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Are You Scared Of Thais ?


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Sillyman. Can I ask a serious question. Are you insane?


I like sillyman99, he says what he means and he means what he says. He`s just a mean guy.

This takes me back to my school days when suddenly 2 boys were spotted having a fight and all the kids would shout out; BUNDLE!

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Sillyman. Can I ask a serious question. Are you insane?


I like sillyman99, he says what he means and he means what he says. He`s just a mean guy.

This takes me back to my school days when suddenly 2 boys were spotted having a fight and all the kids would shout out; BUNDLE!

YES, I like the silly guy too, I mean more often than not I think hes wrong and a bit of a tool but I don't mean that in a flaming way. He is one of the ones that keeps this forum amusing.....KUDOS to u silly guy. ;)

Theres nothing wrong with missing ur daily meds and then posting without taking urself too seriously, trust me, I should know :)

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Scared! No, cautious yes, I would not live in a country where I was scared of the locals. You say the local Thais thought you were crazy, I can see why, waving a hammer around. But I don’t condemn or cordon your actions, I wasn’t there, and the feckers do wind me up the way they treat animals!

We, as all living beings are gifted with two responses to danger, fight or flight; not understanding the culture and language, put the westerner at a psychological disadvantage, and there are, of course other factors. Which either action your brain go’s with, best follow it. The fight or flight does not come with any guarantees, and is total invalid when soaked in alcohol.

Scared, no, I do my f/f on case by case basics. Best not get them mixed up!

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Your sh!ttin me.

Aren't you a tough guy then.

What a nobbish thing to post.

PM me , I'll discus it with you in real life.


Most SMART PEOPLE usually avoid thai confrontation not because they are pussies as you say, but usually because it ends up with multiple thais joining in and beating the living shiit out of you, and it don't matter how tough you think you are you will lose with a gang of thais beating on ya.

Seen it too many times even thai on thai, thai on farang it turns into a free for all when all thais join in and some poor sod gets to visit the hospital.


Exactly. Besides that it just gives you negative attention that doesn't make it any easier to stay here.

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I Know it is a bloody awful generalisation, but I am not scared of Thais unless they have had a skinful, in which case I tend to tread very carefully. When drunk a lot of them seem really nasty and do not consider their actions. I know plenty of foreigners are also nasty drunks, but those numbers seem much smaller percentage-wise than Thais.

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The biggest confrontation I find myself in is losing my place in line at the 7/11 because I left too much space. Sometimes I give a really mean glare, but usually they won't look back and justice is not satisfied. But sometimes I get em real good, right in the eyes. Yep revenge is sweet

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I live in a central soi in Bangkok. A soi were only low wage Thai lives. In fact a few years back it was ranked by Bangkok Post as one of Bangkok's most violent streets (know as the "police soi", how ironic). Any how, I usually to walk to "pak soi" and as the only farang I tent to stand out. There are a lot of drinking going on in this soi. Every time I walk pass the drinking guys (some of them motorbike taxi guys) they shout my name and want me to taste their "vodka" (lao khao). The first year I was really scared, I didn't speak any Thai I could feel that these guys had a short fuse when they were drunk.

One night I was walking home when a guy came out of 7/11 and jumped kicked me from behind. I fell to the ground and he continued to kick me. It took like 30 seconds before the motobike taxi guys came to my rescue. It swiftly turned to a orange mayhem; motorbikes on the ground, screaming and fighting. They actually beat the guy to a pulp.

From this I learned three things:

- Thais don't automatically side with other Thais.

- Thais usually have no problem to gang up against a single person when things turn sour.

- When Thai fight it tend to become nasty; it's not just about exchanging some punches.

So yes, I try to stay out of fights and arguments at all costs.

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you are a bunch of wanke_rs, especially the one with Hunter Thompson in the avatar :jap:

Easy son or else sillyman will be coming for you!

Valid point about tackling a Thai if he's drunk/high, seen a few incidents luckily not too serious.

Live in peace brothers (ha what a load of <deleted>)

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My advice Sillyman - Real life is not like the Internet.

Ok, PM me, lets get this obvious personal problem out of the way.. I live in Pattaya.

Oh now I understand your username. :D

Judging by this and your other posts, sillyman you are obviously the biggest moron this forum has ever seen; what now, do you want me to pm you so you can fight me too?

get a life; you will get whats coming to you soon enough...

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My advice Sillyman - Real life is not like the Internet.

Ok, PM me, lets get this obvious personal problem out of the way.. I live in Pattaya.

Oh now I understand your username. :D

Judging by this and your other posts, sillyman you are obviously the biggest moron this forum has ever seen; what now, do you want me to pm you so you can fight me too?

get a life; you will get whats coming to you soon enough...

Just typed PM into urban dictionary and this is what it came up with..

PM .. Prostate Massage - When the woman (or man) inserts her finger or a sex toy into a man's ass and massages the prostate in order to increase the intensity of climax.

So maybe we got sillyman all wrong and its not a fight hes after whistling.gif

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Just typed PM into urban dictionary and this is what it came up with..

PM .. Prostate Massage - When the woman (or man) inserts her finger or a sex toy into a man's ass and massages the prostate in order to increase the intensity of climax.

So maybe we got sillyman all wrong and its not a fight hes after whistling.gif

So it`s 50/50 whether I have to take it up the ass or get a smack in the face.

May I get back to you later while I consider my options?

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I am rather scared, yes. Even more so when I learned recently writing pens can actually be guns.

Its the flashlights in 410 shotgun caliber you need to worry about... Although the 380 auto is just as painful



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Was it a sledge hammer? Carpenter's hammer? Or perhaps one of those little archeological hammers used for breaking pebbles?

The reason I ask is that running around with some types of hammers could make you look a little foolish.

Hey he is sillyman it was a rubber mallet of course ;)

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Your sh!ttin me.

Aren't you a tough guy then.

What a nobbish thing to post.

PM me , I'll discus it with you in real life.

If you do meet up with this guy, is it alright if I come along too? Used to be a referee back in the 80s. But I do insist on queensbury rules.

I think and this is my honest to goodness well thought out and expert opinion, that a farang may back down from a Thai, not because he is afraid or cowardly, perish the thought that I should ever hint at such a thing, but because he would prefer to keep a low profile in Thailand and not become involved in any altercations which could mean having to deal with the police, name recorded and lots of agro. So in other words, the sensible thing to do is walk away which is better then getting caught up in the Thai joke legal system and criminal charges.

This is what I would do, not because I`m sensible but I actually do descend from a long line of generations of cowards.

He'd survive about 2 seconds only.

My discipline is KM, we take no prisoners.

:whistling::boring: :boring: zzzzzzzzzzzz lets hope they teach you how to catch bullets in between your teeth

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