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Belgian Killed By His Thai Wife


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As this is an English language forum everything has to be posted in English, regretfully the body of the original post is not in English so this Topic will have to be closed until it can be translated.

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We now have the following translation, as this is not Pattaya related I will also move it to General topics:


Thai woman returns to Vredestraat

Reconstruction of Fatal Stabbing

OOSTENDE - Yesterday in the Vredestraat a reconstruction of last week stabbing took place. A Thai woman kiled her partner.

The Vredestraat in Ostend last week Wednesday night was startled by a passionate drama. Sararat Khaengraeng (37) just after midnight her partner MarcClauwaert (47) several times down in the kitchen. The couple had quarreled. For reasons yet unlcear this resulted in the fatal stabbing. The victim was able to call the emergency services and was rushed to hospital. His condition seem to be stable, but after SEVERAL hours the man died from his injuries.

The perpetrator had fled to Mechelen mean while, but she was captured by local police. She was braught before the Examining magistrates of Bruges and charged with manslaughter.

Yesterday, the Thai wife was brought to the scene of the crime for a reconstruction of the facts. In the otherwise quiet Vredestraat all centered on the re-enactment. The police cordoned off the footpath around the house and through several of the the windows curious neighbors followed everything.

Sararat Khaengraeng was led into the house around 14:45 hours, where she re-enacted her story. The reconstruction took largely place within the building. Only at the end the investigators appeared with the woman outside. Sararat had to sit in a car for the door, possibly to show how she had fled after the stabbing. The reconstruction lasted more than one and a half hours.

What the motive of the stabbing was had not been announced yet. The couple were known in the street as social and jovial people and were liked. They recently retunred form a one month trip to Thailand. According To Some residents there was an occasional argument and the woman already had a plane ticket in her pocket when she was arrested, but that rumor was not cyet onfirmed by the prosecution. Around 16.30uur peace was finally back in the street with the same Street. (Vredestraat means Peace street in English).

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Nice people don't stab other people... if there was sufficient evidence of self defence she wouldn't be facing charges of manslaughter. specualtion will be rife, no doubt, but I'll just say this: Nice people don't stab eachother. further, nice people who do stab each other by accident don't do a runner.

she obviously had too much of that good chocolate and wanted to see if that Poirot chap was as good as they say at putting crazies away. herculepoirot.jpg

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Nice people don't stab other people...

That is not exactly true, Loz. Nice people DO murder other people when they get provoked enough. Who knows what happened in this sad case. I can think of a dozen different scenarios... none of which pertain to money of the deceased. I've come very close to murdering a few people myself, but none were personal acquaintances. And, I consider myself to be a nice guy.

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Nice people don't stab other people...

That is not exactly true, Loz. Nice people DO murder other people when they get provoked enough. Who knows what happened in this sad case. I can think of a dozen different scenarios... none of which pertain to money of the deceased. I've come very close to murdering a few people myself, but none were personal acquaintances. And, I consider myself to be a nice guy.

Nice people DO murder?? Can t say I agree with you, unless we re talking about being in a situation of life and death!

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Nice people don't stab other people...

That is not exactly true, Loz. Nice people DO murder other people when they get provoked enough. Who knows what happened in this sad case. I can think of a dozen different scenarios... none of which pertain to money of the deceased. I've come very close to murdering a few people myself, but none were personal acquaintances. And, I consider myself to be a nice guy.

Nice people DO murder?? Can t say I agree with you, unless we re talking about being in a situation of life and death!

It's not always a case of life or death. More often it's a case of temporary insanity in fits of rage. Put people under enough stress and most will snap. With Jilted lovers it happens all the time. It can happen after a long period of mental abuse. It can happen when a burried bad memory from childhood is brought to life. It can happen any time someone feels threatened in any way. There is no logical reason for most suicides either, but they happen all the time. And, the people are NOT crazy. It is just very sad when it happens.

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What is it with all of these Belgians lately there has been one story after another on Thaivisa about these guy being arrested in Thailand, being murdered in Thailand and now killed in Belgium.It must be their year.

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What is it with all of these Belgians lately there has been one story after another on Thaivisa about these guy being arrested in Thailand, being murdered in Thailand and now killed in Belgium.It must be their year.

Too be honest i read more about Americans doing all sort of bad things on this forum.

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These things happen everywhere, but just aren't reported as being something newsworthy... other than locally. There are hundreds of murders every year in each large US city and nobody reports it other than in local press. In Thailand it is spread across all the news. The simple fact is Thailand attracts a certain group of men (myself included) who have a different life style than they would have in the country they come from. When you mix older men with questionable backgrounds, with young, volatile Thai women, then there are bound to be some conflicts.

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Nice people don't stab other people...

That is not exactly true, Loz. Nice people DO murder other people when they get provoked enough. Who knows what happened in this sad case. I can think of a dozen different scenarios... none of which pertain to money of the deceased. I've come very close to murdering a few people myself, but none were personal acquaintances. And, I consider myself to be a nice guy.

You claim to be a nice guy yet you've almost murdered not one, but a few people.

Are you serious?

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Nice people don't stab other people...

That is not exactly true, Loz. Nice people DO murder other people when they get provoked enough. Who knows what happened in this sad case. I can think of a dozen different scenarios... none of which pertain to money of the deceased. I've come very close to murdering a few people myself, but none were personal acquaintances. And, I consider myself to be a nice guy.

You claim to be a nice guy yet you've almost murdered not one, but a few people.

Are you serious?

Should seek a good doctor asap!

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Nice people don't stab other people...

That is not exactly true, Loz. Nice people DO murder other people when they get provoked enough. Who knows what happened in this sad case. I can think of a dozen different scenarios... none of which pertain to money of the deceased. I've come very close to murdering a few people myself, but none were personal acquaintances. And, I consider myself to be a nice guy.

You claim to be a nice guy yet you've almost murdered not one, but a few people.

Are you serious?

Yes, I am serious. One was Filapino when I was surrounded by Philippine thugs and another was a group of vandals destroying property. I could easily have killed any of them. I just had to weigh the consequences of what might happen to me afterwards. Their loss of life wouldn't bother me in the least. I'm a hunter and don't value human life any more than a wild animal. If humans act like animals then it's no loss if they are destroyed. There are already too many humans on earth. Losing a few of the nasty ones is no loss.

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Yes, I am serious. One was Filapino when I was surrounded by Philippine thugs and another was a group of vandals destroying property. I could easily have killed any of them. I just had to weigh the consequences of what might happen to me afterwards. Their loss of life wouldn't bother me in the least. I'm a hunter and don't value human life any more than a wild animal. If humans act like animals then it's no loss if they are destroyed. There are already too many humans on earth. Losing a few of the nasty ones is no loss.

You've been watching too much TV and perhaps you think you're Rambo.

I doubt you would have killed a Filipino in that group of thugs. They usually carry knives and often guns too. If you had managed to kill one you would not have lasted long. Do you think they would sit idly by while you killed one of their friends?

If this last reply is truthful, you're a dangerous and deluded person who is definitely not your typical "nice guy"...anyway, you're talking about "killing", not "murder". There's a big difference.

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Yes, I am serious. One was Filapino when I was surrounded by Philippine thugs and another was a group of vandals destroying property. I could easily have killed any of them. I just had to weigh the consequences of what might happen to me afterwards. Their loss of life wouldn't bother me in the least. I'm a hunter and don't value human life any more than a wild animal. If humans act like animals then it's no loss if they are destroyed. There are already too many humans on earth. Losing a few of the nasty ones is no loss.

You've been watching too much TV and perhaps you think you're Rambo.

I doubt you would have killed a Filipino in that group of thugs. They usually carry knives and often guns too. If you had managed to kill one you would not have lasted long. Do you think they would sit idly by while you killed one of their friends?

If this last reply is truthful, you're a dangerous and deluded person who is definitely not your typical "nice guy"...anyway, you're talking about "killing", not "murder". There's a big difference.

I already had my knife at the Filapino's throat. One quick move and it would have been in his brain. I gave the rest of them an option that I leave safely or we would all die. They read my eyes and knew I meant it... because I did. I have killed lots of large animals with a knife and a nasty human is no different to me.

No, I am NOT your typical nice guy. I just want to be left alone. And, no I DON'T think I'm Rambo or Steven Segal. I know I would get my butt handed to me in fight with armed Filipinos. I just happened to have the upper hand at that moment and they weren't willing the risk. I wasn't bluffing and they knew it. Whether you call it killing or murder the result is the same. Only lawyers quibble over the semantics.

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Yes, I am serious. One was Filapino when I was surrounded by Philippine thugs and another was a group of vandals destroying property. I could easily have killed any of them. I just had to weigh the consequences of what might happen to me afterwards. Their loss of life wouldn't bother me in the least. I'm a hunter and don't value human life any more than a wild animal. If humans act like animals then it's no loss if they are destroyed. There are already too many humans on earth. Losing a few of the nasty ones is no loss.

You've been watching too much TV and perhaps you think you're Rambo.

I doubt you would have killed a Filipino in that group of thugs. They usually carry knives and often guns too. If you had managed to kill one you would not have lasted long. Do you think they would sit idly by while you killed one of their friends?

If this last reply is truthful, you're a dangerous and deluded person who is definitely not your typical "nice guy"...anyway, you're talking about "killing", not "murder". There's a big difference.

I already had my knife at the Filapino's throat. One quick move and it would have been in his brain. I gave the rest of them an option that I leave safely or we would all die. They read my eyes and knew I meant it... because I did. I have killed lots of large animals with a knife and a nasty human is no different to me.

No, I am NOT your typical nice guy. I just want to be left alone. And, no I DON'T think I'm Rambo or Steven Segal. I know I would get my butt handed to me in fight with armed Filipinos. I just happened to have the upper hand at that moment and they weren't willing the risk. I wasn't bluffing and they knew it. Whether you call it killing or murder the result is the same. Only lawyers quibble over the semantics.

Ian, sadly my opinion of you has changed rapidly. You usually make good posts, but this one is way over the top.

Still water run deep eh!


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Ian, sadly my opinion of you has changed rapidly. You usually make good posts, but this one is way over the top.

Still water run deep eh!


I'm too old to care, Rick. I have no reason to lie or make up stories. I'm not proud of my hidden anger, or cold, calculating reaction under stress. But I will tell the truth if someone asks questions. I understand that I'm probably a little crazy, but I really don't care because I'm never the one to start a fight. All I've been pointing out throughout this thread is nobody knows what they might do when under stress. Some people fold and others react violently. Many of the so called "heros" in war are just average guys who reacted under pressure and went forward instead of running away. I'm no hero, nor am I an aggressive person, but I do understand what can happen to anyone under stress, or in an unusual situation. The thread is about a Thai woman who killed her Belgian husband. None of us know what made her do it, and It doesn't seem to have been planned for money... which would indicate that she is an evil person. It sounds more like a domestic fight, and the kind that happens all the time with thousands of couples... only this one ended in death.

And yes, still waters DO run deep. Unfortunately, governments don't seem to realize that, and if you pressure any person or group of people then you have to be prepared for what might happen. The USA is just realizing that now in the Middle East with a war they can't win and yet can't run away from.

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I guess you've opened up a bit more there, Ian.

Big difference between defending yourself from a gang, and going at it one on one with a spouse though.

Nice people don't stab and run away. Nice people stab and and hang around to pay. ;)

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What is it with all of these Belgians lately there has been one story after another on Thaivisa about these guy being arrested in Thailand, being murdered in Thailand and now killed in Belgium.It must be their year.

Too be honest i read more about Americans doing all sort of bad things on this forum.

As I said lately, last 3 or 4 months..Yes probaly more stories about US bigger population so more <deleted>-k ups and bad boys than little beligum. Must be there time of the month.

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What is it with all of these Belgians lately there has been one story after another on Thaivisa about these guy being arrested in Thailand, being murdered in Thailand and now killed in Belgium.It must be their year.

Too be honest i read more about Americans doing all sort of bad things on this forum.

As I said lately, last 3 or 4 months..Yes probaly more stories about US bigger population so more <deleted>-k ups and bad boys than little beligum. Must be there time of the month.

Not to mention the average IQ of the USA is lower of that of Belgium and Holland. So it stands to reason there are more idiots coming from that country. But you could be right its their time of the month.


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