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Thai Woman Trashes Husband's Member


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There are only several sensible reactions to this trash reporting. Even the journalist did not have the decency to set the story in a tone of seriousness.

Trash reporting is exactly what it is but the saddest thing is seeing how readily it gets lapped up and how much fun people get from all this.

Even as a kid i never got why it was that tragedy brought about comedy. At the time i was in secondary school there was the Ethiopian famine disaster and almost every kid in school had a joke at the expense of those poor souls dying of malnutrition. I never got it. All i could do was imagine how it would be to have been born in the baking sun like them with not a drop of water to drink and only dirt to eat. It made me want to cry, not laugh.

Excusing getting titillated and amused by the suffering of others because of it being a way of dealing with fear is a lame cover-up for being immature and insensitive.

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There are only several sensible reactions to this trash reporting. Even the journalist did not have the decency to set the story in a tone of seriousness.

Trash reporting is exactly what it is but the saddest thing is seeing how readily it gets lapped up and how much fun people get from all this.

Even as a kid i never got why it was that tragedy brought about comedy. At the time i was in secondary school there was the Ethiopian famine disaster and almost every kid in school had a joke at the expense of those poor souls dying of malnutrition. I never got it. All i could do was imagine how it would be to have been born in the baking sun like them with not a drop of water to drink and only dirt to eat. It made me want to cry, not laugh.

Excusing getting titillated and amused by the suffering of others because of it being a way of dealing with fear is a lame cover-up for being immature and insensitive.

You mean you do not remember shows like "Tom and Jerry", The Roadrunner show", and the like? All these shows we watched as impressionable kids; learning that abuse and pain and violence is funny? Look at the crap in the TV guide now. All the morals and ethics we ever had are being twisted into a big joke and made out to be redundant and silly. It is sickening. Look in the Video Game stores. Wait till the kids at present "mature" and become voters. You haven't seen anything yet, regarding the devaluation of human life.

The very thing you are broaching upon now is what most people never stop and ask themselves. Additionally, can you name any person or place in our societies (outside of church) where we are taught compassion, consideration, and conscientiousness towards our fellow man? I can not think of any that resembles a major institution that people admire and seek out. The future of man seems destined for cheapening human life. Sometimes I think a joke is a coward's way of avoiding responsibility to one's self, and others.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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There are only several sensible reactions to this trash reporting. Even the journalist did not have the decency to set the story in a tone of seriousness.

Trash reporting is exactly what it is but the saddest thing is seeing how readily it gets lapped up and how much fun people get from all this.

Even as a kid i never got why it was that tragedy brought about comedy. At the time i was in secondary school there was the Ethiopian famine disaster and almost every kid in school had a joke at the expense of those poor souls dying of malnutrition. I never got it. All i could do was imagine how it would be to have been born in the baking sun like them with not a drop of water to drink and only dirt to eat. It made me want to cry, not laugh.

Excusing getting titillated and amused by the suffering of others because of it being a way of dealing with fear is a lame cover-up for being immature and insensitive.

". . .can you name any person or place in our societies (outside of church) where we are taught compassion, consideration, and conscientiousness towards our fellow man?"

It's best that these values come from one's parents/caretakers by way of example.

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Trash reporting is exactly what it is but the saddest thing is seeing how readily it gets lapped up and how much fun people get from all this.

Even as a kid i never got why it was that tragedy brought about comedy. At the time i was in secondary school there was the Ethiopian famine disaster and almost every kid in school had a joke at the expense of those poor souls dying of malnutrition. I never got it. All i could do was imagine how it would be to have been born in the baking sun like them with not a drop of water to drink and only dirt to eat. It made me want to cry, not laugh.

Excusing getting titillated and amused by the suffering of others because of it being a way of dealing with fear is a lame cover-up for being immature and insensitive.

You mean you do not remember shows like "Tom and Jerry", The Roadrunner show", and the like? All these shows we watched as impressionable kids; learning that abuse and pain and violence is funny? Look at the crap in the TV guide now. All the morals and ethics we ever had are being twisted into a big joke and made out to be redundant and silly. It is sickening. Look in the Video Game stores. Wait till the kids at present "mature" and become voters. You haven't seen anything yet, regarding the devaluation of human life.

The very thing you are broaching upon now is what most people never stop and ask themselves. Additionally, can you name any person or place in our societies (outside of church) where we are taught compassion, consideration, and conscientiousness towards our fellow man? I can not think of any that resembles a major institution that people admire and seek out. The future of man seems destined for cheapening human life. Sometimes I think a joke is a coward's way of avoiding responsibility to one's self, and others.

That's a very good post and i completely agree with your conclusions.

The one point i would make regarding TV shows like Tom and Jerry is that although they do teach kids that pain and violence is funny, even kids are aware that the things playing out on the screen are completely detached from the real world, and in the real world, we don't laugh when we see someone upset or in pain. What we do is try to help them. At least that's what a good parent teaches their child.

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hope this wasn't a TV member......

I don't know of any 19 year old foreigners who have liked up and stayed with a lady 14 years there senior!!! Chances of being a TV member is low!

BTW, I see this scenario quite often. I know of a 22 years old Thai guy with a 57 year old lady, and yes, living together for a couple of years, and a 28 year old guy living with a 54 year old........... sort of screws with my head thinking about it. Both guys do not work. Their partners provide the bacon in both cases.

Never heard of Oedipus?

IMHO this is a direct result of Thai soap operas which every episode have some snotty bitch getting offended and giving the b/f a smack across the chops. It gives the idea that violence is a suitable answer to a petty grievance, and never shows any repercussions. My Thai wife did this once to me, in front of friends, over a mistranslation. Later, I let her know in no uncertain terms that I found her behaviour unacceptable, and that if it happened again I would respond in kind. This is possibly one of the reasons that she is an ex-wife.

On a lighter note, Oz paper reported some years back that a kiwi guy (suspected Maori as from Te Atatu) had come home pished and took to wifey, who proceeded to remove one of his testicles with her fingernails. now that has got to hurt!

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There are only several sensible reactions to this trash reporting. Even the journalist did not have the decency to set the story in a tone of seriousness.

Trash reporting is exactly what it is but the saddest thing is seeing how readily it gets lapped up and how much fun people get from all this.

Even as a kid i never got why it was that tragedy brought about comedy. At the time i was in secondary school there was the Ethiopian famine disaster and almost every kid in school had a joke at the expense of those poor souls dying of malnutrition. I never got it. All i could do was imagine how it would be to have been born in the baking sun like them with not a drop of water to drink and only dirt to eat. It made me want to cry, not laugh.

Excusing getting titillated and amused by the suffering of others because of it being a way of dealing with fear is a lame cover-up for being immature and insensitive.

You mean you do not remember shows like "Tom and Jerry", The Roadrunner show", and the like? All these shows we watched as impressionable kids; learning that abuse and pain and violence is funny? Look at the crap in the TV guide now. All the morals and ethics we ever had are being twisted into a big joke and made out to be redundant and silly. It is sickening. Look in the Video Game stores. Wait till the kids at present "mature" and become voters. You haven't seen anything yet, regarding the devaluation of human life.

The very thing you are broaching upon now is what most people never stop and ask themselves. Additionally, can you name any person or place in our societies (outside of church) where we are taught compassion, consideration, and conscientiousness towards our fellow man? I can not think of any that resembles a major institution that people admire and seek out. The future of man seems destined for cheapening human life. Sometimes I think a joke is a coward's way of avoiding responsibility to one's self, and others.

".............. place in our societies (outside of church) where we are taught compassion, consideration, and conscientiousness towards our fellow man?"

Not having been in a church since I was 6 (requested because I was pointing out the absurdities), I obviously must be completely lacking in moral values. And I'm a joker too; show me the way to hel_l!

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Thai doctors are world-renowned for the expertise in reattaching severed penises.

Knowing this, some of those responsible for the cutting have taken extra precautions to make such surgery impossible. Severed members have been boiled, fed to ducks or even attached to hot air balloons in the past.


...only in this amazing land... :ermm:

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...Incidentally the report does not mention how the cops wised up to the woman's crime and stopped her. Is this another apocryphal tale after all ?

Yeah, I couldn't make that out from the story either. Apparently the police knew she was on a bus from Petchabun to BKK and put up a road block and intercepted it. Although how they knew isn't disclosed.

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IMHO this is a direct result of Thai soap operas which every episode have some snotty bitch getting offended and giving the b/f a smack across the chops. It gives the idea that violence is a suitable answer to a petty grievance, and never shows any repercussions. My Thai wife did this once to me, in front of friends, over a mistranslation. Later, I let her know in no uncertain terms that I found her behaviour unacceptable, and that if it happened again I would respond in kind. This is possibly one of the reasons that she is an ex-wife.

I used to think that, but I know we were both wrong.

Thai soaps imitate Thai life, not the other way round.

Thailand is essentially a primative country full of savages, violence is their first resort, they beat their wives, husbands, children, dogs, often with sticks. They buy and sell women, and generally treat them as 'property'.

The civilised west tells us this all these things are wrong, but I'm not even sure of that anymore.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Oh he's still alive ? asked a friend

Guess I made a c*** of it she replied :lol:

Ouch!! that's not funny.

There seems to be hundreds of these cases in Thailand it must be a sort of traditional thing to ensure the man loses face like she has.

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The very thing you are broaching upon now is what most people never stop and ask themselves. Additionally, can you name any person or place in our societies (outside of church) where we are taught compassion, consideration, and conscientiousness towards our fellow man? I can not think of any that resembles a major institution that people admire and seek out. The future of man seems destined for cheapening human life. Sometimes I think a joke is a coward's way of avoiding responsibility to one's self, and others.

My parents, aunts, uncles, junior school teachers, Secondary School teachers ( in the UK), Scouts, Boys Brigade, St. Johns Ambulance, youth club. Almost every childrens story and fairy tale, along with almost every movie and TV show (not reality shows or current affairs)

Your relatives and schools never tried to teach you basic western values? I can't believe that!

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The very thing you are broaching upon now is what most people never stop and ask themselves. Additionally, can you name any person or place in our societies (outside of church) where we are taught compassion, consideration, and conscientiousness towards our fellow man? I can not think of any that resembles a major institution that people admire and seek out. The future of man seems destined for cheapening human life. Sometimes I think a joke is a coward's way of avoiding responsibility to one's self, and others.

My parents, aunts, uncles, junior school teachers, Secondary School teachers ( in the UK), Scouts, Boys Brigade, St. Johns Ambulance, youth club. Almost every childrens story and fairy tale, along with almost every movie and TV show (not reality shows or current affairs)

Your relatives and schools never tried to teach you basic western values? I can't believe that!

Arguable, but I won't go there. All I was leaning towards was the family unit, and its values. We were fortunate to have that for the most part. All those other things you listed probably involved a bunch of people who, in their turn, were raised by a family unit with decent values. At least back in the old days, which is another point. In the old days, a husband and wife stuck it out through thick and thin. Kids these days don't last a year or two, and there is a divorce.

Children these days would find it rare to have a caring family unit, that includes a mother and father, who are both in love and dedicated to each other, and their children.

Thailand simply does not have that, and I won't buy this "skin-whitening" Western charade that the Thai soaps and commercials try to imitate, in their pathetic, typical style of flash-copying (and bungling) what other nations have accomplished, over a long period of time, and only through hard work, commitment, dedication, and loyalty. Thailand's history does not show a trend of change. Without Westerners being here, Thailand would be no different than Myanmar, or Laos. Yes, it is their country, but only out of the city limits. Inside the city limits, it is Western, and they coerce it in, and then barge in and take hold of things they do not understand, and stubbornly refuse any help, and run that Western ingenuity straight into the ground. Sorry about the digression.

This story is about two illiterate creatures, whom I'll wager haven't the faintest clue what it means to be dedicated, loyal, and committed to a cause that keeps the family unit intact. This is nothing more than animistic, bestial, adolescent behavior that pervades and clouds their limited ability to reason, and excludes them from the evolving race of enlightened human beings, who aren't burdened with cultural chains.

Now that is only my view and my opinion.

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IMHO this is a direct result of Thai soap operas which every episode have some snotty bitch getting offended and giving the b/f a smack across the chops. It gives the idea that violence is a suitable answer to a petty grievance, and never shows any repercussions. My Thai wife did this once to me, in front of friends, over a mistranslation. Later, I let her know in no uncertain terms that I found her behaviour unacceptable, and that if it happened again I would respond in kind. This is possibly one of the reasons that she is an ex-wife.

I used to think that, but I know we were both wrong.

Thai soaps imitate Thai life, not the other way round.

Thailand is essentially a primative country full of savages, violence is their first resort, they beat their wives, husbands, children, dogs, often with sticks. They buy and sell women, and generally treat them as 'property'.

The civilised west tells us this all these things are wrong, but I'm not even sure of that anymore.

Perhaps all the soapie needs is the b/f to snot her and sit her on her butt after her face-slap bit. One of the 1st things that I learned was not to pick fights outside of your weight group.

I do agree that thais tend to be heavy- handed with the kids. The ex would take to the 3 year-olds with a wire coat-hanger for things that were only an accident.

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Entrepreneurs, here's your chance. There is a clearly a need for an armored dick guard device for the Thai market.

Never go home without it!

This country seems very choppy. I wonder how it stacks up against other nations on the chops per capita meter.

way ahead of you check out my earlier post.

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Entrepreneurs, here's your chance. There is a clearly a need for an armored dick guard device for the Thai market.

Never go home without it!

This country seems very choppy. I wonder how it stacks up against other nations on the chops per capita meter.

way ahead of you check out my earlier post.

I`m getting bored with these cock and ball stories.

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Thai men should learn to teat us with more respect. Else ... you know what may happen.

For the first time ever, I agree with you. Keep your zipper up around others, and you don't have a problem at home.

She doesn't need any encouragement to make these whacky statements,she's an expert already!

Edited by MAJIC
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How do these fears differ? Both concern possible death and both would have profound psychological effects that would change and most likely damage a person for life. Only difference is one involves male genitalia and the other doesn't.

Most all men know the answer to that. The dick is everything. Read some FREUD and get back to me. I think your line of discussion is just silly, much sillier than the jokes.

Next ...

Breast Cancer and "the Chop". two very different subjects. Breast cancer is brought on by unknown health conditions. As a medical condition brought on within the body there is no second party through which to consider the infidelity and jealousy involved. That ain't the case here. The reasons behind "the Chop" are enough to see a humorous side.

I think it safe to say,you would not be feeling humorous, if it were to happen to you,there is no reason,behind a completely unreasonable act of Butchering another human being,or a humorous side to it!

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This story is about two illiterate creatures, whom I'll wager haven't the faintest clue what it means to be dedicated, loyal, and committed to a cause that keeps the family unit intact. This is nothing more than animistic, bestial, adolescent behavior that pervades and clouds their limited ability to reason, and excludes them from the evolving race of enlightened human beings, who aren't burdened with cultural chains.

Now that is only my view and my opinion.

When were you last back in the western world? the family unit is dead back there, killed by female empowerment.

Men are seen as dirty, dangerous brutes, likely to harm their own women and children, good for only paying child support to women who had children (while being considered too dangerous to ever see their own children), women who can choose to never work again.

God help those men who refuse to pay, even if not their biological children or even if they played no part in choosing to father those children.

Of course the western attitude that only women count, gives rise to women and SNAGs laughing at the mutilation of men. If anyone had dared post a joke about the mutilation of a woman on ThaiVisa, that post would have been deleted and the poster banned PDQ.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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