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3Bb, A Scam Internet Provider In Thailand

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3BB has 3mb premier now? :whistling:

Those were his words. I did ask again to confim.

Same thing when the technicians told me that 5mb Premier was for international and it still got me speeds i was getting on a 12Mb connection for international.

1600thb for 12mb and 2500 for 5mb premier and both were getting the same speeds. 3BB doesnt have proper ISP technicians cause they outsource their technicians who dont even know what they're doing.

So don't really trust what they say.

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3BB has 3mb premier now? :whistling:

Those were his words. I did ask again to confim.

Well no they don't, at least not officially


They only offer 5Mbit Premier. That said they obviously support all previous packages, so they must have some way of offering 3Mbit Premier. All the grandfathered connections that is. Unfortunately they didn't do that for the "Pro" package which worked so well, the Pro was just cancelled and everyone upgraded downgraded to Indy.

You can check your modem at and see what it says for connection speed. I was impressed that they were able to switch my speed from 12Mbit to 8Mbit without me having to do anything. I verified the new speed an hour after I was at the shop to make the switch.

At TOT, you have to enter a new password, only they don't tell you that - they change your package, then you'll notice your internet isn't working anymore, then you call customer service, then they tell you - if you're lucky - that you must change your pass. But more likely they send a technician who will then change your password, only they'll get it wrong a few times, and run back and forth to check the lines. When in reality they've just entered the password wrong. Yes all true stories from your TOT :)


I know. I am only reporting what he said to me. I live in Chachoengsao and I don't know what the technitions are like in bkk but here they don't speak English and don't seem to know a lot. I would actually say that I knew more about it than he did.

My modem is not the standard one btw, I have a Netgear wireless G. It is not the same IP.

I heard him call somebody at the main branch here and he mentioned upgrading it to 3MB and within seconds he did a speed test and that was it, 3MB premier he said. Maybe they don't have the technology yet here to offer the 5MB premier connection?

If you change the package, i.e from Indy to Premier, then you will get a new username and password, but if you just change connection speed then you can use the same password that you used before.


I just got my 5MB connection on Monday installed, and I am positively surprised. Downloads are good, I play online on X-BOX LIVE and I watch streaming TV on Sopcast!

Well done 3BB!!

Premier package for 2500 per month? Or Indy for 590?

Normal package 590B/month 5Mb/512 upload.

Not many people have it in my street though. That might be another reason why it runs smoothly!!!


Technition just came to have a look at my intermittant problem.

He just twisted the wires together again, and then told me I have been upgraded to premier 3MBit for the same price :coffee1:

But it was a highly specialized, super secret twist...took minutes of training to perfect the twist.


I just got my 5MB connection on Monday installed, and I am positively surprised. Downloads are good, I play online on X-BOX LIVE and I watch streaming TV on Sopcast!

Well done 3BB!!

Premier package for 2500 per month? Or Indy for 590?

Normal package 590B/month 5Mb/512 upload.

Not many people have it in my street though. That might be another reason why it runs smoothly!!!

the sharing ratio isn't done in the street, it's done at the backbone in bangkok...


I just got my 5MB connection on Monday installed, and I am positively surprised. Downloads are good, I play online on X-BOX LIVE and I watch streaming TV on Sopcast!

Well done 3BB!!

Premier package for 2500 per month? Or Indy for 590?

Normal package 590B/month 5Mb/512 upload.

Not many people have it in my street though. That might be another reason why it runs smoothly!!!

the sharing ratio isn't done in the street, it's done at the backbone in bangkok...

You know, I think the sharing is nore influenced locally/controlled by the DSLAMs/circuits in the subscriber's local area; otherwise, you probably wouldn't see all the different speeds people get on the "same/identical" plan country wide...including those people who have good attenuation/SNR/physical DSL lines. I think the sharing ratio is more influenced by the ISP's local circuit capability and not the ISP's big server in Bangkok, which probably everybody gets routed through when on ISP's Plan XYZ. I think the biggest choke points are closer to home/in the individual's local area.


You know, I think the sharing is nore influenced locally/controlled by the DSLAMs/circuits in the subscriber's local area; otherwise, you probably wouldn't see all the different speeds people get on the "same/identical" plan country wide...including those people who have good attenuation/SNR/physical DSL lines. I think the sharing ratio is more influenced by the ISP's local circuit capability and not the ISP's big server in Bangkok, which probably everybody gets routed through when on ISP's Plan XYZ. I think the biggest choke points are closer to home/in the individual's local area.

you're partially right, actually the slowdown can come from the ADSL "BAS"(don't know the name in english) wich is where all flux from dslam do connect per region before the data are sent to bangkok, but the ISP has the abillity to monitor it and upgrade the bandwith whenever they want(if they want of course) it's in their internal network.


Could very well be the BRAS (Broadband Remote Access Server) in a subscriber's local area. Internet speed & reliability is definitely a location, location, location thing in Thailand. Due to cost factors and return on investment, if you live in places like central, high rise Bangkok your chances of getting good interent is significantly higher than if you live out in the country/suburbs.

I live in low-rise, suburbs of western Bangkok and my internet choices for my moobaan are pretty much limited to the TOT 4Mb package which has been pretty reliable...up to 3.5Mb download speed for in-Thailand websites and ranging from 0.6Mb to 2Mb for international websites, with the international "average" speed being a little over 1Mb for browsing. Not fantastic, but good enough for basic internet, VOIP, downloading, etc. And actually, I generally get around 3.5Mb to international download sites when using a download manager.

Someday TOT will upgrade their DSLAMs in my area/moobaan and I will be able to hopefully move up the 8Mb plus download range.


Technition just came to have a look at my intermittant problem.

He just twisted the wires together again, and then told me I have been upgraded to premier 3MBit for the same price :coffee1:

But it was a highly specialized, super secret twist...took minutes of training to perfect the twist.

Bet he's good at the Farang proof elastic band as well.

I'm having the 3BB 5 meg premier installed on Friday. I'll report back on the performance after I've run it for a while


I just got my 5MB connection on Monday installed, and I am positively surprised. Downloads are good, I play online on X-BOX LIVE and I watch streaming TV on Sopcast!

Well done 3BB!!

Give it a few weeks and a few rain storms and you will be as depressed as the rest of us lucky 3BB users :(:whistling:

The last time my Premier link failed two weeks ago I had to wait the customary 4 days before it was fixed. I have bought an EDGE connection for my mobile phone as a backup during the downtime when the next inevitable failure occurs.


I expect that the local exchange servers are not waterproofed.

With regards to satellite TV, that is a known problem with any satellite system.

FAO the people with high d/load upload speeds. Do you participat in internet gaming on PC, PS3 or Xbox?

If so, what kind of pings do you get?

Can you post a speed test from servers in the UK please.

My bangkok server speed test:


Canterbury, UK speed test:


San Francisco:







New York:


San Fran:


Look at your ping times - those results are fake. 3BB are playing games with you.

I can stream iPlayer and other ODTV, routed through a third party, with no problems.

So I stand by my original comment, no complaints here.


Interesting that it says my provider is Maxnet and yours is 3BB. Obviously either I need to sign up to a new package or they haven't updates all the servers or something...

Bangkockney: I take it that is the 15MB Indy package?


Interesting that it says my provider is Maxnet and yours is 3BB. Obviously either I need to sign up to a new package or they haven't updates all the servers or something...

Bangkockney: I take it that is the 15MB Indy package?

Not sure on the name, would have to get the Mrs to dig out the paperwork.

What I do know is it is not the out-of-Thailand package. It's 16MB, normal flavour.

Sorry for being so vague lol!


you have to be joking.

the call centre helpdesk is no help at all. they don't even know what is MS-DOS or routing.

What is MS-DOS? :whistling:

Oh, so nice


Interesting that it says my provider is Maxnet and yours is 3BB. Obviously either I need to sign up to a new package or they haven't updates all the servers or something...

Bangkockney: I take it that is the 15MB Indy package?

Not sure on the name, would have to get the Mrs to dig out the paperwork.

What I do know is it is not the out-of-Thailand package. It's 16MB, normal flavour.

Sorry for being so vague lol!

lol it's cool, it must be the indy package then. It's either that or you are paying 2500 per month for the premier and getting great speeds out of it!


Look at your ping times - those results are fake. 3BB are playing games with you.

Not identical, but not far off:


Sub 50ms ping very likely means the response is coming from Thailand.

Pinging New York from Thailand in 43ms? I don't think so.

To anyone using speedtest.net what happens when you try to use the TV Singapore speed test? http://speedtest.thaivisa.com/


Just a few impressions after using 3bb for around 1 year now(I initially had a 10Mbit Premier and have now switched to 5 Mbit Standard because they admitted that in my area at Lad Phrao the speeds I will get will not differ and the price difference is around 1000 baht).

It has been quite alright for most of the time and I suggest to call 021000333 whenever you have problems.

That is their so called 10 Mbit Premier Hotline from what they told me and I have been using it ever since and always had a technician here the same or the next day even after I downgraded to a 5Mbit standard package. You should be fluent in Thai though when you call there.

Another thing I can recommend is to ask for the technician's phone number and just directly call him, they are usuyally near your house anyway.

On the negative side, the last 1-2 months have been pretty bad with the last 1-2 weeks being the worst I ever had. I have to reset my router every few hours, only then will I have internet again. It just keeps breaking off regularly until only a router reset helps.

When the internet is up and running, the speeds are pretty good, file downloading will usually have around 700KB/s using JDownloader and RS and the likes.

As for torrents, as of late, whenever one is running for a while(at extremly slow speeds), the internet shuts down and a router reset is necessary.

Anyone else having this?



Look at your ping times - those results are fake. 3BB are playing games with you.

Not identical, but not far off:


Sub 50ms ping very likely means the response is coming from Thailand.

Pinging New York from Thailand in 43ms? I don't think so.

To anyone using speedtest.net what happens when you try to use the TV Singapore speed test? http://speedtest.thaivisa.com/


Pinging UK at 140ms is more realistic and still represents a quick connection.

@Basch Are you sure you don't have an internal issue with your router? I've had no need to reboot in months. The last time was following a massive downpour if memory serves correct.

PS Jealous of S. Korea - they're expected to roll out 1Gb/s in a couple of years (100Mb/s is already standard for everyone)! :o


Look at your ping times - those results are fake. 3BB are playing games with you.

Not identical, but not far off:


Sub 50ms ping very likely means the response is coming from Thailand.

Pinging New York from Thailand in 43ms? I don't think so.

To anyone using speedtest.net what happens when you try to use the TV Singapore speed test? http://speedtest.thaivisa.com/


Pinging UK at 140ms is more realistic and still represents a quick connection.

@Basch Are you sure you don't have an internal issue with your router? I've had no need to reboot in months. The last time was following a massive downpour if memory serves correct.

PS Jealous of S. Korea - they're expected to roll out 1Gb/s in a couple of years (100Mb/s is already standard for everyone)! :o

It could be the router, I am not too fond of the Billion router that they give you but I have had them replace several of them(based on their own suggestion) and it usually helped, dunno why though and after a while the reset problems came back. I haven't messed around with the settings.

Also, I am beginning to supect a direct correlation between bittorrents and the necessity to reset the router. Only thing I don't understand then is what happens, if they were just blocking torrents, the internet should still work. But it doesn't. And it has never been like that before either.

S. Korean internet speed, we can only dream of that...


Only word I can think of to describe 3bb is extremely poor.ok that's 2 words but I didn't want to say crap :lol:

Those speedtests have got to be doctored and no way a true reflection of your speed.

I tried it 5 mins ago to London and got 10mb plus then within seconds tried to open google.co.uk spotinglife.com and a uk based forum. It took forever to open google and couln't open open the other 2 at all.

I went to http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest?more=1 and down the bottom of the list under worldwide seedtest.net location unknown??? probably means they are all over the place and in bed with just about every provider around . I think it's fair to say their readings are ?able at best.

I moved home and before was with True who's service was 1st class at all times. Their staff were great and bent over backwards to help.

This lot would bring tears to a glass eye. Took them 5 days to come out and when they did it was back as bad as ever within 2 days.

Got to the stage as soon as my apartment contract is up I'm moving to an area where I can get True installed again.

Some people seem happy with 3bb but personally if I had a a choice I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.

How they work I have no idea but I get the distinct impression in some areas they take on more customers than their system can handle they simply can't provide what they claim.

There should be a body to monitor these people to ensure they can only take as many customers as their system allows but unforunately that would only be possible in a perfect world and as much as I love Thailand perfect isn't a word used too often.

Happy browsing all.

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