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I developed a dry eye syndrome about 5 years ago and i visited countless eye doctors in Holland, the result was always the same. They couldn't help me except prescribing me eye drops and they refused to do a tearfilm test because that wouldn't solve anything (they mean they wouldn't get their bonus from the health care insurance if they helped me).

"Evaporative dry eyes" like i have can be caused by an underlying disease, clogged glands or a hormonal disbalance.

I want to see an eyedoctor again in Bangkok to do a tearfilm test to know exactly WHY my tears dry up so quickly, which hospital or doctor can i best contact to do some research on my tearfilm?

Does anyone here have experience with the eye hospital located in Asok, sukhumvit 21?

My eyes also get very red at times due to the dryness, i always used visine to treat the redness with great success. http://www.visine.com/product-visine-maximum-redness-relief.jsp

Is visine available in Bangkok? I already tried at boot's and some local pharmacies.


Re. the Visine, I used this too previously as i also get dry eyes. It appears that around 6-12 months ago everyone stopped buying it in. I have tried everywhere to no avail. I'm not sure what happened so not too helpful. Haven't found anything similar either.


Re. the Visine, I used this too previously as i also get dry eyes. It appears that around 6-12 months ago everyone stopped buying it in. I have tried everywhere to no avail. I'm not sure what happened so not too helpful. Haven't found anything similar either.

I just tried at another pharmacy and again no success. I asked the pharmacist if visine is still available in Thailand and he told me they stopped production. I don't know if visine was ever produced in Thailand but if they really stopped it, then why not import it? Now i have to buy it from ebay or something, hopefully the Thai customs will let it through.



I have the same problem and have been using Vidisic Gel which is supposedly the best according to Thai opthalmolgists. I was diagnosed with meibomian gland dysfunction which is often the cause for dry eyes. The gel which I apply two three times a day is a relief, but it is symptomatic treatment. The underlying cause are the meibomian glands. You can find a lot of information on the net. Symptoms can get worse with wind from ACs and certain medication. My eye specialist is Dr. Anuchit from Rutnin Eye Hospital in Asok. He is very good and also the hospital has a good reputation.



I have the same problem and have been using Vidisic Gel which is supposedly the best according to Thai opthalmolgists. I was diagnosed with meibomian gland dysfunction which is often the cause for dry eyes. The gel which I apply two three times a day is a relief, but it is symptomatic treatment. The underlying cause are the meibomian glands. You can find a lot of information on the net. Symptoms can get worse with wind from ACs and certain medication. My eye specialist is Dr. Anuchit from Rutnin Eye Hospital in Asok. He is very good and also the hospital has a good reputation.

Thanks for mentioning it, i'm going to make an appointment with Rutnin eye hospital tomorrow.

How did your doctor diagnose it? Did he analyze your tearfilm in a lab?

I think i have the same problem as you do, i produce enough tears but the film evaporates within 3 to 4 seconds!



I also have been suffering fom dry eye syndrome for at least 10 years now along with a condition called SLK. You can see a doctor here: http://www.lasikthai.com/ who will be very familiar with these eye problems. You should have the dr do a tear film test as well as check the eyelid margins for clogged tear glands and possible infection. These conditions run hand in hand. I am currently using 2 drugs to treat my conditions: 1- Restasis for the SLK and 2-Vislube for the dry eye. The prognosis for a cure is bleak as I understand it.

Several doctors have told me that Visine is not a rcommeded treatment for these type conditios.


Don't know about "dry eye" but I've been going to Rutnin Eye Hospital about every 90 days for 15 years now, glaucoma checks and a couple operations, two cataracts, and am quite happy with the quality of service there.

Give them a try, and how about a report back to the forum on how you found them for dry eye.



Rutnin stocks an imported eye lubricant called Vislube. It's fairly expensive, but very good -- a few drops can last the whole day.

(Turns out you're not the first to ask this question here: )


For the diagnosis he checked the eye lid margins and did two tests in the consultation room (not in the lab). One was a Schirmer test to check the amount of tears (which he found I produce enough) and in the other test he used some colored liquid to see how long it takes for the film on the eye surface to break up (which was a rather short time in my case). I forgot the name of the test.

You may have to check out which medicine works best for you. It can differ from person to person. For me it was Vidisic Gel. When the condition was worst I had Dr. Anuchit perscribe Resistase (cortison) which some other Drs. are very hesitant to do. Only if nothing else helps, as a last resort they will perscribe it. In the mean time I am not using Resistase anymore.

They might also try a low dose antibiotic over a couple of months which is supposed to get rid of the bacteria which clog the meibomian glands. In my case it did not help. But I heard others saying it helped.

Nowadays, I take a capsule of Omega 3 oil supplement which I think helps the condition.



Thanks for mentioning it, i'm going to make an appointment with Rutnin eye hospital tomorrow.

How did your doctor diagnose it? Did he analyze your tearfilm in a lab?

I think i have the same problem as you do, i produce enough tears but the film evaporates within 3 to 4 seconds!


Restasis is not cortisone it is cyclosporin. Although similar cyclosporin is not the same thing. Cyclosporin was being used to treat dogs eyes for inflamation etc. A team of optomologists in Florida worked with the FDA for quite some time to get it approved for human eye use under the name Restasis. It has been in use now for about 10 years. The doctors who are reluctant to use the drug are just not up to date with current medical techniques. Although it is a steroid it is not absorbed into the body but remains on the eye. The purpose of the drug is to help the eyes produce healthy tears thereby relieving dry eye, SL and several other conditions.

Vislube normally costs around 650B/box of 20 single use ampules. However, it is also available at government hospitals at a lower cost.

Shakun you might try using warm compresses on the eyes to open the blocked glands. I was also instructed to wash the eyelids with your finger soaked in baby shampoo. Both techniques helped relieve the symptoms.




Thanks, Mike. Good to know that Restasis is not as "bad" as I thought.

Sometimes I use warm compresses and feel a relief during the time they are on my eyes. But the effect subsides fast. I have also scrubbed the margins of my eyelids as recommended by the doctor with no apparent results. However, I will try it out with baby shampoo. Maybe that will do the trick.



Restasis is not cortisone it is cyclosporin. Although similar cyclosporin is not the same thing. Cyclosporin was being used to treat dogs eyes for inflamation etc. A team of optomologists in Florida worked with the FDA for quite some time to get it approved for human eye use under the name Restasis. It has been in use now for about 10 years. The doctors who are reluctant to use the drug are just not up to date with current medical techniques. Although it is a steroid it is not absorbed into the body but remains on the eye. The purpose of the drug is to help the eyes produce healthy tears thereby relieving dry eye, SL and several other conditions.

Vislube normally costs around 650B/box of 20 single use ampules. However, it is also available at government hospitals at a lower cost.

Shakun you might try using warm compresses on the eyes to open the blocked glands. I was also instructed to wash the eyelids with your finger soaked in baby shampoo. Both techniques helped relieve the symptoms.




Rutnin stocks an imported eye lubricant called Vislube. It's fairly expensive, but very good -- a few drops can last the whole day.

(Turns out you're not the first to ask this question here: )

Vislube Sodium hyaluronate 0.18% 20 monodose units of 0.3ml

As a guide today I bought 3 packages at a cost of 354 baht per package (marked price 420 baht) at a local pharmacy (had to order). So not cheap but if work should be worth it.


Systane eye drops are good for dry eyes. They are also made by Alcon and a 15ml bottle costs about 200 baht at Fascino pharmacy in Pattaya. However, Systane is not always in stock at Fascino or other pharmacies.

I find my vision is a bit blurry for a few moments after application of Systane, but it relieves the dryness for several hours.


Make sure that the eye drops you buy are "preservative free", there is a big difference. They are more expensive, but in my opinion well worth it. You can google it to find out what the benefits are.



Yep, that's the advantage of Vislube -- you don't have to keep dropping the stuff in every couple of hours.

Your pharmacy price was about half Rutnin's price.


Make sure that the eye drops you buy are "preservative free", there is a big difference. They are more expensive, but in my opinion well worth it. You can google it to find out what the benefits are.


I think REFRESH are the only preservative free ones. They're very good for dry and red eyes. Also they come in small individual vials, so the whole solution doesn't deteriorate. They are available at Boots and Watsons.

  • 1 month later...

Today i went to rutnin to see a doctor about my dry eye syndrome and redness. The doctor was a bit rude and didn't really answer the questions i prepared. I felt like he was rushing me through it.

I went to rutnin to discover more about the cause of my dry eye syndrome, but again i didn't learn anything new. I told the doc i was diagnozed with DES by two doctors but he still wanted to do the splitlamp test and schirmer test. After that was done he told me i have blepharitis and prescribed me some meds; axitrol (steroid+antibiotic) to be put on the eyelids, cellufresh (i used this before and i didn't help, besides that it contains preservatives, why would he prescribe me such thing?), babyshampoo solution to clean my eyelids, Naphcon-A to reduce redness (anti-allergy). He also wants to put me on antibiotics doxycycline or tetracycline for 3 months! I told him i want my tearfilm analyzed in a lab and a check to see if there's a virus or bacterial infection in my eyes before taking any antibiotics. He told me that's not possible... asked him where i could do it.... response; don't know (started fiddling with his cellphone)....

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids and eyelashes, i read about the condition but i don't meet most of the symptoms. My eyelids do not feel inflamated, there's no crust or oily substance on my lashes either and the meibomian glands are also fine.

I feel i'm wrongly diagnozed by this doctor at rutnin. All i want is my tearfilm to be analyzed in the lab and a check to see if there's a bacterial infection or virus in my eye. I hoped they were able to do that at rutnin but unfortunately they are not as state-of-the-art as they claim to be. Can anyone please point me in the right direction where i can have my eyes extensively diagnozed? Should i just call all big hospitals in bangkok?

Costs of the disappointing visit at rutnin:

Outpatient medication 665thb

Other medical service charges 410 thb

Physician evaluation and management service 840thb

Other hospital charges 50thb


total 1965thb


My wife works in the eye operating room of the Suan Dok Hospital in Chiang Mai. The room temperature is set constantly at below 20 degree C. Cold air from the air conditioner blows down while the operation is going. Normally she works about eight hours in the OR.

Over the years her eyes have become dry.

I see her using Vislube to lubricate her eyes.

You might like to google for this eyedrop and give it a try.


HollandChampion, I feel for you, it's always so disappointing to pay a lot of money just to find arrogant doctors who don't listen to you.

Can you tell us the name of the doctor so we can avoid him?

As for the dry eyes, you are unfortunately in the worst place for living with such a condition, due to the exaggerated strong air-conditioning everywhere. (unless, of course, you plan to leave in the countryside or something). I often see people with red eyes around and I'm pretty sure it's because of that.

I have mildly dry eyes, it hasn't been a problem at all until I moved to Bangkok and worked 8 hours a day in cold air-con, plus BTS etc. I started having red painful eyes, lots of infections, cannot use my contacts at work or I feel my eyes will explode.

For what is worth I use the Natural Tears by Alcon, gives some relief, tried lots of others but nothing really helped. And try to stay away from air-con places as much as possible. Oh, and the fan blowing in your face is also a killer!


Peanut, I fully agree with what you write regarding the causes for dry eyes,

Holland champion, pls. do let us know the name of the doctor,

HollandChampion, I feel for you, it's always so disappointing to pay a lot of money just to find arrogant doctors who don't listen to you.

Can you tell us the name of the doctor so we can avoid him?

As for the dry eyes, you are unfortunately in the worst place for living with such a condition, due to the exaggerated strong air-conditioning everywhere. (unless, of course, you plan to leave in the countryside or something). I often see people with red eyes around and I'm pretty sure it's because of that.

I have mildly dry eyes, it hasn't been a problem at all until I moved to Bangkok and worked 8 hours a day in cold air-con, plus BTS etc. I started having red painful eyes, lots of infections, cannot use my contacts at work or I feel my eyes will explode.

For what is worth I use the Natural Tears by Alcon, gives some relief, tried lots of others but nothing really helped. And try to stay away from air-con places as much as possible. Oh, and the fan blowing in your face is also a killer!


HollandChampion, your problem is the specific doctor not the hospital. Several other posters have given specific names of doctors they have been happy with. I suggest you try one of these.

It is also good to always try to get a doctor who trained and worked in the west as they will be more asccustomed to answering questions and involving the patient in the decision making process.

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