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If they annoy you tough t1tty. Learn to live with them like all the other stuff you moaning minnies have to put up with.

I have just had one built onto my bike with a ramp and I sit in my wheelchair strapped in it while my carer drives me about. Without it i wouldn't be able to get around.

As for them being illegal...we went through a police check yesterday where they were pulling all the bikes over...copper waved us through and smiled.


I have seen one where the guy in the wheel chair could drive himself, i will see if i can find a photo and show you, maybe that could be done so you can drive it


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I have seen one where the guy in the wheel chair could drive himself, i will see if i can find a photo and show you, maybe that could be done so you can drive it


I've met that guy. Nice bloke.

He has a ramp that he drives the wheel chair up, then moves over to the motorbike seat.

Gear control and rear brakes have been modified so that he could operate the bike with hands only.

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Yea those saleangs are a bit annoying. They aren't going away, so relax, what's the hurry anyway?

Even more annoying are the rich farangs in their brand spanking new SUV's driving like raped apes.

More than once have I been tempted to follow one of these "in a hurry to go nowhere" morons grab his keys and toss them on the nearest roof. That would slow him down I reckon.

It's the Patong tuktuks and minivan drivers hopped up on yaba who should go away imo.

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Yea those saleangs are a bit annoying. They aren't going away, so relax, what's the hurry anyway?

Even more annoying are the rich farangs in their brand spanking new SUV's driving like raped apes.

More than once have I been tempted to follow one of these "in a hurry to go nowhere" morons grab his keys and toss them on the nearest roof. That would slow him down I reckon.

It's the Patong tuktuks and minivan drivers hopped up on yaba who should go away imo.

Be careful, you know he could hit you and you will be in jail trying to steal the car (that what i would tell BIB :o )

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Yea those saleangs are a bit annoying. They aren't going away, so relax, what's the hurry anyway?

Even more annoying are the rich farangs in their brand spanking new SUV's driving like raped apes.

More than once have I been tempted to follow one of these "in a hurry to go nowhere" morons grab his keys and toss them on the nearest roof. That would slow him down I reckon.

It's the Patong tuktuks and minivan drivers hopped up on yaba who should go away imo.

Be careful, you know he could hit you and you will be in jail trying to steal the car (that what i would tell BIB :o )

Yea well it's just a fantasy anyway. I know it wouldn't slow those morons down anyway.

Just curious what is the foking hurry anyway?

I can understand the 4wd because there are a number of roads which low range 4wd is required.(though I doubt most SUV owners know where they are)

But why do you need to go 100kph when the traffic flow is between 40-60kph?

Edited by MrEarl
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My hands still work but maybe for only a few more weeks or months. I am having a Honda Click converted with 2 extra wheels on the back! Should get a few more strange looks.

a rather common ride in Hua Hin for elderly or disabled. works great

works even better if one rear wheel is replaced with 2 rearwheels, like a trike

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Since i came to phuket i have seen exactly 3 farangs driving them. Funny thing is. 3 farangs in this thread admitted to driving one. Good chances i saw those 3 guys since i doubt many farangs would want to be seen in one of them.

Funny thing is, all 3 of them were old or on very old and cheap motorbikes and definitely not legal. If the 3 of them genuinely liked to ride motorbikes but had loads to move around, they would simply buy something worth more than 1k baht to attach in the back, a tuktuk or one of those steel reinforced samlor that looks like a mini car. or wait even better.. if they were real motorbike enthusiast they'd have a real motorbike.. not a cheap honda wave

Or the few times they had loads they use the car to get them, a car can carry as much as those little crapmobiles.

Always funny when farangs on 20k baht a month tries to make excuses for their weird living.

Mine was a new MB and i bought mine when on a salary of about 165,000 per month...not showing off just trying to dispell the stereotyping. I dont actually like motorbikes, but it was a great way to get around short distances and take my dog and surfboard.

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nobody ever said anything about short distance.

The problem is the broke farangs using them on chao-fah and the bypass road, causing mayhem and havok.

If you live in nai-harn-rawai-kata then go ahead, use it to get to the beach or whatever, the traffic never goes beyond 40km/h anyways. I think its a good idea to use one in those small slow roads, save on gas and save on cleaning products.

I have had more problem with farangs using samlors in the middle of the main roads or driving their very tanned and no so respectable wife on their knees with 3 non-lukrung kids tied to the steering wheel of the motorbike(with lights off at 9pm when the kids should of been to bed hours ago) than with thais.

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I have just had one built onto my bike with a ramp and I sit in my wheelchair strapped in it while my carer drives me about. Without it i wouldn't be able to get around.

As for them being illegal...we went through a police check yesterday where they were pulling all the bikes over...copper waved us through and smiled.

Rex, I think with your medical condition that you are a definite exception and I'm glad that it is working out for you.

In regards to them being illegal, and you not being stopped, if that is what they are not enforcing, they will not bother to search. Sounds like they were targetting motorbikes and not samlors. I'm sure you could have uranium on you and unless they were searching for it, they'd wave you right through or not even bother to look up even if their Geiger counter was going off like crazy. Cops choose to enforce the law sometimes, but most of the time they can't be bothered.

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Ah, so a poor farang is allowed to drive his sidecar in the vicinity if his home, you just don't want him in the way when you have to go somewhere.

How generous.

the poor farangs should be shot out of this country. In your own country, everybody hates the immigrants who come with no money or useable skills and just leach off the country creating ghettos.

Well the poor farangs here are the same, but on top of that they drive samlors dangerously and they give us a bad name. Just as the useless immigrants give a bad name to the hardworking immigrants in other countries.

Moving to a tropical island is a luxury and for some reason, bunch of poor leeches come here and destroy the quality of lives of the rest of us thinking that they are entitled to luxury even though they never did anything in their lives to deserve it.

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Ah, so a poor farang is allowed to drive his sidecar in the vicinity if his home, you just don't want him in the way when you have to go somewhere.

How generous.

the poor farangs should be shot out of this country. In your own country, everybody hates the immigrants who come with no money or useable skills and just leach off the country creating ghettos.

Well the poor farangs here are the same, but on top of that they drive samlors dangerously and they give us a bad name. Just as the useless immigrants give a bad name to the hardworking immigrants in other countries.

Moving to a tropical island is a luxury and for some reason, bunch of poor leeches come here and destroy the quality of lives of the rest of us thinking that they are entitled to luxury even though they never did anything in their lives to deserve it.

My what a nice tolerant person you are !!

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the poor farangs should be shot out of this country. In your own country, everybody hates the immigrants who come with no money or useable skills and just leach off the country creating ghettos.

Well the poor farangs here are the same, but on top of that they drive samlors dangerously and they give us a bad name. Just as the useless immigrants give a bad name to the hardworking immigrants in other countries.

Moving to a tropical island is a luxury and for some reason, bunch of poor leeches come here and destroy the quality of lives of the rest of us thinking that they are entitled to luxury even though they never did anything in their lives to deserve it.

Judging from your posts here just one farang is the problem.

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the poor farangs should be shot out of this country. In your own country, everybody hates the immigrants who come with no money or useable skills and just leach off the country creating ghettos.

I'm interested to know how any farang can "leech" off this country?

Also, in my own country (UK) you say everyone hates immigrants. Can you prove that?

Edited by KarenBravo
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Well i saw an other broke farang family in a samlor in front of tesco rawai.

obviously they had a kid with no helmet, the samlors was all broken down and they were blocking the entrace and all the motorbikes for 20mins.

Graceful people, right there.

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Well, you did allow them out and about in the vicinity of their homes. And being in front of resco rawai i presume they live in Rawai, why would they be there otherwise, so they were in their rights.

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Well i saw an other broke farang family in a samlor in front of tesco rawai.

obviously they had a kid with no helmet, the samlors was all broken down and they were blocking the entrace and all the motorbikes for 20mins.

Graceful people, right there.

Actually, compared to myself and friends, you're far too poor to stay in Phuket (according to my own rules).

Sorry, but, if you don't live in a 30 million baht house, have a 20 million baht yacht and an income of at least one million baht per month, you should go home.

I reckon you're included in the "have-nots".

Why don't you naff off to where you came from.


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If you live in nai-harn-rawai-kata then go ahead, use it to get to the beach or whatever, the traffic never goes beyond 40km/h anyways. I think its a good idea to use one in those small slow roads, save on gas and save on cleaning products.

Tesco Lotus Rawai is in Viset Road and clearly against the rules of where you can go with your poor family. They were obviously not on their way to the beach......:whistling:

Edited by LivinginKata
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nobody ever said anything about short distance.

The problem is the broke farangs using them on chao-fah and the bypass road, causing mayhem and havok.

If you live in nai-harn-rawai-kata then go ahead, use it to get to the beach or whatever, the traffic never goes beyond 40km/h anyways. I think its a good idea to use one in those small slow roads, save on gas and save on cleaning products.

I have had more problem with farangs using samlors in the middle of the main roads or driving their very tanned and no so respectable wife on their knees with 3 non-lukrung kids tied to the steering wheel of the motorbike(with lights off at 9pm when the kids should of been to bed hours ago) than with thais.

As I think I made clear in an earlier post, I don't enjoy driving my samlor - but as I refuse to drive a car for fear of killing someone, have to use it to pick up water etc.

I've only ever once taken it on the bypass road - but that was because I found a seriously ill and starving dog and needed to get her to the vets. I thought she might have distemper, so couldn't ask any of my friends (they all have dogs) to take the poor dog in their cars.

I quailed at the thought of driving my samlor over Chalong Circle, but realised I had no choice or the dog would die..... (turned out she had pneumonia as well as being almost starved to death).

No doubt you would have ranted at my samlor on the by-pass road - but I think your (or anyone else's inconvenience) was far less important than saving the life of a lovely dog!

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nobody ever said anything about short distance.

The problem is the broke farangs using them on chao-fah and the bypass road, causing mayhem and havok.

If you live in nai-harn-rawai-kata then go ahead, use it to get to the beach or whatever, the traffic never goes beyond 40km/h anyways. I think its a good idea to use one in those small slow roads, save on gas and save on cleaning products.

I have had more problem with farangs using samlors in the middle of the main roads or driving their very tanned and no so respectable wife on their knees with 3 non-lukrung kids tied to the steering wheel of the motorbike(with lights off at 9pm when the kids should of been to bed hours ago) than with thais.

As I think I made clear in an earlier post, I don't enjoy driving my samlor - but as I refuse to drive a car for fear of killing someone, have to use it to pick up water etc.

I've only ever once taken it on the bypass road - but that was because I found a seriously ill and starving dog and needed to get her to the vets. I thought she might have distemper, so couldn't ask any of my friends (they all have dogs) to take the poor dog in their cars.

I quailed at the thought of driving my samlor over Chalong Circle, but realised I had no choice or the dog would die..... (turned out she had pneumonia as well as being almost starved to death).

No doubt you would have ranted at my samlor on the by-pass road - but I think your (or anyone else's inconvenience) was far less important than saving the life of a lovely dog!

A good deed indeed. Don't worry about ilyelol as I think he is just a simple <deleted> stirrer.

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nobody ever said anything about short distance.

The problem is the broke farangs using them on chao-fah and the bypass road, causing mayhem and havok.

If you live in nai-harn-rawai-kata then go ahead, use it to get to the beach or whatever, the traffic never goes beyond 40km/h anyways. I think its a good idea to use one in those small slow roads, save on gas and save on cleaning products.

I have had more problem with farangs using samlors in the middle of the main roads or driving their very tanned and no so respectable wife on their knees with 3 non-lukrung kids tied to the steering wheel of the motorbike(with lights off at 9pm when the kids should of been to bed hours ago) than with thais.

Why does a farang using one mean he is broke? I use one because of the convenience and because neither I or my nurse can drive a car.

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