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Abduction Of My Daughter, By My Thai Wife


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Whats the long term plan with this school and such ??

I mean you cannot be worrying about this every day.....something might happen tomorrow....or in 6 months.

As I said...I would not leave her at that school if it was my child in same situation.

But if I had to or wanted to for whatever other reasons and if I could afford it, I would hire a body guard to keep an eye on her all day....sounds and seems extreme until you think of the possible alternative...again....and if it is only for a week or 2 then not too bad, plus the cost would be well worth it.

Myself in same situation could not let it happen again for want of not going to a few extreme measures.

Anyway...best of luck with it all whatever happens.

Edited by diddums
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Whats the long term plan with this school and such ??

I mean you cannot be worrying about this every day.....something might happen tomorrow....or in 6 months.

As I said...I would not leave her at that school if it was my child in same situation.

But if I had to or wanted to for whatever other reasons and if I could afford it, I would hire a body guard to keep an eye on her all day....sounds and seems extreme until you think of the possible alternative...again....and if it is only for a week or 2 then not too bad, plus the cost would be well worth it.

Myself in same situation could not let it happen again for want of not going to a few extreme measures.

Anyway...best of luck with it all whatever happens.

thanks for your comment , you maybe very right in what you are saying, all i can say is the mother's side lost so much face over this. Will they try and move her? Dnee said if they do , she will just phone me to come and get her,

Dnee is king maker ,

till the supreme court throws out the appeal. Till then it really is up to her who see wants to be with. And a 11 year old girl , more then anything wants her friends.

Anyway thanks to you lot on thaivisa, ( i'm being sarcastic) I've just had the best weekend of my life, sad but true. Even Michael from thaivisa came all the way to Pattaya to give me a second opinion on om Daughters well being.

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As the photos progress she looks happier and happer...so good for you.

If she is confident enough to make the decision not to go with anyone if they come to get her, then good on her.....

I have 2 kids, one is 11yo and one 8yo....so know where you are coming from.

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I was very worried about if the mother's side would send my Daughter to school today. After the school helping me to see my Daughter.


But good news she is at school today and the Head Mistress said that she is very happy this morning. Fantastic news. I think that means the mother's side has not been to hard on Dnee.

Now come on supreme court please order! It is in the best interest of the child that you order quickly.

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I am confused......is your daughter back now with the wifes family ?

thanks for your comments , yes Dnee will be sleeping with the half sisters as the school is so far away from where i live,

i am over the moon that the Head Mistress said Dnee is very happy today. Dear sir this is far from over, but we just took a huge step forward. Thanks again to everyone for your support.

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From what I understand from all this - is that the Thai justice system is in complete violation of their constitution namely section 40. I too have gone through a very bitter custody battle, where the mum has simply manipulated the justice system hoping the procrastination would break the father down. From reading your case and for sure mine, the Juvenile courts were reluctant to put the child first; if they did she would have been with you at the start. Anyhow I hope by now you have the custody and the child is getting the love and attention she so much needs. Nonetheless kids are not stupid and forsure they know where they are best off.

My case went on for nine years where finally October 2012 the Supreme Court stood by the appeal court where the mum had physical custody and I had 50% custody (This meant nothing) and three weekends per month. The mum defaulted countless times but as time went by my son got older now 12 and he has been the person that said when and where. I left Thailand a few years ago and I'm now in the middle-east working. This is now where I’m in a whole pile of poop as early December I had a shock visit from my former wife and her new husband (The reason I divorced her many years ago) with my son. The next day my son said he was not returning to Thailand – I appointed a lawyer and started a new custody case here in the middle east – the mum went crazy and appointed a lawyer to have me charged with holding a minor, where I have been in and out of court on criminal charges, with the custody case running alongside. My son has been to court and made it very clear to every authority that this is his decision and that he has serious problems with both the mum and new husband; he won’t go into detail, but made it very clear he is not returning to Thailand. He is now in an international school, but the mum is doing everything possible to stop this, which includes taking both his passports, which she is now wanted in the middle-east as this is a criminal offence here.

I’m now being requested to attend the Thai court, where I have told them I unable to attend as the criminal courts here are holding my passport; they said if I don’t attend they will award the mum full custody (This was a judge to my Thai partner). This is just typical of what I have been going through in Thailand a one-sided justice system. I told them you can as always change the paperwork but you cannot change the mind of a young man, and that this would prevent my son from returning period; this is not the best way forward, and why are you not asking the question why did a child leave his mum, school and friends?

I have contacted most mediation entities and through my lawyer, in an effort to get my former wife to the table, but she will not move. Even my son has told her; in fact every phone call ends up with him shouting at her (Give me my passport; I’m not returning to Thailand – I am where I have always wanted to be e.g. with my dad. Yes Thailand listens to the child but for some reason this is not the case – however the convention of children rights is now being address and even if the Hague convention was to be invoked section 13 would come into play. My UK lawyer has also compiled a report based on the British law, who quotes that unless the mum can prove I’m a bad father, his wishes will be respected; this is because the mum has requested that the courts here hear the custody case based on the British law. According to the Thai law (conflict of law act B.E. 2481) this should be the case also in Thailand, but never would they agree they simply made up the rules as they went along thus the Thai lawyers did not how to deal with the xenophobic Thai juvenile court judges.

Anyhow I’m enjoying every moment with my son; he’s is getting a good education and eventually he will get a new passport. I have told him that whenever he wants to return to Thailand, I will take him there, but currently he knows if he returns he will have to return to his mum for which he said this is not going to happen. The Thai court judge said I cannot hold my son here in another country without a visa; I told her to tell the mum to send his passport, where he will automatically be included onto my family status. I also told the judge my son has been a prisoner in Thailand for 9 years he is now in a country where soon or later he will get a new passport and then free of all this mess and free to holiday like any other normal child and family; she did not like this.

Because my son has made it very clear that he is not returning to Thailand I do think the final new custody result will be in his favour. And the recent criminal case against me here in the middle east for holding a minor, where again my son was requested by the courts to state that it was his decision and that I’m not holding him here – then obviously he will know if this is a not guilty then the courts have made the statement that it is the child’s decision thus custody is not really required but it is best to follow this course as if he enters another country his mum could start the whole matter again.

My concern will be when entering the UK what custody document are they going to stand by - a Thai court order or a court order from the middle east. As far as I’m concerned the date will be the deciding factor and of course the child’s decision. My son will soon be 13 so for the UK he only has three years to go then he can tell both his parents to take a run.

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3 years means delay. With appeals etc any procedure could well take longer than 3 years.

In the UK the child will have considerable rights himself, which could be stronger than your rights to not be send back to Thailand. Prepare to have a lawyer for himself when he goes to the UK.

Regarding Thai judges not follwowing UK law, as the chld is also a Thai national they consider it a domestic case, that should be dealt with according to Thai law.

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3 years means delay. With appeals etc any procedure could well take longer than 3 years.

In the UK the child will have considerable rights himself, which could be stronger than your rights to not be send back to Thailand. Prepare to have a lawyer for himself when he goes to the UK.

Regarding Thai judges not follwowing UK law, as the chld is also a Thai national they consider it a domestic case, that should be dealt with according to Thai law.


Indeed you are correct, and currently my UK lawyer as well as reunite confirmed that my son has the right to take this case to the UK courts for himself. However this will not change the fact that when he or if he returns to the Thailand then the mum will simply apply the Thai court order and stop him from leaving Thailand. I do note the Thai courts have gone out of their way to make things right for the child, but what I can say this solely depends on the board of Judges; previously I was called to the bench and the judge told me give us the evidence and they will give me the custody, as years have gone by the judge panel has changed and it seems the old battle axe is siding with the Thai. It is so easy to win a case when the mother is out of the country or she is a pro, but a normal working mother fighting just to be bitter is another matter, and as you and others have rightly said Western courts are no better or in fact worse when it comes to fathers being given the same rights as the mum.

For me I do hope the mum and Thai courts can put the child first; I have offered to pay for the DJOP to come to the middle-east to talk with my son, as have the child welfare here, but Thailand seems to believe that they are the only country that can decide for the child. I would say the country I'm in has more respect for the law on a global context; they even have a system to accept foreign court orders; this is where my former wife failed as the rule is that the applying country has to accept court order from the accepting country thus on a criminal note they accepted that there is a court order, but on a civil note to-date they have not – cases are still pending.

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hi all here is an update

this letter is a true account of what has happened since 22nd of feb till 6th march the last day of school for Dnee. I have witnessed as the principal has witnessed and we both have signed it.

i am so sad the the half-sisters have shown that even if i try to forgive, they will never stop their alienating ways, so with a heavy heart i will just have to wait for the supreme court to enforce the juvenile court order, which gives me 100% physical custody. it is so sad that people need to treat children that they yell from the roof tops that they love so much , this way.

i again saw evil yesterday. pure hatred towards me, how my Daughter can say she still loves me to the principal is just a miracle, and i now understand they will never brake her down. yes my Daughter may have to do what these people say because of fear and a lack of law enforcement her in Thailand for now.

On the 22nd of February 2013 I Paul Scott and
Bebe my Girlfriend, went to see my Daughter Dnee Scott at her school. While talking with my Daughter Bebe and the
Head Mistress. Dnee said she wanted to come with me and Bebe for the weekend,
and not to tell Ann or Mod as they would stop her.

Dnee said to us,
“just come and take me, don’t tell Ann or Mod because they will be angry to me”
So we just left the school with Dnee . Mod and Ann went to the school, and somehow
got the Head Mistress to ask us by phone to turn round and go back to the
school so Mod could talk to Dnee. The Principal also asked me to speak to Mods
mother so that the mother could try and calm Mod down as she said she did not
want to fight with anyone. I said I do not have the mother’s phone number in
England. But I said we were on the toll way now, and I was not turning round.

Anyway Dnee had a
great time in Pattaya, and told the Head Mistress when we got back to school on
the Tuesday 26th February . That she wanted to go back to Pattaya in
the school holidays, and in no way did she want to go to Sukhothai , the same
place Dnee went last year when Mod and Ann was hiding Dnee from me For which I
have a police missing persons report. That Ann never replied to. The Head Mistress
recorded Dnee talking and so did I.

I did not speak to Dnee anymore till today the 6/3/2013 when
I came to get Dnee to go on holiday. I found Mod and Ann here at the school
coaching Dnee to say she did not want to come with me. Because Dnee said to the
Principal, that she wants to stay with the half-sisters as her mother is coming
back to Thailand tomorrow the 7th of march 2013, and that Dnee wants
to do some Thai dancing at the school tomorrow. For a show on Saturday.

The Principal also said that in the talk she had with Dnee. That
Dnee said the half-sisters had said that I Paul Scott had paid the Principal
money to talk nice about me. Of course this is a complete lie, Dnee also said
to the Principal that Mod and Ann both said to Dnee that if I take Dnee again I
will take her straight to the boarding school. Of course a complete lie.

To my shock and sadness while having the meeting about my
Daughter, the Principal told me that Dnee was taken out of the school by the

The principal said she will help me any way she can. So she said she

would tell me anything about the school papers being asked for, in the near
future. So if they try to move Dnee again to a different school the Principal
will let me know straight away.

Edited by scott1999
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hi all here is an update

this letter is a true account of what has happened since 22nd of feb till 6th march the last day of school for Dnee. I have witnessed as the principal has witnessed and we both have signed it.

i am so sad the the half-sisters have shown that even if i try to forgive, they will never stop their alienating ways, so with a heavy heart i will just have to wait for the supreme court to enforce the juvenile court order, which gives me 100% physical custody. it is so sad that people need to treat children that they yell from the roof tops that they love so much , this way.

i again saw evil yesterday. pure hatred towards me, how my Daughter can say she still loves me to the principal is just a miracle, and i now understand they will never brake her down. yes my Daughter may have to do what these people say because of fear and a lack of law enforcement her in Thailand for now.

On the 22nd of February 2013 I Paul Scott and

Bebe my Girlfriend, went to see my Daughter Dnee Scott at her school. While talking with my Daughter Bebe and the

Head Mistress. Dnee said she wanted to come with me and Bebe for the weekend,

and not to tell Ann or Mod as they would stop her.

Dnee said to us,

“just come and take me, don’t tell Ann or Mod because they will be angry to me”.

So we just left the school with Dnee . Mod and Ann went to the school, and somehow

got the Head Mistress to ask us by phone to turn round and go back to the

school so Mod could talk to Dnee. The Principal also asked me to speak to Mods

mother so that the mother could try and calm Mod down as she said she did not

want to fight with anyone. I said I do not have the mother’s phone number in

England. But I said we were on the toll way now, and I was not turning round.

Anyway Dnee had a

great time in Pattaya, and told the Head Mistress when we got back to school on

the Tuesday 26th February . That she wanted to go back to Pattaya in

the school holidays, and in no way did she want to go to Sukhothai , the same

place Dnee went last year when Mod and Ann was hiding Dnee from me For which I

have a police missing persons report. That Ann never replied to. The Head Mistress

recorded Dnee talking and so did I.

I did not speak to Dnee anymore till today the 6/3/2013 when

I came to get Dnee to go on holiday. I found Mod and Ann here at the school

coaching Dnee to say she did not want to come with me. Because Dnee said to the

Principal, that she wants to stay with the half-sisters as her mother is coming

back to Thailand tomorrow the 7th of march 2013, and that Dnee wants

to do some Thai dancing at the school tomorrow. For a show on Saturday.

The Principal also said that in the talk she had with Dnee. That

Dnee said the half-sisters had said that I Paul Scott had paid the Principal

money to talk nice about me. Of course this is a complete lie, Dnee also said

to the Principal that Mod and Ann both said to Dnee that if I take Dnee again I

will take her straight to the boarding school. Of course a complete lie.

To my shock and sadness while having the meeting about my

Daughter, the Principal told me that Dnee was taken out of the school by the


The principal said she will help me any way she can. So she said she

would tell me anything about the school papers being asked for, in the near

future. So if they try to move Dnee again to a different school the Principal

will let me know straight away.

You can't say that we didn't told you so... and that you were not warned:

Really a great news Scott, but as said above I would really avoid taking her to that school again, and I would make sure the mother's family could not reach her anymore: change phone numbers, move to another place, etc. After 2 years and half of pain, this is the least I would do, even if the court/police are with you, the mother's family seems to be really stubborn and they can always try to get to your daughter again and convince her to go with them in a way or another. After what happened and the time it took to recover from it, I would take this treat very seriously, perhaps you should even move to another country now that you're divorced and have full custody. You can't take any chance of that happening again.

What is happening to you again is for me pure prediction. You may well not see your daughter for months or even years like the last time. I'm really really sad to hear this and I feel very much for you, I'm truly sad crying.gif Any chance you that make the right move now and hire a private detective to find out where's you daughter is sleeping? By the way, how come that you don't have the address of Mod&Ann? With all the court processes etc. their address never came up? You never visited the mother's family while you were still married? If yes just go there quietly and get your daughter!

If you have 100% physical custody, go to the police station and ask them to bring back your daughter to you right now, this is the law isn't it? Thailand is a corrupted country but a court order is a court order, I can't believe this situation, you seem weak to me, you should be stronger next time and keep your daughter with you and explain to her why it is not possible to go back to her school and friends! You cannot be nice with people like those, they'll try everything to keep acting as monsters...

Good luck and keep us posted, we are all with you in this.

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hi all here is an update

this letter is a true account of what has happened since 22nd of feb till 6th march the last day of school for Dnee. I have witnessed as the principal has witnessed and we both have signed it.

i am so sad the the half-sisters have shown that even if i try to forgive, they will never stop their alienating ways, so with a heavy heart i will just have to wait for the supreme court to enforce the juvenile court order, which gives me 100% physical custody. it is so sad that people need to treat children that they yell from the roof tops that they love so much , this way.

i again saw evil yesterday. pure hatred towards me, how my Daughter can say she still loves me to the principal is just a miracle, and i now understand they will never brake her down. yes my Daughter may have to do what these people say because of fear and a lack of law enforcement her in Thailand for now.

On the 22nd of February 2013 I Paul Scott and

Bebe my Girlfriend, went to see my Daughter Dnee Scott at her school. While talking with my Daughter Bebe and the

Head Mistress. Dnee said she wanted to come with me and Bebe for the weekend,

and not to tell Ann or Mod as they would stop her.

Dnee said to us,

“just come and take me, don’t tell Ann or Mod because they will be angry to me”.

So we just left the school with Dnee . Mod and Ann went to the school, and somehow

got the Head Mistress to ask us by phone to turn round and go back to the

school so Mod could talk to Dnee. The Principal also asked me to speak to Mods

mother so that the mother could try and calm Mod down as she said she did not

want to fight with anyone. I said I do not have the mother’s phone number in

England. But I said we were on the toll way now, and I was not turning round.

Anyway Dnee had a

great time in Pattaya, and told the Head Mistress when we got back to school on

the Tuesday 26th February . That she wanted to go back to Pattaya in

the school holidays, and in no way did she want to go to Sukhothai , the same

place Dnee went last year when Mod and Ann was hiding Dnee from me For which I

have a police missing persons report. That Ann never replied to. The Head Mistress

recorded Dnee talking and so did I.

I did not speak to Dnee anymore till today the 6/3/2013 when

I came to get Dnee to go on holiday. I found Mod and Ann here at the school

coaching Dnee to say she did not want to come with me. Because Dnee said to the

Principal, that she wants to stay with the half-sisters as her mother is coming

back to Thailand tomorrow the 7th of march 2013, and that Dnee wants

to do some Thai dancing at the school tomorrow. For a show on Saturday.

The Principal also said that in the talk she had with Dnee. That

Dnee said the half-sisters had said that I Paul Scott had paid the Principal

money to talk nice about me. Of course this is a complete lie, Dnee also said

to the Principal that Mod and Ann both said to Dnee that if I take Dnee again I

will take her straight to the boarding school. Of course a complete lie.

To my shock and sadness while having the meeting about my

Daughter, the Principal told me that Dnee was taken out of the school by the


The principal said she will help me any way she can. So she said she

would tell me anything about the school papers being asked for, in the near

future. So if they try to move Dnee again to a different school the Principal

will let me know straight away.

You can't say that we didn't told you so... and that you were not warned:

>Really a great news Scott, but as said above I would really avoid taking her to that school again, and I would make sure the mother's family could not reach her anymore: change phone numbers, move to another place, etc. After 2 years and half of pain, this is the least I would do, even if the court/police are with you, the mother's family seems to be really stubborn and they can always try to get to your daughter again and convince her to go with them in a way or another. After what happened and the time it took to recover from it, I would take this treat very seriously, perhaps you should even move to another country now that you're divorced and have full custody. You can't take any chance of that happening again.

What is happening to you again is for me pure prediction. You may well not see your daughter for months or even years like the last time. I'm really really sad to hear this and I feel very much for you, I'm truly sad crying.gif Any chance you that make the right move now and hire a private detective to find out where's you daughter is sleeping? By the way, how come that you don't have the address of Mod&Ann? With all the court processes etc. their address never came up? You never visited the mother's family while you were still married? If yes just go there quietly and get your daughter!

If you have 100% physical custody, go to the police station and ask them to bring back your daughter to you right now, this is the law isn't it? Thailand is a corrupted country but a court order is a court order, I can't believe this situation, you seem weak to me, you should be stronger next time and keep your daughter with you and explain to her why it is not possible to go back to her school and friends! You cannot be nice with people like those, they'll try everything to keep acting as monsters...

Good luck and keep us posted, we are all with you in this.

thanks for you comment, yes you are right that i am weak, i will stay weak till the supreme court enforces the court order , only then can the police act , i know who has my daughter, i know where she lives , but if i try and take her now, the police will not help me. they will say its up to the child, so the abuser wins for now, because my daughter is more frightened of them, ok, nothing i can do till supreme court acts, guess where i am going right now,

thanks again, i will keep this thread up todate

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Scott, your daughter is not a fixed asset, if you have an appeal court order then that is how it stands. I have been through this; obviously you are talking to the wrong people. I suggest you take a lawyer from an international lawyer firm - go to the school and collect your daughter. You have the court order to put her into another school, and yes you have the right to get a court order to prevent the two half-sisters from going within 50 yards of her. Or call this guy he’s a lawyer in your area he will sort this mess out for sure (Khun Lek0822064299). Please don't let me read any more where people say I told you so, don't be this lame father your daughter wants you to be strong and for sure to take her away from the nasty situation she is in, and for sure don’t trust the head-mistress. I would say you are the cause of the upset (nobody else) you have the law on your side and once your daughter knows she is safe and that you will protect her, she will never want to return to the home from hell. You can even call this guy he is the lawyer of my former wife khun Wanchai 0817791376. I paid the boys in brown to find my son - I went to the middle of Thailand on my own - I gave my phone to a teacher at the school where my former wife left my son at, to talk to my lawyer – I simply pick-up my son and left the school. That day I should have got on a plane home to the UK, but I trusted the Thai law, before the courts the police never wanted to get involved and they always sided with the father, and of course money helped.

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To hear that they have taken her back again and causing grief all over again is dumbfounding.

Really....it is your daughter, grow some balls and go get her and start a new life.

According to your daughter she wants to be with you.

According to the law as I can gather, you are in the right to take her being the father and the mother has abandoned her.

Seriously i fail to see why you would <deleted> around so much here.

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Scott, your daughter is not a fixed asset, if you have an appeal court order then that is how it stands. I have been through this; obviously you are talking to the wrong people. I suggest you take a lawyer from an international lawyer firm - go to the school and collect your daughter. You have the court order to put her into another school, and yes you have the right to get a court order to prevent the two half-sisters from going within 50 yards of her. Or call this guy he’s a lawyer in your area he will sort this mess out for sure (Khun Lek0822064299). Please don't let me read any more where people say I told you so, don't be this lame father your daughter wants you to be strong and for sure to take her away from the nasty situation she is in, and for sure don’t trust the head-mistress. I would say you are the cause of the upset (nobody else) you have the law on your side and once your daughter knows she is safe and that you will protect her, she will never want to return to the home from hell. You can even call this guy he is the lawyer of my former wife khun Wanchai 0817791376. I paid the boys in brown to find my son - I went to the middle of Thailand on my own - I gave my phone to a teacher at the school where my former wife left my son at, to talk to my lawyer – I simply pick-up my son and left the school. That day I should have got on a plane home to the UK, but I trusted the Thai law, before the courts the police never wanted to get involved and they always sided with the father, and of course money helped.

To hear that they have taken her back again and causing grief all over again is dumbfounding.

Really....it is your daughter, grow some balls and go get her and start a new life.

According to your daughter she wants to be with you.

According to the law as I can gather, you are in the right to take her being the father and the mother has abandoned her.

Seriously i fail to see why you would <deleted> around so much here.

this is a post i make to my family and friends on facebook.

thank you all for your support, it is shocking to see the level of abuse and alienation being directed at Dnee me and Bebe, by these people, Dnee is working it out, but they can always trump Dnee's feelings with the mother coming back to thailand card. now we as adults know this is called child abandonment and abuse, but for the child, Dnee just wants to see her mom again. i am off to the supreme court this morning to show them this letter as the principal has signed it. To ask them what is taking so long. ie please throw out the appeal and enforce the court order. So that the law can have the teeth to help Dnee. i will finish this post with a miracle, how can Dnee still love me and Bebe after all the lies and abuse she has to go through on a daily bases. Dnee is so strong, in the not to distant future she will see straight through this most cruel behavior. god bless you Dnee not much longer now, lies always get found out always.

here is what happened on friday. via a Email i sent to my go friend Micheal.

This day , I went with Bebe to the supreme court. Great start to the day. They helped us a great deal. They took the letter from the principal, and said they will pass it on to the Vice President of the Supreme Court, and that he or she will write a letter to me in under 2 weeks. They remembered you Micheal and had some more news, they said my case must be over very soon.
Anyway after that news i was a bit down. But they said i should go to the Juvenile court and asked then to send out warrants to the family to come to Juvenile to explain their actions to the court.
So off we went to the juvenile court, not so good. Firstly, as you said Michael, they would need a lawyer to write it, and take it to the Judge. Secondly, the court office explained, even if the Judge was one hundred percent on our side. Ordered them all to come to court with Dnee. They would not have to follow the demand as the supreme court had not ordered yet.
So maybe if i do sent in a request to the Juvenile court, to summons the family plus Dnee. maybe the judge will not do it, because it is an empty threat. It also my prolong the supreme court, who knows.


Really....it is your daughter, grow some balls and go get her and start a new life.

According to your daughter she wants to be with you.

As you can see it is not as simple as you making it out to be. Please if you need to see the size of my Balls here's my number 0865681988, i have spent 2 and a bit years with this horror of a situation, i post here to share my experiences, not to be flamed at by people like you! try reading the post before you let fly with you pearls of wisdom.



You have the court order to put her into another school, and yes you have the right to get a court order to prevent the two half-sisters from going within 50 yards of her

thanks for your comments, but that is not what the supreme court of thailand just said to me on friday, and then what the juvenile court said either, but thank you i will ring the numbers you have kindly past on, thank you.

Just to be clear once again, until the court order dated the 24th of jan 2012 can be enforced, no policeman anywhere will help me stop the abuse my daughter is living through, shocking but true.

so it is up to the supreme court to throw out the last of the last appeal. Only then can i enforce, only then.

Dnee we are doing the best we can promise


Bebe and me at the supreme court friday


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I believe i read earlier where you being the only parent in the country and the mother having abandoned the child, that you therefore have the right to take your child and do what you wish for her.

Considering this and considering the mother is not here and has not been here for some time....this is what I...and I am sure others...are confused about and why you do not just legally take your daughter now and why let the sisters take her again and start problems that you have complained about so much.

I think the mother returning trump card is bullshit...because you did not have to let her go back into that environment to be faced with that trump card....

If i have all this around the wrong way then I apologise.....

I stated in a post somewhere after you got your daughter to stay with you and how happy you were...I offered congrats.....then a few days later you were complaining about how it all went south again and she was back with the sisters.

If your daughter wants to be with you so much....why did you not keep her with you and it may seem you let her down if that was the case as she is back in amongst all this shit again.

I am confused...if it was my situation I would have never let her go back, i would have moved heaven and earth to keep her with me.

Maybe there are extenuating circumstances you are not telling us which make it not possible to do what I say here....but I/we are not mind readers.

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I believe i read earlier where you being the only parent in the country and the mother having abandoned the child, that you therefore have the right to take your child and do what you wish for her. you are correct, but there is no way to enforce that law if the child refuses to go with you. why not may you ask? because for over two years Dnee has been lied to about just about any and everything. plus told most frightening things that you can think of.

please watch some of these videos and it will explain to anyone how to deal with an alienating parent and family, and how the targeted parent should act, plus what all this does to the poor child.

Considering this and considering the mother is not here and has not been here for some time....this is what I...and I am sure others...are confused about and why you do not just legally take your daughter now and why let the sisters take her again and start problems that you have complained about so much. this paragraph relates to closely to the first paragraph, please read above, but to say the law is unenforceable.

I think the mother returning trump card is bullshit...because you did not have to let her go back into that environment to be faced with that trump card....ok bullshit you say, put yourself in a child's mind for a second, your mum has be gone for over a year you have been promised and promised she will come back soon, the father takes the child puts her in a new school where she is not with here old friends, then like magic mummy turns up to save the day, and they walk off into the sunset together. the father has lost everything, the child's trust, and position in the courts.

If i have all this around the wrong way then I apologise.....

I stated in a post somewhere after you got your daughter to stay with you and how happy you were...I offered congrats.....then a few days later you were complaining about how it all went south again and she was back with the sisters. i took her back to show Dnee she can trust her father, when we promised the principal i would return Dnee for her exams. plus to show Dnee all the lies they have been saying are just that. yes it was hard to do , yes i did not want to take her back, but if i did not i would be the one on the run now, because as i said my daughter loves her mum, for now , till she works all this out for herself, then god help them. Will Dnee forgive them ? yes , trust them ? no i don't think so.

If your daughter wants to be with you so much....why did you not keep her with you and it may seem you let her down if that was the case as she is back in amongst all this shit again. this paragraph is explained in the above paragraph.

I am confused...if it was my situation I would have never let her go back, i would have moved heaven and earth to keep her with me.

i understand your thinking, but after all this time, i am all most there, ie the courts, and why should i alienate my daughter from myself now, as mario has said when the order is enforced i become the only parent with any power. it will be nice to still have my daughter love for me, when this time comes, and of course the other side will whale like animals , crying on the floor, screaming that they love my daughter,

i must say this is one of the worst child alienation cases most people have ever seen, with it including, kidnapping, abandonment over 7 times by the mother, denied access of the father, that the only way they can make Dnee believe their lies, lose of an education, try to keep Dnee stupid, well with pride i can tell you that one did not work, she is as shape as a pin and so close in working them out. as the principal told me. The principal said, it is only the story of the mother coming back the next day, ie the 7th of march , that is holding Dnee with them, so what happens in Dnees heart and mind when it does not come true? The principal said to me.

Maybe there are extenuating circumstances you are not telling us which make it not possible to do what I say here....but I/we are not mind readers.


extenuating circumstances, just the horror of child abuse that Thailand is not geared up to deal with yet. but i would like to be able to help anyone in the future, if they have to go through the hell on Earth that i am going through right now, by directing them to this thread, plus of course all the phone numbers of the courts, where they are, who to contact at the supreme court, and so on.

let me just say again, it truly is amazing , that my daughter still loves us, i will not damage that or her trust in us.


update My daughter is missing again now, as Dnee did not go to school to do the Thai dancing she so wanted to do, the school have tried to ring the phone numbers and they are all died now.

Did i know this was doing to happen? of course i did, did they have to lie to Dnee a bit to much? , of course they did. Did they lose face at the school? yes they did, will they bring Dnee back? who knows.

sorry if this sounds like i am complaining, but it's just the true account of the events.

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Fair enough and thanks for the explanation.

Did the mother come back on the 7th ?

And now she has disapeared again.

I would have played the game differently myself, but i wish you the best. She looks a fine girl.


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As I understand it, the daughter is/was staying at the school by court decision. That means she cannot be taken away from the school, certainly not by anyone other than the parents. That might be an opening for a judge to order the child back or in the care of the father.

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Having kids is really a wonderful life long experience....not for the faint hearted though.

On my birthday recently i told my kids i do not want presents, dont waste money on an old man.

I told my daughter the only gift i wanted from her was for her to love me forever.......she whispered back to me ' i can do that'

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Having kids is really a wonderful life long experience....not for the faint hearted though.

On my birthday recently i told my kids i do not want presents, dont waste money on an old man.

I told my daughter the only gift i wanted from her was for her to love me forever.......she whispered back to me ' i can do that'

nice story

dads and daughters can be very close.

i am happy for you sir,

good luck to all of us expats in the future, some of us are going to need it, ha ha

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As I understand it, the daughter is/was staying at the school by court decision. That means she cannot be taken away from the school, certainly not by anyone other than the parents. That might be an opening for a judge to order the child back or in the care of the father.

thanks Mario , i never thought of that. but i do think i am in never never land till the supreme court rules.

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Mario, no legal advice was given. The civil part was indeed a bit over the top, but as stated the child is not a fixed asset and both parents have a responsibility. I expect the courts to hide behind their own mess, but for a father that has the court order 100% custody he must take responsibility for his child, by shirking this he is the very person that is neglecting his child. The fact there is a court instruction for the child to attend the school; this is a feeble excuse and you know it, taking the child to a loving family and may be a better school is indeed in the best interest of the child. Waiting for the Supreme court; where indeed they don't give a flying fart; if they did then they would respect the case is regarding a child and not simply list it with every other case, and like I have stated before, section 40 of the Thai constitution is violated with such timeframes - do they care - absolutely not; I have been there so many times to know this for a fact. Have it your way, delete inappropriate postings but when I feel somebody is neglecting their own child because of their own admittance of weakness, then I believe I have the right to make such a statement.

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Mario, no legal advice was given. The civil part was indeed a bit over the top, but as stated the child is not a fixed asset and both parents have a responsibility. I expect the courts to hide behind their own mess, but for a father that has the court order 100% custody he must take responsibility for his child, by shirking this he is the very person that is neglecting his child.

i have a court order dated 24th of jan 2012 which states 50% of the child to each parent, father gets education, if either parents does not comply with the order, then the other parent gets 100% physical custody. Now by the mother appealing her own agreement, it has stopped me enforcing the 100% physical custody part of the agreement. plus if i do take my daughter now, the mother just jumps on a plane rescues my daughter for a new school she has not had time to like yet,

The fact there is a court instruction for the child to attend the school; this is a feeble excuse and you know it,

there is no such court instruction.

taking the child to a loving family and may be a better school is indeed in the best interest of the child. Waiting for the Supreme court;

where indeed they don't give a flying fart; if they did then they would respect the case is regarding a child and not simply list it with every other case,

it is being fast tracked.

and like I have stated before, section 40 of the Thai constitution is violated with such timeframes - do they care - absolutely not; I have been there so many times to know this for a fact. Have it your way, delete inappropriate postings but when I feel somebody is neglecting their own child because of their own admittance of weakness, then I believe I have the right to make such a statement.

explain my neglecting of my own child please? plus how would you advise me act then in the best interest of the child. I said i was weak as the court order cannot be enforced till the supreme court rules. i did not mean i am a weak person.
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Just a little bit more time.

When you have sole custody, you decide the place where she stays and goes to school. And then anyone taking her away from you can be prosecuted for kidnapping, including in the UK as she is also a UK national.

i think Mario post sums up my position correctly

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