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Surviving In Thailand And Reply To Threads

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Ever since I stayed in Thailand in 2007 six months I came back to UK credit crunch and have been in depression ever since.

All I can think of os getting back to Thailand somehow but with no English teaching job qualifications or anything else really I dont see how to make money?

This thread says its easy


But I disagree as back in 007 I had some remorgage money and thought to buy Starbucks in Mabun Krong shopping centre however I could not find contacts who owned it before I had to get back to Pattaya hotel and then back to UK.

So now the money is gone not all on girls in thailand LOL and with no jobs in UK general jobs I dont have mch and of course I will miss high season for the third year man Im depressed.

So someone can give any insights on this making money and getting back to Thailand



Please no replica bag stories advice LOL

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Do as I did. I went back to Australia and worked hard for 5 years to get enough money to come back to Thailand. You can do the same, as there is no work here without quilfications and a lot of red-tape.

Be very, very careful in buying a business in Thailand. You will be done over like a good english pudding, especially, if you don't speak Thai. I have heard from my friends who have be done over by their so-called Thai partners for all the money invested. Remember, you only have 49% control of any farang business. It is far different to buy a business in Thailand then in England or Australia. I would never buy a business or condo. They change the rules all the time. Another thing to be most careful of, the girls. Don't fall for the, I love you darling. They are only after your money full stop, and many stupid farang have lost the lot. Best of luck.

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As Starbucks stores aren't franchised in Thailand - they are all run by the Thai parent company - I think the chances of buying one would have been pretty slim anyway.

If you really want to work then you'll find something in the UK. When I first wanted to travel around the world I did lots of crap jobs to earn the cash to do so. Sitting around and posting about how depressed your life is on a discussion board isn't going to get you anywhere.

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No joy here , basically Thailand is like all places, without money, forget the dream , three ways of getting back , win lotto, save and have another go later on , or come back with a plan, you can do those 6 week english courses, that will get u into education, teaching english , the pay is crap though, that's about your lot , err this is no good to U if you are 87 years of age though.:rolleyes:

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No joy here , basically Thailand is like all places, without money, forget the dream , three ways of getting back , win lotto, save and have another go later on , or come back with a plan, you can do those 6 week english courses, that will get u into education, teaching english , the pay is crap though, that's about your lot , err this is no good to U if you are 87 years of age though.:rolleyes:



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Getting married , as part of any plan to go and live anywhere is a bad idea. If you've already got a girl and part of your plan is to marry her then that's a bit different but if you set off somewhere with the idea 'I'm going to look for a bride' then you're asking for trouble on all kinds of levels.

You need a plan, I know it can be hard being stuck in the UK, that's where I am too, but you need something that you're working towards to make it bearable.

I think you need to try and set yourself a goal, like, earn enough money to get back to Thailand for a few months and have a good go at making the move permanent BUT, without a 'do or die' attitude.

You should be prepared for the possibility that you will need to go and come back maybe two or three times before you can cut the ties to the UK completely, otherwise you may come to regard the next trip as a failure and end up back where you started feeling even worse.

Who knows, you may find something you like on the first go but if you have the attitude that you MUST make it happen then you're more likely to accept something that, long-term, you won't really like.

Then you'll be feeling the same way you are now, but in Thailand.

Good luck mate, try not to let it all get you down too much,



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I went over to Thailand in 1999 , stayed until 2001 , opened a business , coffee shop , lost the lot and came back to UK with my tail between my legs.

But did not give up the dream of living in Thailand and worked all the hours I could untill I had enough to buy some land , kept working and after another 3 Years , I had built the house , next up was furnishings , then Motorbike and car.

Now that those major expenses are paid for , I can live for 9 Months out of every Year in Thailand and when I retire on state pension , this should be enough to see me all year round over there. But I would never look at any business , investment , employment or any money making scheme in Thailand. Over the years I have seen many people come to Thailand and lose everything.

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No joy here , basically Thailand is like all places, without money, forget the dream , three ways of getting back , win lotto, save and have another go later on , or come back with a plan, you can do those 6 week english courses, that will get u into education, teaching english , the pay is crap though, that's about your lot , err this is no good to U if you are 87 years of age though.:rolleyes:



Definition of "lottery:" A tax on fools.

--courtesy of my grandfather

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I didn't pick up from the OP how much was raised on the remortgage and where that had gone ?

Half of the 120,000 remorgage went on doing the house up had to do it myself with brother but it was no professional and the credit crunch then kicked in and lost all profits.

Then rented house whle in Thailand so that was more spent about 20 grand so its all went.

So sold the house to repay remortgage.

came out with 25 grand and brother owns half he had 25 grand too now got a house with borroed money from family they only lend it.

I can tell you ther eare not may jobs for unskiled and really hard finding any help with career training but I might have TESOL help waiting for reply from Government body to see if Ican get funding help.

However I do not know if Iahve what it takes to teach foreigners English.

Goes quick.

Thanks for all advice

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I didn't pick up from the OP how much was raised on the remortgage and where that had gone ?

Half of the 120,000 remorgage went on doing the house up had to do it myself with brother but it was no professional and the credit crunch then kicked in and lost all profits.

Then rented house whle in Thailand so that was more spent about 20 grand so its all went.

So sold the house to repay remortgage.

came out with 25 grand and brother owns half he had 25 grand too now got a house with borroed money from family they only lend it.

I can tell you ther eare not may jobs for unskiled and really hard finding any help with career training but I might have TESOL help waiting for reply from Government body to see if Ican get funding help.

However I do not know if Iahve what it takes to teach foreigners English.

Goes quick.

Thanks for all advice

I wish you luck mate but I'd forget about teaching if I were you..

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I am updating this thread to ask what other jobs are good to do short training for apart from teaching English to stay in Thailand?

Thanks any advice

Could almost certainly get you a long stay in Thailand, but, although free, the accommodation is not the best, and you don't get much time off to tour around the country: Local short training course for bank robbery :D

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