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Viktor Bout Extradition Issue Is Being Used For Political Advantage

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Extradition issue is being used for political advantage

By The Nation

Even the Viktor Bout saga has become infected by Thailand's gutter politics

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. And so when Thai television stations showed footage of a cargo plane full of North Korean war weapons seized at Don Muang Airport and then followed up with comments linking alleged Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout to ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra, members of the Bout fan club became annoyed.

This issue could potentially place Thailand in a tight corner, and it has been spun in all sorts of ways. The common denominator here is that no one seems to give a hoot that lies and half-truths could affect relations between Thailand and the US and Russia, much less the credibility of the country's judicial system.

As Bout awaits extradition to the US to stand trial on alleged trafficking of weapons, politicians, including a number of people in the pro-Thaksin camp, have shamelessly used this issue to push their own agenda with little regard to the facts.

It would be nice to dismiss the careless things said by public figures as harmless, as being the price for having such a messy democracy. The sad truth is that because of the political turmoil Thailand is currently going through, people will believe only what they want to believe.

No one is going to switch sides just because their own side has been discredited. In other words, reason alone is not enough to bring people together to reconcile their difference. The support bases and the pro- and anti-Thaksin camps are more or less fixed.

And because the risk of losing support is not an issue anymore, one can say just about anything, or make any allegation, and spin anything in any direction regardless of the damage done. One can argue that this is now a trademark of Thailand's gutter politics.

At a recent budget debate, Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Promphan, a key red-shirt leader, accused the government of carrying out a smear campaign by linking Thaksin to Bout. Jatuporn said Democrat MP Sirichoke Sopha had visited Bout in April and tried to the get the Russian national to make up a story that would tie the North Korean arms shipment seized in Bangkok to Thaksin.

"Viktor Bout rejected Sopha's proposal, and that is why his extradition to the US is being prepared now," Jatuporn stated on the Parliament floor.

"I demand an open news conference for Viktor Bout, where lawmakers and journalists can ask him about what really happened during Sopha's visit," he said.

Sirichoke, a close aid to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, denied the allegation. He insisted that he was just following up on reports made in the Sri Lankan press that quoted some of the country's opposition party figures accusing Thaksin of being part of the illegal arms shipment from North Korea. Thaksin was in Sri Lanka at the time of the weapons seizure.

Before Jatuporn, there was columnist Nithipoom Naowara, a man with an axe to grind with Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya over a personal matter about a decade ago when the latter was posted to Russia as the Thai ambassador. Nithipoom lashed out at the Foreign Ministry and the local media for sensationalising the Bout story, but did little to explain why the ministry and the local media had got it wrong.

The latest absurdity is that Thaksin will lodge a defamation lawsuit against Sirichoke, according to the ousted premier's legal adviser, Noppadol Pattama.

"Thaksin never knew Viktor Bout, either personally or through any business deal, especially in the arms trade," Noppadon said. "He [Thaksin] also told me that he would never be so evil [as to trade arms]," Noppadol added, while also calling on PM Abhisit to put a gag order on Sirichoke.

Perhaps Thaksin should sue beloved son Jatuporn for raising the issue in the first place. In public relation terms, the alleged Thaksin-Bout collaboration is something he should want to gloss over as fast as possible. Why bring it up at all? So much for defending the honour of his fugitive leader.

At the end of this messy discourse, it will be the general public - people who are not blinded by a commitment to whatever political faction or movement - that stands to lose. If the public forum is dominated by half-truths and lies, then to what source of information can we turn?


-- The Nation 2010-09-01

The common denominator here is that no one seems to give a hoot that lies and half-truths could affect relations between Thailand and the US and Russia, much less the credibility of the country's judicial system.

They say thailand is trying to convince other nations of the world that former PM Thaksin is in actuality a terroist and should be extradited to Thailand. However when you read news like the Viktor case, you think this cannot possibly be true as they are shooting themselves in the foot. Why would any country give credence to Thailands judicial system, after this dog and pony show (transparently done to extract as much cash as possible from Viktors backers?)


8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

gutter politics, 1/2 truths and liars, no credible justice system - good to see more and more Thais are getting it!, finally!!!

Best Nation article ever - had a prachathai dejavous

but don't give 2 hoots?

At the end of this messy discourse, it will be the general public - people who are not blinded by a commitment to whatever political faction or movement - that stands to lose.

who sits on hands deserves what they will get


Off to the USA for the Commie Bomber for the rest of his pathetic life.

Would Russia make such a big deal for an average citizen? Never! Only for a fellow criminal with many top secrets of Russian crimes.

All of you USA haters should move to Russia... See how life is for you.

  • Like 1

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

gutter politics, 1/2 truths and liars, no credible justice system - good to see more and more Thais are getting it!, finally!!!

Best Nation article ever - had a prachathai dejavous

but don't give 2 hoots?

At the end of this messy discourse, it will be the general public - people who are not blinded by a commitment to whatever political faction or movement - that stands to lose.

who sits on hands deserves what they will get

Soiled fingernails, and need of a good disinfectant asap.

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