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Military To Promote Public Understanding On Red-Shirt Movement


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Military to promote the right public understanding on red-shirt movement

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The military will try to make understanding with people regarding frequent gathering and forums of discussion organized by the anti-government United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) or red-shirt group.

Permanent Secretary for Defense, General Apichart Penkitti admitted that it would be difficult for the police to take action against the UDD since the group had been arranging activities in provinces where the State of Emergency was not declared.

The Permanent Secretary deemed the recent movements of the UDD a challenge to the authorities aiming to show that nothing could be done to control the group. He, however, stressed that the UDD movements had been under close surveillance.

General Apichart said the military would try to make understanding with people that the UDD was just trying to create positive image for itself and keep accusing the Government and the military of having been wrong in its cordoning operation against red-shirt protestors last summer.

The Permanent Secretary opined that the UDD movements were trying to instigate unrest in the country.


-- NNT 2010-08-31 footer_n.gif

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Everyone needs to be made aware that the UDD's goal is not to help the poor or bring democracy, but to put Pheu Thai and Thaksin back into power. Everything they and Pheu Thai have been doing and saying have been to deceive the Thai people, not to make peace and reconcile.

The rural poor should disengage from the UDD terrorists and Pheu Thai criminals and see what the current government are doing, and planning to do, to help them. The Democrats need to get out there and market themselves to get more exposure to bring more balanced thought amongst the rural population, as I think much of the media in the rural areas, such as the radio, are very slanted.

The fact that Pheu Thai won any seats at all in the recent elections shows that there are still many people who have been successfully deceived by the UDD propaganda.

Edited by hyperdimension
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One sided view? I believe army will say they killed no one; and the 91 death is the work of the Red-shirt.

I don't think so.

They'll probably explain how the reds violence is damaging the country, while killing and injuring innocent bystanders, and it's the poor who will suffer most from such actions.

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Seems fair enough, the reds have been very vocal in putting forward their version of things.

Even putting on shows of bodies on the street as if their actions werent responsible for creating the situation in the first place.

Shouldnt be difficult for the army version will be closer to the truth than the reds.

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One sided view? I believe army will say they killed no one; and the 91 death is the work of the Red-shirt.

Ok first off, stop using a hot girl as your avatar you sicko.

Second, the military never said all the deaths were from the red shirts, no one said that. But a good portion were, and how is the government supposed to react when military is being killed in the streets by terrorists? Of course people are going to die. MORE would have died if the government hadn't demonstrated such incredible restraint, in a western country they would have been gunned down the second they started using grenades and guns on police and military.

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Seems fair enough, the reds have been very vocal in putting forward their version of things.

Even putting on shows of bodies on the street as if their actions werent responsible for creating the situation in the first place.

Shouldnt be difficult for the army version will be closer to the truth than the reds.

Seems fair enough, agreed. Not sure it will work. I'm afraid it will tend to confirm people into whatever they already believe, rather than being swayed from their 'fixed' believes. I've watched PTV in those months before it was closed. Anyone indoctrinated in that way will never ever believe a single word a non-red, non-UDD person says. Even if K. Thaksin twitters 'listen to the government' I'm afraid reds will think he just jokes (and only in this case they would be right ;) ).

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Permanent Secretary for Defense, General Apichart Penkitti admitted that it would be difficult for the police to take action against the UDD since the group had been arranging activities in provinces where the State of Emergency was not declared.

The Permanent Secretary deemed the recent movements of the UDD a challenge to the authorities aiming to show that nothing could be done to control the group.

That means they do nothing illegal so far, according to the laws in Thailand. And the State of Emergency would be and is mostly used to stop them in their otherwise not illegal activities.

Who rules Thailand?

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Permanent Secretary for Defense, General Apichart Penkitti admitted that it would be difficult for the police to take action against the UDD since the group had been arranging activities in provinces where the State of Emergency was not declared.

The Permanent Secretary deemed the recent movements of the UDD a challenge to the authorities aiming to show that nothing could be done to control the group.

That means they do nothing illegal so far, according to the laws in Thailand. And the State of Emergency would be and is mostly used to stop them in their otherwise not illegal activities.

Who rules Thailand?

The Emergency Decree is used to better stop terrorist and other type of anarchistic activity. To say 'stop them in their otherwise not illegal activities' is only your interpretation, or personal opinion to which you are entitled of course. It doesn't make it true though.

As for 'who rules thailand', I thought you knew: we, the people in a democratically elected parliament, government choosen according to rules and H.M. the King as guidance. May He live long!

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Guess no one has heard of permits for gathering or marches where public property is involved. The application for permit would include route to be followed, and specific location for the gatherings/riots. If fees/bonds/deposit were also involved, the demonstrators may rethink some of their actions and the authorities may show some enforcement of property damage laws.

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Permanent Secretary for Defense, General Apichart Penkitti admitted that it would be difficult for the police to take action against the UDD since the group had been arranging activities in provinces where the State of Emergency was not declared.

The Permanent Secretary deemed the recent movements of the UDD a challenge to the authorities aiming to show that nothing could be done to control the group.

That means they do nothing illegal so far, according to the laws in Thailand. And the State of Emergency would be and is mostly used to stop them in their otherwise not illegal activities.

Who rules Thailand?

The Emergency Decree is used to better stop terrorist and other type of anarchistic activity. To say 'stop them in their otherwise not illegal activities' is only your interpretation, or personal opinion to which you are entitled of course. It doesn't make it true though.

As for 'who rules thailand', I thought you knew: we, the people in a democratically elected parliament, government choosen according to rules and H.M. the King as guidance. May He live long!

errm, so what is your take on this line:

General Apichart Penkitti admitted that it would be difficult for the police to take action against the UDD since the group had been arranging activities in provinces where the State of Emergency was not declared.

if not that they admit that they cannot do anyhing against the UDD without the emergency decree, but it would be easy with the help of the emergency decree.

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errm, so what is your take on this line:

General Apichart Penkitti admitted that it would be difficult for the police to take action against the UDD since the group had been arranging activities in provinces where the State of Emergency was not declared.

if not that they admit that they cannot do anyhing against the UDD without the emergency decree, but it would be easy with the help of the emergency decree.

You read into that what you want, up to you.

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Just when you thought it may start to cool down.

I don't think the people need a lecture from the army. This doesn't work any more. The idea that so-called simple minded people can be brow beaten to "understand" something doesn't work in Thailand any more. This is a political problem, that should be solved in the political (preferably democratic) arena, or are the army essentially lobbying politically for the Democrats???

The moment the army starts talking about "right public understanding", shades of Chairman Mao come to my mind. Laws are laws, the SOE is out in some places, and people can rally peacefully in those parts of the country. The idea that they are thumbing their noses at authority simply by having a rally, shows how far away the rule of law and democracy is in this country.

I seem to remember they tried something similar "to educate" the people under the coup prior to the last election, and look how far that got them.

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What a load of crap. Why don't they promote public understanding on the YELLOW SHIRT Movement and tally the cost in deaths and tourist income from their silly crap. Ignorance is boundless.

Everyone needs to be made aware that the UDD's goal is not to help the poor or bring democracy, but to put Pheu Thai and Thaksin back into power. Everything they and Pheu Thai have been doing and saying have been to deceive the Thai people, not to make peace and reconcile.

The rural poor should disengage from the UDD terrorists and Pheu Thai criminals and see what the current government are doing, and planning to do, to help them. The Democrats need to get out there and market themselves to get more exposure to bring more balanced thought amongst the rural population, as I think much of the media in the rural areas, such as the radio, are very slanted.

The fact that Pheu Thai won any seats at all in the recent elections shows that there are still many people who have been successfully deceived by the UDD propaganda.

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Will they be "promoting public understanding" of the red shirts in the same way they "promoted public understanding" of the �22,000 GT200 dowsing rod?

Totally unrelated to the OP whatever you may think.

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What a load of crap. Why don't they promote public understanding on the YELLOW SHIRT Movement and tally the cost in deaths and tourist income from their silly crap. Ignorance is boundless.

Totally crap, hearditallbefore. Your ignorance seems to be boundless even though you've heard it all before. Some people never seem to learn, only critisize and say unrelated, less intelligent things.

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