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The Problem With Thai Face


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I understand what the OP is trying to say, and yes, it IS a common fault with Thais that probably has something to do with Buddhist way of thinking. But, not taking responsibility for your own actions is a world wide problem, and more associated with poorly educated people. Of course, I also see it happen with the very wealthy as well. The very wealthy feel they can do anything they want to anyone they want with no repercussions. A typical example of that is the whole oil industry.

It is nice to see the OP trying to train his children to be responsible for their own actions. Good child rearing is the most important thing anyone can do in their entire life. It will affect the children's entire lives and everyone they come in contact with.

Thai children are taught that anything a superor says is the gospel truth. Unfortunately, what a superior says is not always the truth and there in lies the problem. By contrast, North Americans question all authority and that can also cause problems. There needs to be a balance.

When I'm in Thailand I am constantly amazed how many Thais accept their actions as being some sort of Buddhist fate that they have no responsibility for.

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I understand what the OP is trying to say, and yes, it IS a common fault with Thais that probably has something to do with Buddhist way of thinking. But, not taking responsibility for your own actions is a world wide problem, and more associated with poorly educated people. Of course, I also see it happen with the very wealthy as well. The very wealthy feel they can do anything they want to anyone they want with no repercussions. A typical example of that is the whole oil industry.

It is nice to see the OP trying to train his children to be responsible for their own actions. Good child rearing is the most important thing anyone can do in their entire life. It will affect the children's entire lives and everyone they come in contact with.

Thai children are taught that anything a superor says is the gospel truth. Unfortunately, what a superior says is not always the truth and there in lies the problem. By contrast, North Americans question all authority and that can also cause problems. There needs to be a balance.

When I'm in Thailand I am constantly amazed how many Thais accept their actions as being some sort of Buddhist fate that they have no responsibility for.

I disagree with your statement about N americans questioning authority, when exactly does this happen?

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Thai children are taught that anything a superor says is the gospel truth. Unfortunately, what a superior says is not always the truth and there in lies the problem. By contrast, North Americans question all authority and that can also cause problems. There needs to be a balance.

I disagree with your statement about N americans questioning authority, when exactly does this happen?

Everything in California is about questioning the normal sheep way of thinking. They've questioned every war the USA was involved in... right or wrong. They were leaders in allowing gay rights. I see it in children of Canada as compared with children in Thailand. You see it with the law society which promotes NOT following the law. They PREFER controversy because it puts more money into their pockets. You see it in the so called "war on drugs" that actually PROMOTES the use of illegal drugs. You see in with cheeky teenagers in shopping malls. You see it with children misbehaving everywhere and parents not doing anything about it. That seldom happens in Thailand. Thai children are far more respectful of elders.

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the age old "face loss" situation is the #1 obstacle which holds this country back. believe it.

That along with education and social acceptance of bribery and corruption.

Both these two posts are totally spot on.

Can i see any of this changing....sadly not. For all its great attributes, if some of thes others aspects of society would improve it would do so much good for the country.

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I agree Thai people use Face too much and do not value the blunt truth vs a softer more digestible lie but that does not mean face has no value. Actually I have succeeded in the corporate world by obeying the rules of saving face for my superiors. For example last night My boss and I did a server upgrade he made a few mistakes and the entire process nearly collapsed. We had asked the software vendor for instructions which we followed. They left out a minor detail which my boss should have known but instead of pointing this out I fully blamed the vendor. Basically they were the scapegoat for his short comings so he didn't have to feel bad about his mistake. No one was hurt in the process and his opinion of me grew stronger. Had I forced him to fess up I don't think he would have felt good about coming clean but more so that I was someone that may present him in a bad light.

No one likes to look bad, criticism and blunt truth should be reserved for the few who seek it out from you. The vast majority prefer a white lie over a black truth.

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My wife and I see this avoidance of responsibility thing with kids in Canada and in Thailand. Can't say for sure where it is worse.

We make sure our adopted 7 year old owns up to his deeds. He is pretty quick to say I did it; when he came here a year ago he would continually lie over the smallest thing. We also let him see that when he admits his mistake up front there is much less fuss. We are more concerned with lying than with simple misbehavior because it is a character thing.

However, In Canada I see that most people grow out of this habit (to a certain extent) whereas in Thailand I see the behavior become hardwired in. I think for the adults admitting a mistake or a failure is nearly impossible. You see it at every level.

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A lot of westerners here use the word 'face' to describe these sorts of actions by Thais but I don't think it's the appropriate word. In Japan the concept of 'face' is used to promote harmony, make everyone feel good about themselves and prevent anyone feeling any embarrassment. What we commonly see from Thais I would call selfishness and an obsession with their own status.

To use the example given by the OP, a Japanese waitress would be quick to apologise for their bad use of English in using the word 'tomato'. To show good manners and prevent her loss of face it would be good to compliment her on her good English and maybe say something about your bad Japanese skills. That would never work in Thailand. The Thai concept of 'face' is completely the opposite. They seem to love seeing other people lose face, laughing at any small mistake anyone else makes but will go to ridiculous lengths to avoid their own loss of face.

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A lot of westerners here use the word 'face' to describe these sorts of actions by Thais but I don't think it's the appropriate word. In Japan the concept of 'face' is used to promote harmony, make everyone feel good about themselves and prevent anyone feeling any embarrassment. What we commonly see from Thais I would call selfishness and an obsession with their own status.

To use the example given by the OP, a Japanese waitress would be quick to apologise for their bad use of English in using the word 'tomato'. To show good manners and prevent her loss of face it would be good to compliment her on her good English and maybe say something about your bad Japanese skills. That would never work in Thailand. The Thai concept of 'face' is completely the opposite. They seem to love seeing other people lose face, laughing at any small mistake anyone else makes but will go to ridiculous lengths to avoid their own loss of face.

Hmmm. 'Lose face' is the correct word. That is how it is said in Thai. The Thai interpretation is what is meant when used here. The Japanese interpretation is proper for Japan. Nobody is right or wrong here.

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There was an article, I think the bangkok post, written by a thai which compared the thai mentality to that of an ostrich. Standing tall when things are ok, running the other way, head in the sand when things go wrong.

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This is an interesting discussion and one that everyone should think about before writing or saying anything. With all the negative crap I read it is quite obvious that there are many different points of view on this forum. If there wasn't then moderators would not be needed. One thing I learned at an early age was there are usually two ways to say or write anything. There is such a thing as constructive criticism that doesn't offend the other person. Children learn far more from constructive criticism than from just telling them what they did was wrong. Instruction can always be worded in a way that helps and inspires rather than curbing creativity and interest.

I believe that modern teachers in North America are FAR better than when I was going to school 60 years ago. In my 16 years of attending grade school and university I can only remember one teacher who ever inspired me to learn. If I learned anything it was on my own. I'm amazed that I got as far as I did. My own father was a terrible teacher for myself and my siblings. All he would do was give negative criticism and never gave praise for anything done correctly. By contrast, my mother was no better because she would give praise too easily and her praise was not valued. Being able to inspire people rather than destroy their self confidence is an art that only a few people have. I can't speak for Thailand because I don't know any Thai teachers.

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The soon to be x-wife:

Takes me to buy her a house 100K USD paid out on a 250K house

Purchase 80K BAHT matching silicone

6K USD on house furnishings

2 weeks latter, announces to me she has a boy friend

After I cut every financial tie that I could, she now proclaims "she is the victim." I don't know if she is nuts, or just poor up-brining. Honestly, I suspect both. But in order to prevent loss of face, the story is, she lied about the boy friend, and I guess was going to bible study all night rather than sleeping with her boy friend.

The sad truth is, in the US, and as well as here, if there is NO evidence, it never occured. She has been advised by lawyers to stick to this rule of thumb and she will walk away un-scathed. (which she preety much has)So there is NO concept of honor, no concept of right or wrong, and no justice

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Look, I've been around Thais for many years...probably so have you, come to think of it. I've seen the "face" thing cause problems with even educated Thais who speak excellant English, and have grown up with and went to school with westerners (Farangs for want of a better word) from youth. The "face" thing is embedded in Asian (not just Thai) culture, and they are taught that from birth. You just have to learn to accept it...because if you really want to function in Thailand (or anywhere in Asia) you have to follow the local rules.

"Face" is not only cfor the person who makes the mistake, it also has a role in not embarresing other people. For example, I once heard a Thai who knew perfectly well the bus schedule, tell a westerner that, "Yes he could take a bus to XXXX and come back to Bangkok the evening on the last bus." I knew this was wrong, and I told the westerner so...he would have to spend a night in XXXX before being able to get a bus back to Bangkok. After he left I asked my Thai friend why he hadn't said this to the westerner. My Thai friend, who had grown up since childhood with Farangs and went to a school with Farangs said,"Yes, I knew that. But if I had told him that he was wrong about getting the bus back that same day, HE (meaning the Farang) would lose "face"; and I didn't want to cause him any embaressment". I guess all I'm trying to say is that the "face" thing is deeply embedded in Asian culture, so you have to learn to accept it. In western (farang) societies here are things you just don't speak about...(i.e. you may think your wife's sister is looking really sexy tonight, and she may know you do, but you don't let her know and she usually doesn't let you know she knows).... because it's not polite...but both you know and the other party knows the real truth. You learned those rules when young, they were drilled into you. They are just apart of the accepted "social contract" that guides your actions in society. You barely think about them now, they have been trained into you. There are certain things in Thailand, and Asia, that are the same. You have to learn to accept them even if you don't understand them.

And, by the way, not to be intentionally rude, but your comment about Buddhisim is so far off the mark, it would take me another whole post to even to begin to explain what is wrong with it. So let's just agree to not talk about that. (We'll all save "face" that way).


What you describe here is perhaps the typical Asian 'face' thing but the Thai 'face' thing is totally different. Probably your friend has been more influenced by Chinese culture than Thai culture. A typical Thai person worried about 'face' would be quick to flaunt his superior knowledge and wouldn't be at all worried about embarrassing the farang.

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Believe it or not Mr Richard, the sub mid class is the vast majority of the people in Thailand. So what they do is what the majority of Thais do, but perhaps they are not real people to you.

What you are saying is those who can afford a real education (those who know the public system is skewed to create only working class robots) don't have an issue with the face thing. Well i am sure that is not true as well. Face is pride, and the bigger they are the more they fear that long fall down.

But the Hi so's have this advantage where if they make a faux pas, you can be quite sure none of the underlings noticed,or, alternatively they will begin to make excuses on behalf of Kuhn lofty. The offender can just continue like nothing happened.

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But the Hi so's have this advantage where if they make a faux pas, you can be quite sure none of the underlings noticed,or, alternatively they will begin to make excuses on behalf of Kuhn lofty. The offender can just continue like nothing happened.

This completely depends on the individual and the people around them. I've met more than a few wealthy hi-so people who mingle freely with their employees and speak candidly. Matter of fact it's not that unusual. The "big" people you are referring to are most likely the old pu yai big haired ladies who have the family power behind them. These people are usually only kowtowed by other family members.

The low paid salary people around them will only pay respect according to how much they are getting paid. If the big people overstep their bounds and treat them poorly they will and do quit in a heartbeat and the "pu yais" know this also.

There's an entire etiquette here you're not getting..it's not just a bunch of "big people" pushing everyone around without regard. They know their boundaries very well..

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Believe it or not Mr Richard, the sub mid class is the vast majority of the people in Thailand. So what they do is what the majority of Thais do, but perhaps they are not real people to you.

What you are saying is those who can afford a real education (those who know the public system is skewed to create only working class robots) don't have an issue with the face thing. Well i am sure that is not true as well. Face is pride, and the bigger they are the more they fear that long fall down.

But the Hi so's have this advantage where if they make a faux pas, you can be quite sure none of the underlings noticed,or, alternatively they will begin to make excuses on behalf of Kuhn lofty. The offender can just continue like nothing happened.

As I tried to point out the dispersion of wealth being so much different in Thailand as opposed to other counties is just another myth ....... So the generality about Thai's would apply most everywhere UK and USA as well meaning it's people that are that way not Thai's in specific. Which was my point

The Op's post is about.... if saving of face is the reason.... not poverty or lack of education and since you find the same thing everywhere else it's not,.... from the poor to the bankers, and cig company's worldwide the same thing, and since this face thing is supposedly Thai specific the answer is that the saving of face issue is not the reason.

Not to mention that saving of face is really about not making a big deal out of a small deal so as to shame someone else .... not about not taking responsibility just to make yourself look worse as if that would save face.

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As I tried to point out the dispersion of wealth being so much different in Thailand as opposed to other counties is just another myth ....... So the generality about Thai's would apply most everywhere UK and USA as well meaning it's people that are that way not Thai's in specific. Which was my point

The Op's post is about.... if saving of face is the reason.... not poverty or lack of education and since you find the same thing everywhere else it's not,.... from the poor to the bankers, and cig company's worldwide the same thing, and since this face thing is supposedly Thai specific the answer is that the saving of face issue is not the reason.

Not to mention that saving of face is really about not making a big deal out of a small deal so as to shame someone else .... not about not taking responsibility just to make yourself look worse as if that would save face.

Your first two paragraphs are very hard to figure out, must be your hi so grammar with all those ellipsis.

So I can only comment on the third.

I think it is both, and human nature being what it is; the second impulse is the one that is certain while the first requires some charity.

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As I tried to point out the dispersion of wealth being so much different in Thailand as opposed to other counties is just another myth ....... So the generality about Thai's would apply most everywhere UK and USA as well meaning it's people that are that way not Thai's in specific. Which was my point

The Op's post is about.... if saving of face is the reason.... not poverty or lack of education and since you find the same thing everywhere else it's not,.... from the poor to the bankers, and cig company's worldwide the same thing, and since this face thing is supposedly Thai specific the answer is that the saving of face issue is not the reason.

Not to mention that saving of face is really about not making a big deal out of a small deal so as to shame someone else .... not about not taking responsibility just to make yourself look worse as if that would save face.

Your first two paragraphs are very hard to figure out, must be your hi so grammar with all those ellipsis.

So I can only comment on the third.

I think it is both, and human nature being what it is; the second impulse is the one that is certain while the first requires some charity.

Pretty common to complain about grammar and spelling when net folks feel they have lost some argument.

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As I tried to point out the dispersion of wealth being so much different in Thailand as opposed to other counties is just another myth ....... So the generality about Thai's would apply most everywhere UK and USA as well meaning it's people that are that way not Thai's in specific. Which was my point

The Op's post is about.... if saving of face is the reason.... not poverty or lack of education and since you find the same thing everywhere else it's not,.... from the poor to the bankers, and cig company's worldwide the same thing, and since this face thing is supposedly Thai specific the answer is that the saving of face issue is not the reason.

Not to mention that saving of face is really about not making a big deal out of a small deal so as to shame someone else .... not about not taking responsibility just to make yourself look worse as if that would save face.

Your first two paragraphs are very hard to figure out, must be your hi so grammar with all those ellipsis.

So I can only comment on the third.

I think it is both, and human nature being what it is; the second impulse is the one that is certain while the first requires some charity.

Pretty common to complain about grammar and spelling when net folks feel they have lost some argument.

lol, go ask a few other people what those two paragraphs are on about. Only thing I lost was the translation.

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