craigt3365 Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 I don't feel sorry at all. They are drug trafficker and that is what they deserves. Sorry, I have no mercy. What if those smugger drug gets to you or your love one? They all know what they are into. When they are caught, they will change their story and lie. This is human nature. Justice should be based on evident, and not stories published to get more subscribers. Did you read the story? The part where one girl was told she was transporting documents? This is not an uncommon occurrence. Traveling with a stranger who puts something in your luggage without you know it. Do you see the signs at the airport asking if YOU packed your bag? If you left it unattended for any period of time? So, show a little mercy for the girls who had NO idea what was going on, and are now on death row....
Xonax Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 China like Thailand gives drug smuggling very short shrift. However, when was the last time Thailand executed a foreign national? I think the Foreign ministry had better get it's ass in gear and solve this issue. Yeah - lets be human and bring them back to Thailand so they can be sentensed to death here.
Spee Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 I don't think China much cares if Chinese people are given the death penalty for drugs. The Chinese government has been directly responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of its own citizens during the past 100 years or so. Handing out the death penalty for drug offenses, whether citizens or foreign nationals, is surely little more than an afterthought. 1
craigt3365 Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 I don't think China much cares if Chinese people are given the death penalty for drugs. The Chinese government has been directly responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of its own citizens during the past 100 years or so. Handing out the death penalty for drug offenses, whether citizens or foreign nationals, is surely little more than an afterthought. I have a friend who lives in Shanghai. He told me the story of one of his co-workers who had a family member shot for a crime he had committed. Can't remember the crime, but do remember the family was sent a bill for the bullet. Sick.
Lumumba Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 Yes, people should tell the Thai women to leave folks like me alone. Some people on this board need a sort of re education. They have minds as narrow as a car antenna ( the old type). Phobias about Black men give people the creeps. You would not see me even dead is some parts of Bangkok. That includes soi 1 to soi 23 sukhumvit. I have always had the belief that all the white/black/Arab/Asian people that hang around those sois are up to no good. So I would not touch a thai girl from such areas with a ten meter pole. This story have been coming up for years now and nothing seems to have been done about the problem, and there would still be a new case come next month and next year. And you would think that a young woman who would sell her dignity and her body for a few baht without minding the consequences for a few baht would not jump into transporting illegal drugs for a few dollars? I followed a case about someone that was charged for recruiting mules here in Bangkok, after two court appearances in 3 months, his visa was revoked and he was deported. Quite intriguing as I would never know if he was guilty as charged or just a frame up to remove him. And how would characterize a mule as being deceived or being ignorant of the content of her haul if she was nabbed on her 4th trip? Or how would you expect to live your life in freedom with easy cash from questionable trips, when others are working their butt off on a 9 to 5 jobs. Why would you want to point fingers of blame to another people or group of people, when your life choices include partying every night and waking up 3 pm everyday and still expect you would not end up in some sh-t? The mules, their masters, addicts and the Chinese hangman all deserve one another. As you make you bed ........ you should shut the <deleted>-ck up and lie on it. The blame could go a lot more way around, whoring your body away for years could make dealing on drugs just another ill that could be done, so blame the sexpats, divorce could bring hardship which might make easy drug money a way out, so blame the ex husbands, and so on. Caught with hands in the cookie jar, don't play blame games. Drugs are bad. Live a decent life. 1
moetownblues Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 "The 13 Thai women were seduced by promises of independence and freedom, to participate in the international drug trade, schooled by false lovers who made it all seem easy and without risk. Most, or all, are first time offenders who began by being duped to become minor players in a world wide trade where the profits go to the organizers and the pain is borne by the foolish carriers." It's the same old story, over and over again all over the world, not just in Thailand or China; it's also the same in Malaysia and Singapore or Indonesia There are literally thousands of young women in the world who are in prison, being lured, seduced into the drugs business and used for trafficking by false lovers. These guys and their organizations have a special "nose" spotting such vulnerable girls who have difficulties at home, school, business or in grieve of a lost love. That these 13 girls were caught in a country like China, with extreme harsh penalties is very sad, especially since those drugs organizers/dealers know very well that they can't do it themselves or risk the death penalty. It is THEY who deserve to go to jail or worse, get the death penalty. Poor girls and their families. LaoPo Ditto :jap:
moetownblues Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 I don't think China much cares if Chinese people are given the death penalty for drugs. The Chinese government has been directly responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of its own citizens during the past 100 years or so. Handing out the death penalty for drug offenses, whether citizens or foreign nationals, is surely little more than an afterthought. I have a friend who lives in Shanghai. He told me the story of one of his co-workers who had a family member shot for a crime he had committed. Can't remember the crime, but do remember the family was sent a bill for the bullet. Sick. And then there is the story of the CEO whose company made a bad batch of milk formular and children got sick. He went to trial and was subsequently executed.
moetownblues Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 I don't feel sorry at all. They are drug trafficker and that is what they deserves. Sorry, I have no mercy. What if those smugger drug gets to you or your love one? They all know what they are into. When they are caught, they will change their story and lie. This is human nature. Justice should be based on evident, and not stories published to get more subscribers. Did you read the story? The part where one girl was told she was transporting documents? This is not an uncommon occurrence. Traveling with a stranger who puts something in your luggage without you know it. Do you see the signs at the airport asking if YOU packed your bag? If you left it unattended for any period of time? So, show a little mercy for the girls who had NO idea what was going on, and are now on death row.... Reminds me of the movie the" Bangkok Hilton" based on a true story starring Nichole Kidman.
Canada Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 People do what they do....for money. Some people need the money and view themselves as having little , none, or not very good options. Some people don't need the money, they just like it, are used to it, and want more. It's a sad state of affairs.....what people do to people on this planet, and why they do it. I don't think that there are really any plausible reasons or excuses for any of this type least on the part of the people who have money or power. They are the true victimizers in stories like this. From the "black men"(whatever color they are) to the executioners......people with money and power victimize (or take advantage of) people without money or power, for more money or power (same thing). For me, this story is more about the "human condition" than anything else. 1
Jarearn Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 Drug prohibition is a huge waste of money and human life, as it doesn't solve the problem. It didn't work with alcohol and it isn't working with drugs. Global reform would be very welcome. You guys ever heard about LEAP? Law Enforcement Against Prohibition? 1
richieudon Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 these poor girls need help they probably had drugs put in there bags by these black men warn all the girls to stay away from black men then it wont happen so how about help for them or is every one just going to let them die some one who knows someone help them. You can't just say "stay away from black men". It's out of order man
chuang Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 I don't feel sorry at all. They are drug trafficker and that is what they deserves. Sorry, I have no mercy. What if those smugger drug gets to you or your love one? They all know what they are into. When they are caught, they will change their story and lie. This is human nature. Justice should be based on evident, and not stories published to get more subscribers. Did you read the story? The part where one girl was told she was transporting documents? This is not an uncommon occurrence. Traveling with a stranger who puts something in your luggage without you know it. Do you see the signs at the airport asking if YOU packed your bag? If you left it unattended for any period of time? So, show a little mercy for the girls who had NO idea what was going on, and are now on death row.... "transporting documents'...frankly would you do such thing....Why ?
craigt3365 Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 I don't feel sorry at all. They are drug trafficker and that is what they deserves. Sorry, I have no mercy. What if those smugger drug gets to you or your love one? They all know what they are into. When they are caught, they will change their story and lie. This is human nature. Justice should be based on evident, and not stories published to get more subscribers. Did you read the story? The part where one girl was told she was transporting documents? This is not an uncommon occurrence. Traveling with a stranger who puts something in your luggage without you know it. Do you see the signs at the airport asking if YOU packed your bag? If you left it unattended for any period of time? So, show a little mercy for the girls who had NO idea what was going on, and are now on death row.... "transporting documents'...frankly would you do such thing....Why ? Makes no sense for sure. But then again, you are dealing with uneducated girls trying to make some money. There was a show on TV about drug mules from the UK. Young guys who met a guy at a bar and were offered big money to be a mule. They got caught in Venezuela I believe, just before boarding a plane home. Eventually got out of jail, but it was pretty bad. Young, dumb, greedy...and busted.
SamritT Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 The girls did it, and knew exactly what they were doing. However they will denied it 100%, cry and said that they are framed by mysterious black guys. And you guys really believe them? What are you after, really? A romantic time?
SantiSuk Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 How <deleted> tragic Yes to those who say som nam na, but this is not about whether they are guilty and should be punished it's about the appropriateness of the punishment. Thailand has it right - lock em up for a long time - 10 years would be a sufficient deterrent If this were in one of many other countries there would be a media outcry and the Government would be forced to be seen to take action to bring pressure. I suspect Thailand does have some sway since the Chinese are keen to invest in and have influence in Thailand (accepting that the keenness works both ways). Should be sorted in one phone call with Abhisit promising to put them away in Thailand for a long time! This would have far more coverage as a deterrent to future Thai mules than the apparent current 'out of sight out of mind' situation. Abhisit gets the added bonus of having been seen to stand up for the Isaan underclass for once in his life. Unfortunately the Thai press does not seem to fulfill the important checks and balances role that are there in most first world countries. It's more likely that some organ like the Guardian or BBC Panorama in the UK would pick it up than any of Bangkok's media. It is a global interest piece - particularly as some elements of the Western press have huge scepticism about China's human rights performance. Anybody have any contacts? Any Amnesty International members out here?
iko Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 Yes, people should tell the Thai women to leave folks like me alone. Some people on this board need a sort of re education. They have minds as narrow as a car antenna ( the old type). Phobias about Black men give people the creeps. You would not see me even dead is some parts of Bangkok. That includes soi 1 to soi 23 sukhumvit. I have always had the belief that all the white/black/Arab/Asian people that hang around those sois are up to no good. So I would not touch a thai girl from such areas with a ten meter pole. This story have been coming up for years now and nothing seems to have been done about the problem, and there would still be a new case come next month and next year. And you would think that a young woman who would sell her dignity and her body for a few baht without minding the consequences for a few baht would not jump into transporting illegal drugs for a few dollars? I followed a case about someone that was charged for recruiting mules here in Bangkok, after two court appearances in 3 months, his visa was revoked and he was deported. Quite intriguing as I would never know if he was guilty as charged or just a frame up to remove him. And how would characterize a mule as being deceived or being ignorant of the content of her haul if she was nabbed on her 4th trip? Or how would you expect to live your life in freedom with easy cash from questionable trips, when others are working their butt off on a 9 to 5 jobs. Why would you want to point fingers of blame to another people or group of people, when your life choices include partying every night and waking up 3 pm everyday and still expect you would not end up in some sh-t? The mules, their masters, addicts and the Chinese hangman all deserve one another. As you make you bed ........ you should shut the <deleted>-ck up and lie on it. The blame could go a lot more way around, whoring your body away for years could make dealing on drugs just another ill that could be done, so blame the sexpats, divorce could bring hardship which might make easy drug money a way out, so blame the ex husbands, and so on. Caught with hands in the cookie jar, don't play blame games. Drugs are bad. Live a decent life. And you would think that a young woman who would sell her dignity and her body for a few baht without minding the consequences for a few baht would not jump into transporting illegal drugs for a few dollars? They rent their body, they don't sell it. And this is what happens with any kind of job (you rent your mind, if you do an intellectual job), so i don't see any difference. I've never understood this acrimony against women that usually don't hurt anyone (just the opposite). Maybe you were a bit angry for the "black guys" comments; maybe you should know that considering a woman a bad person just because she's a "ladybar" or considering a guy scum just because he's hanging out in a soy you don't like is not so different than considering "black guys" pushers, robbers and stupid monkeys.
Canada Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 Drug prohibition is a huge waste of money and human life, as it doesn't solve the problem. It didn't work with alcohol and it isn't working with drugs. Global reform would be very welcome. You guys ever heard about LEAP? Law Enforcement Against Prohibition? Yes, I've heard of LEAP. Some people may say "forward thinking", I say it's about time that someone with some credibility would stick their neck out a bit offering a real solution. It's not that complicated really..... prohibition is not working, something else might. It's not like there are a million choices available in terms of solving this problem, or minimizing the consequences of it. So, pick one of the few and solve the problem. It's like anything else in life, when you decide to solve the problem, a solution appears. A bit off topic of the girls on death row in China, or is it?
fantuzi Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 The same thing happens in Malaysia and Singapore;In last 3 years two,three hundred women were busted in different countries.Singapore is serious about such things and they managed to identify one very proficient amoroso,who seduced and send to work about dozen of girls.Now he is facing justice;may be they gave him ISA(detention order),they will not deport him,it is not TiT case. Modus operandi is always the same,they go after girls,who are lonely- not very desireable by our standarts,little bit over the hill...easy prey.The problem is:this is massive!That number in Guangzhu tells it,it is just one airport in not long span of time!
DP25 Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 It's more likely that some organ like the Guardian or BBC Panorama in the UK would pick it up than any of Bangkok's media. It is a global interest piece - particularly as some elements of the Western press have huge scepticism about China's human rights performance. Anybody have any contacts?Any Amnesty International members out here? They won't pick the story up because it is FAKE. In the latest round of mass emails about this story they've even thrown in scary scary black men as being the instigators that were not even involved in the original story. If 13 (lol) young thai females were being executed in China it would be on the front page of CNN and BBC not being passed around as chain emails and posted on personal blogs. 1
neverdie Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 these poor girls need help they probably had drugs put in there bags by these black men warn all the girls to stay away from black men then it wont happen so how about help for them or is every one just going to let them die some one who knows someone help them. You can't just say "stay away from black men". It's out of order man Yeah and clearly forgetting the general rumours on why the chicks luv black guys to start with.......I'd go into the details but its a SCHLONG story
LaoPo Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 It's more likely that some organ like the Guardian or BBC Panorama in the UK would pick it up than any of Bangkok's media. It is a global interest piece - particularly as some elements of the Western press have huge scepticism about China's human rights performance. Anybody have any contacts?Any Amnesty International members out here? They won't pick the story up because it is FAKE. In the latest round of mass emails about this story they've even thrown in scary scary black men as being the instigators that were not even involved in the original story. If 13 (lol) young thai females were being executed in China it would be on the front page of CNN and BBC not being passed around as chain emails and posted on personal blogs. I'm starting to believe you could be right and the whole case is some sort of trolling case, wandering around on the internet. I don't understand why this topic was opened in the first place since I found another topic (which I missed) about the SAME CASE running here earlier this month which started on August 16th with the last post also on August 16th and closed: 13 Thai Officegirls Got Death Penalty In China ? http://www.thaivisa....nalty-in-china/ I searched the internet, also in China, but there's nothing by other media around the world talking about 13 Thai office girls or 13 Thai young women who received the death sentence in China. The ONLY source is a BLOG...and a magazine, referring to this blog. Go figure. A blog-source is reliable nowadays ? There is, however, an article from Uganda (Aug 13 - LP) which says that there are now 20 Ugandans, condemned to death by hanging in China...for illegal drugs trafficking. If there would be 13 Thai girls/women in China, awaiting their death, I'm sure Thailand's government would have taken action already. NO ? LaoPo
Buchholz Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 which all just comes back around to the still unanswered questions from nearly 24 hours ago back at Post # 10 : In the latest data from the Department of Corrections listed below There is no data provided on the link. The link links back to this blog entry. full story: HERE source: Blog Is there any information on the author of this blog, HRDEFENDER? Is there any corroboration of the content of this blog entry? Perhaps until any of this verified, it might be best to refrain from furthering this unsubstantiated blog entry written by a completely unknown and totally anonymous blogger. News clippings are news clippings and this is not one of them.
asiawatcher Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 Judging from the circumstances of 'how' they got in the predicament - it would seem they may be victims of circumstance and may not even know if they were trafficking. I would love 2 minutes with their 'black' mentors at any rate!
chantorn Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 It's more likely that some organ like the Guardian or BBC Panorama in the UK would pick it up than any of Bangkok's media. It is a global interest piece - particularly as some elements of the Western press have huge scepticism about China's human rights performance. Anybody have any contacts?Any Amnesty International members out here? They won't pick the story up because it is FAKE. In the latest round of mass emails about this story they've even thrown in scary scary black men as being the instigators that were not even involved in the original story. If 13 (lol) young thai females were being executed in China it would be on the front page of CNN and BBC not being passed around as chain emails and posted on personal blogs. I'm starting to believe you could be right and the whole case is some sort of trolling case, wandering around on the internet. I don't understand why this topic was opened in the first place since I found another topic (which I missed) about the SAME CASE running here earlier this month which started on August 16th with the last post also on August 16th and closed: 13 Thai Officegirls Got Death Penalty In China ? http://www.thaivisa....nalty-in-china/ I searched the internet, also in China, but there's nothing by other media around the world talking about 13 Thai office girls or 13 Thai young women who received the death sentence in China. The ONLY source is a BLOG...and a magazine, referring to this blog. Go figure. A blog-source is reliable nowadays ? There is, however, an article from Uganda (Aug 13 - LP) which says that there are now 20 Ugandans, condemned to death by hanging in China...for illegal drugs trafficking. http://www.monitor.c...ub/-/index.html If there would be 13 Thai girls/women in China, awaiting their death, I'm sure Thailand's government would have taken action already. NO ? LaoPo Thai govt don't care. Unless the 13 girls have any relationship with Thaksin.
LaoPo Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 Thai govt don't care. Unless the 13 girls have any relationship with Thaksin. Please, don't say silly things and don't bring Thaksin into this discussion If the Thai government wouldn't care there's also something else which is called "Public Thai Opinion" and IF...just IF the case would be true, I'm sure a Mother, Father, Brother or Sister would call for help to the media. LaoPo 1
marquess Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 these poor girls need help they probably had drugs put in there bags by these black men warn all the girls to stay away from black men then it wont happen so how about help for them or is every one just going to let them die some one who knows someone help them. You can't just say "stay away from black men". It's out of order man Yeah and clearly forgetting the general rumours on why the chicks luv black guys to start with.......I'd go into the details but its a SCHLONG story This whole thread is starting to deteriorate in stereotyping racism the kind of thing that the board will not allow when it comes to speaking about Thai people. Mods please 1
carenot Posted August 30, 2010 Posted August 30, 2010 Such a sad waste of life but while there's a market and huge profits then there will always be those willing to take the risk. In my opinion it is about time the whole issue of drugs prohibition is re-thought it isn't working has never worked and will never work but to many people have vested interests in keeping it illegal the criminal gangs need it to be illegal as if it was legal tomorrow profit levels would drastically drop, governments would have huge job losses on the books as drugs enforcement is a massive employer worldwide and a multimillion business in itself. Not to mention they would have to back tack on the years of BS propaganda. Some on this forum are from the hang all drug users section of society whose knowledge on the subject is in general zero and need to research facts before they repeat the government BS we've all heard for years and there will be those that have seen drug addiction in the family whose views may have been swayed because of this but people need to take a step back and look, not all drug users will become addicts as not all drinkers will become alcoholics. The only real solution is to legalize and legislate you then have some form of control both on the quality and strength of drugs being sold but also the age of those they are sold too, profits from sales could even be used to help those that become addicts as inevitably some will just as some become alcoholics .
Piengrudee Posted August 31, 2010 Posted August 31, 2010 Judging from the circumstances of 'how' they got in the predicament - it would seem they may be victims of circumstance and may not even know if they were trafficking. I would love 2 minutes with their 'black' mentors at any rate! Everyone say that when they were arrested. If you believe the girls, you also believe that the world is flat (so said the pope at that time). I think they are there for the money and luxury life.
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