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I Am Out Of Here Tomorrow


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Easy to let it get to you. Nearly had a mass pile-up the other day through some prick suddenly slamming on his brakes on he main highway and darting over, mobile planted to ear... <deleted> kwai! Yes it happens everywhere, but seems a tad frequent here.

Don't know how long I could handle Paris. If you'd have said you were heading back to Nice, reckon that'd be an alternative.

Try a break for a bit, that usually gets the rose tint back on the glasses. ;)

All the breast

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Thailand is not right for everyone that's for sure and if you have been here awhile, it can certainly get to you. However, nowwhere is perfect and I'm sure even Paris has its downsides but if you think you'll be happy there then that's where you should be. Your description of where you were living sounds upcountry and now you are going to Paris (a big city), maybe you would have been happier living in Bangkok...though the public transport is nothing like Paris you can certainly find most of the gourmet food and restaurants one could want. And besides, the Bangkok "public transit system" of taxis are probably cheaper than a Paris metro/bus ticket.

Not really sure what you mean regarding you rant about Thai women...women are women anywhere in the world and they only "take" what men willingly give them. There's good ones and avaricious ones in everyplace.

Maybe you just need a change of scenery...hope you enjoy your new adventure.

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Bon Voyage!

I understand how you feel and admire your resolve to simply move on. It's resposible to evaluate whats in your best interests and act on it. I have a list of things I am looking forward to doing when I get home ( not for a while...) and a drive down to Epernay in my SLK features highly on the list, followed by enjoying mussels in white wine and cream sauce, fine wines, exotic chocolate and pastry deserts. Not to mention the converstions about the merits existentialism and trancendentalism. Wearing cold weather clothes, heavy cargo pants, fleeces, base layers. Enjoying Bagguettes served with Hot chocolate in the morning after rolling out of a truly comfortable bed.

Oh yes, nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of a western society. Is there a price to pay for it? SURE, but its one some are as willing to pay as others are to live here. I am sincerely glad I have tasted both worlds. I plan to enjoy both worlds in the years to come. I am simply revising the ratio. ;)

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No doubt I can go on many pages describing the pitfalls available to the farang over here, I will leave that to your whining guys.

Hey, no fair! Contrary to your promise, you didn't actually leave any worthwhile whines for the rest of us.

Anyway, enjoy Paris (how can one not?*).

*I suspect you might find a way.

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There is no such place as Utopia.

Which would come as a bit of a shock to the people of Utopia, Queens, NYC. :D

Its a sauna / massage place in the backwoods near Rama IX, as I recall. Never got round to paying it a visit; it's architecturally quite unappealing


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Yup, but those very things are there to balance out the great things about Thailand. Nowhere is perfect. Some people like myself actually ENJOY the uncertainness of living in Thailand. Enjoy wherever you have chosen to live. Unfortunately, misery will follow you as it always does to people who only look at the negative things in life.

How right you are, in farang land, OK l could buy my Big Mac ( can't in NE ) but hassle was always around the corner to be dealt with and somebody will always be asking for money through the letter box. But honestly OP, sounds like you chose the wrong place to live in LOS.

Big Mac in Korat that's NE:D

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IanForbes' timestamp='1285542715' post='3910552']

Yup, but those very things are there to balance out the great things about Thailand. Nowhere is perfect. Some people like myself actually ENJOY the uncertainness of living in Thailand. Enjoy wherever you have chosen to live. Unfortunately, misery will follow you as it always does to people who only look at the negative things in life.

You know , of course , Ian , when you talk of 'Balance ' you need to remember that you keep that balance by returning to your civilised part of the world where you are surounded by most of what you need , people of a different stripe and many fond memories , I have a Dutch friend who decided that was the only way he could keep his sanity and still enjoy Thailand , too long enjoying insanity makes one quite insane oneself is how he put it , now he travels back and forth a couple of times a year . Many posters on TV cannot afford that luxury , indeed , many have found themselves unable to enjoy even some of the simple pleasures they used to , some even 'Forced'to live in a village just to survive , unable to put aside even a paltry few quid to go anywhere .Yes , it is easy when you can afford the easy life , but this is no longer available to many for whatever the reason .where other than the local store or bar .

Edited by dumball
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If Thailand was perfect for everyone, it would be so overcrowded and expensive I would be leaving too!!!

But fortunately we love different things in this wolrd and I love the uncertainty and challenge of Thailand along with all the good things, but I must admit I to get frustrated sometimes.

Anyway, I wish th OP all the best in his future travels and hope that he finds his utopia soon

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I see where you are coming from and yes better to move and as a member said

“A change is always refreshing” but that is for a period of time as long as it is new and you can compare with your experiences in the past.

And what after:

You waiting for the Paris Metro/bus one ticket for all system” very good” and after waiting for 2 hours you find out that Paris transportation system is on a strike for the 4th time in 3 months.

This beautiful well mannered Paris woman who can tell you the difference between a Chateau Mounton Rothschild 1978 and 1984, and after 4 weeks want to divorce form you and takes all, not manage it to get it all for free “as Thai woman only during your stay with her”, NO she get all for free the rest of her lonely live and you paid for it.

That why it is good for some people to move ones in a while, just to refresh and refill you engine not focusing on the bad things but just enjoy the goods things of live.

But ones you will come back to LOS and going to enjoy it again as it was the first time you arrived here.

Wish you all the best,


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When I read an OP like this, it does make me wonder what brought the OP to Thailand in the first place. What sort of expectations did he have? Was his first visits to Thailand to Pattaya and other tourist places only? Did he think that all Thai women were like Thai bargirls? Did he really believe that he was a "hansum man?" Did he not know that Thailand was a developing nation? Did he not know about the visa laws? When somebody becomes this disenchanted with Thailand, it's usually because the reality couldn't live up to the expectations. I hope his expectations of life in Paris--or anywhere else--is a little more realistic. Otherwise, I doubt he will ever find true happiness.

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I can relate with the feelings of the OP. Feel the same myself sometimes.

We all get pissed off on occasions, if anyone said otherwise I would call him a liar. But nowhere is perfect and if you are seeking perfection in a perfect world, you are not going to find it.

I have no idea of the OPs personal problems or want to know, but would say to him, if he is able to stay in Thailand then give it another chance, afterall, this is Thailand and it`s the imperfections that can make it seem so perfect at times.

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