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Zone 2 Parking Lot At Suvarnabhumi Airport Closed Off By Armed Men


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Absolutely incredible story, how ever can it be

allowed :w00t:

Allowed ? - of course not, the police a negotiating in order to prevent potential shooting / killing which can easily take place, what will happen to them after the have surrendered is a different matter, and impossible to predict.

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It is my understanding that they were military brought by a military officer but, that has not be substantiated as far as I know. With that said, I have to wonder why we need to guess about the facts, why there are no facts, why there is no coverage.

In the west, if this happened, yes there would be bloodshed because you don't do that. If you do, then it's a serious matter. There are laws in place exactly for this. Laws need to be enforced or rescinded. Here laws are in place for looks, a facade.

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Without knowing the full facts its difficult to argue the rights and wrongs of this incident.

If the former owners of the Contract are refusing to give up their concession? then its yet more bad news for the Thai Tourist Industry.

On the other hand if the new owners of the Contract,are making sure that they are taking over the Contract(with the legalities in place) and no if or buts,then that puts a different light on the matter.

The news that the disputed Car Park is now open again,would possibly indicate the latter,albeit with the 40 armed men in Black, still present.

Either way,its a strange intensive way to do business.

This is the first sensible post that I have seen. There seems to be a selective amnesia amongst members that where we came from "security firms" operate in much the same way because they are run by mafia/gangsters and these enterprises are necessary to launder money from illegal sources. I doubt that this apparently unconfirmed report of "armed men" means firearms

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It seems to me that there is a tendency on this website to assail Thailand for its inability to do what you think is appropriate no matter what the subject is and to castigate the police for inaction. What would you have them do in a situation where there is a dispute between a losing and a winning concessionary? There is no confirmation that these "men in black" (a phrase which appears to be a red rag to a bull to some people) are in fact armed and the response that they should be "taken out" is juvenile

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What's pathetic about this is not that it happened, but that so many posters say something along the lines of "This is Thailand." More and more -- particularly since recent political events -- I've come to the conclusion that when you come right down to it, Thailand is a relatively lawless country. Shoot-outs on the expressway, seizures of the airport, thirty-some-odd buildings torched in a political dispute, hand grenades used on a fairly regular basis, and continual bloodshed (including beheadings) in the deep south...this is the third world nearly at its worst.

Edited by phetaroi
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Breaking News from the Nation

The Airports of Thailand (AOT) will take stringent measures to avoid incidents such as protests or conflicts at the airport so the operations are smooth and passengers easily facilitated.

Passengers were inconvenienced early yesterday morning because they were unable to access the carpark in towers II and III. The carparks were taken over by 100 men in black, who stopped staff from doling out tickets and prohibited them from letting any cars out.

By 7am, both carparks resumed operations after the Suvarnabhumi Airport administration and the parking management settled the problem.

AOT has filed a police complaint to ensure security of the airport, though the country's image has already been damaged in the eyes of the visitors.

Flying Officer Narong Thanutchangseang, deputy director for operation of the Suvarnbhumi Airport, said the company had called a meeting with the carpark operator on October 11. At the meeting, AOT will discuss whether it should extend the contract with the parking firm and whether it should demand that the services be improved.

<b>By Watcharapong Thongrung<br style="padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; outline-style: none; outline-width: initial; outline-color: initial; list-style-type: none; text-decoration: none; ">The Nation<br style="padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; outline-style: none; outline-width: initial; outline-color: initial; list-style-type: none; text-decoration: none; ">Published on October 2, 2010</b>

Now its 100 men in black and no mention of arms being carried

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It seems to me that there is a tendency on this website to assail Thailand for its inability to do what you think is appropriate no matter what the subject is and to castigate the police for inaction. What would you have them do in a situation where there is a dispute between a losing and a winning concessionary? There is no confirmation that these "men in black" (a phrase which appears to be a red rag to a bull to some people) are in fact armed and the response that they should be "taken out" is juvenile

Post #25 of "Thailand today" was Zone 2 Parking Lot at Airport Closed off by Armed Men

Admittedly, fire-arms are not mentioned. But given a SoE is in place, it is a ridiculous thing to do in response to a trivial legal dispute. IMHO all involved should have been arrested and penalised heavily, including the person who hired them. Of course if arrest is resisted, an escalation could occur.

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Is it not illegal to carry firearms in Thailand?

Not if you have the proper connections B)

All MP here are allowed to carry guns and the Government even gave them a discount if they purchased from the Government armoury. For others, true, if you have the proper connection, getting a license to carry one is as easy as ABC. Then there are those that don't even need a license at all.

In other countries, the SWAT team would be called in, but here, the police talk peace with these 40 armed men. I thought SOE rule is in force in Bangkok? The CRES should call in the army and their snipers instead of the police. Armed men in BLACK (sound very familiar):rolleyes:

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It is not what was done, but what was not done. The impact of what was not done indicates that you can do what ever you wish with relative impunity.

The word 'Thailand' means land of the free. It appears that this is being taken literally from an individual stance. I can do whatever I wish even if if is against what you wish, even if what you wish is legal. Being legal is an entirely new can of worms though. Legal tends to mean I paid more tea money than you have. With that said I am not implying that this is the case here as I do not know what the case is here.

It is important that Thailand creates laws that reflect it's culture, not mine, so I do not have to understand why a law is made. My problem is in understanding a law and the accountability attached to it. I sometimes feel that there is different levels of accountability here.

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drastic action for sure, but id the courts were any use people respected the law, then the people having just lost the concession would have vacated as per their contract, it is a sad state of affairs when someone has to behave this way in order to be allowed to fulfil a contract

comment/question withdrawn as further posts gave me answers. Thank you

Edited by rametindallas
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It will all boil down to the root of all evil. Money!

There is nothing evil about money. How would we manage our lives without it? How would you pay for you food, clothes, etc?

To say "Money is the root of all evil" is very different from saying "Money is evil". The first expression is saying that if you examine evil you will find money at its root. It doesn't mean that all money and its uses are evil, but simply that evil is fuelled by money. If you say for example that "matches are at the root of most forest fires" it doesn't negate the value of matches.

1 Timothy 6:10

parallel7.gifNew International Version (©1984)

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

New Living Translation (©2007)

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

English Standard Version (©2001)

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. New American Standard Bible (©1995)

For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.


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Is not a real news, come on, no sign on BP or other media, and ok is Thailand but how can 40 armed man stay in the airport , also in the parking, and nobody know about or do somthing?

There are also soldier armed in the BTS how cannot be in the airport?


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Men in black block carparks in Suvarnabhumi

By Watcharapong Thongrung

The Nation


The Airports of Thailand (AOT) will take stringent measures to avoid incidents such as protests or conflicts at the airport so the operations are smooth and passengers easily facilitated.

Passengers were inconvenienced early yesterday morning because they were unable to access the carpark in towers II and III. The carparks were taken over by 100 men in black, who stopped staff from doling out tickets and prohibited them from letting any cars out.

By 7am, both carparks resumed operations after the Suvarnabhumi Airport administration and the parking management settled the problem.

AOT has filed a police complaint to ensure security of the airport, though the country's image has already been damaged in the eyes of the visitors.

Flying Officer Narong Thanutchangseang, deputy director for operation of the Suvarnbhumi Airport, said the company had called a meeting with the carpark operator on October 11. At the meeting, AOT will discuss whether it should extend the contract with the parking firm and whether it should demand that the services be improved.


-- The Nation 2010-10-02

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Channel 3 has reported that nearly 200 men were involved - some carrying weapons. Saw some video of a machete that was seized from one of them. Also - it was reported that the media were discouraged by the police from taking video of those detained and others involved in this incident.

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