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Thai Govt Warns Public Of Possible Attacks In September

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Govt Warns Public of Possible Attacks in September


The government has issued a warning to the public about possible attacks on politically relevant locations in September.

Acting Government Spokesperson Panitan Wattanayagorn said of yesterday's M-79 grenade attack at the National Broadcasting Television station in Bangkok that the security situation is being closely monitored by security authorities.

However, Panitan commented that if the grenade was fired from an expressway or a tollway, it would be very difficult to catch the attacker because of the high-speed traffic.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has ordered that the investigation include a review of the tapes recorded from all CCTV cameras installed around the area, and to beef up security at public and politically related locations.

Panitan has indicated that attacks were aiming to lower public confidence in the government's ability to provide safety and security.

When asked which group was behind these attacks, Panitan responded that the government would not want to make any kind of speculation until the investigation has been concluded. However, he said it was a group that does not want to see a peaceful Thailand.

Regarding the warning issued by the Pheu Thai Party about the potential of more attacks, the acting government spokesperson said those who claim to have information should contact security authorities and should not disseminate any type of rumor aiming to cause panic among the public.


-- Tan Network 2010-09-01



Interesting who and what the spokesman was replying to

Thai gov't spokesman warns of underground movement in Sept., Oct.

Underground movement might resurge again in September and October because the months mark important political events in Thailand's political history, acting government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn said on Wednesday.

In response to Puea Thai Party Chairman Chavalit Yongchaiyudh's warning that the country will see political change by the year-end, Panitan said political change is deemed normal in democracy and during the year-end every party needs to prepare for the next general election which will definitely take place next year.



Xinhua - September 1, 2010


It isn't a great secret Cambodia is supplying arms to Thai's since May and there are 'certain' bodies keeping an eye on things. But it has already been news for about two months so this is no surprise the rags in Thailand finally caught up.

If the Govt places the Emergency Decree back in place there is a fair chance it will be controllable but the police are most likely to not respond to any disturbances and the army is back in barracks so if it "does" let go, then I think it will do a huge amount of damage and be left to run as it did before.

Rather than face the same upset and barricading I would think its well nigh time some 'private' individuals took up the cause to put down these thugs. It may not be "the" solution but it could well make the rabble pause and think. Oh forget it! TiT.


As we regrettably need to be in BKK later this month,can anyone in Bangkok tell me the implications of the emergency situation...ie is there a curfew or any restrictions on daily life ??


As we regrettably need to be in BKK later this month,can anyone in Bangkok tell me the implications of the emergency situation...ie is there a curfew or any restrictions on daily life ??


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