You would have been a perfect O.J. Simpson juror......... head in the sand.

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The girl who tried to stop Lee in the 7 is not his girlfriend. She works at Freedom with Oi, DeShawns girlfriend.

The bald guy in the video is Charley Jr, the owner of Freedom. Too bad neither of them phoned Oi or Deshawn to tell them Lee was on his way with a knife...

I was at Freedom the night Deshawn was killed, but left early. i didn't see Lee, but when I left Deshawn was very relaxed, not even drinking. just hanging out talking with Oi.

Lee sold Coke in Phuket and is involved with the local mafia. Maybe they are hiding him or helped him escape?

Thanks for joining here anonymously to give a bit more inside information about the main players.

Certainly helps explain how he survived here for so long without an income and perhaps why they haven't found him..

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The girl who tried to stop Lee in the 7 is not his girlfriend. She works at Freedom with Oi, DeShawns girlfriend.

The bald guy in the video is Charley Jr, the owner of Freedom. Too bad neither of them phoned Oi or Deshawn to tell them Lee was on his way with a knife...

I was at Freedom the night Deshawn was killed, but left early. i didn't see Lee, but when I left Deshawn was very relaxed, not even drinking. just hanging out talking with Oi.

Lee sold Coke in Phuket and is involved with the local mafia. Maybe they are hiding him or helped him escape?

Thanks for joining here anonymously to give a bit more inside information about the main players.

Certainly helps explain how he survived here for so long without an income and perhaps why they haven't found him..

so if thats true about the coke that probably explains why lee was blocking the entrance to the toilet most likely doing a deal or couple of lines

seems like he is out of thailand talking about laos or malaysia on radio this morning.

p.s. mods why is there two threads on this makes it just a little bit of a pain to follow..

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Why is Thai Visa allowing on this thread and the other one the publication of unsubstantiated 'facts'?

Lee, is that you?

Just kidding- but i think the facts available i.e. the fight, lee filmed stealing knife, victim stabbed, victims gf ids lee, lee is on the run- speak for themselves.

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That was a great fight. Very entertaining and I would pay to see one of his fights in the ring.

hahaha that wasnt a fight or any Muay Thai at all, it was a throw punch dive and kick as hard as you can - and miss ! if i see that **** i'll knock his lights out an make sure he gets his balls fixed, then hand him in.

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How are the bald fact suggestions of drug dealing, involvement with mafia and murder not speculative?

Maybe I should have said 'inaccurate'. The removed post was talking about the wrong bar, in the wrong area. Would have just lead to confusion with readers not familiar to Phuket.

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not sure if this has been brought up yet, but i remember seeing this the other day, but cannot see on thaivisa

A MIDLAND kickboxer suspected of murdering a US marine in Thailand may be on the run in Laos, it was claimed last night.

Lee Aldhouse, 28, allegedly stabbed DaShawn Longfellow to death in the early hours of last Saturday following a bar fight on the paradise holiday isle of Phuket.

The Birmingham fighter has reportedly fled his home on the Thai island.

//And a source close to the investigation says he may now be living in Laos or Malaysia, hiding among tourists.

“He’ll probably be somewhere on the backpacker trail.

“He’s a very well built white man, so he would stand out like a sore thumb anywhere else,” the source said.

“The police are not any closer to catching him at this stage.

“They have focussed all their attention on Phuket, but he is almost certainly gone.”

Aldhouse, whose ring nickname was Pitbull, moved to Thailand in 2006.

He had reportedly been part of the Thai boxing circuit until a year ago.

He reportedly picked a fight with decorated Afghan war veteran Longfellow at a pub, where the American was having drinks with a Thai girlfriend. The unemployed Brummie was a regular at the bar.

He was said to have been known for “getting drunk and picking fights and bragging that he’s invincible”.

The bar fight was broken up, but cops say Aldhouse followed kickboxing fan Longfellow back to his hotel, where he was stabbed in the chest.

The source claimed: “Aldhouse got involved in a similar incident two years ago.


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"He's a very well built white man, so he would stand out like a sore thumb anywhere else," the source said.

What a bizarre statement.....

Does that mean that all white men in those regions are so grossly overweight that anyone in relatively fit condition would stick out like a sore thumb ? From the videos & pictures, he appears to be about the same height as the Thai fighters he was in the ring with. If he actually still has the boxing physique shown in that old photo, it wouldn't be evident unless he was walking around shirtless which wouldn't be likely even without those distinguishing tatts.

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"He's a very well built white man, so he would stand out like a sore thumb anywhere else," the source said.

What a bizarre statement.....

Does that mean that all white men in those regions are so grossly overweight that anyone in relatively fit condition would stick out like a sore thumb ? From the videos & pictures, he appears to be about the same height as the Thai fighters he was in the ring with. If he actually still has the boxing physique shown in that old photo, it wouldn't be evident unless he was walking around shirtless which wouldn't be likely even without those distinguishing tatts.

I'd say compared to the average 120lb wet through nerdy gap year student on "the backpacker trail" who look like they couldn't knock the skin off a rice pudding he would indeed stand out like a sore thumb, even more so when he speaks in a regional accent.

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He still not been caught.. wow thats scary. I mean how would he get out of the country, move around other countries, check into hotels, withdraw money if they didnt know where he was....

Im sure they know more than they are letting on.

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Leaving Thailand through one of the smaller borders is easy.

He doesn't need to move around many countries, once in Laos or Malaysia he is fine. Go to UK embassy ask for temporarily travel document and off to UK he is.

Guys on the run being street wise can easily get out of here.

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Leaving Thailand through one of the smaller borders is easy.

He doesn't need to move around many countries, once in Laos or Malaysia he is fine. Go to UK embassy ask for temporarily travel document and off to UK he is.

Guys on the run being street wise can easily get out of here.

was wandering what would happen if you went to embassy in cases like suely there would be some mark agaisnt his name on the computer system like wanted for murder other wise if he makes it back to uk he is then a free man.

i would have thought the only way to move around would be on a fake passport.

then the other question if an alert did come up agaisnt his name in say laos what would the embassy do cant see embassy staff trying to arrest him could laos police arrest and deport to thailand ..............

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If Lee Aldhouse's parents/family had any humanity about them surely they would get him to hand himself in or at least go public out of respect for the Mr Longfellows mother.

I can understand protecting family for most things but not this.

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