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Cheated I Don'T Think So


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after meeting is g/f in Thai, he /they decided to buy a house, opposite an apartment he paid for, why rent when you can buy for not much more out lay per month, they brought the house on the understanding that both names went on the documents,, the deposit was transfered from is to her bank account, she arranged a mortgage with Thai bank, again on the understanding both names were on the paper work, he was assured by g/f yes is name was on deeds, and given some deeds all in Thai for the home, has asked for by him, payments for the mortgage have been transfered each month from him to her,

now the relationship is uneasy ,and he wants to sell the house, after numerous times of asking her to sell she is unwilling to do so, the documents have now been translated and her name and her fathers name are on the deeds,,no mention of him,

i have no advice to help this person,only to find a lawyer, any other ideas or advice,

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without a time machine to go back and undo previous bad decisions, I would say he is screwed.

His only choice is probably to try and negotiate the best deal he can form his ex.


First action is to stop paying the mortage payments over, which I assume he has done.

If he never co-signed on the loan, not much he can do.

A lawyer cant do very much under these circumstances, he has handed money over as a "gift" as there is no agreement/contract in place between the two parties

Best just walk away in this case and mark it down as a lesson learnt.

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yr mate misunderstood!

i bet the girl specifically told him he was not able to own single houses but yr mate insisted he could as he could in his home land, so the girl said okie dokie:lol: :lol: , and is now the proud owner o fa gift.

WHO SAID WORD S DONT MATTER!.................own doesnt mean same same to farang and thai:lol: :lol:

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what worries me is all sign point out girl is bad.

and op thinks it was just misunderstanding.good god lord jeesus!

why dont funkie farangs REALIZE that in too many cases all girl is intersted is in resditribution of his wealth.


Edited by capKnuckle
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There is no fool like an old fool

especially with a girl half his age..

Guy thinking "Its love and what a hot little body does she have much better as the old hag i had in the real world"

Girl thinking "Can't wait to get my hands on the money of that old geezer he smells and looks like a troll but ill bear with it so i can get money"

Both a different conception of what is going on, guys should stop thinking with the wrong head.

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The OP's friend should take his total outlay and divide that by the number of times he's porked his gf. If the result is less than a 1000, he's come out ahead. If it's 3000 and she's got super star looks, he's still out ahead. If he got regular BJ's, he' definitely come out ahead. If all that and she's a gymnast half his age, he should stay with her a while longer and continue paying the mortgage. It's important to be fair.

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The OP's friend should take his total outlay and divide that by the number of times he's porked his gf. If the result is less than a 1000, he's come out ahead. If it's 3000 and she's got super star looks, he's still out ahead. If he got regular BJ's, he' definitely come out ahead. If all that and she's a gymnast half his age, he should stay with her a while longer and continue paying the mortgage. It's important to be fair.

this is a 5 star post. i'm inclined to believe this is the best way to look at it. throw in a few points for laundry and cleaning. probably break even.
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The OP's friend should take his total outlay and divide that by the number of times he's porked his gf. If the result is less than a 1000, he's come out ahead. If it's 3000 and she's got super star looks, he's still out ahead. If he got regular BJ's, he' definitely come out ahead. If all that and she's a gymnast half his age, he should stay with her a while longer and continue paying the mortgage. It's important to be fair.

this is a 5 star post. i'm inclined to believe this is the best way to look at it. throw in a few points for laundry and cleaning. probably break even.
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The OP's friend should take his total outlay and divide that by the number of times he's porked his gf. If the result is less than a 1000, he's come out ahead. If it's 3000 and she's got super star looks, he's still out ahead. If he got regular BJ's, he' definitely come out ahead. If all that and she's a gymnast half his age, he should stay with her a while longer and continue paying the mortgage. It's important to be fair.

this is a 5 star post. i'm inclined to believe this is the best way to look at it. throw in a few points for laundry and cleaning. probably break even.

Break even? Hey, if it were me in that final scenario, *I'd* do the laundry and cleaning *and* beg her to allow me to continue paying the mortgage!

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The OP's friend should take his total outlay and divide that by the number of times he's porked his gf. If the result is less than a 1000, he's come out ahead. If it's 3000 and she's got super star looks, he's still out ahead. If he got regular BJ's, he' definitely come out ahead. If all that and she's a gymnast half his age, he should stay with her a while longer and continue paying the mortgage. It's important to be fair.

this is a 5 star post. i'm inclined to believe this is the best way to look at it. throw in a few points for laundry and cleaning. probably break even.


You just made my day

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what worries me is all sign point out girl is bad.

and op thinks it was just misunderstanding.good god lord jeesus!

why dont funkie farangs REALIZE that in too many cases all girl is intersted is in resditribution of his wealth.


what signs point out she is bad? all i see in the OP is a barely comprehensible semi-literate 3rd party anecdote.

do you have some information i am not privy to?

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Firstly you have the same Avatar as two others here have, l wish the mods would stop that it sends the wrong message out. :ph34r:

This is advice and an idea if he can pull it off, which you are asking for.

What l would tell your mate if he wants his money back which l assumes he does. :rolleyes:

l would be as as devious as you alledged as she has been.

l would go on dying kneels confessing that you love her so much (long time :whistling: ) and you want to marry her giving her flowers etc.

If he manages that then he can elbow her and get 49% not 50% as some people say. :jap:

Edited by Kwasaki
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There is no fool like an old fool

especially with a girl half his age..

Guy thinking "Its love and what a hot little body does she have much better as the old hag i had in the real world"

Girl thinking "Can't wait to get my hands on the money of that old geezer he smells and looks like a troll but ill bear with it so i can get money"

Both a different conception of what is going on, guys should stop thinking with the wrong head.

Old has nowt to do with it, seen plenty young lads duped in the same fashion. Any rate sounds like he is not on the mortgage so she is responsible for paying it. This is a good thing unless he has sunk a heap of dosh into a house he will never see. ;)

I do agree young or old should keep their dosh separate from gf ect - if he is looking for a residence either rent or purchase a condo.

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Firstly you have the same Avatar as two others here have, l wish the mods would stop that it sends the wrong message out. :ph34r:

This is advice and an idea if he can pull it off, which you are asking for.

What l would tell your mate if he wants his money back which l assumes he does. :rolleyes:

l would be as as devious as you alledged as she has been.

l would go on dying kneels confessing that you love her so much (long time :whistling: ) and you want to marry her giving her flowers etc.

If he manages that then he can elbow her and get 49% not 50% as some people say. :jap:

seems to be the best advice so far,,he did marry her,Thai wedding,dose this count,

and hes not an old guy with a bird half is age,,he is mid 40s she is mid 30s,, why i say misled and misunderstood,he knew he could not buy in is name,so he asked her to sort it out the best way she could so that they could have there (,her,),own home, so the way i look at it she did just that,

from what i can gather and there is probably more to come why he wants out,is jealousy he cant handle a long distance relationship,

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