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Hotels In Bangkok Refuse Blacks And Indians


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Excuse me, but I haven`t any names. Glad you fell for my bait.

Well done having a non aryan child, my children are non white.

He didn't say you named names, he is saying that you are a typical liberal that starts to shout 'racist' as soon as anyone might point out that racial profiling of some individuals in some areas have a basis in statistics.

Racial profiling based on statistics?

In other words, tar everyone of a certain kind with the same brush. Living here in Thailand as a stranger in a foreign land, I live in hope that the Thais never take same attitude against me; otherwise Thailand is going to be a pretty miserable place to live.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Excuse me, but I haven`t any names. Glad you fell for my bait.

Well done having a non aryan child, my children are non white.

He didn't say you named names, he is saying that you are a typical liberal that starts to shout 'racist' as soon as anyone might point out that racial profiling of some individuals in some areas have a basis in statistics.

Racial profiling based on statistics?

In other words, tar everyone of a certain kind with the same brush. Living here in Thailand as a stranger in a foreign land, I live in hope that the Thais never take same attitude against me; otherwise Thailand is going to be a pretty miserable place to live.

Thai's are not racist towards farang.What planet are you on.And stop waving your race card unless you've got good reason to,

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Nasa Vegas is a sh*thole and anyone that is staying there is obviously on a tight budget or oblivious. There are literally about 30 better options within a 20 km radius.

Their "Deluxe Room" is advertised for 690 baht... :ermm::rolleyes:

Whoever is "handling" him in Thailand is doing a very crappy job of it by putting him in a dump like that.

Anyway, it seems his experience with hotels in Taiwan were better:


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Amazing to me! Now I haven't been staying at Hotels in Bangkok for a good three years anyhow since I purchased a house for my Thai family...I've been staying there with them. However, in the 12 years or so I did stay in Hotels in various parts of Bangkok, I seem to remember that a good 50 percent (I estimate here) of the guests at the hotel were Indians or Arabs. And there were quite a few "Blacks" (africans included) staying there also. Didn't bother me.

I wonder why that particular hotel would have such a policy? Its news to me.

I will say however, that a Thai person often has a problem staying at hotels that cater to "Farangs". Just have your Thai wife or partner go to one of those hotels and try to rent a room...often they will be told in Thai that all rooms are full. I had my Thai girlfriend try to rent a room in a 5 star hotel on Sukhumvit road some years ago. I was arriving on a late flight from Europe, and I wanted to have a room ready for us rather than trying to check in late. They told her all rooms were full, but later when I, a Farang, asked for a room they were suddenly available. When I asked why they didn't have a room for my girlfriend when she asked I was told that,"We don't usually give rooms to Thais". I didn't push it any further than that. My Thai girlfriend was about 40 years old at that time, dressed well, and did not look like a "bargirl" in anyway then.,.so there was no obvious reason for the (female) reception desk clerk to assume anything about my girlfriend.

Oh well, that's Thailand.


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People certainly have the right to like or dislike any group of people they want, but acting on it is another thing. It is particularly sad that they are as blatant as they were. A good friend of mine worked at a hotel some years back. They also didn't accept blacks, but if someone showed up with a reservation; they got the room. If they showed up and asked for a room, they were told the hotel was 'full'.

I work with three black people from Africa. They are outstanding people and excellent employees. Two do not touch alcohol, drugs or cigarettes. One has an occasional beer.

I believe a stroll through the Pattaya forum will show that a number of white people do, indeed, sell drugs. They also seem to get caught.

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Somebody in Samui doesn't want Israeli in his hotel. In Kao San Road many hotel don't allow Thais, now we are talking about African and Indian ( only for the somatic features or from a passport check?). Soon will be the turn of the Russians and the Middle Eastern people, and so on.

Thai are racists, and a lot of caucasians (farangs) too!

So sad and digusting situation...

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drunk UK guys much more rowdy and noisy than blacks in the bars or hotels ..

* some thai people are racist about skin color but they dont know what does it mean

and they dont like dark thai people between eachother ,

if a thai girl has quite white skin , she can find a good job ..

but if you are dark , nobody interested except farangs ))

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We have a saying in New Zealand, for whenever a foreigner complains of racism or if he doesn't like the way things are done;

"If you don't like it, go home."

Thai people have no obligation to make anyone feel welcome in their country. It's THEIR country.

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We have a saying in New Zealand, for whenever a foreigner complains of racism or if he doesn't like the way things are done;

"If you don't like it, go home."

Thai people have no obligation to make anyone feel welcome in their country. It's THEIR country.

maoris had no chance , sick land intruders

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I have never met anyone selling drugs in Thailand because I do not hang out in the areas where that would happen!

It's not a question of "hanging out" in those places. I've been offered drugs -- and yes it happened to be by an African -- walking from the Skytrain station to Bumrungrad Hospital...which just happens to be in a somewhat bad area of Sukhumvit. Gee, shame on me for being sick and having to go to the hospital.

I play a bit of pool once a week or so, mostly Sukhumvit soi 5. Lots of Indians around there for decades, the last few years more Africans, Arabs, etc., etc. sometimes play against them, no problem. Friendly banter is a bit of a problem, but doesn't work with Thai either.

As for drugs, something must be wrong with me. I've never been offered them ;)

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Just 5 years ago it was very common to see signs at bars and restaurants around Pattaya that read, "NO ARABS TO SIT HERE." Some would have more details such as, "No Arabs Allowed. We respect your faith in Islam but do not want you in our establishment accosting our women." Then one day all of the signs were gone and the city is full of Arabs. :blink:

And lets not forget the "Japanese Only" bars in various cities around Thailand (and the world). Ever been to Japan? "Gaijin" (non-Japanese - outside person) is not allowed in many places.

A private establishment makes their own rules. Ugly as it may be, what can you do?

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I guess all the blogs have said it - Nasa Vegas is what has been described here - rates at Baht 600 a night and short time slum. But when an 'artist' has a gig why would his manager put him in such a dump? For very little more you can get quite upmarket and no prejudice issues.

Low end prices attract low end people and that hotel has had its fair share of cheap Charlies pushing drugs and causing problems. If they now chose to have people banned because of their past experiences I doubt you could blame them. But there is no need to keep the funds already paid. The police should step up to that and get it returned. But as always - unless there is something in it for them, they won't act.

And Thailand get's one more nail in its tourism coffin. Perhaps they should take it up with TAT? Now there's a thought!!! ohmy.gif

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Sometimes I wonder where I am living.

Well, indeed a weird city. Guess they might think all Blacks are from Nigeria and doing drugs.

But something very ridiculous happened about in Bangkok about five years ago. I had to see my embassy and had to stay overnight together with my wife and our son.

When we wanted to check in a guesthouse at the Khao San Road, the clerk said that this place wouldn’t be available for Thais!!!

After telling him that we were a married couple he pointed on a sign saying:

“No Thais in our rooms allowed.” I had no camera to make a photo, but I was asking him what he was doing in there if it wasn’t for Thais.

Just think about English people wouldn’t get a hotel room in London…….

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Sometimes it works both ways as far as offering hotel packages and rates.

There are hotels/resorts in Thailand that offer special rates, sometimes for 'Thais only' and other times 'foreigners only'. I generally never feel bad, just wait for the right time to book.

But in this instance, the rapper should definitely get his money back with apologies. If I were a hotel owner in Bangkok, especially a competing one, I would get on the phone and offer the guy and his group a free stay, right now!

And in exchange, have him write a song for my hotel or a mention as the 'hotel savior' when he writes his song about his experience in Bangkok.

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On Khao San Road, there are lots of guest houses not allowing Thais in (funny note: I was with a Thai with dual nationality. Upon showing his American passport, he was allowed in!! wondered why he still wanted to go there, but he did).

In Soi Thaniya, there are "clubs" where whites are not allowed in.

If they dont want you to stay or don't want your money, plenty of other venues to go, perhaps just next door.

Who cares??

Edited by vincentc
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People certainly have the right to like or dislike any group of people they want, but acting on it is another thing. It is particularly sad that they are as blatant as they were. A good friend of mine worked at a hotel some years back. They also didn't accept blacks, but if someone showed up with a reservation; they got the room. If they showed up and asked for a room, they were told the hotel was 'full'.

I work with three black people from Africa. They are outstanding people and excellent employees. Two do not touch alcohol, drugs or cigarettes. One has an occasional beer.

I believe a stroll through the Pattaya forum will show that a number of white people do, indeed, sell drugs. They also seem to get caught.

Well Scott, how do you know what your black friends, or sorry, employees, are doing in their free time?

I work with a few outstanding white people, some of them smoke, some don't. So what's your point about white people??

There's good and bad in all colors........

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Just think about English people wouldn't get a hotel room in London…….

If you are politically aware, you may have noticed some new legislation being passed this week unbelievably named the "Equality Act" which makes it perfectly legal to discriminate against white British males in favour of ethnic minorities and women when it comes to employing staff.

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