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Dogs Maprachan Lake


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i found this group today on my feeding rounds, in a bad shape, picture 43/44 wont be around much longer. i go home for a month tomorrow, so no time to get medication on them.. i need them to get to know me and that takes days if not weeks to get close enough, i will try and get some ivermectin in the food tomorrow, if you are around the lake they are on the road that runs along side the lake and closed off at one end, pattaya side of the lake. any food to keep them going while i am gone would be good. i just give rice and some boiled mince meat costs me about 100 baht a day to feed 30 dogs. the way i look at it 30 dogs live for the cost of a beer.

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God bless you, but as mentioned, you are also creating a problem. They crap everywhere, bark, chase people, etc. The humane thing to do is put them down before they die of disease, get run over by a car, or bite somebody...

I'm a dog lover. Have had many and have rescued many...have also put a few down. Breaks your heart, but better than the alternative.

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God bless you, but as mentioned, you are also creating a problem. They crap everywhere, bark, chase people, etc. The humane thing to do is put them down before they die of disease, get run over by a car, or bite somebody...

I'm a dog lover. Have had many and have rescued many...have also put a few down. Breaks your heart, but better than the alternative.

Which vet in Pattaya is willing to put down a soi dog? I want to get one to my area for a day and put the mangy, starving mutts down one at a time.

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God bless you, but as mentioned, you are also creating a problem. They crap everywhere, bark, chase people, etc. The humane thing to do is put them down before they die of disease, get run over by a car, or bite somebody...

I'm a dog lover. Have had many and have rescued many...have also put a few down. Breaks your heart, but better than the alternative.

This is against the Thai/Buddhist beliefs of reincarnation.

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There are some vets that will put them down,but they have to be in poor health for that to happen.Anyway while they are alive it is good to show some compassion.

Rice by itself is not a attractive food for them ,but I used to use the carcass of a chicken boiled to make delicious soups,that extract mixed with boiled rice sure makes it attractive and cheap too.

Chicken carcasses with loads of meat on them can be bought at Makro and Tesco cheap, Makro also sell marrow bones too,dogs love them

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why do you prolong their misery?

well if you were being eaten alive by fleas, you would maybe consider some free meds worthwile. if they are treated, fed regularly live miles from anybody wheres the misery. the misery is looking the other way. own the problem. full belly and healthy and big park to play in dont see that as misery.

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Bet you dont live close to where they hang out?

correct but do feed 6 at home, bowl of rice and mince all had flea control, so about 30 away from home goverment owned land bothering nobody and six around the house on a daily basis. neighbour has 100 in pens. costs him 100k per month in staff vet and feed.

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God bless you, but as mentioned, you are also creating a problem. They crap everywhere, bark, chase people, etc. The humane thing to do is put them down before they die of disease, get run over by a car, or bite somebody...

I'm a dog lover. Have had many and have rescued many...have also put a few down. Breaks your heart, but better than the alternative.

getting them neutered, so hopefully pack should diminish and problem go away, its the only solution. cant beleive Pattaya does not have a free service, places like samui, phuket, KPG have them

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getting them neutered, so hopefully pack should diminish and problem go away...

Well, up until you said that, I thought you were doing the wrong thing, i.e. if you had just been feeding them, you'd be creating a bigger problem. But now that I know you actually have a viable plan, I wish you the best of luck.

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getting them neutered, so hopefully pack should diminish and problem go away...

Well, up until you said that, I thought you were doing the wrong thing, i.e. if you had just been feeding them, you'd be creating a bigger problem. But now that I know you actually have a viable plan, I wish you the best of luck.

I don't think the OP said that HE gonna get them neutered.It was only a suggestion I think.

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You have some nice ideas, and hopefully the pack will diminish. The problem I have with that is, I would like to know which park you are talking about, that is miles from everyone? I live in the Mabprahcan area, and I know of no place here that is miles from anyone. Besides, dogs do not live in the forest, they will all come back to where people are. A week or so ago, the local bar dogs, started attacking the vendors around here, so three were hauled off to the Wat, which is not the best of ideas. One or two of them were back the next day, so it just proves dogs are smarter than people. From now on, I will dispose of the bones and scraps in the trash, I dont want to encourage more dogs to stay around here.

Its a difficult situation, especially for dog lovers, but what to do? I dont usually feed the bar dogs, since they have their own territory, but last night, I threw some bones out to them, and so today, they were hanging around. I dont want to have to watch my customers fight to keep the dogs away. Last year, I had to walk down Soi Siam, since no baht buses were around, and from almost every establishment, the dogs were very aggressive, and maybe even some of your Mabprachan lake dogs. In the day time, they are ok, but at night and in a pack, you could end up with a serious problem, and Rabies is about as serious as you can get, but getting bitten is not so nice either.

Yes, there should be a plan from the government, but that doesnt seem to be of the highest priority here. Maybe more tourist should complain, that might get the government to think about this problem.

Hats off to the people that care, and try to do something about the problem, but I doubt that it will be solved by feeding packs of dogs.

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Found the dogs and feeding them,one dog looks bad,the one with the bleeding sores on its face,I'll see if I can get some medicine down its throat.

This food works a treat,...chicken carcass 16 baht a kilo at Makro,get the fatty ones bag them up then when outside and still in the bags crush them underfoot,makes for spacesaving when cooking too. A 5 KG bag of cheap rice (Makro again) 89 Bht cook it all up together for an hour or so,cool down and the dogs love it so much I think the dogs are going slitty eyed..

Just a fraction of the above is enough for the 12 or so dogs I do on a regular basis.

Events are moving along as to forming an animal rescue service here in Pattaya,should see things progressing well as to a start up service in the near future

Just like to end this on a note to that the guy that took two events to finish off that 4 month old pup a few hours ago on the dark side,just as well you drove away before I got to you,for sure you would have finished up alongside that pup

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Found the dogs and feeding them,one dog looks bad,the one with the bleeding sores on its face,I'll see if I can get some medicine down its throat.

This food works a treat,...chicken carcass 16 baht a kilo at Makro,get the fatty ones bag them up then when outside and still in the bags crush them underfoot,makes for spacesaving when cooking too. A 5 KG bag of cheap rice (Makro again) 89 Bht cook it all up together for an hour or so,cool down and the dogs love it so much I think the dogs are going slitty eyed..

Just a fraction of the above is enough for the 12 or so dogs I do on a regular basis.

Events are moving along as to forming an animal rescue service here in Pattaya,should see things progressing well as to a start up service in the near future

Just like to end this on a note to that the guy that took two events to finish off that 4 month old pup a few hours ago on the dark side,just as well you drove away before I got to you,for sure you would have finished up alongside that pup

thanks jori. derek is also feeding them from canine sanctuatry. world vet service sending me meds whilst i am here in uk. vet says he will come out dart with sedative and chop the nuts off male dogs on site,i tried to catch that one with bleeding sores but to scared of humans. i put a kilo of that frozen meat from makro 20 baht and few kilo of rice. good to hear about animal rescue strarting just a free neutering service would be good. keep me upto date on that one.

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There is a guy up by the lake that is co ordinating a rescue service and has been for a few months,got lots of contacts as for funding,and I believe city hall are being approached,he has contacts there also.

All you guys live up around the lake it is amazing none of you have ever got together or even heard of each others efforts,anyway 1 and 2 are together now getting some ideas where the centre is being established

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I love dogs, but they are by genetics a pack animal. I live up by the lake when in town and have been faced with very vicious dogs on many occasions. I certainly would not advocate slaughter, but the collection and castration of the boys has to be the way forward.

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