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Why I Don'T Teach My Gf English


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It is a personal thing and I probably shouldn't even mention it but I have trust issues. I went to a shrink about it. The shrinks conclusion was, "Ya, I guess I would too." It wasn't helpful.

I hate to keep bringing up Vietnam but so many things happened in a short period of time when I was there.

My father and maternal grandfather and I owned a large tract of land in the woods on one of the Great Lakes. For those who don't know the Great Lakes are much like oceans. 300 miles long and a couple of hundred miles across. I loved the place and together we had built the foundations of a cabin to be finished when I returned. I was going to live there and de stress from my war experiences.

While I was in SEA my dad and grandfather sold the land so they didn't have to pay taxes on it without telling me. They figured I was going to die. A month before I returned home my wife had an affair with one of her students and got pregnant and told me the child was mine. I thought it odd at the time she was only pregnant for 8 months. In the army on numerous occasions they (the US Army) tried to have me killed.

I never trusted anyone after Vietnam. I still don't. I don't have any other post traumatic stress syndromes only the trust issue.

If people don't screw me. I am happy. But I never expect it.

In case you amateur shrinks are recording this my mother did something too but I don't talk about it. You think dad and gramps and my wife were bad? Naw, mom really took the cake.

Maybe for other people trust would be a better word than love.

Im sure once you have been in a war environment your faith in humanity is severly tested. Personally I dont like people at all, the slightest thing goes wrong and hey "it wasnt me" and you can almost see them running for the hills, that is if they arent already stabbing you in the back!

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I'm ashamed it's taken me this long to realise that marky is full of shit.

Everything he says is clearly bullshit. Apart from the fact he's got a dumb wife and he's old and ugly.

Sambo this is Thai Visa. It is a polite forum. I certainly don't mind criticism. Without persecution religion would die. If everybody agreed with me this would be a dull world. You made a few errors in fact in your brief post one of which is I am not married. It will be a cold day in hel_l when I will get married again.

You use the word shit twice. Apparently you like that word but it is not a very descriptive word.

If you think something I have said is in error I invite you to tell us all what it is. We do have something in common. We were both 22 when we first came to Thailand. I was working when I came the first time. My job was killing people. I hope you have a better job for your first time in this lovely country.

What do you do? I know it can't be teaching. I am really interested. With your attitude and writing ability I really can't think of any jobs in Thailand open to you. But I can always learn something.

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I'm ashamed it's taken me this long to realise that marky is full of shit.

Everything he says is clearly bullshit. Apart from the fact he's got a dumb wife and he's old and ugly.

You're a mean-spirit person !

Don't like reading his threads, just move on to the next, simply as that.

Please do not rain on someone else's parade. There are several people ( indluding myself) enjoy reading and looking forward to Mark's posts, .

Hi Mark, please continue posting as long as you wish, don't let this arrogant stupid remark bothers you.

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I'm ashamed it's taken me this long to realise that marky is full of shit.

Everything he says is clearly bullshit. Apart from the fact he's got a dumb wife and he's old and ugly.

You're a mean-spirit person !

Don't like reading his threads, just move on to the next, simply as that.

Please do not rain on someone else's parade. There are several people ( indluding myself) enjoy reading and looking forward to Mark's posts, .

Hi Mark, please continue posting as long as you wish, don't let this arrogant stupid remark bothers you.

He's just a kid. Born in 1988. He can learn something reading Thai Visa. If he learns to ask questions and how to disagree and compose a sentence.

I was was lucky to have had so many life experiences by the time I was 22. I had a child, wrote for a newspaper, traveled over most of the world.

I imagine this is all new to him.

Communicating with words and ideas instead of yelling at people and trying to hit them on the head with an empty beer bottle.

Maybe he will catch on.

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I like reading your posts Mark but would be sat at the opposite end of the bar to you. If you did drink that is.

You are either not intelligent enough to see how the U.S government works it's people over or you agree with U.S foreign policy. Your words up to present lead me to believe the latter.

Seeing as you've being very unashamedly honest (or the ultimate troll) up to now, I would like to ask if you think you are better than the average Vietnamese, Thai, Afghan, Iraqi citizen?

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I like reading your posts Mark but would be sat at the opposite end of the bar to you. If you did drink that is.

You are either not intelligent enough to see how the U.S government works it's people over or you agree with U.S foreign policy. Your words up to present lead me to believe the latter.

Seeing as you've being very unashamedly honest (or the ultimate troll) up to now, I would like to ask if you think you are better than the average Vietnamese, Thai, Afghan, Iraqi citizen?

Maybe I am missing something but I did get drafted and I tried to avoid the draft for a number of years. I am not much of a war monger. I am more of an isolationist than anything else.

I don't really know what you are asking. Do I think the US should have been involved in WW I? WW II? Korea? Vietnam? Iraq the first time? The second time? Afghanistan?

Give me a better idea of what you want to know.

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He doesn't know, Mark. He's the one trolling.

Do backup all your data on your 3 pcs- especially if you ever run them without aircon, those drives will be waiting to die.

TKS got a lot of it on flash drives and am putting the rest on DVD's. I run without aircon every day.

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I'm ashamed it's taken me this long to realise that marky is full of shit.

Everything he says is clearly bullshit. Apart from the fact he's got a dumb wife and he's old and ugly.

Sambo this is Thai Visa. It is a polite forum. I certainly don't mind criticism. Without persecution religion would die. If everybody agreed with me this would be a dull world. You made a few errors in fact in your brief post one of which is I am not married. It will be a cold day in hel_l when I will get married again.

You use the word shit twice. Apparently you like that word but it is not a very descriptive word.

If you think something I have said is in error I invite you to tell us all what it is. We do have something in common. We were both 22 when we first came to Thailand. I was working when I came the first time. My job was killing people. I hope you have a better job for your first time in this lovely country.

What do you do? I know it can't be teaching. I am really interested. With your attitude and writing ability I really can't think of any jobs in Thailand open to you. But I can always learn something.

As for a "polite forum" I have yet to see many people show much politeness to Thai people on here, including yourself.

Yes I like the word shit, it's a good word, and as for being able to form a sentence I believe your sentence forming ability leaves a lot to be desired, for example the use of commas.

I AM a teacher and I earn between 40,000 and 50,000 a month too, mostly only part time, so I still have time to travel.

My time in England and here has seen me encounter many people like you, (all farangs) and for everything you tell them, they have done it before, except a little bit more exiting than you. These people will ALWAYS bring age into the equation when trying to put someone down or replying to an insult. I'm sorry my last post was blunt (I AM young after all), and I can see why people enjoy and look forward to your posts, but my point was that they are clearly the work of fiction.

Be assured that what you pointed out IS the only thing we have in common, I would never join the English (or American) army as apart from the second world war there has never been a rightful reason for one. I have a girlfriend who is 26, we have been together for two years and I consider myself "in love". She is not the most attractive of girls and I know for a fact I could get a better looking one but that doesn't interest me (her head-giving ability more than makes up for her not looking like a model). She is in the last year of her Masters and in the two years of being together we have exchanged languages to the extent of us both being able to read, write and talk fluently in Thai and English.

P.S. I'll come back and tell you you're right when she gets her masters and leaves me for an upper-class English business-man.

P.P.S A machete is usually my weapon of choice when starting pointless bar-fights over somebody stepping on my foot.

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I'm ashamed it's taken me this long to realise that marky is full of shit.

Everything he says is clearly bullshit. Apart from the fact he's got a dumb wife and he's old and ugly.

Sambo this is Thai Visa. It is a polite forum. I certainly don't mind criticism. Without persecution religion would die. If everybody agreed with me this would be a dull world. You made a few errors in fact in your brief post one of which is I am not married. It will be a cold day in hel_l when I will get married again.

You use the word shit twice. Apparently you like that word but it is not a very descriptive word.

If you think something I have said is in error I invite you to tell us all what it is. We do have something in common. We were both 22 when we first came to Thailand. I was working when I came the first time. My job was killing people. I hope you have a better job for your first time in this lovely country.

What do you do? I know it can't be teaching. I am really interested. With your attitude and writing ability I really can't think of any jobs in Thailand open to you. But I can always learn something.

As for a "polite forum" I have yet to see many people show much politeness to Thai people on here, including yourself.

Yes I like the word shit, it's a good word, and as for being able to form a sentence I believe your sentence forming ability leaves a lot to be desired, for example the use of commas.

I AM a teacher and I earn between 40,000 and 50,000 a month too, mostly only part time, so I still have time to travel.

My time in England and here has seen me encounter many people like you, (all farangs) and for everything you tell them, they have done it before, except a little bit more exiting than you. These people will ALWAYS bring age into the equation when trying to put someone down or replying to an insult. I'm sorry my last post was blunt (I AM young after all), and I can see why people enjoy and look forward to your posts, but my point was that they are clearly the work of fiction.

Be assured that what you pointed out IS the only thing we have in common, I would never join the English (or American) army as apart from the second world war there has never been a rightful reason for one. I have a girlfriend who is 26, we have been together for two years and I consider myself "in love". She is not the most attractive of girls and I know for a fact I could get a better looking one but that doesn't interest me (her head-giving ability more than makes up for her not looking like a model). She is in the last year of her Masters and in the two years of being together we have exchanged languages to the extent of us both being able to read, write and talk fluently in Thai and English.

P.S. I'll come back and tell you you're right when she gets her masters and leaves me for an upper-class English business-man.

P.P.S A machete is usually my weapon of choice when starting pointless bar-fights over somebody stepping on my foot.

I didn't join the Army I got drafted. That means if I didn't serve I would have ended up in a Federal Penitentiary. I believe there was a draft in England during WW I. Austro-Hungary declared war on England. And thus started WWI.

I don't get your reference to Thai people. Are you saying you are Thai? Or that I am impolite to Thai people?

I do write fiction. But I have not written any here. I would tell you if I did.

I am happy that you have a partner that you love.

Have you really ever chopped up anyone with a machete?

You have only lived in the country for a few months and you can read and write Thai? I am impressed.

I am also impressed with your earnings as a teacher as only last week you posted. “The other thing is that I have applied for jobs teaching and next week I have 4 interviews at various places.”

I'll give you the same advice I would give any young man who wanted to teach in Thailand. Go back to England get a degree and certification, teach for a couple of years and then come back to Thailand. Good luck.

Edited by mark45y
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I'm ashamed it's taken me this long to realise that marky is full of shit.

Everything he says is clearly bullshit. Apart from the fact he's got a dumb wife and he's old and ugly.

Sambo this is Thai Visa. It is a polite forum. I certainly don't mind criticism. Without persecution religion would die. If everybody agreed with me this would be a dull world. You made a few errors in fact in your brief post one of which is I am not married. It will be a cold day in hel_l when I will get married again.

You use the word shit twice. Apparently you like that word but it is not a very descriptive word.

If you think something I have said is in error I invite you to tell us all what it is. We do have something in common. We were both 22 when we first came to Thailand. I was working when I came the first time. My job was killing people. I hope you have a better job for your first time in this lovely country.

What do you do? I know it can't be teaching. I am really interested. With your attitude and writing ability I really can't think of any jobs in Thailand open to you. But I can always learn something.

As for a "polite forum" I have yet to see many people show much politeness to Thai people on here, including yourself.

Yes I like the word shit, it's a good word, and as for being able to form a sentence I believe your sentence forming ability leaves a lot to be desired, for example the use of commas.

I AM a teacher and I earn between 40,000 and 50,000 a month too, mostly only part time, so I still have time to travel.

My time in England and here has seen me encounter many people like you, (all farangs) and for everything you tell them, they have done it before, except a little bit more exiting than you. These people will ALWAYS bring age into the equation when trying to put someone down or replying to an insult. I'm sorry my last post was blunt (I AM young after all), and I can see why people enjoy and look forward to your posts, but my point was that they are clearly the work of fiction.

Be assured that what you pointed out IS the only thing we have in common, I would never join the English (or American) army as apart from the second world war there has never been a rightful reason for one. I have a girlfriend who is 26, we have been together for two years and I consider myself "in love". She is not the most attractive of girls and I know for a fact I could get a better looking one but that doesn't interest me (her head-giving ability more than makes up for her not looking like a model). She is in the last year of her Masters and in the two years of being together we have exchanged languages to the extent of us both being able to read, write and talk fluently in Thai and English.

P.S. I'll come back and tell you you're right when she gets her masters and leaves me for an upper-class English business-man.

P.P.S A machete is usually my weapon of choice when starting pointless bar-fights over somebody stepping on my foot.

Seems like you know it all :jerk:

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I for one don't mind your ramblings but -- as it is turning into almost a personal journal for yourself -- you might see if Mark45y.blogspot.com is still available at blogspot.com (it's free)

BTW from the screenplay for the movie M*A*S*H:

Hotlips O'Houlihan:

I wonder how such a degenerated person ever reached a position of authority in the Army Medical Corps.

Father Mulcahy:

He was drafted.

Edited by jazzbo
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As a young man I went to war because I was curious and all my heroes had gone to war (Hemingway, Popeye and Don Quixote).

Maybe I am missing something but I did get drafted and I tried to avoid the draft for a number of years.

Guess you weren't too curious... :D

Edited by mca
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whoa I don't know what to say

I login this site a few times and never see this kind of opinion before. mmm interesting

I think you should be happy for the success of your ex-wife. But why you keep complain about it?

beside Thailand didn't requested USA to invade Vietnam and set military base in Thailand. We just allowed you to use some area as your base don't say that we requested.

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Guess you weren't too curious... :D

lol what a tangled web...

@Sambo, you're is quite discerning for 22

Had my mother known about the war and the draft I doubt if she would have hustled me across the border as a newborn and registered my birth in the US.

I was born on the other side of the river in Canada. But it was a long time ago and things were more flexible.

My paternal grandfather had left Germany to avoid the draft in Prussia years before. So draft dodging was not frowned upon in my family.

You may ask what this has to do with my GF's ability to speak English. I wonder too. I'll try and pull it together.

Although as a side note I do think the history of draft dodging during the Vietnam conflict is an interesting part of history that has been little reported.

Also, all of you people who think the coffin dodgers now coming to Thailand were war mongers might do well to understand a little about the realities of being a young man in the US during that chaotic period of time.

America in the 1960's was an interesting place, full of hippies and druggies and the remains of the beat generation of the 1950's. Acid was legal. Marijuana was weak and acid was strong in comparison to what is available currently.

When I was a freshman in college you had to live in a dorm. Not a coed dorm but an all male dorm. We had one bathroom and shower in between rooms on either side with bunk beds and desks for study.

So everyone had three other roommates. Butch was my first roommate and Butch was a Vietnam vet from very early in the war. This was in the early 60's. You couldn't wake Butch up by touching him. You could yell at him but not touch him. He told us all this beforehand. One guy did try to touch him in his sleep and Butch almost killed him before he gained complete consciousness. I guess Butch had a rough time in Vietnam. He came back home and used the GI bill to finance his college education. I played hockey in college so was used to getting hit by sticks and occasionally knocked out but I stayed away from Butch when he slept.

There were a lot of protests against the war when I was in college and a lot of protests against government funding of research projects in college. The colleges would turn over transcripts of grades to the draft boards and there were protests against that.

The war was not going well. The Eastern establishment schools that usually supplied the officer corps for wars had opted out of Vietnam and the war was staffed by second tier universities from the Midwest like the University of Michigan instead or Harvard and Yale.

At first simply being in college got one out of the Vietnam and they only drafted poor people but as the war continued they began to cast a wider and wider net and college deferments after 4 years became a thing of the past. No more graduate school deferments or marriage deferments. The lack of real brainpower in the White house and Vietnam Army command was beginning to take it's toll.

I protested a bit and studied and kept thinking about Butch who after I got to know realized he was really messed up in the head. I didn't want to end up like Butch.

Other people may have had patriotic reasons for protesting, I had Butch.

This whole situation was complicated by the fact I really liked Ernest Hemingway. I had been to Traverse City Michigan and got a part time job in a Newspaper trying to follow in his footsteps. Next stop should have been Paris and then off to find a war to write about.

I went to Montreal and Quebec city which was kind of like Paris. Quebec city, the old part, was a duplicate of Paris in the 1700's if memory serves me correctly.

I had studied French as a child and some of it came back living in Quebec city for a while.

A lot of Americans went to Canada after the college deferment ran out and I joined them.

People from Quebec don't like to speak English even though they can. A lot like Thai people (see I am connecting this all together with Thailand).

I was conflicted. I love Canada. I have always loved Canada. I have family in Canada. Now, two of my daughters live in Canada. I really like Canadian beer which I think is the best in the world. It was easy to stop drinking beer in Thailand but if I still lived in Canada I don't know how I would have stopped drinking Canadian beer. There I was a landed immigrant in Canada. I had a job and making decent money and I didn't switch my fork and knife when I ate. Everybody accepted me as a Canadian. I even played decent hockey. I had a wife and a mistress and an illegitimate Canadian child.

But to use a word from another poster Sambo, the shit hit the fan. It all went belly up and I found myself in the uniform of the United States Army with only two alternatives, desertion or fight in Vietnam. I fell back to position number two and my hero Hemingway and decided to go to war.

It was kind a kick in the butt years later when the US forgave all the deserters and draft dodgers and let them back into the country with no legal penalties.

Speaking French helped a bit when I got to Saigon but did not help at all in Bangkok in 1969.

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Just wondering, would you refer to your GF as a GF or your maid? and then what would the difference be?

When she is angry she says, “I am just a maid.”

Most of the time she thinks of herself as my GF.

Yesterday, she asked if I wanted her to peel a pineapple I had purchased at the store. Thinking about this thread I said, “up to you.”

She said in Thai, “Why are you talking like a Falang, what is this “up to you” stuff. You speak Thai - so speak Thai.”

Me, “Dom jai khun.”

Her, “Dee Dee.

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whoa I don't know what to say

I login this site a few times and never see this kind of opinion before. mmm interesting

I think you should be happy for the success of your ex-wife. But why you keep complain about it?

beside Thailand didn't requested USA to invade Vietnam and set military base in Thailand. We just allowed you to use some area as your base don't say that we requested.

The formal installation of a communist administration in Hanoi after the decisive defeat of the French at Dien Bien Phu in May 1954 set the stage for Thailand's signing of the Manila Pact, a collective security agreement, in September 1954. The resulting Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), as the regional body was formally called, had as its members Australia, Britain, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, and the United States. SEATO headquarters was in Bangkok.

On March 6, 1962, in an attempt to allay Thai apprehensions, the United States and Thailand reached a new understanding under what came to be known as the Rusk-Thanat agreement (named after then-Secretary of State Dean Rusk and then-Minister of Foreign Affairs Thanat Khoman). Under the agreement, the United States pledged that, in the event of aggression it would help Thailand unilaterally without prior agreement of all other parties to the Manila Pact.

Within the period of 1954-1975 (the Vietnam War or Second Indochina War), the Thai Government allowed the Joint United States Military Assistance Group (JUSMAG) to fund and manage the modernization of Royal Thai Air Force airbases. In an unsigned agreement these airbases were to be operated by the United States Air Force for the specific purpose of attacking North Vietnam with some 500 airplanes. These bases were supplied by a similarly constructed Naval Base at Sattahip 12 37' 42" N, 100 55' 29" E. Many American miiltary specialists were assigned to the (JUSMAG) in Bangkok. As many as 45,000 US Military personnel were stationed in Thailand.

During the 1960s Thailand experienced one of the most rapid growth rates among developing countries—more than 10% per year in GNP, and about 8% per year in real output. The First National Economic Development Plan (1961-1966) was successfully implemented. US grant economic assistance totals about $500 million through the end of 1970. Direct military assistance totaled another $800 million for the same period; continuing at the rate of $25 and $55 million per year. According to US government statistics, between 1950 and 1987 the US provided Thailand with more than US$2 billion in military assistance.

A lot more information may be gleaned by reading about certain trips to the US by certain very important Thai people. I won't go into it but you can find the information on the net. Thailand did not want the same thing happening in Thailand as was happening in Laos.

You really can't understand that period of time without knowing what was happening in Laos at the same time and the border incursions by the North Vietnamese and the fears about the communist insurgency in Phetchabun.

The US was not the only country to send military assistance to Thailand in the form of combat troops. Australia and Britain did also. Thai troops also served with the US army in Vietnam and Laos. Yes you read the last line correctly, Britain. Of course I can document it. But before anybody calls me out on it try google.

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Thai troops also served with the US army in Vietnam and Laos. Yes you read the last line correctly

I can confirm that, my first Thai father in law lost half of his right hand at that time, and a current uncle in law has a fairly extensive self taken photo collection of the period.

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Here I am again posting in the pub forum. I feel like an alcoholic who fell off the wagon. The pub forum a place where threads go to die. Nobody reads it. I feel bad just clicking on pub, since I don't drink. I wonder if I will have to take pills or something. I guess it is not as bad as having an article published in Stickman.

I should look on the bright side. No one closed the thread or banned me. That's good isn't it? Maybe Sillyman won't find it here.

But the shame of telling my friends that another killer thread of mine has been relegated to the Pub forum is dreadful.

You know Thai Visa is all about face. I guess I got in someone's face again. The wanna be ministers and newbies don't come to the Pub forum. What is a thread without people calling you a pervert low life who probably lives in Pattaya. I don't live in Pattaya anymore. You'd think they would cut me some slack.

It is difficult to face reality and realize my pearls of wisdom and purple prose are no longer of general interest.

It is a blow,

Almost enough to make one switch from uni girls to cosmetic saleswomen.

I'll just have to trudge along. In the west I would pop an extra Prozac. Here, in this uncivilized, third world jungle I'll have to pop a Nok or Nat or Nan.

Life is hard. If your lucky.

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As a young man I went to war because I was curious and all my heroes had gone to war (Hemingway, Popeye and Don Quixote).

Maybe I am missing something but I did get drafted and I tried to avoid the draft for a number of years.

Guess you weren't too curious... :D

Classic ... More Pork Pies than Melton Mowbray.

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As a young man I went to war because I was curious and all my heroes had gone to war (Hemingway, Popeye and Don Quixote).

Maybe I am missing something but I did get drafted and I tried to avoid the draft for a number of years.

Guess you weren't too curious... :D

Classic ... More Pork Pies than Melton Mowbray.

Read post #141 unless you are just trying to be nasty. If you are just trying to be nasty that's OK. Not too many people come to the Pub forum and the excitement level goes way down. Anyway no one will realize I pay you to disagree with me here. Keep up the good work. The check will be late this week as the cops keep busting my girls who work on the Beach.

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As a young man I went to war because I was curious and all my heroes had gone to war (Hemingway, Popeye and Don Quixote).

Maybe I am missing something but I did get drafted and I tried to avoid the draft for a number of years.

Guess you weren't too curious... :D

Classic ... More Pork Pies than Melton Mowbray.

I feel that is unnecessary parochialism. You know you're dealing with an American yet you resort to cockney rhyming slang and ?brand? / ?localised? references.

(1) Unlike you, human beings have quite contradictory objectives, desires and values, and try to steer a course amongst them.

As -words fail me again - bickering argumentative, point-scoring - poster, I admit that there is nothing better than insulting someone in such a way that they don't notice; no - I'm wrong there - there is nothing better than allowing someone to insult themselves... but resorting to quaint parochial turns-of-phrase when dealing with our colonial cousins does nothing to enhance our reputation.


(I'm sure I'm going to - no, I already do - regret getting involved in this)

(1) This relates back to Mark's post - He may well have avoided the draft, yet joined up full of Asterix and the Monkey King., or whatever adventuring heroes we contrast our own experiences with

Edited by StreetCowboy
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