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As soon as it was available I had bought an Easy Pass card and device for both my cars. Then they stopped the Easy Pass system for 4 months or so and then it came back on line. Now I see it more and more pay toll stations opening one or 2 booth for Easy Pass.

What is your experience?

Mostly I like it, because it allows me to save a lot of time and hassle to simply drive through, and I cannot help a grin at all the other cars lining up to pay. Especially this pick-up truck who drove so close up behind me, gave me the lights and the horn and now he is waiting in line to pay haha.

But ... sometimes the system just fails. I know I should drive slowly towards the barrier, but it happened to me and I saw it happen to others. Sometimes the system just crashes and nothing would make it open the barrier. Embarrassing.

I would like to see more places where I can fill up, such as at 7/11.

I would like to see the whole Outer Ring equipped with Easy Pass

I would have preferred the Easy Pass booth to be on the right side, not in the middle, where all the other cars block access.


Not quite sure I understand your question. Why would I need a 1000 Baht and why change?

If you refer to refilling Easy Pass, you can do that an many toll booth. I do it at the Ploenchit entrance where I can park the car and don't have to hold up the line o cars behind. And when you pay for Easy Pass, you get a 5% discount.

Seems like Easy Pass is not really popular here. I wonder why because IMO the advantages are obvious despite a few flaws.


Do not have one, but notice that the queue is often long because the driver at the front is in the wrong lane...

Do Drivers now what a Easy Pass lane is ?


I've got Easy Pass on 3 cars, so far, about 98% of the time it works great.

1%: Guy without Easy Pass drives into the lane and can't figure out how to pay.

1%: Guy with Easy Pass using tinted window film blocks signal.

My on-use experience:

Pros: 5% discount.

Pros: No wait lane.

Cons: Not enough in Thailand, they need to roll this out more.

Cons: Not idiot proof.

Cons: Should have more payment solutions: ie: refill via internet / bank xfer / etc.

My off-use experience:

Pros: "Wow, no need to wait". -comment by other people.

Pros: "5% discount!" -comment by other people.

Cons: "So elitist" -comment by other people.

Cons: "Too expensive" -comment by other people.

Cons: "Only 5%, should be more!" -comment by other people.

Cons: "Website only in Thai." -http://www.thaieasypass.com/etcsite/

A few weeks ago on TV, the head of the Easy Pass system got flack about how in-efficent the system is, the reporter made comments about how he observed little or no cars in the Easy Pass lane.

REPORTER: Observing from video "Very little cars using the Easy Pass system, therefore, not popular."

REPORTER: Surveyed people "People are not happy that the Easy Pass system occupies one or two lanes, and no one using it."

REPORTER: Surveyed people "Complains that the system is too expensive to use."

HEAD OF EASY PASS: "You are not supposed to see a que forming on the Easy Pass lanes. No que is the indication that the Easy Pass system is working."

HEAD OF EASY PASS: "The Easy Pass lanes can process 50-60% more cars than standard lanes. There are records on how much Easy Pass lanes are processing and total Easy Pass users. It's in the xxx,xxx"

HEAD OF EASY PASS: "The price point is at an acceptable level. Droping the price down will also drop the quality in the system. The deposit required is fully refundable upon return of the unit. There is a 5% discount compared to cash only lanes."

-my 2 satang.


REPORTER: Surveyed people "Complains that the system is too expensive to use."

Beats me. Why do they say it's too expensive when:

- you get 5 % discount

- you don't loose time and gasoline queuing up, stopping and restarting

OK, you have to pay a deposit, but you get that back when you return the thing.

But the system is not foolproof. I saw it crash several times (twice to my car) and nothing would make it work properly.


REPORTER: Surveyed people "Complains that the system is too expensive to use."

Beats me. Why do they say it's too expensive when:

- you get 5 % discount

- you don't loose time and gasoline queuing up, stopping and restarting

OK, you have to pay a deposit, but you get that back when you return the thing.

But the system is not foolproof. I saw it crash several times (twice to my car) and nothing would make it work properly.

Most "Thais" think that they are buying those units that stick on the windows, which is probably why they think it's so "expensive". In reality, people are just paying a refundable deposit for those units...possibly a concept that is not easily understandable?

From the start, the Easy Pass system had a "negative" point of view (remember the failed TAG)... When the Easy Pass system rolled out, most of the people I talked to... no wait.. ALL the people I talked believed that the Easy Pass system will FAIL/FLOP. When I got the units at the start, most of my collegues laughed, indicating that I just threw money away. Suffice to say, most if not all of my collegues now are using the Easy Pass.

I do hope that the Easy Pass system improve over time, it's high time that Bangkok, if not Thailand, start to compare itself amoung the more "technologically developed" neighbors.

I hear that Easy Pass does have a deal with a local bank to make top ups simpler and easier.... hope it happens soon!!


There are plenty of similar systems around the world but they all tend to involve the usage of a transponder, which in turn has to be paid by someone. I still dont have an Easy pass (give it another week or two...) but I cant help but wonder if the complaints regarding cost would be even greater of a 5000 baht deposit was required.

I dont even know how the system works or how you pay, but I get the impression you have to come to almost a complete stand still at the toll?


There are plenty of similar systems around the world but they all tend to involve the usage of a transponder, which in turn has to be paid by someone. I still dont have an Easy pass (give it another week or two...) but I cant help but wonder if the complaints regarding cost would be even greater of a 5000 baht deposit was required.

I dont even know how the system works or how you pay, but I get the impression you have to come to almost a complete stand still at the toll?

You can get the system at the "larger" toll stations, with the big buildings. You will need your drivers license, car information, ... forgot what else.

To use the system, your car does NOT need to come to a complete stand still, but you will need to slow down to about 10-20 km/h. If you have film/tinting, it might affect the performance, in which case, you may need to stick your unit out of the window upon arriving the gate. I've got Lamina tinting on one two cars and it's fine. The Camry's have a section right behind and above the rear view mirror (dotted portions) which work perfectly.

Currently, fill ups / top ups are done either at the stations (big buildings) or at the manned toll booths.


Not quite sure I understand your question. Why would I need a 1000 Baht and why change?

ATM's dispense 1000 baht notes so if you need to pay someone less....... Most of my friends ALWAYS pay the toll with 1000 just to get change for things like parking "attendants". How do you get change if you use EasyPass was my question. Stop at 7-11?


Not quite sure I understand your question. Why would I need a 1000 Baht and why change?

ATM's dispense 1000 baht notes so if you need to pay someone less....... Most of my friends ALWAYS pay the toll with 1000 just to get change for things like parking "attendants". How do you get change if you use EasyPass was my question. Stop at 7-11?

Basically with EasyPass you buy an electronic credit card to be used at the Thang Duan toll. I believe there is a minimum of THB 500 to be paid at the sales point. But you can buy as much as THB 5,000 worth of credit. Every time you drive through the EasyPass gate, the system identifies you and your account and the amount previously collected in cash is deducted from your credit. No need to stop or touch any cash or get any change. A large display shows how much was deducted and your balance.


I have been attempting to buy an Easy Pass for the last month. Everytime I ask about it, they tell me "finish". They advise me to try next month. This has happened at Hua Lam Phong, Rama IV, Rama IX, Ngam Wong Wan, Phetchaburi and other places. 

Where did you buy yours?

please advise


I have been attempting to buy an Easy Pass for the last month. Everytime I ask about it, they tell me "finish". They advise me to try next month. This has happened at Hua Lam Phong, Rama IV, Rama IX, Ngam Wong Wan, Phetchaburi and other places. 

Where did you buy yours?

please advise

Bought two units at the toll stations on Rama 4 heading Bang Na (not advisable, difficult to park car), when first released.

Bought one unit at the toll station on Bang Na towards Rama 4 (easier parking), about 2 months ago.

My wife just called Easy Pass 1543, they said tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept 7) you can start buying again at all locations. It was infact "finished".

Rumor mill has it, after the reporter incident, the government asked the Easy Pass company to reduce the cost (deposit or otherwise). The Easy Pass company and government could not come to an agreement, so rumor has it that they temporarily stopped "selling" the units. They were trying to figure out... reduce the deposit amount or reduce the number of Easy Pass lanes. Soooo, being that they are going to start "selling/leasing" the units again tomorrow is probably and indication that demand is strong.

Good Luck !


I like it, works all the time for me, even with tinted windows. Has anyone tried what is the maximum speed you can drive through? I didn't dare any faster than 40 so far. Only too bad the statement cannot be viewed online and indeed the outer ringroad and the booths at the Don Muang airport should be added to the system. But I guess the local police won't allow it there for some reason...


Not quite sure I understand your question. Why would I need a 1000 Baht and why change?

ATM's dispense 1000 baht notes so if you need to pay someone less....... Most of my friends ALWAYS pay the toll with 1000 just to get change for things like parking "attendants". How do you get change if you use EasyPass was my question. Stop at 7-11?

Basically with EasyPass you buy an electronic credit card to be used at the Thang Duan toll. I believe there is a minimum of THB 500 to be paid at the sales point. But you can buy as much as THB 5,000 worth of credit. Every time you drive through the EasyPass gate, the system identifies you and your account and the amount previously collected in cash is deducted from your credit. No need to stop or touch any cash or get any change. A large display shows how much was deducted and your balance.

I'm not sure how to respond here. I am fully aware how easy pass does or doesn't work. Maybe my posts were just a little bit too subtle.

On a different subject last time I went to the end of the Vip......tollway at the Outer Rinfg Road there was NO EasyPass lane. I was going to get them for my work trucks but realized that the system is not universal so my staff would still need cash so it seemed pointless. Also the two lanes at Nam Wong Wan are only quicker once one has waited in the traffic jam caused partly because tow toll booths are reserved for easy Pass. Asinine.


I have been attempting to buy an Easy Pass for the last month. Everytime I ask about it, they tell me "finish". They advise me to try next month. This has happened at Hua Lam Phong, Rama IV, Rama IX, Ngam Wong Wan, Phetchaburi and other places. 

Where did you buy yours?

please advise

I bought my units at the Thang Duan entrance Ploenchit. There is a little hut under the ramp and there is ample parking place there.


I do not have an Easy Pass, but have noticed that it does not indicate your balance on the display, it seems to show the money being taken out only.

Maybe I have missed this when driving next to the Automatic Toll gate.


 the remaining balance is displayed when I use mine.

Like I said, I might have missed it when passing next to the display, but still not worth it for me


 the remaining balance is displayed when I use mine.

Like I said, I might have missed it when passing next to the display, but still not worth it for me

The display is on the right (immediately after/behind the booth), it's a square box.

That square box will indicate the amount deducted(top), and amount remaining(bottom).

Your previous post mentioned that you don't have one, so I will ASSUME you were the passenger?

Though, in the beginning I have experienced the same problem you described...the problem was constant for about 2 weeks...apparently there were having problems. This is more apparent with tolls further away from the city. But I'm glad they defaulted to open the gate rather than keeping it closed.

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